Reborn Farmer's Field

203. Be honest with

The people who came to help the Wang family catch pigs saw that the big fat pig in the pigsty praised that it was well raised, but Wang Qian said in her heart that it was well raised. Then she still couldn't eat it in her mouth.

Wang Zhenhe and others sent the pig to the acquisition station. According to the weight of the big pig of the Wang family, he gave Wang Zhenhe the money to buy the pig, and also gave him 100 catties of meat ticket. However, Wang Zhenhe immediately replaced the meat ticket for meat. He didn't want to see the children's disappointed expression. This When he was raised, especially when he thought of his little daughter's tears, his heart was almost burned.

The acquisition station slaughters pigs by itself. If they meet people who don't want meat tickets and want meat directly, they will weigh the meat for the members from the killed pork.

There is no money left in Wang Zhenhe's hand. It's the gross price, but it's the price of clean meat when you buy it back, and it also includes the head and hoofs into the water. The people who came next to him advised him, "ZHENghe, you can buy less, then there is no oil and water in Yes."

Wang Zhenhe was determined this time. He even bought the pig's blood together, not just to let the children at home eat a pig.

Zhang Lan and several children in the family were sad that the pigs were gone. Unexpectedly, Wang Zhenhe came back with half a fan of pork, and everything was quite complete. The people in the family looked at Wang Zhenhe, who was carrying the pork back happily.

"Zanhe, what's wrong with you? You won't change all the tickets to these, will you?" Zhang Lan looked at her husband with some crazy behavior in surprise.

Wang Zhenhe said to Zhang Lan with some guilt, "Daughter-in-law, it's my fault that I didn't discuss this with you in advance, but I think that the children have been playing pig grass for a year, but they can't eat pork. I feel uncomfortable. Look at this, let's pay back the famine in our

Wang Zhenhe didn't know the situation at home, but Zhang Lan knew that the famine had long been over, but she didn't tell her husband. However, when she saw Wang Zhenhe's performance today, she was really happy. The father had begun to care about what the children thought, and also began to maintain their home. Maybe There are some things to talk to him about.

Zhang Lan smiled and took what he took back from his hand. "Zhe, I just didn't expect you to do this. I'm really happy today. Of course I know how the children are in a few times. I didn't expect you to buy all the pork for your children. It's good. Our family is going to have a good New Year this year.

Wang Qian and the others saw that the pigs who were pulled away were exchanged for so many things, and the disappointment just now immediately turned into excitement. They quickly ran to help one by one, "Uncle, it's so nice of you. This time we have meat to eat in our family." When Zuo Yu saw the pork coming back, his little mouth began to be sweet again.

When Hao Lianchun saw that he had worked hard to feed the pigs to get so much meat back, he was also gratified and sad. "Zhanghe, why bother you? It's okay to keep that meat ticket to eat at ordinary times. Why did you buy it back?"

Wang Zhenhe said with a smile, "Aunt, you have been raising pigs for a year. How can you not be allowed to eat a bloody sausage at the end of the year? Don't worry about it. We have more ways to eat, few ways to eat, and it's worth the hard work of a few children this year."

There is pork at home. The most exciting thing is a few children. They have taken half of their heads and hooves into the water. They have to follow the procedure of killing pigs. At this time, the family began to boil water and shave pig hair and pig's feet. Wang Qian feels that the atmosphere of killing pigs

Mingyuan and others excitedly followed Wang Zhenhe to see how he made pig intestines. Several old men were also helping to do it. The joy at home infected everyone.

According to Zhang Lan's meaning, the pig's blood sausage will be filled in two days. She wants to wait for Peng Ziyun and his wife to come and do it together, so everyone is so lively.

The news that Wang Zhenhe resisted half of the pig suddenly spread in the village. All kinds of comments were mixed, but these did not affect the happy mood of the family.

After dinner, Zhang Lan took her little daughter to help clean up the house. By the way, she discussed with her whether to talk to Wang Zhenhe about the space.

"Mom, let's say, it's not a way for you to work for such a long time. Even if my father doesn't ask about some things, he must have some speculation in his heart. Why don't we just say it? He can still help work in the future. Besides, even if my father is biased in the future, I can't get in. It's okay. Let's take him in tonight. It's time for him to know something.

Zhang Lan dares to have this idea because she feels that she is in good health recently and has not had other diseases. Like normal people, it is time to look at her husband's performance now.

