Reborn Farmer's Field

70. Gifts

When the two children saw his father's mysterious appearance for the first time, they asked curiously, "Dad, what are you holding in your hand? It's so mysterious."

Wang Zhenhe smiled at the children and said, "Look, what have I done for you?" Take out what he carefully prepared early in the morning from behind.

The two brothers were surprised to see what was in his hand. "Slingshot? Dad, is this for us?"

This was Wang Zhenhe's first gift to the children. The two children took the slingshot he handed over in disbelief and played with it happily. Last night, he heard that the children were bullied. He thought about it for a long time and thought that this thing might be useful to them.

"Mingyuan, whoever wants to bully you, shoot him with a slingshot. He also dares to bully my son, and let them taste it in the future."

Wang Qian squeezed her mouth and smiled. Her father was finally enlightened and knew to think about the children. Although this method is not very recommended, it is a good start, isn't it?

"It's time to eat. I said what did you do when you went out early in the morning. That's what you did. Son, just play with this slingshot. Don't listen to your father. What should you do if it's broken?"

Zhang Lan nagging about putting the food to the children on the table. Even if they ate, they were not willing to put down the slingshot in their hands. They didn't have to use this to fight, but this gift was really precious to them.

"Mom, I want to go to my grandma's house today, let my brothers and sisters follow me, and get some seafood by the way."

Zhang Lan knew what her daughter was thinking. She nodded with a smile, "Yes, you should be careful when you walk. Go early and come back early." Mingyuan heard that he could go to his grandma's house. He said to Mingcheng, "Brother, let's beat grandma a rabbit with a slingshot."

Wang Zhenhe did not say anything objection to the children going to their grandma's house. He just told the children to pay attention to safety on the way. After the couple went to work. After the children were all packed up, they set out with tools. The two brothers turned a box and prepared to bring something back from the seaside.

The weather is already very warm. The birds are singing and fragrant. The sun is shining. The willows by the embankment have been pulled out of the branches, and the mountains are full of wild huā. The mixed aroma blowing in the wind makes people a little intoxicated.

Mingcheng folded a willow branch and made a willow flute to play for her little sister. Wang Qian blew it and could only make a single sound similar to a car whistle. Unfortunately, she could only make this sound. Wang Xuan looked aside and smiled. She took the willow flute in her sister's hand and blew it quietly. It was very simple but also very In this way, the music came out of my sister's mouth.

She has to admire this elder sister. Such a simple thing can be used as a musical instrument.

"Sister, it's so beautiful. I didn't expect such a small thing to make such a beautiful sound."

The children walked and talked all the way, and soon arrived at the sheep intestine path in the mountains. Mingyuan got a slingshot today. While walking, he aimed at the prey at any time. Mingcheng was afraid that his brother would fall down and reminded him to pay attention to his feet from time to time.

It's time to do it today. The pheasant suddenly flew down from the mountain next to him. Mingyuan was aiming with a slingshot. A stone flew over to the pheasant and hit the pheasant's head. The brother and sister quickly ran to grab the pheasant.

Mingyuan proudly said to the three people at this time, "How about it? I'm still very good. I caught a chicken with a slingshot. What I said in the morning is, and I will be a sharpshooter in the future."

The little guy hit a pheasant with a slingshot for the first time today, which greatly increased his confidence. Unfortunately, they never encountered such a good thing until they walked out of the mountain.

Mingyuan was still a little unconvinced, "I'll eat a pheasant when we go home."

Mingcheng pulled his brother and said with a smile, "Mingyuan, one is lucky enough. Don't think about it anymore. If you practice well in the future, you may be able to fight."

When the children came to the door of grandma's house with a pheasant, they saw Lian Huā repairing fishing nets in the yard with a shuttle in his hand. "Grandma, we're coming to see you." Mingyuan ran into the yard quickly with the pheasant he hit today. Geng Lianhu didn't expect that Li Shuzi hugged Mingyuan.

"Oh, Mingyuan is sinking. Look, grandma is about to be unable to hold you. Oh, where did the pheasant come from?" The child asked curiously, holding the pheasant in his hand.

Mingyuan proudly raised his little head and said, "Grandpa, this is my beating. Keep it for the master to drink. How about me?"

Several children were laughing secretly. Mingyuan showed off after beating a pheasant. Geng Lianhu hugged her little grandson with a smile on her face and kissed, "Eh, our Mingyuan is really awesome. Not only can he beat pheasants, but he also knows how to be filial to your grandfather. Let's go, let

picked up the pheasant and took the children into the house. The old lady was busy taking out the snails cooked yesterday for the children to eat.

Wang Qian remembered that she still had an important task. " Grandma, when is the tide today? We want to go to the sea."

