Reborn Farmer's Field

13. The days of kerosene lamps

Kerosene lamp

The dinner was made by the two sisters. Before, Zhang Lan arranged the cooking at home. She was reluctant to let the child do it. Wang Xuan used to help her mother pull the wind box, burn a fire and add grass, etc., and did it aside. Today, it was the first time to go to the stove alone, and it was inevitable that she was The air box is also called a bellows, similar to a modern blower, which is used to stimulate the pot stove.

After all, Wang Qian was an adult in her previous life. When she was a child, she had a lot of sex with her grandmother, so she knew how to cook. Seeing that her sister wanted to help her parents share her worries like a little adult, but she was not very good at it. She could only say a few words about how her mother did it.

The Wang family's meal is quantitative every day, otherwise it will not last until the end of the month if you cook too much, not to mention that it will be more economical to think about their family's situation.

Wang Xuan scooped up not too much corn flour with a ladle, added some dough millet (scientist name is baking soda), and blanch the noodles with the uncooked water on the edge of the pot, and began to burn the cake. A ball of dough came back and forth with her little hand and patted it on the palm of After making the cake, even the dough dregs in the pot are scooped with the water in the pot and then poured back into the pot, so that you won't waste a little grain. Put a little corn flour into the pot, and even dry and thin.

Why do you have to make porridge? Because the dry food is not enough for everyone to eat, so I hope to make some porridge to be full of water. This time, the two sisters didn't add sweet potatoes, so we still have to save some food. After stirring the porridge, I made a bowl of cabbage and sea octopus on the pot for

Wang Qian added grass below and pulled the wind box loudly. Soon the pot began to heat out. At this time, Zhang Lan and her husband came back from work. From the outside, she saw that her own chimney was smoking. She quickly pulled her husband into the house and saw that the two sisters were disgraced one by one, which was a little funny The children of poor families have been in charge for a long time, and the children can now help her cook.

"Mom, Dad, you're back, and the meal will be ready soon, but we still have a dish to cook." Wang Xuan was a little worried when she saw her parents coming back.

Zhang Lan looked at her daughter's frown and said with a smile, "What else is not cooked? Let your mother come."

Wang Qian ran over and showed a bowl of bean sprouts to Zhang Lan. "Mom, look, this is what we picked up today, and we are going to stir-fry it in the evening."

Brother Mingcheng came out of the inner room, pulled Zhang Lan to the inner room, and pointed to the dried soybeans that had been dried on the kang. "Mom, look, we picked up a lot today, and we will pick it up tomorrow. If we save more, we can make oil and make tofu."

The two brothers are a little excited to show their parents the fruits of their work today. The couple didn't expect that so many beans would fall in the field, and they didn't dream of the children's results today.

Zhang Lan hugged her two sons with a little movement. "Good boy, pick up so much, you guys are exhausted. Mom will stir-fry bean sprouts for you in the evening."

Seeing that the children at home pick up so many things they didn't expect in a day, even Wang Zhenhe was a little surprised, but he said cautiously, "Children, in the future, you should avoid picking things. Don't let people with you say that we are digging the corner of socialism."

"Oh, I know, Dad, we will pay attention to it in the future." The children agreed with one voice.

"Children, come and see what delicious food Mom brought you back." Wang Zhenhe took out a handful of suffocated Yan Ren from his pocket.

It was gone after giving a small handful of each of the children. The sky was already dark. Mingcheng lit the kerosene lamp and there was a glimmer of light in the room. There was no way. There is no electricity here yet. All households should order kerosene lamps.

Wang Qian came to Wang Zhenhe's side, put her arms around his neck and stuffed a few grains of gins into his mouth with her little hand.

"Dad, you eat too" Wang Zhenhe hugged his little daughter and said happily, "Okay, dad eats, you all eat."

Soon Zhang Lan cooked the meal. The family sat on the kang and ate dinner with a dim oil lamp. Because the fresh bean sprouts were stir-fried today, and the children were really hungry. They ate all the pot of food, and there was not even any bean sprouts left.

Zhang Lan cleaned up the pot and boiled the children's feet. In order to save the lamp oil, the family quickly climbed into the quilt and began to chat.

"Dad, make a bathtub for us in the future, so that our family can take a shower, otherwise we will feel itchy all over."

Speaking of bathing, she felt itchy on her body. She scratched her back with her hand and couldn't reach her arms. "Dad, help me scratch it, itching."

Wang Zhenhe stretched out his hand from the quilt and carried the child into the couple's quilt, and scratched the child from top to bottom.

"How's it? Is it still itchy?"

"Dad, it's good for you to tickle. It doesn't hurt at all."

The daughter's praise made the father's heart happy. He kissed the baby's little face. "Baby, it's time to go back to your own bed."

Wang Qian crawled back and lay down with her sister's quilt. Although she was lying in the quilt, everyone was not sleepy.

"Dad, why don't we chat? Did you measure our family's own land?"

Wang Qian remembered this matter, mainly because it was related to the problem of the family eating vegetables for a year, which had to attract her attention.

"Yes, when will Zhenhe come to measure the land? It's spring, so it's time to transport fertilizer to the ground."

Wang Zhenhe lay on the pillow and couldn't see the look on his face clearly. He said slowly, "I urged the captain again today. He said that he would send someone to measure it tomorrow. The place is next to the river in the south, next to the third aunt's land."

"Snuck next to his family" Zhang Lan's voice was a little elonged. Wang Qian heard that her mother was not willing to, but she didn't hear the following.

"Dad, is it time for our family to get a toilet, otherwise we will grow dung and vegetables there." Mingcheng's voice came from the darkness.

The whole family fell into silence all of a sudden. Yes, we have to build one, otherwise his mother may not be willing to give them some dung at that time.

"Dad will find someone to help us get one tomorrow." The sound of Wang Zhenhe's urn came from the darkness.

"Mom, our oil lamp is running out of gas. Remember to buy some," Wang Xuan stretched out her head and said.

"Well, I see."

Wang Qian was a little hesitant to hear her mother's voice.

"Mom, is there no money at home?" It was Wang Xuan who asked.

Zhang Lan's hesitant voice came from the dark, "It's okay. When mom goes out to borrow some, you don't have to worry about money. It's still mom and dad at home."

Wang Qian, who was lying on the pillow, realized at this time that it really made sense to defeat the hero with a penny. The family didn't even have a penny at this time, and the money grandma gave last time also asked her mother to pay it back. Alas, it's not easy for this family to really live a life.

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