Reborn Farmer's Field

42. Old man's advice

The little girl was stunned. When she reacted, she began to cry. Wang Qian ran to the kitchen and brought the kitchen knife. "If you cry again, show me, I'll split you."

Wang Qian was really angered by them today. She didn't taste maternal love in her previous life. In this life, she easily had a complete family. She didn't want her mother to have anything. Even if someone said that she was dead, that's even worse. I'm afraid these people can't be shocked if they don't move with Come and offend. Anyway, she also has a child's face. It's like this. Who is afraid of anyone?

The other three children came to push the family together, "You guys get out quickly."

Wang Zhenhe was a little sorry and said, "Third brother, I'm sorry, you'd better go out first. The children also love him**."

In a daze, the family was forced out by Wang Qian with a knife, and Zhang Lan, who was sleeping in a daze, was awakened by the noise at home.

"What's going on?" Although it was a little uncomfortable, I still struggled.

Wang Zhenhe quickly supported her, "It's okay. The children have driven away the construction of their family, and even I want to choke her to death."

Wang Zhenhe spoke from the bottom of his heart this time. He didn't like what the child said just now, but after all, he is an adult and an elder, so he can't have the same experience as a child, but the good thing is that the child in his family is awesome.

Learned from my daughter-in-law what happened just now, and then stretched out his thumb to the children and said, "Children, do a good job."

Zhang Lan knows what her children look like. If it hadn't pushed the children, she wouldn't have done such a rude thing today.

stretched out his hand and pulled Wang Qian in front of him. "Daughter, are your hands all right? If you are angry in the future, don't use the knife. What if you do? Those people are not worth being like you."

Zhang Lan loves the child. If the man can't stand up at home, the children will bear it more.

"Mom, why don't we eat first? After eating, you can lie down for a while and choose seeds in the afternoon. My sister and I will come to replace you."

The child was considerate, but Zhang Lan shook her head, "It's okay. Mom is much better now. Let's eat quickly when the meal is ready."

The children brought the food to the table, and the family had a comfortable meal.

Zhu Jianshe took his wife and children back to his aunt's house. Zhu Xia was still choked, but Yang Liu complained with dissatisfaction.

"Auntie, why is your granddaughter like this? As soon as we met, she slapped my daughter in the face. We didn't say anything. We went to see the third sister-in-law. Why do you have to use a knife and a gun as soon as you meet? You want to kill us with a kitchen knife

Zhu Jianshe muttered his daughter-in-law and asked her to say less, but the old lady's answer surprised them.

"The third daughter-in-law, don't be as knowledgeable as those little rabbits. It's because her mother lacks discipline. Last time, even her aunt asked her to beat her. Don't look at her little one, she really kills when she moves her hand. I see that little rabbit's teeth itchy, and my eldest

"You can come here quickly and give a hand. There are more people eating and fewer people cooking," the old lady muttered with dissatisfaction.

Wang Desheng heard that his granddaughter had done it, so he sneaked out and came to his son's house.

When the family was eating, when they saw the old man coming over, everyone quickly stood up and sat down. "Dad, you can eat here. I guess you can't eat well in your family." Zhang Lan was ready to get up to get chopsticks for her father-in-law and was stopped by the old man.

"Zhang Lan, don't be in a hurry. I just came to have a look. I heard that you are better when you are sick?"

The old man's concern moved Zhang Lan very much. Although the old man usually has nothing to say, he knows in his heart, "Dad, it's not a big deal. You always sit down first and pick some snails to eat."

brought the basin on the table to the old man. Wang Qian quickly finished her meal, came to Wang Desheng's side, and said with a smile, "Master, I'll pick the meat for you. Boluo is small, you can't see it clearly."

The child's hands are also skillful. The old man looked at the little hand holding a piece of meat and came down. He saved a needle of meat and sent it to him. "Master, open your mouth, be careful." It seemed to treat children. The grandparents and grandchildren had a tacit understanding of feeding them there.

"Jianqian, let me see your hand. Didn't you scratch the knife just now?" The old man was still worried about the child's hand. He took it over and took a closer look.

The old man's careful movements made Wang Qian feel much better. Although grandma is not good, this grandpa is still good.

"Sir, it's okay. I'm just scaring them. My mother is sick, and they dare to say the corpse. Do you think I can let them? These people have to teach them a lesson. Don't think our old Wang family is easy to bully."

The child's words are going to the old man's heart. He seems to see hope from his granddaughter, and his black and red face, who has been working all year round, also has a bright smile. "Good boy, that's right. Your uncle abducted and sold your father before, and his family is not popular, but this

The old man said that the children knew that this kind of thing had happened before. The child didn't know the truth until he asked about the matter. In those years, Zhu Mancang lost money in gambling and hit his little nephew. Wang Zhenhe was also good-looking at that time, and the five-year-old child didn't know anything. He tricked him into buying candy and followed his uncle. Fortunately, when he traded with the buyer When they come back, Zhang Lan and others also know what will happen in the future.

"Master, uncle is really not a human being." Wang Qian can only give such a comment. I'm afraid that even relatives are not as good as animals.

The old man sighed and said, "So, you guys should be careful in the future. If they lead you away, don't follow anywhere, remember."

The old man was worried that such a thing would happen again, so he gave the children a drizzle in advance.

"Sir, they dare not. If they really dare to do something bad, I will ask the police to arrest them," Ming Yuan said angrily with his little fist.

Looking at his lovely grandchildren, the old man touched his little face one by one with pity, "Yes, I know that our family is Mingyuan smart. You should be careful in the future. It's time for me to go back, or I'll call again."

The old man was relieved after explaining to the child, so he got up and left.

Wang Desheng saw his brother-in-law's family this time. It was not his villain, but he had to beware. With only three children in his family, he saw that the old 2 was okay. The other old men looked at it from the eyes of the family. It was really amazing, not like a person who lived.

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