At night, while the children were asleep, Zhang Lan and Wang Qian received Wang Zhenhe directly from the space. When they woke up, their confused husband said, "Zanhe, wake up quickly."

Wang Zhenhe got up and thought something big was wrong, but when he rubbed his eyes and saw his wife and daughter standing in front of him, he was relieved. However, when he saw the scenery around him, he was shocked. "Daughter-in-law, what's going on? I'm not dreaming. Hurry up and pinch me. I must be dreaming."

He muttered and closed his eyes again. How could Zhang Lan let him sleep like this? With a hard hand, Wang Zhenhe opened his eyes with a wow, "Daughter-in-law, it hurts. You can't be lighter. What's going on? Where are we? Don't tell me that this is a paradise."

Looking at her husband's expression, she still doesn't believe it. Zhang Lan is angry and funny. "Dumb, take a good look at why this place is not a paradise. Let me tell you that this is your daughter's precious space. We have enough food to eat because I and my children farm here every day. You think we share it. The food is enough for a large family.

Wang Zhenhe carefully looked at the scenery in front of him. The wheat that was about to mature had bent down, the bracts and soybeans were almost ripe, and there were some grapes and vegetables in the field. Such a big place was actually planted by his wife and daughter, and the family had enough food to eat in the past two years. The two women's weak shoulders and young hands were harvested.

The pain and emotion in his heart hit his fragile heart at this moment. It was difficult for Wang Zhenhe to think about how his wife's weak sick body and his seven-year-old daughter cultivated such a large field little by little.

Tears blurred his eyes in an instant, and he was also aware of the changes in his family, but he did not know why there was such a change. When he knew the truth, his surprise was far less than heartache.

"Daughter-in-law, Qianqian, it's not my fault that you two have suffered, otherwise you two would not have endured it for so long."

Wang Zhenhe hugged the mother and daughter with some choking, and a big man shed tears that he refused to shed easily.

"Dad, you don't blame us for telling you the truth, do you?" Wang Qian still asked with some concern.

Wang Zhenhe kissed the child's little face, "Silly girl, what do I blame you? Do you blame you for worrying about the livelihood of this family day and night? Dad didn't do well in the past, but I will definitely not do anything that makes you sad in the future. Tell me what's going on here?"

The mother and daughter took Wang Zhenhe to sit down and slowly talk about the cause and effect. Wang Zhenhe listened to it with tears.

"Daughter-in-law, you have suffered. As I said, our family is full of food, and there is still some food left. I've thought about it before, but I don't know it's for this reason. In the future, both of you will give me a rest. I'll do these work. It's time

Under the leadership of the mother and daughter, Wang Zhenhe began to inspect the territory where he worked after his hands behind his back. When he saw the tender cucumbers, he couldn't help picking one and tasting it.

"Daughter-in-law, you said that when you go to the city, you sell the things produced here. Why don't I sell it with you in the future? I can also help you with some strength. You can't take things out anytime and anywhere. It's so dangerous. For the sake of the children in the future, just the I told others that this is a great treasure. If others know, how dangerous will it be for our child?

Hearing this, Wang Qian said with a smile, "Dad, I'm afraid that you are not reliable among the three of us. Look, my mother and I haven't talked for so long. You should be careful in the future."

Wang Zhenhe picked up his little girl and said, "Silly daughter, you think your father is a fool. Such things can only be hidden. I won't say it. Even if my father and mother come, it's not easy to use. This is a matter of your life. Dad won't joke about your nickname.

When Wang Zhenhe saw half a large jar of soybean oil in the tank, he finally realized the reason why there was enough oil at home. "Daughter-in-law, have you left some of this oil for your mother? The old couple used to supplement our family's oil. This time we can't treat him badly if we have it."

Wang Qian smiled at Wang Zhenhe and said, "Dad, don't worry. My mother is better at living at home than you. In the future, you will be responsible for farming. My mother and I were really not tired before we came here. In the future, this heavy burden will be handed over to you, and we can relax in the future."

Wang Zhenhe can understand the hardships of the mother and daughter. Two acres of land, from sowing to harvesting to playing, are all completed by a woman and a child. His youngest daughter is like this and can't bear to say that she is tired. While this child makes him distressed, he also hates his incompetence. If he The pain.

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