The old lady smiled and touched her granddaughter's little face. "The tide will ebb in a minute. In this way, you go there first, grandma will prepare our lunch first, and then we will meet you."

The children came out of grandma's house and went straight to the seaside. The tide had just receded. They were the first wave to come. The tide recededed and left a lot of good things on the beach. The children rushed to the things on the beach like sheep.

Everyone squatted at the seaside with a small basket and began to get busy. Today, a lot of shrimp crawlers rushed to the beach. The children rushed to this thing. The lively shrimp crawlers are particularly attractive to Wang Qian. If this thing is sold in the city, there should be a good price and go to the space while picking it up. Collect it, use mental control to send the shrimps into the jar, and by the way, collect some seawater to feed them.

When the children's baskets were full, she also collected the rest of the beach. The children gathered the baskets together, and everyone began to dig clams and oysters. These things can be taken home and eaten as vegetables.

Wang Qian went to pick up seafood when she had nothing to do. As long as she liked it, she didn't let go. Fortunately, there was preparation in the space, and there was everything in the bucket and tank space. Otherwise, there was really no place to put it. Geng Lianhu was ready to cook, and hurried over with the old man and Don't shake your head. The child is still young. This is not something to eat. It's hard to say, and there is not much meat. It's better to eat some clams and oysters.

Zhang Weiguo resisted a shovel and began to dig up on the beach. Wang Qian walked over and saw that his uncle had just dug out a lot of clams with patterns on them, which were much bigger than clams. They were very big. She had eaten them in her previous life, but at that time, there were They are all farmed.

"Suncle, you dig, I'll pick it up." Zhang Weiguo nodded, and the movement in his hand did not stop.

"Jianqian, have you moved to a new house?" Zhang Weiguo asked while digging.

"I moved. I moved to a new house yesterday. Uncle, you can go and play when you are free. Our house is big this time, so we can arrange a special room for you."

Last time Zhang Weiguo went to help build a house, he was also crowded on the kang of their house. The narrowness of the house made the little uncle a little wronged, so she sent an invitation in time.

Zhang Weiguo looked at his innocent little nephew and said with a smile, "Okay, when my uncle has time in the future, I'll go to see you."

In Zhang Weiguo's heart, he still likes the four children of the second sister's family very much. They are sensible and hardworking, much better than the eldest sister's family. He is also afraid of comparison, and this comparison can distinguish between high and low. Just as he is close to his second sister, he is also particularly close to these nephews.

It was not until the sea tide that Zhang Wan had returned with a family full load. Geng Lianhu came home and quickly packed up the food for several people who were already hungry and could not walk.

The children ate the delicious salted eel, not to mention how much she had eaten. Wang Qian felt that her grandma's craftsmanship was really excellent. The eel was not salty or light, and the taste was just right. Not to mention how fragrant it was when eating the cake.

Mingyuan took a sip of rice porridge and gasped. "Mama, your fish is so delicious that my mother can't catch up with your craftsmanship."

The grandson's words obviously pleased the old lady. Geng Lianhu said to several children with a kind face, "Eat more. Don't be hungry on the way when you go back. When you go back, grandma will bring you some home and let your mother steam it for you."

The four children all thanked her wistfully. Zhang Weiguo looked at the four lovely nephews with satisfaction. If the eldest sister's child came over, he would definitely cover his head and eat, which would make his mother happy like this.

After dinner, the children helped with the bowls and chopsticks, and Geng Lianhuā did not stop them. When her son came back, he told her that his sister's children were sensible. Now it seems that the second girl is blessed, and she is very optimistic about these children.

After Zhang Lan and Wang Zhenhe went to work today, everyone came to inquire about the news one after another. The so-called good things don't go out, and bad things spread thousands of miles. Zhu Mancang's little trouble is now well known.

Zhang Lan and several of his concubines also replied in the same reply. There was a misunderstanding. The other concubines did not say more. It is better to say more or less. In the future, all families will have children to marry, and the reputation of such relatives is not good.

Wang Zhenhe and the men there talked more blatantly. Everyone was talking dirty jokes and telling yellow jokes. My brothers were also very helpless. When they went to such an uncle, they were also dragged down.

Wang Zhenguo went home full of anger. As soon as he entered the door, he began to complain to Zhu Qiyu, "Mom, what kind of big brother are you? Go out and listen to what the people in the village say. It's too unpleasant. The older my uncle is, the more he doesn't know what's going to do.

Although Zhu Qiyu was dissatisfied with her eldest brother's behavior, he said, "What, that's all rumored by others. You also believe that. If you don't see how old your uncle is, then you still have that heart."