Reborn Farmer's Field

224. Skipping and beekeeping

After sending the old man away, Zhang Lan began to clean up the room they lived in. The room was empty, leaving only the award-winning thermos bottles and the bedding left behind, which also represented that several people had lived here.

"Uncle Chen, I will ask Mingyuan to come and stay with you at night, so that you can have something to take care of at night. You don't always feel lonely and can guide your children by the way."

Lao Chen was still sitting on the kang a little lonely. Hearing Zhang Lan's words, he was also warm in his heart, "Nephew, I don't have to worry about you, Uncle Chen. You can send Mingyuan's bedding later. In the future, when Mingcheng comes back, let him live in the same room with me. Your Xi is my strength. I really hope to see a few children go to college.

"Uncle, with you always here, several children will certainly live up to your hopes, but it is still unknown when the college entrance examination will be resumed. Let's wait slowly. Anyway, Mingcheng just went to high school. We are not in a hurry."

Lao Chen lived in the Wang family in this way. Guo Xing and Zhang Qiang had no one to look at, so there was nothing left. After explaining a few words to Lao Chen, they also left with a lot of money.

Wang Xuan is also going to take the middle school entrance examination this year, so Zhang Lan's energy is also focused on her eldest daughter, but with Mr. Chen, Wang Xuan is very energetic in preparing for the exam.

This time, Zhang Lan still went to accompany the exam. Mingcheng was having lunch in the room. As soon as Zhang Lan pushed them away, she saw her son sitting in the yard eating alone.

Mingcheng was not surprised to see that the two of them came. Last time he made an appointment with Zhang Lan to come over, "Mom, come over for dinner quickly. I've already reserved vegetables for you. By the way, I've also packed my house, just waiting for you to come over.

When Wang Xuan saw the food cooked by her eldest brother, her stomach immediately began to coo. "Brother, it's good. There are also cold dishes. It smells fragrant, and it seems that there is still sesame oil. Mom, let's quickly taste my brother's cooking. I haven't eaten it since the last time. Hey hey, Let's come here for dinner after high school.

The brother and sister began to teach their experience there. Zhang Lan went to the kitchen and brought out the food prepared by Mingcheng for them. Wang Xuan quickly re-placed the dishes on the table.

"Um, my son's craftsmanship is really good. Mingcheng, you won't worry about living with your sister in the future."

Accompanying her daughter to finish the exam in the city, Zhang Lan hurriedly came back with her two children. She was always worried that there was no old lady to take care of her at home. However, as soon as she entered the door, she heard that the youngest daughter had instructed Wang Zhenhe to take it in the kitchen. She stepped on a small bench and

Zhang Lan quickly put down the things in her hand and took the shovel in her daughter's hand. "Cianqian, let your mother come. Take a rest quickly."

"Mom, there is only one dish left, and I've finished the rest."

Wang Zhenhe pulled his daughter to ask about the exam. Wang Xuan just said, "Dad, just wait for the notice at home. There should be no big problem. Grandpa Chen told me about it."

Wang Xuan is not sure that she can surpass Mingcheng, but she has basically answered those questions. She is already very confident in high school.

With the arrival of Wang Xuan's admission notice again, the village began to boil. How glorious it is for the Wang family to be admitted to high school one by one.

Zhang Lan and her husband's status in the minds of the members also rushed up. Wang Desheng learned that his granddaughter had also been admitted. The old face was happy and happier than Wang Zhenguo gave birth to his son.

Zhu Qiyu just curled her lips and didn't say anything. The old three family made a lot of noises one after another, which made her a little jealous. She coaxed to the little grandson who was still drooling in her arms, "Minggui, be good. In the future, you will also take a high school exam for grandma, and let those people who look down on people. Our family is so expensive is a good thing.

The old man didn't want her to say that. He just rolled his eyes, turned his head and continued to smoke his dry smoke.

In summer, the production team is going to run the Yuhong class. Everyone with children can be sent to the group to pay for care. At this time, there is no childcare fee. There are two high school students in a row in the Wang family, and those who are jealous will recommend Zhang Lan to educate the red class.

On the one hand, Zhang Lan graduated from junior high school, at least she is more educated than these old women. On the other hand, the children of the Wang family either skip grades or go to high school one by one. Everyone thinks that Zhang Lan has something unique in educating children, and the third is to consider her physical condition.

When the teacher of Yuhong class was as good as work, Zhang Lan was not happy to do some light work, so she was happy to accept the arrangement of the team.

The Yuhong class is opened in the courtyard of the production team, and the house is the house where several old men used to live.

When parents go to work, they can send their children here as soon as they go to work. After work, Zhang Lan will also send the children home, which saves time and effort. Members are welcome.

