Reborn Farmer's Field

153. Is there something wrong at home?

Mingcheng was in the classroom but his heart was on the playground. His sister came for the first time. He was afraid that something would happen to Wang Qian. After the teacher announced that he could go home, he couldn't wait to rush out of the classroom. When he got to the playground, he saw that her little sister actually talked to the principal.

Wang Qian also happened to see a female teacher wandering around the playground. She ran to chat with people when she had nothing to do. The main thing is to know more about the school situation first. What is the level of teachers? Don't let her pay money to study and get a primary school graduate to teach them. Then she has to think about whether she should talk They are together.

Liu Sulan didn't expect the little girl to ask such a profound question. This is the first time she has seen a little girl ask about this. She has never encountered such a situation before.

"What's your name? Are you a student of this school?"

Wang Qian looked up at the serious female teacher with glasses and said with a smile, "Teacher, my name is Wang Qian and I haven't gone to school yet. I'm going to know the overall strength of the school I'm going to study in advance."

Wang Qian's words stunned Liu Sulan. This little girl is not simple. The two words she said were so standard that it didn't seem like a child could say it at all.

Liu Sulan's attitude is much kinder this time, "Wang Qian, are you here by yourself or with others?"

Wang Qian smiled and glanced at the female teacher with a much better attitude. "Teacher, I'm here with my brother." She turned around and pointed to Mingcheng's classroom. Unexpectedly, she saw his eldest brother running over.

"Teacher, that's my eldest brother"

Liu Sulan saw more smiles on Mingcheng's face, "It turns out that you are Wang Mingcheng's sister. No wonder your brothers and sisters study very well. Children, you are welcome to come to our school to study in the future, just like your brother and others, and get good grades."

For students and teachers who study well, they are particularly biased, "Principal is good"

Mingcheng quickly gave a team salute to the headmistress, "Principal, my sister is fine. Can I take her away?"

Liu Sulan nodded with a smile, "It's okay, Wang Mingcheng. Go home and tell your parents that you can bring your sister to school in September."

At this time, there are no eight-year-old children going to school in the countryside. Unless it is the teacher's child or their family, Liu Sulan's mouth, there is no doubt that Wang Qian can go to school early. Ming Chengle's little face is full of smiles, "Thank you, principal. I will tell you when I go back."

When Mingcheng left with Wang Qian, the headmistress still stared at the back of the brother and sister with a kind face and smiled.

"Brother, is that girl your principal? You know, if that's the case, I'll have a few more words to see if I can transfer me to Class One of the second brother.

Wang Qian regretted a little at this time. She should have interchoced with the headmistress, so don't let her go to the first grade again. To be honest, she is an adult. It's really uncomfortable to stay with a group of runny children with a runny nose. At least her family Mingyuan and Zuo He don What about the child?

"Sister, why are you in a hurry? It's not too late to discuss this when you go to school. I want to skip the grade. Now I can learn everything."

Wang Qian usually considered the problem of Mingcheng, but she had never communicated with the old man and others. She felt that his brother could jump up.

"Brother, let's talk about your situation when we go home today. I think you can skip two more levels. Once the college entrance examination is resumed, you can catch up with the first batch."

Wang Qian knows it, but she can't say it. Mingcheng doesn't know that there will be a college entrance examination. He just wants to skip the grade so that his family can pay less for tuition and miscellaneous expenses. Although the brothers and sisters have different ideas, the goals are the same.

The two of them waited for Mingyuan at the door of the school. Everyone walked back with the basket. Liu Datou walked in front with a group of people, but when he inadvertently looked back and saw the brothers and sisters behind him, he began to run forward like a rabbit saw an eagle.

"Brother, will you still look for trouble after Liu's big head?"

Wang Qian had seen Liu Datou for a long time, but she ignored her. Unexpectedly, this little guy still remembered her after that time.

"Ha ha, since you scared him, he has been basically honest so far. Even if he fights, he fights with others. He never moves. I guess he was scared by your kitchen knife." Mingyuan was happy as soon as he mentioned it.

As long as Liu Datou doesn't bother her brother and sister, it's better to meet Liu Datou when she goes to school in the future.

When I got home, I found that the house was in a mess. Wang Qian couldn't figure out the situation. Her parents were not at home. What happened?

"Brother, is there a thief in our house?"

Mingcheng shook his head and said, "It's not like that our family doesn't have much money to steal or steal someone else's house. How can we come to our house? Besides, it's a little strange that Grandma Zuo is not at home. Isn't it something wrong?"

Zuo He searched all over the room but didn't see anyone. "Brother Mingcheng, something must have happened. At this time, aunt and grandma will definitely cook at home. Look, the things on the ground are obviously smashed by someone. Let's go out and look for it quickly."

