Reborn Farmer's Field

99. Bright

After lunch, the two of them stopped for a while and then took the bus home, but before getting on the bus, they bought some food. Mingcheng and his children had never eaten any spares. This time, they sold the money, and Zhang Lan was not stingy. She bought a bag of cookies and a bag of sugar for the children, and each

When Mingcheng and others finished school, Zhang Lan took out the gift for the children, "Ah, biscuits and sugar? Mom, is this for us to eat?" Mingyuan asked with some uncertainty.

Zhang Lan smiled and touched the child's little head. "Yes, this is what my mother specially bought for you. Don't wait. Come and eat quickly." Each of the children took a biscuit, and each of them took a handful of sugar into their small pockets.

Mingyuan couldn't wait to take a bite of the biscuit, just like a rabbit. He ate it with relish. "Mom, the biscuits are so delicious. No wonder my uncle and sister-in-law often eat it. It turned out to be this taste."

The child's words made Zhang Lan sad. In the past, there were some good things in the family that came to the mouths of those two people, and there were very few that could reach the child's mouths. No wonder Mingyuan didn't remember the taste of cookies.

"Good son, these are all for you to eat. I'll buy them for you when you are greedy."

Zhang Lan opened the paper bag containing cookies and gave the rest to the brothers and sisters. "Zuo He, your grandma said she could come over on Sunday. Don't forget to pick up people at the station. Go out with your brothers and don't forget to come back for dinner."

Zhang Lan sent all three boys out to play, and the eldest daughter stayed to help her light the fire. Wang Qian was a little tired and lay on the bed to rest.

The dinner is made of white flour cake. This time, the space is rewarding. She has to let the children taste the taste of the new white noodles.

Zhao Xia in the front yard smelled the fragrance of the Wang family and couldn't help saying hello in the back window, "Third aunt, what did your family do? It smells so good?"

Zhang Lan knew that Zhao Xia belonged to the kind of person who was greedy. Her neighbor was easy to eat, but her family was poor and she didn't eat anything good, but the people in the village passed her on was very unbearable. In Wang Qian's opinion, Zhao Xia belongs to the kind of person who knows how to love herself. What's wrong with eating? She didn't eat other people's food. Then again, everyone is greedy, but the way of expression is different.

Zhang Lan said with a smile, "What's the point? It's just a few drops of oil when cooking. Is your meal ready?"

"Not yet. I'll do it now." When Wang Qian saw Zhao Xia's figure leaving the back window, she said with a smile, "Mom, you said that this sister-in-law is really not in a hurry. She didn't do it until it was almost dark, and she didn't know if she could make it in a hurry."

Zhang Lan looked at the little head exposed from the kang and knew that her daughter had a good rest, but these two days were enough for the child to suffer. So little one followed her to work in the space. Alas, she was also distressed to see her.

When the meal was ready at home, Wang Xuan went out to feed the chickens, ducks and geese. Wang Qian remembered that there were still those stubbles in the space that had not been planed. Mom, what about those roots? Why don't we go in and dig them one day so that we can plant a stubble?

without waiting for Zhang Lan's answer, an exciting news came out of the loudspeaker on the top of the mountain, "Please pay attention, our brigade will install electricity tomorrow, and every household will stay at home to facilitate the electrician to pull the wires."

Wang Qian could even hear the voice of broadcasting the news, which was faintly excited. The news was broadcast three times in a row before it was finished.

"There are electric lights, there are electric lights" The cheers of the children came from the street, and Mingcheng rushed back to the yard with two little guys.

"Mom, do you hear me? We can turn on the lights in the future. We don't need kerosene lights in the future."

The brothers and sisters are particularly excited to hear the news. In the future, they can turn on the lights to do their homework. They have been looking forward to it for a long time.

Wang Zhenhe also ran home. He was particularly excited when he heard the news. In the future, the children don't have to spend so much time studying with the old man. The mother and daughter looked at the excited masters and couldn't help smiling, "Dad, it will get better and better in the future. Maybe we can also live in a foreign

Wang Zhenhe didn't dare to think about it. He didn't even think about what happened in front of his eyes. He didn't even think about what would happen in the future.

"Dear, if you have electricity, you don't have to boil your eyes in the future. Dad is distressed that you are afraid that you will have ruined your small eyes. Look at how beautiful your eyes are. I don't want you to wear glasses like Lao Chen. That's so bad. You didn't see your Grandpa Chen and left I can't see anything clearly." Wang Zhenhe wanted to laugh when he thought of Lao Chen.

"Dad, we have to buy a light bulb, otherwise it won't light up if we have electricity."

Wang Qian's reminder reminded the couple that they hadn't bought the light bulb yet. "Jianqian, mom will buy it tomorrow, and we can turn on the light in the evening."

At dinner, the whole village was immersed in joy. After dinner, people who couldn't help but be excited took to the streets one after another to talk about the upcoming electricity. Everyone's face was full of excitement, and everyone was full of expectations for the electricity security.

