Reborn Farmer's Field

32. Lice

Wang Qian interrupted again, "Dad, it's like saying that we went to pick up the chestnuts, worked hard to climb up the mountain, get the burrs of the shell little by little, and work hard to carry it down the mountain and take it home. My sister-in-law asked us if we had worked hard work. If we wanted to What's it?"

The children's accusations of his sister-in-law made him a little ashamed. The child was right. His younger brother and sister were indeed like this.

"Dad, there is another sentence that maybe we shouldn't say as juniors, but today this matter is there. We have to say, you say, uncle and uncle are still a child. Aren't we young? Are we not children? Let's let them go. Do you think there is such a reason in the world, that is, your My sister-in-law, I just want to go to a sister-in-law like my mother. You have to try it at someone else's house. You can't shave her early, and by the way, you will scold something unbred.

Wang Qian wanted to say this sentence for a long time, but considering her age, she put it there. It's not good to say too much, but today Mingyuan's tears made her feel particularly painful. That's the little brother who loves her. Although her psychological age is older than him, the little brother really loves his sister. So she can't let her brother suffer this grievance. Even if they are going to fall out in the future, they can't bully their mothers and children anymore.

Wang Zhenhe was a little confused by the words of a seven-year-old child. His children were sensible and smart, but he didn't expect to be so sensible. Did he do anything wrong before? Because he was rarely treated by his mother when he was a child, he gave all his love to his brothers and sisters. Is he

Wang Qian knows that the drum does not need to be hammered. Wang Zhenhe beats so well. Otherwise, he can't tell his position. He is also a father. He should love his children well. Brothers and sisters should love them, but they can't cross the minimum bottom line. He still have parents, and he The child was wronged, which she didn't want to see, because the real Wang Qian had died because of them, so she would never allow such a tragedy to happen again.

The lunch meal triggered the whole family's criticism of Wang Zhenhe, which made him unable to accept it again and again.

"Children, Dad, remember what you said, and let me think about it."

Zhang Lan knows that her husband will not be able to turn this corner for a while, so how can many years of habits be changed at once? There is always a process of adaptation to everything.

"Zanhe, we have no other meaning today. We just want to remind you that we are a family and have the children we love. If you don't love your own children, can you expect others to love them, so children are the first in our hearts."

Zhang Lan didn't say anything else. She just went down to clean up the dishes and chopsticks. Wang Xuan followed her to clean up the table. Their family would not waste food when eating, but the uncle dropped a lot of vegetables on the table when grabbing vegetables, so she could only take a rag to clean it up.

Wang Zhenhe also saw this scene and couldn't help shaking his head. No wonder the children said that he was really not wrong at all.

sighed gently. If you have time in the future, you have to talk about the two siblings in the family. If it goes on like this, it will be a problem to get married.

Several children don't expect that today's speech at noon can make him change at once. In the future, they have to continue to work hard. The 25,000-li Long March is just the beginning. After resting at home for a while, the couple went out for a meeting. Wang Qian was going to follow and have a look. However, he was stopped by Mingcheng, "Sister, you'd better stay at home. There are so many people crying, and your head should hurt again."

Wang Qian understood what her brother meant. They may not have experienced it deeply. They all grew up under the red flag and lived in a new society. She did not experience the days when she could not eat anything at the beginning, but since she was not allowed to go, she had to stay at home.

The eldest brother and the elder sister went out to hug the grass. Mingyuan went out to play with the children. She had nothing to do, so she had to fiddle with the ring she picked up on the kang and went to the kitchen to clean the dirt on it with water. What was shown in front of her was a black transparent and shiny ring.

She can't say what the material is, but she likes this thing. She thought it would be very big on her finger, but it was just right. Will this thing be like the space that is often mentioned in the novels of the previous life? Thinking about it, she immediately found a needle and thread and took a needle carefully thorn. She broke her finger and squeezed out a little blood droplet on it. The blood was quickly absorbed, but she didn't see the space or anything, and the color of the ring became softer and softer.

Wang Qian can't say whether she will have space now. Maybe she needs something to open it. Although she really wants to have a space in the novel to improve her family's life, no, she is not too disappointed. People always live in reality, don't they?

I knitted a rope with thread and put the ring on my neck. Let's take it as an ornament. Maybe it's a treasure.

Sitting on the kang, she felt itchy all over at this time. It is estimated that because she didn't take a shower for a long time, she happened to come back from two large buildings.

"Sister, come and see if I have something on my body. It's too itchy."

Wang Qian moved her little buttocks to the edge of the kang, turned her back to the eldest sister, and hugged her clothes. Now her small body has nothing, so she doesn't care about being naked.

Wang Xuan took off her sister's clothes and checked them carefully before she was surprised and said, "Brother, my sister has lice on her body."

After saying that, he caught a round lice and showed it to her, which looked disgusting.

Mingcheng also said to himself, "I said why my body is always itchy these days. I guess it's also a lice."

lice? I've only heard of the name in my previous life, but I really haven't seen it. This time, I also have lice on my body.

took Wang Xuan's hand and asked, "Sister, what should I do with the long lice? I feel itchy all over."

There is no good way for Wang Xuan and Mingcheng to solve the problem of lice. Every family in the countryside is like this. Long lice are common.

Wang Xuan also felt itchy at this time, "Brother, come and see if I also have lice on my head?"

Mingcheng came over and began to Bala's sister's hair. Sure enough, there were no lice in it, white lice, and a lot of small lice.

"Bad sister, you have a lot in your hair. We have to find a way quickly."

Wang Qian knows that lice are very harmful to her body. She not only sucks human blood, but also has infectious diseases. This must be resolutely eliminated.

"Sister, I want to change my clothes" This thing is amazing on my body. I didn't have enough to eat, and then let them suck some blood. Where will she grow up?

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