Reborn Farmer's Field

25. Tell Zhang Lan

Wang Zhenhe listened and figured it out. His children gave the basket of picked up to Lao He, and then took a look at the four children around him. There was a sense of pride in his heart. His children grew up and knew the world.

"Zhenghe, why don't you come to our house for dinner?" He Zhengkui warmly invited.

"No, Brother He, the food at home is ready, just wait for a few children to go back. We have to go back quickly, or we will be late for work in the afternoon."

After saying goodbye to Lao He, the family took the children full of harvest and walked back along the riverside path.

After working all morning, the children were really hungry. When Zhang Lan packed up the food, no one in the house was talking. She stuffed the cake into her mouth. Wang Qian was fine, and she had a small appetite, and she didn't do any heavy work in the morning, so the food was relatively more graceful.

I divided the remaining half of the cake in my hand to the two brothers. After eating half of the cake, I drank a bowl of porridge with yam beans and was almost full.

Mingcheng nibbled at the half-la cake given by his sister and remembered something, "Dad, did you ask if the acquisition station would collect walnuts?"

Wang Zhenhe swallowed the things in his mouth before he said, "I inquired about it. They said that they would buy as many chestnuts as they wanted. Do we sell them?"

"Sell it, it's all sold. Let's buy food and come back to eat." Wang Qian feels that although the chestnuts are delicious, they can't fill her stomach. If they want to fill their stomachs, they have to be food crops.

Zhang Lan touched the girl who was a little obsessed with money. "Silly girl, not only is it expensive to buy grain, but you also have to ask for grain tickets. If you have money, you may not be able to buy grain. Every family has a set list."

Zhang Lan's words seriously hit her daughter's young heart. Wang Qian didn't expect that there was such a rule for buying food during this period, but even if there was no food ticket, she had to think of other ways to get food.

"Dad, we also picked up a big snake skin today, which is intact. You can sell it in the afternoon."

Mingcheng suddenly remembered that the snake skin had not been taken out, so he quickly jumped off the kang and handed the folded snake skin to Wang Zhenhe from the box.

The couple couldn't help but be shocked when they saw such a big snakeskin. Such a big snake is really rare here. "Are you scared in the morning?" Unexpectedly, Mingyuan was still a little afraid of the four children. He blinked his big eyes and looked at Zhang Lan, "Mom, you don't know how scary the snake skin is in the grass. My sister and I thought it was a real snake. Fortunately, the eldest brother came, and we found that it was snake skin, but this can be sold for money.

As soon as Mingyuan mentioned the money, his eyes began to shine. This snakeskin should be sold at a good price. Wang Zhenhe couldn't help praising after reading the snakeskin, "Yes, this snakeskin looks good, and the price must be higher than the fragment. Dad will sell it in the afternoon."

There are several capable children in the family, which makes the couple feel relieved and sad at the same time. "Mingcheng, don't go for a long time and have a good rest at home."

Zhang Lan told her when she was about to work. During this period, she saw the children's efforts in her eyes and heart. It was not wrong for the children of poor families to be in charge of the family for a long time, but such a small child would not be able to eat it, especially if they were full.

Although several children promised not to go to the mountain in the afternoon, it does not mean that the children can't do other work. Mingcheng will still go to the grass.

Wang Qian is curious about what the production team is like. According to the memory in her body, she is very vague about this piece. It should be because she is young, and she is not very impressed.

But the big problem of ginseng at home has to be solved first.

"Brother, we can sell it in the city. I don't think anyone can afford such an expensive thing. We have to try to sell it in the city."

Wang Qian didn't know how to get to the city, so she could only rely on Mingcheng and others to lead the way, but Mingcheng said with an embarrassed face, "Sister, we have never been to the city. We only know that there are two buses to the city every day, and we don't know the rest."

Mingcheng's answer made her a little disappointed. If they went to the city, their eyes would be blackened. "Brother, what do you think you should do?" Several children were thinking. Wang Xuan raised her head and said, "Brother, there should be an acquisition station in the city. Why don't we send this to the acquisition station in the city?"

But Mingcheng shook his head and said, "No, even if we go to the acquisition station, we have to have travel expenses and quotations, otherwise we have to be arrested."

Only then did Wang Qian remember that this was seven or two years, or a special period. Maybe something could really happen.

Mingyuan looked at this and that, and then said slowly, "Brother, we might as well tell Mom. In that case, we don't have to worry so much. Let Mom take us to the city to help sell, and we can also see what the city is like."

At this time, Wang Qian was also willing but not strong enough. She had to ask adults for help in this matter. "Brother, why don't you tell our mother that we are still too young."

The age is too young to make several children feel helpless but have to admit the reality, and the current situation outside is not beyond their control.

Mingcheng went out to find Zhang Lan. Wang Qian and her brother and sister got wet soil from the vegetable garden and wrapped the whole ginseng. If they can't sell it today, she is afraid that the ginseng will drop the scale. To be honest, she doesn't know much about ginseng. She just saw such a plant

Zhang Lan, who was working in the field, was pulled to a place where there was no one by her eldest son. After whispering quietly for a while, she quickly asked the team leader for leave and hurried back with her son.

The three children sat on the bed, guarding the family's hope and staring outside, hoping that her mother would come back early.

When Zhang Lan's figure appeared outside, the children felt relieved and finally waited for someone who could give them advice.

"Mom is back" Ming Yuan, who was lying on the window to observe the situation outside, shouted.

When Zhang Lan entered the room, she saw the three sisters and brothers surrounding the ginseng in the middle and looking at her eagerly.

He bent down and hugged four people one by one with a gentle face.

"Good boy, you did the right thing today. Our mother knows about the ginseng. Mom will take you to the city. It's also a matter to leave this thing at home."

Zhang Lan is not stupid. If the matter of ginseng at home spreads, his family will have to experience another earthquake. For now, the plan is to sell it quickly.

After taking a look at the ginseng picked by the children, even she felt that it was very big. Although she had never seen it, at least she had heard of it. It was very valuable.


The strife and conspiracy between rich families

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