Reborn Farmer's Field

186. Tell it secretly

When she went to bed at night, Wang Qian went to the space to plant those small saplings in the field, and she believed that it would not be long before their family could eat fresh fruit

During the day, when she was free, she picked grapes and made wine in the space, watered the small trees, made time to fulfill her promise, and sent a fish to every family of the third uncle and the old milkman's family.

With the warmer weather, Mingyuan and others have changed into short-sleeved clothes. The skin of several little guys has been white and tender all winter, which makes people want to pinch them at a glance. The four children of the Wang family, Mingyuan and Wang Qian, have the skin color most like Zhang Lan's fair skin, while Wang Xuan and Mingcheng are That kind of black is just a little inferior to Wang Qian and others. Generally speaking, it looks good.

Zuo He's three brothers were wearing small shorts and small sweatshirts, one by one, which made Zhang Lan like it more and more. They pinched them one by one. It felt really good. Today, Zhang Lan planned to take a few children back to her mother's house, send soybean oil to her mother by the way, and also took a few

Zuo Hun asked worriedly, "Auntie, will grandma not like us when we go there? Should we buy some gifts to take there?"

Zhang Lan looked at Zuo Hao, who was as big as her own Mingcheng. She smiled and touched the little guy's tangled little face and said, "D grandma will definitely like you when she sees you. As for the gifts, you are still young. Just buy a gift and take it with you. We will bring the gift when Zuo Hao grows

Zuo He also promised, "Brother, grandma is very nice and kind to us. Grandma gave me the lucky money when I went for the Spring Festival. Grandma will definitely like you in the past."

The two brothers have never seen Geng Lianhua and don't know who the old lady is. The last time they went to send their uncle to the army, they were still in class, so they didn't take them there. However, after hearing what his brother said, the little guy was a little relieved.

Hao Lianchun stuffed a small handkerchief into his pockets for the three brothers. "Haohao, you must not go into the water when you take your brother to the sea. The sea is deep. You and your brother can hurry up on the shore."

Since the weather was hot, Zuo Hui and the little boys played with water every day. The old lady was afraid that these children didn't know what to do if they were drowning again.

Zuo Yu pouted and said, "Grandma, is your grandson so stupid? The sea is so deep that I won't go inside. My little figure can still be alive. I'm still waiting for my aunt's family to kill pigs during the Spring Festival. Don't worry, when we come back, I'll bring you seafood."

This time, Zhang Lan took seven children back to her mother's house to have a look. Wang Zhenhe also had to work on the mountain, and neither husband and wife could ask for leave, so when he came to work, he repeatedly told these naughty children to listen to Zhang Lan's words.

Walking on the familiar sheep intestine path, except for Zuo Hui and Zuo Yu, other people have long been used to it. These two brothers are the same as Zuo He for the first time. They are curious about everything. When she saw the sour dates on the hillside, Wang Qian couldn't help but go over and take some down. The small red particles But it's really sour.

Zuo Hui and Ming Yuan didn't know what they saw in front of them and began to chase. When Ming Cheng saw this, he quickly ran to the front to see what had happened. "Mom, they didn't see rabbits or pheasants or something, did they?"

Wang Qian couldn't help guessing when she saw them chasing me in front of her. Zhang Lan didn't know what was going on. She pulled her two daughters and ran up. Wang Qian saw a patterned thing beating in front of her from afar. When she looked carefully, it turned out to be a little squirrel, but she had climbed up A few could only look at the tree and sigh, "Brother, the little squirrel has run away."

Zuo Yu looked at the squirrel that disappeared in the bushes with a pity on his face.

Zuo Hu also felt a pity that several people originally wanted to catch them to play, but the squirrels were very cunning. The speed was not what they could catch up with.

"It's okay, brother. Maybe we can still see the pheasant. When we catch a pheasant and go back to grandma to eat."

Speaking of pheasant Mingyuan, they also wanted to catch them, but they didn't see them at all along the way.

Zhang Lan looked at a few people who were a little depressed and comforted, "It's okay. Even if there is no pheasant grandma will like you. Let's go."

Zhang Lan took them back on the road. To be honest, it's not good to rush on the road in summer. It's easy to get thirsty, but I don't know if there is a water source in this place. Anyway, Wang Qian didn't see it.

Seeing that there were trumpet flowers on the roadside, Wang Qian picked a few flowers down and sucked some sweet honey juice from the roots of the flowers. It tasted good. Zuo Hui and others also picked flowers according to her appearance to quench their thirst. "Wow, it's so sweet, auntie, you can also try it. It' Zuo He sucked the honey in the flowers and said to Zhang Lan.

