Reborn Farmer's Field

201. Control the mountains and rivers

Wang Zhenhe helped take the pig grass and nodded with a smile, "That's right, Zuo Hui and others are great heroes. Killing pork this year is up to you."

On the first day of school, Mingcheng and Wang Xuan were particularly concerned about their little sister. When they learned that her head teacher was Xu Mingda, they smiled, "Little sister, this teacher is very good. You can rest assured to learn in the future."

As the weather became cooler, the autumn harvest began again. Zuo Hui and others really realized the fun of what their brother said this time. Several little guys were really not idle in the autumn harvest these days, and their mouths were not idle and hands were not idle. The mountains were full of delicious food. In addition, Zuo Yu and others had a lot of ideas Mixed.comm.

Potatoes, sweet potatoes, corn, and Zuo Hui, the others who got from geography, were roasted in the ditch, and even the Wang Qian sisters ate them with the light. Not to mention the feeling of eating the stolen food is different. It's delicious, not to mention that everyone feels more excited.

With the leadership of the three brothers of the Zuo family, Mingcheng and Mingyuan are not the products of the production team. As long as they want to eat, the five of them will secretly bring more back so that they can eat at home in the future. The old man didn't say anything about their practice. It's always the child's greedy and It's not just that families like them. Adults are let go of the things brought back by the children, and they can't take much. It's just a snack.

After the autumn harvest, Zuo Hui and Zuo Yu also knew that it was not easy for farmers to grow grain. "Brother, you are not allowed to lose rice dregs in the future. Look, we are so tired these two days. You said it's not easy for uncles to do this all year round."

After Zuo Hui had a deep understanding, he began to educate his brother. Zuo Yu did not refute at this time, because he also realized that it was really not easy for the farmer's uncle.

At this time, Wang Qian even thought that if those modern children who don't want to eat and are quite wasteful put them here, I guess they should not eat, let alone eat. Only after experiencing can they know how to cherish it. Zuo Hui and others are a good list.

After the autumn harvest, the commune began to call for the promotion of the agricultural Dazhai movement. Dazhai is a brigade of Dazhai Commune in Xiyang County, Shanxi Province. It was originally a poor mountain village. After the agricultural cooperation, the members cut mountains and slopes and built terraced fields, which increased the grain yield by 7 times. The spirit of Dazhai has become a banner of the national agricultural front. The ** of "agricultural learning Dazhai" has been set off all over the country, the spirit of Dazhai has been carried forward, and the experience of Dazhai has been promoted. The whole Hongqi Commune was also mobilized, and the good seed brigade began to control the mountains and rivers, transform the barren slopes, and turn the waste land into good fields.

At this time, the mountains are full of red flags and colorful flags. Each red flag is full of the task force they represent, including youth commandos, party members leading soldiers, 38 veterans, etc. Although the autumn wind is already bleak, the hot labor scene has infected all the people present, as if it is like this. The weather is not autumn, but a hot summer. The members enthusiastically devoted themselves to the renovation and construction of Liangtian.

On Sunday, Wang Qian and the others went to the mountain to have a look. I guess she will never forget the labor scene in her life. She will never see such an active and enthusiastic labor scene in later generations.

The excited expressions of the members are invisible to future generations. There are trolleys to push the earth. If you don't have a trolley, you can use your shoulders to pick up the earth. Some people have blisters on their shoulders. They put on a pair of shoulder pads to continue to participate in labor. There are shovels, planers, shouting horns, and dozens of warm water bottles are placed on Drink water in the middle. At this time, no one will compare with who does more and who does less, because everyone is doing it seriously, and no one is cheating.

The shoveled shrubs were picked up by Mingcheng and others so that they could take them home to burn the fire. Wang Qian walked around with her little hands behind her back. These terraces were really well made, but the good shrubs were shoveled and transformed into terraced fields. She couldn't understand that without the storage of these shrubs. Water is easy to cause soil erosion.

Wang Zhenhe saw his daughter looking around in the field. He was afraid that the child would be accidentally touched, so he quickly ran over and said, "Tianqian, how did you come here? Be careful that there are too many people here." He picked up his daughter and sent her to the ground, and told her a few words before she went to work at ease.

Mingyuan and others picked up a lot of firewood. The brothers and sisters carried some on their back slowly, and they could hear the sound of singing on the mountain from afar.

When I went home, it was just in time that Zhang Lan was washing clothes for them. Wang Qian and Wang Xuan sisters gathered the shoes to be washed at home together. Each of the sisters took a shoe brush and began to brush the shoes. Zhang Lan bought white shoes, which were not very dirty. When the three mothers came back from the river, the sisters were responsible for White shoes are brushed with a layer of white powder, and the supply and marketing agency sells this kind of shoe powder, which costs five cents a bag. It can be brushed with water or stained with dry powder. However, in order to save the two sisters, they still brushed their shoes with water, which can also be more even.

