Reborn Farmer's Field

91. Diaphragm

Guo Xing didn't expect his companions to have such a hidden intention. "Zhang Qiang, why didn't you say it earlier? Our mountain emperor can also take care of it, right? In this way, you can take more care of your cousin in the future. We are not sure what we will do in the future. Besides, you must know what It's almost enough to earn one eye and close one eye. Don't be so serious.

Wang Zhenhe also had points in his heart when he heard this, "Comrade Guo is right. I also have something to discuss with you. You see, these people are a little educated. I want a few children to learn some skills from them, so that they can make some efforts for our revolutionary cause in the future and let them work for our country. It's also right for the next generation to do something, which is also to serve the working masses for us, right?

Guo Xing and Zhang Qiang were silent for a while and said, "Um, I think it's okay. In the future, you can let the children go to the team to study with them. I'll tell them tonight."

After saying goodbye to a few lonely old people with a few children, Zhang Lan slowly walked home along the road.

When they arrived at home, they reheated the food for the brothers and sisters. The three people on the kang were still drinking, but according to Zhang Lan, the two were a little drunk.

When Wang Zhenhe sent him away, she asked, "Zanhe, how much did you drink tonight? Those two can't drink?"

Wang Zhenhe smiled cunningly at his wife, "The two usually drink low-grade wine. What I bought today is high-grade loose wine. Do you think they can drink it?"

Mingyuan spit out the bones in his mouth and said, "Dad, you are so cunning. Drinking free wine not only saves money, but also drinks less. Ha ha, Dad, you have become smarter."

Wang Zhenhe touched his short hair and giggled. The brothers and sisters looked at his father's stupidity and couldn't help laughing.

"Zhenhe, I'm going to the city with my daughter tomorrow to see the old lady. I'm not sure if Zuo He is alone there. In the past, it was good to have an explanation to the old man. Today, the two old men have said a lot of good things for us. If it hadn't been for their work today, I don't know whether it would be smooth or not. Alas, our children can finally learn some skills in the future. Don't be bullied by your mother. My children will have a promising future. I don't think any of them dare to toss around like this.

Zhang Lan will not forget all kinds of past, and no matter how generous people are, they will figure it out at the moment of life and death.

So Zhang Lan has regarded her mother-in-law as a passer-by at this moment, and Wang Zhenhe became more and more guilty when he heard his wife mention this. Daughter-in-law. This will never happen again. If they dare to toss around without me, even our children can fight them alive. Don't worry, no one dares to touch you. I will take on my responsibility. In the past, I was wrong. I always thought about a family. Why can't we live well together? Unfortunately, I have given them countless opportunities. None of them knows how to cherish or learn to be grateful. It doesn't matter if you don't want such a family. I still have a few of you.

This is the only emotional thing Wang Zhenhe has said for so many years. In the past, he always thought it was better to do it than to say it. But he found that not only did he not do it well, but he didn't even say anything warm. No wonder the child and his wife would be sad. They will always express their speechless anger in a life-threatening way.

So as soon as he said this today, the room was quiet in an instant. Several people looked at him with unbelieving eyes. At this moment, if there was a hole, Wang Zhenhe would have to get in. What has he done for so many years? Even the child has treated him as a father. Relatives can't have a sense of trust. Guilt and remorse are tearing his heart. "Children, today is the first time Dad has said this, and it's the last time. In the future, you can watch my actions. I can't get rid of the bone-blood relationship. I will give her pension, but that's all. Dad

Wang Qian said slowly, "Dad, the milk is your mother. Of course, this can't be changed, but your position must be firm. If you still put your brother and sister first in your heart, and use your so-called family affection as an excuse, we will simply move out. I don't want to stay in this family anymore. I'm afraid it's begging. I'm happy to starve to death on the street. Dad, remember what you said today, my brother and my sister will testify.

Mingcheng also made a boss's gesture, "Dad, this is the last time. If you still tolerate them, simply move over and continue to support them to spoil them. At most, a variety of wastes will come out. If you still catch up with us, I will never want to see this in the future."

Wang Zhenhe was shocked by the children's righteous attitude. He didn't expect that he had planted untrustworthy results in the hearts of the children for so many years. This was something he never thought of. He always thought that the child was still young, but now it seems that he was wrong.

So he looked at everyone with a straight face, "Children, Dad promised you today that if your milkman bullies you again, Dad will sbounce a stick to protect you, which is also my promise."

The topic tonight seems a little heavy, but there are some things that must be spread out. Even if the family does not eliminate the diaphragm for a long time, it will become a scar that can never be uncovered. Zhang Lan saw that the heat was almost ready and quickly opened her mouth to adjust the atmosphere. "Okay, today I have your father We're not afraid. Are the children full? Hurry up. Mom has burned the bath water for you. Zhenhe, you and your two sons will wash first, and my daughters and I will wash later.