One summer, the children's tender and crisp songs will sound in the sky of the village, which is the children's song Zhang Lan taught them. "There is a group of ducklings in the production team, and I drive them to the pond every morning..."

Adults working on the mountain are more motivated when they hear the children's songs, because the children will sing to them when they go home. Mingyuan is also in junior high school. Wang Qian is really alone this time. Every day when she goes to school without her brother's company, she can only go to school with the children in the village.

Wang Qian is already in the fifth grade, and she hasn't opened the sixth grade yet, but in her opinion, it really saves time.

After thinking about it over and over again, she still decided to study in the same grade with her brother. It's a waste of time in this way. The future time is really precious to her.

When I entered the space in the evening, I discussed this with the couple, "Mom, I want to skip the grade, preferably in the same class with my brother. In this way, we can also take care of ourselves when we take the high school entrance examination. Now I'm familiar with what I've learned, and it's a waste to delay it. What do you think?

Zhang Lan was a little hesitant about the questions raised by her little daughter. After all, they had skipped it once, and the age of their daughter was a little too young.

But when the child formally proposed it, she had to pay attention to it. In her eyes, the idea of the little daughter was a little different from that of other children, and it was different from that of any child.

"Zhanhe, why don't you let her jump to the same class as Mingyuan? In the future, even if she is in high school, the brother and sister will have a care. I originally planned to let our daughter find a playmate in school and village, but over the years, you can see that Qianqian rarely goes to play with people. In It's better to let the child skip the grade.

Wang Zhenhe and his wife have the same idea. This daughter is too sensible and not like a child. They thought it would be better in school, but the child still hasn't changed much.

"Daughter-in-law, let the child go, but Qianqian, you can only jump one level. Remember that some things can't be done quickly. Enjoy the feeling of being a child. I'm afraid it's impossible to go back when you grow up."

In this way, the couple finalized Wang Qian's study in the space. Wang Zhenhe got up to see the situation of the fruit tree. Last time, it had been pollinated, and there were already a lot of small fruits on it, and the flowers had not bloomed in the back room. Looking at the green fruit in front of him and imagin I drooled.

Wang Qian looked at Wang Zhenhe's greedy look and couldn't help but be happy. "Dad, your saliva is flowing all over the ground. Don't look at it. It's time to eat it later. At that time, you can eat some grapes. I just saw that the grapes are ripe."

Wang Zhenhe ran out and said, "Little thing, if the grapes are ready, you won't tell me."

Wang Zhenhe picked grapes and ate it with a enjoying face, "Daughter-in-law, why do I feel that the taste is getting better and better." After saying that, they picked a bunch and handed it to Zhang Lan. The couple had always thought that the taste of the grape had changed again.

Wang Qian didn't believe it, but after eating it, she knew that the taste of the grapes this time should have evolved. But what caused it? She still didn't think of the reason, but she ate a lot of this grape, and the sweetness in her stomach made people feel comfortable all over.

"Mom, you eat more. Maybe it's good for your health. I'll start brewing wine tomorrow. Come on, Dad, please help me communicate with the school about my skip. Another thing is whether I can get some bees back and keep them in the space. If it blooms in winter, we can save some energy. The main reason is that A little honey and royal jelly are also good for nourishing the body.

As long as it is good for his wife's health, Wang Zhenhe agreed, "Ok, Dad will go out and ask you tomorrow."

Wang Zhenhe went to do the jump for his daughter the next day. Although it was summer vacation, he still knew where the principal's family lived.

Seeing Wang Zhenhe again talking about jumping, Principal Lin agreed. As far as he knew, the two children of the Wang family who jumped the grade were easy to learn. There was no reason for him to refuse such a good student. Last time, Wang Mingcheng's performance made him in the limelight in the County Education Bureau.

After completing the admission problem of his daughter, Wang Zhenhe began to ask a few friends to find out if there were bees nearby.

"Zhanhe, why do you buy bees? The native bees on the mountain are good, much better than the bees in the south. In this way, I will make a few beehives for you. In the afternoon, our buddies will accompany you to the mountain to pick bees. Do you still remember that we stole honey when we But I have to remind you that this thing is not easy to raise. I have seen others raise it before, but they are all dead. You have to be prepared for this.

The carpenter's friend Ma Yongchao gave him an idea.

"Good boy, why didn't I remember? I think so. You should hurry up and give me a beehive. Let's talk about whether I can feed me. The main reason is that my child wants to play. Let's do it in the afternoon. I'll treat you to dinner in the evening. We've all moved into the new house for so many years. You haven't eaten at our house yet. This time we have agreed to eat at my house.

"Yes, I'll come to you after I've made the beehive. I can't invite me to dinner. I'm going to your house this time."

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