The next day, Wang Qian stayed at home by herself. Wang Zhenhe and his wife originally planned to stay alone, but Wang Qian was kicked out.

"Dad, what should you do? Isn't it just to put a power on? Just have me at home. If you are really worried, just come back and have a look." He waved to the couple and turned back to the house.

Both husband and wife went to work. They left her home alone and began to think about how to press the light. Because their home was the head, the electrician first to arrive at their house. When he saw that there was a small child at home, he couldn't help but blame the adult. It was too relieved that he didn't leave anyone at home. .

I didn't expect that Wang Zhenhe, who had just gone out, came back again. He was still worried about leaving his daughter alone at home. Zhang Lan was still very sure of his daughter's ability, but his father couldn't stand the child.

When Wang Zhenhe entered the house, he saw the little girl pointing out where to put the light line.

When the electricians saw the adults coming back, they couldn't help joking, "Comrade, your little girl is really awesome. After we finished pressing the whole village in the east, we have never seen anyone as thoughtful as your child. The kitchen is uneasy in every family. Do you know what your daughter is talking about? She said she was afraid that her mother could not see clearly when cooking, which was a little interesting. Look at the lamp in your house in the middle of the shed, which is also what your daughter said. This child looks small, I look good.

After pressing the whole village, the family pressed the light on the door frame. Only the little girl's request was in the middle of the room. Although it was a little troublesome, as an adult, he still admired the little girl's mind.

Wang Zhenhe is very satisfied with his daughter's arrangement, and his praise is quite modest. "Ha ha, comrade, it's good that my child is not wrong. I'm really sorry to cause trouble to your work."

Everyone greeted while working, and soon the wire passed through the middle of the house and extended to the house below. "Comrade, you have to find something to block the wall, otherwise the wind will leak in winter." Before going out, the electrician kindly reminded that to pull the wire through the walls of each household, and a hole will be left in the wall, big or small.

The father and daughter were very grateful for their kindness. They sent these people away. Wang Zhenhe walked around his house. It was good, and the position was quite ideal.

Wang Zhenhe picked up the child and kissed his little housekeeper. There was this child at home. He was relieved, "Daughter, Dad will go to work first. I will definitely put a light bulb for you at noon. Take good care of the house. Dad will go first."

Wang Qian touched her little face. Although this father used to be confused, he loved children very much, and he was not so bad. In the future, he will cultivate him well and try to cultivate him into a good father of twenty-four filial piety.

Every household lights up at night, and no one saves their time at this time. After so many years in the dark, today they can finally have their own light like the people of the city.

After dinner, Wang Zhenhe still took the children out to study. Zhao Xia in the front yard and the neighbors in the west courtyard of the Wang family were able to cool off at the street gate, and everyone chatted there when they had nothing to do.

"Third aunt, I saw your brother-in-law walking with a girl today. I don't know if it's his partner, but I think the girl is okay."

Zhao Xia began to gossip again. The neighbors were also Lao Wang's own family, which was just a branch. His man was one generation away from Wang Zhenhe. They also called Zhang Lan and his wife uncle and aunt.

"Third aunt, as for your brother-in-law, I'm not optimistic about him. He looks like a person who lives a life. He is afraid of being light and heavy, and I don't know which girl will be blind and will like him."

Everyone knows about Zhang Lan's family, so there are not so many scruples to say this in front of her. Zhang Lan just said with a smile, "Liu Hui, who can explain the affairs of their family? My mother-in-law is not an ordinary person, and I don't know how to treat my new daughter-in-law in Even the children suffer with it.

Speaking of the past, the two women also accompanied Zhang Lan to hurt her heart for a while. "Third aunt, you are fine this time, this family has also been separated, and you have also moved out. You can't go wrong in the future. Even if we don't want anything, we won't spend time with your old woman. Don ."

Liu Hui heard his mother-in-law mention Zhu Qiyu's past. When she was young, this old lady was not simple. She was the one who hid a knife in her smile. What happened to the Wang family during this period is missing the shadow of the old woman.

"Come on, third aunt, if your brother-in-law gets married, your wife won't find a way to cheat something from you. You have to be careful. That old lady is not a fuel-efficient lamp." Liu Hui knew the situation of this neighbor's house. He built a house and caused so much famine. If he was entangled by the old woman again, the family would have no way to live.

Speaking of this, Zhang Lan is also a little worried, "Oh, I don't have that money. Even if it's useless to force us to death."

bow and thank the heart of the water to the moon, look at the stars at the end of the galaxy, 15094808199, Iδξ pink ζ, Liu Meihui, little malt friends voted for 99 pink. I'm really excited. After receiving so many pink votes, it makes people happy to watch. To be honest, 99 is everyone's credit for today's achievements. It is because of you who silently support my friends in the back that 99 can continue to this day. Thank you for your heartfelt thanks.