Zuo He was really worried about his grandmother's safety. He took Mingcheng's hand and ran out, "Zuo He, listen to my arrangement first. Don't worry."

Mingcheng took Zuo He's hand and said, "Mingyuan, you and I will go to the production team. Sister and you and Zuo He will go to the brigade to have a look. Let's act quickly."

Mingcheng took his brother and ran out. Zuo He and his sister ran to the brigade. They didn't go far and met the lobby brother head-on.

"Xian'er, hurry up and go to the brigade yard. My father asked me to tell you that everyone in your family has been taken there."

Wang Qian's heart thumped and felt that something was wrong. When she was brought to that place, she would think of the criticism.

"Brother, who did this?" She always felt that things were a little strange in her heart. It turned out that everything was fine, and everyone knew the situation in her family. How could it be like this after the Spring Festival?

Wang Mingshan looked depressed and angry. "Don't mention it. Today, this was done by Wang Mei and his wife. As soon as they came back, I don't know why they incited the Red Guards of the Revolutionary Committee to your house to arrest people. Go and have a look."

Wang Mingshan pulled the three sisters and brothers and ran to the brigade. The courtyard of the brigade was already full of members who did not know the truth. Some were purely here to watch the fun, and some were incited all the way by Wang Mei and others.

When Wang Qian and the others entered the yard, they saw her parents and several old men in the family controlled by the red guard in the yard, but they didn't see Mr. Zuo and Mr. Wu. Wang Mei and Huang Youcai waved the red treasure book in their hands and angrily scolded the sins of the husband and wife, as well

Wang Xuan and Zuo Heli were anxious to rush inside, but they were stopped by Wang Qian. "Sister, Zuo Hege, don't worry. This time, Wang Mei and his wife obviously made trouble this time. It is obvious that they are somewhat prepared. Brother, we and the milk don't know about this?"

"I don't know why. The two of them persuaded their aunt, but they were blocked by both of them. Didn't you see that our breasts are still watching.

Wang Qian looked in the direction of the eldest brother's finger. It didn't matter if she didn't look at it, and she was even more angry. His grandfather was sucked by him. Wang Zhenguo and Wang Zhi held him tightly and didn't let him go up. Zhu Qiyu looked at her ** expression was very relaxed, and there was a **, bullying people is like this.

Look at Zhang Lan's situation inside, which is not very good. Her hair is messy, and there are obvious marks of being beaten on her face. I don't know whether it was Wang Mei's beating or the red guard's hand, but all this is on Wang Mei's head, and her father's situation is better.

No one expected that Wang Mei became more and more excited as she spoke. She waved her fist at Zhang Lan. None of the people below dared to speak at this time. Wang Qian clenched her hands and roared, "Shut up". Wang Xuan, Zuo He and Wang Zhenhe also shouted out at the same time, and the three rushed in Go.

Wang Xuan and Zuo He rushed to Zhang Lan first and protected her behind with their small bodies.

Wang Qian sorted out her thoughts a little, and said coldly at Wang Mei, who still wanted to be violent, "Shuh, aunt, what kind of play are you singing? Last time I wanted to sell my 11-year-old elder sister, but we stopped her. Why do you want to betray my parents this time? It's really yours. It's not easy for the evil people to do this for you. If you didn't succeed last time, why do you still want to use this revenge this time?

As soon as Wang Mei saw the three little rabbits in front of her, she couldn't help jumping and staring at her sisters fiercely. "What does the children's family know? There is no place for you to talk here. It's cool to take it. This is a class struggle. We have to fight against the stubborn people to the end. Hit the reactionary and defeat the anti-**.

Wang Mei raised her arms and shouted with the red treasure book, and the people who did not know the truth also shouted. The group of passionate people seemed that the Wang family and his wife were unforgivable bad people.

Zhang Lan saw the three children appear in front of her, and her eyes were full of worry, " Qianqian, mom is fine. Go home quickly."

The three children are still too young, and even self-insurance is a problem, not to mention fighting with this somewhat crazy person. Isn't it waiting for Qing to suffer? She would rather suffer by herself than let the three children be involved.

The three sisters and brothers clenched their lips and shook their heads a little stubbornly. Wang Qian shouted at the crowd, "Ladies and young people, please be quiet first. Listen to me. I'm young and you may not be able to see it. I'll stand higher first. Listen to me."

bow and thank he20hattie, messy, lizzie110, ready?? Waiting for the gifts from my friends, there are really a lot of gifts. 99 received a little soft. Thank you, Xiaoye Xiaocao, Lin Rongfei's friend's pink vote. Ha ha, I received so many surprises when I turned on the computer in the morning. Thank you for your support.

Recommend a new book for book lovers: Eguang, the author of The Leisurely Rebirth of the Supporting Actress. This is a more chaotic story than blue life-and-death love. Http://

If you are interested, you can go and have a look. RS