Zhang Lan has never drunk this before, and she also tried it suspiciously. Sure enough, her little daughter has a way. It's sweet and sweet.

After quenching the thirst, everyone did not find pheasants and rabbits until they walked out of the mountain forest. Zhang Lan led seven children to the local supply and marketing agency to buy some food for Geng Lianhua and the other seven children. Now Zhang Lan's pocket is not short of money, so he is not stingy. Besides, they It's time to be hungry at noon.

It was almost noon when the party arrived at Geng Lianhua's house. The old lady was carrying grass back to the house from the street. From afar, she saw a group of children coming. They were dressed neatly and did not look like rural children, but she didn't see clearly until she saw that it was her daughter and grandson.

"M grandma, I miss you so much." Before Wang Qian could speak, Mingyuan's sweet mouth began to be so sweet.

Geng Lianhua hugged his grandson who rushed over with a smile, "Mingyuan, are you tired? By the way, are the two behind you Zuo He's brothers?"

Last time the old lady heard her daughter say that Zuo He's two brothers also lived in their house. The old lady can almost guess it by looking at this.

"Honha, grandma, grandma, I'm Zuo Hao. This is my brother Zuo Yu. I'm here to trouble you today."

After all, Zuo Hui is the boss. He greeted him politely and introduced himself by the way.

Geng Lianhua likes polite children very much. There is no way, the only grandson in the family is a polite thing, and she can't control others. When she sees these two beautiful little boys who are similar to Zuo He's, the old lady's kindness, "Zuo Hao, Zuo Yu, come and enter the house with grandma. Are you all thirsty?

Wang Qian has a small hand on her back. It seems that the good-looking children are especially taken care of. It is the same for her grandma who is so old, and they all belong to the Foreign Trade Association.

Zuo Yu and others are usually naughty, but when they come here, they are all well-behaved. They don't be awkward when they ask and answer any questions. In Wang Qiankai, this is the benefit of the children coming out of the courtyard. They have a lot of knowledge. Unlike rural children, they will be shy and nervous. These three children I can't see it at all.

After Zuo Hao and others drank the water, they honestly proposed to come and see the sea. There is also a reason why Zhang Lan chose to come back today. At this time, she can just catch the ebb tide. The people in the mountains know the time of the ebb tide than the people outside the mountain, so the people of the Wang family can

"Mom, you cook at home. I'll take the children to the seaside to go to the sea. Let Qianqian accompany you at home. How about you go there together when my father comes back?"

Zhang Lan had a little thought in her heart. Before leaving, she had discussed with her daughter how to make up words. Besides, the basket she brought was still covered with cloth. Geng Lianhua hadn't seen what was inside, so she wanted her daughter to take this opportunity to take out the oil jar.

Wang Qian nodded to her mother and left her granddaughter at home to accompany her. After her son left, the house was deserted. She could also talk to the child, so she quickly chased these people to the seaside and asked Zhang Lan to go to the yard to get the tools.

When Wang Qian waited for everyone to leave, she touched the edge of the basket and took out a jar of oil prepared separately for Geng Lianhua.

Then she walked to the old man's house with a smile. The old lady was sitting on the bench peeling green onions. She hugged Geng Lianhua's neck from behind.

"Mom, my mother brought you a lot of oil this time. You just ate it silently. Don't tell anyone. This is what my mother and I bought in the city. No one told me. Don't tell anyone."

Geng Lianhua is not stupid. What are the conditions of her daughter's family? Can she not know how much does it cost to take out the oil and the oil ticket at this time? Zhang Lan can't have these things at all.

Wang Qian knew that the old lady didn't believe it, so she secretly said in the old man's ear that she and Zhang Lan were secretly selling things. These oil tickets were also used by some people when they had no money.

Geng Lianhua is also skeptical. Some of them can't understand what it is, and they can get such a precious oil ticket.

"Grandpa, we exchanged eggs for eggs. The eggs in the city are in limited supply. Can't we make money by selling them in the past? But no one can say that it's grandpa. Don't talk too much. If others know it, we will be accused. My life is in your old hands. " Wang Qian pretended to be very scared and acted coquettishly at Geng Lianhua.

The old lady also knows the powerful relationship, so she clicked her little nose, "Little thing, you think your grandma is a fool. How can I say this kind of thing? Don't worry. I'm just a stuffy gourd here and can't go out. Let your mother rest assured. At the way, you go back and tell your Let people catch it. After all, it's better to avoid it.

Geng Lianhua also picked up sea chrys and sold them in the city when she was young. She knew that it was not easy to do business, but she couldn't sell them these years, so she hasn't been in the city for many years.

Thank you for the gift from two old friends, antheatg and lizzie110. Thank you for your support 99. RS