When Wang Zhenhe came back at noon, his face was covered with dirt. Zhang Lan quickly took out a wet towel and let him wipe it first. "How are you tired?" Looking at her husband's red cheeks blown by the autumn wind, he asked with some heartache.

Wang Zhenhe giggled at his daughter-in-law, "It's okay. We old men resist, and there are many people working. I'm not very tired."

Because he was worried that his wife's body could not withstand that kind of high-intensity labor, Wang Zhenhe did not let Zhang Lan do this. Although he earned less, his daughter-in-law's health is still important.

The amount of food for people who have done too much physical work has also doubled. Wang Zhenhe ate three pieces of cake before putting down his chopsticks. In the afternoon, he had to go to work. Zhang Lan simply found a pair of gloves for him to put on his hands, so as to avoid blistering. Although the farmers have touched out the coco

In the afternoon, Zhang Lan went to the supply and marketing agency to buy some meat for her family. During this period, she didn't see any hares or anything in the woods. I guess she was almost caught by Wang Qian. Zhang Lan didn't let her daughter go up the mountain alone to buy less for the whole family to have a meal.

When she arrived at the supply and marketing agency, Zhang Lan remembered that her sister-in-law seemed to mention that the sale of supplies seemed to be managed by Wang Zhenguo, and she muttered in her heart.

Wang Qian saw that her face began to look a little wrong and quietly asked, "Mom, are you worried that Wang Zhen's Congress will be difficult for us?"

Zhang Lan nodded. Wang Qian guessed her idea and comforted her, "Mom, don't worry, Wang Zhenguo dares not. Our family is not short of oil, and we don't buy fat meat. Just buy some streaky pork, otherwise it's not bad to buy some lean meat. What do you Even his life was saved by my father. I see if he dares to make it difficult for us.

Wang Qian is really not afraid of people like Wang Zhenguo. Some time ago, they saved a life. At this time, if he dares to turn against others, she is not afraid to tell the matter to his colleagues. Your father-in-law is awesome, but he can't protect him for a lifetime. His work has not yet become a regular worker There is no good.

When he came to the window specializing in supply, Wang Zhenguo was leisurely talking and laughing with a woman. When he saw Wang Qian and others coming, his eyes flashed, but he didn't say anything else. Wang Qian took out the supply certificate and meat ticket in Zhang Lan's hand. "Uncle, let's buy two catties of pork belly

Wang Zhenguo didn't say anything else. He picked up the kitchen knife and weighed the pork belly for them, collected the money, and said nothing else.

Wang Qian glanced at the woman next to Wang Zhenguo, who looked better than Ma Fenqing. The woman looked at her and quickly lowered her head.

Wang Qian doesn't know what the relationship between the two is, so she didn't say much. Some people have some things that can only be proved by time.

The mountain water control movement did not come to an end until the land was frozen. As an advanced individual, Wang Zhenhe also rewarded a beautiful wool scarf, which was the kind of colorful velvet thread, which was very beautiful. It was originally a reward for the thermos bottle, but Wang Zhenhe used the first prize to give his wife a beautiful scarf. Change it to the second prize.

Looking at his daughter-in-law surrounded by a beautiful scarf, Wang Zhenhe was so happy. Wang Qian also looked at the scarf. This should be the most popular color in this era. Her mother was really beautiful. Zhang Lan was already white, and people with such a color became more charming.

Zhang Lan is trying to get a new scarf. Liu Hui ran in at this time, "Third aunt, the team will divide the food in the afternoon. Your family has prepared a sack. Well, your scarf is beautiful, and the third uncle still has a vision."

After saying that, he found the new scarf on Zhang Lan's neck, and couldn't help admiring that many people knew about Wang Zhenhe changing the scarf.

Zhang Lan said with a smile, "Look, everyone knows that your third uncle has changed a bib. I'm a little embarrassed to take it out."

Wang Qian listened and hurriedly said, "Mom, don't. That's my father's intention. You don't care what others say. Let's just take it with you. Grandma Zuo, what do you think?"

The old lady also nodded, "That's it, it's pretty good around."

Several boys who went out to pick up waste on Sunday came back, "Mom, this is the money sold today, a total of 20 cents."

Zhang Lan took the money and turned to Hao Lianchun and said, "Aunta, I'll take them to the supply and marketing agency to buy some food. I'll cook the meal when I come back."

During this period, Zuo Hao and Ming Yuan made a lot of money just by picking up waste. When Zhang Lanqiu was busy, they also had time to buy them some snacks. Today, they will be greedy for a few little guys. They are all children who like to eat something good. Besides, they earn a lot of money. After all, it is more than Let the children work, and give them some sweetness at the right time.

bow and thank Zhilong boy, sandysd, mmc1915, pei007, bear in hibernation, shadow messy friends voted for 99 pink votes, thank lizzie110, milk tea doll two friends for 99's flat Anfu, hehe, I am very happy today. I have received so many pinks and gifts. Thank you for your support.

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