The four brothers and sisters were full. Zhang Lan and her daughter cleaned up the dishes and chopsticks. Wang Zhenhe took his eldest son to take a shower with his youngest son in his arms. I don't know what the father and son were doing in it. From time to time, the laughter of the master and others came out of the room from time to time

The happy family had a good night's sleep. The next day, Zhang Lan took Wang Qian to the car to the county.

However, when they got out of the car, the two of them felt that there was something wrong with the atmosphere in the city. Everyone was in a hurry, and their pace was much faster than usual. Unexplained, the two of them rushed to the left courtyard. Even the courtyard, which was usually closed, was closed today. After taking out what they brought them

The voice in "Who" is the old lady, but why do I feel a little nervous? "Grandma Zuo is here."

Hearing the familiar voice, the old lady quickly opened the door and pulled them into the yard neatly. She didn't forget to look out and quickly closed the door.

"Why are you here? There has been some panic in the city in the past two days, and everyone is very nervous."

Wang Qian heard from the old lady that it was probably because the two factions made trouble, which caused panic.

So he took the old lady's hand with a smile, "Grandma Zuo, don't panic. They can't make a big fuss. You can eat and sleep as soon as you should. There is no big deal."

At this time, she remembered a sentence in "Little Soldier Zhang Ga". Although you are having a good time now, you are afraid of pulling the list after autumn. Now those people are also grasshoppers after autumn. It is estimated that it will take a few days. In another four years, the sky will be clear.

I didn't see Zuo He in the room. "Grandma Zuo, where's Zuo He?"

The old lady replied with a smile, "I went to school. I picked him up in person these two days. I have to pick him up later. Hey, it's not safe now. It's better to be careful. Niece, you cook at home first, and I'll pick up the child."

The old lady didn't treat her mother as guests, so she was very casual like her own family, so Zhang Lan felt very comfortable.

"Aunkey, go quickly. I'll arrange it at home."

The old lady left, but the things brought by the two of them have not been sold yet. Wang Qian wandered around outside and came back and said, "Mom, I'll go to Aunt Shan's place to have a look. If I can sell it nearby, it's the best. We can't find another way. I'll go and

Wang Qian went out of the gate and went straight to Shan Shuzhen's house. Fortunately, it was almost noon. Shan Shuzhen also happened to go home to cook. When she saw the little girl wandering in front of her house, the smile on her face couldn't help but thickened. "Cianqian, you haven't been here for a long time

When Wang Qian saw Shan Shuzhen coming back, she quickly said the things she brought this time, "Oh, there are so many good things. You wait in our yard. I'll ask them to come and buy them. Have you brought your things here?"

I didn't see the little girl carrying something in her hand. I guess she put it at a relative's house. "Aunt Shan, I'll send the things here. You can inform someone. It's very soon."

Wang Qian quickly ran back to Zuo's small courtyard and asked her mother to help her send a batch there first. When she arrived, there were already many people waiting there.

I'm used to eating. Everyone hasn't seen Wang Qian coming over these days. They are all holding back. When they see so much seafood this time, don't mention the excitement in their hearts. Everyone has bought some, but they still leave after buying them, and everyone looks nervous.

The things brought were almost sold, and the share given to Shan Shuzhen was given to her. The two of them also hurried back to cook. Today, the food was also rich, basically the things they brought, as well as the vegetables produced in the space.

"Sister Qianqian, I'm back." As soon as Zuo He entered the door, he broke free from his grandmother's hand and ran over, and his schoolbag was still shaking in front of him.

Seeing the little guy's excited look, Wang Qian smiled slightly, "Brother Zuo He, how's it going? Is your school safe?"

The little guy nodded and shook his head. "It's okay. I'm panicked. The students are not in the mood to listen to the class. It's chaotic all day long, and they don't listen to the teacher. I can't hear what the teacher is saying."

The old lady looked at her grandson worriedly. She also knew about this situation but there was no good solution.

Zhang Lan looked at the little guy with a small mouth and looked particularly cute. "Aunch, do you think this is okay? During this period, let Zuo He go to school at our place and let him come back when the city is ready. Why don't you come with us?"

The old lady shook her head, "Big niece, Zuo He, you take it away first. I can't leave here for a while. I'm going to check in every day. It's easy for me to do it alone. The child can't. Take him away. I'll pick him up when the situation is ready."

bow and thank jinhong113, Xiangxue Chenxi, addicted to the pink and gifts from friends in the book. Thank you for your support!