Reborn Farmer's Field

256 Patriotic Health Campaign

Wang Qian didn't have much contact with Ma Fenqing, but when she said to treat Wang Zhenguo, she felt that this woman was very angry. She was always the child of an official family. She was really not like her if she didn't have a temper, but no matter who she quarreled with, it was just watching a hustle and bus

In the evening, I packed up everything that Mingcheng wanted to take away, as well as for my little brother and the old man. Zhang Lan was afraid that she would forget it again. The next day, my mother set out together. Now there is another person in Yuhong's class, and Zhang Lan and the woman can also take a rest in shift.

When I arrived in the city, my mother went to the store first. This time, it was mainly to buy clothes. As for notebooks and so on, Mingcheng promised to accompany his sister to buy them after going to the capital.

Zhang Lan bought a suitable bra for her eldest daughter. At that time, she was embarrassed to look up for Wang Xuan. "Sister, what's the matter? All women wear this. You must remember to buy a bra that suits your size, otherwise don't blame me for not reminding you in the future."

Wang Qian is at least thirteen years old. Although her body has not yet begun to develop, she is good at bras, and she can buy this thing in her previous life.

In order to avoid embarrassment, Mingcheng took Mingyuan to buy him learning utensils. Zhang Lan took her two sisters to buy them for Wang Xuan from the inside out. Wang Qian saw a half leather shoe with a black tash. The style was very beautiful. I guess it should be very suitable for Wang Xuan.

"Mom, buy a pair for my sister. If there is an activity in the school or something, it's easy to wear this, so that my sister will be blind."

Zhang Lan thought about it. She was a college student, and her daughter was old enough to dress up. She nodded and asked Wang Xuan to try on the shoes. The size was suitable. Zhang Lan paid for it and bought the cloth for her daughter. Wang Qian designed the style. Geng Lianhua and her daughter did it together. Wang Qian was watching in the store and The clothes are all done.

Yang Nuo and Cong Tao came to discuss with Wang Xuan when they would leave. Mingcheng made the decision to arrange the time for them and set off together on Friday.

In this way, the time will be a little tight. Zhang Lan quickly took the child back to pack up. Wang Zhenhe heard the explanation that Cheng and his daughter would leave on Friday, and he was not in the mood to work. He was thinking about what to bring to the child. Going to the school canteen must not be as good as the conditions in their home

Zhang Lan simply brought the sesame oil and soybean oil at home to Mingcheng and others, and they could go to the old man's house to improve it. After all, it is still available in the city at this time, and that oil is not something you can buy if you have money.

Wang Qian asked Zhang Lan to buy some lean meat, cut it into cubes and stir-fry it in soy sauce to make meat sauce, so that Mingcheng and Wang Xuan can have a dish for dinner when they go back to school.

"Sister, when you are not used to eating at school, you can go to Grandpa Chen's house to cook by yourself, or get an alcohol stove in your dormitory to cook. Don't lose yourself. If you want to eat something, write to me. I'll send it to you. By the way, you can also bring some honey as drinking ."

In the past two days, Mingyuan and his sister have tried to make some delicious food for the eldest brother and sister. This time, as soon as Wang Xuan left the house, there were really only two brothers and sisters left.

"Brother, you usually go to school to see your sister when you are free. Don't let people bully you. The people in the dormitory with them are older than her, and we come from other places. Even if we have something to do, we don't know. You must take care of your sister."

Mingcheng took a look at her ** Mingyuan, "Brother, don't worry, and Grandpa Chen is in their school. No one can bully your sister. Besides, isn't Yang Nuo still here? Just relax a hundred times."

Mingyuan really can't bear to part with this sister. Wang Xuan cooked for them all year of high school, and the three siblings studied hard together. Now that there is one less person, he always feels uncomfortable.

Even if I was looking forward to the slower time, it was still the day when Mingcheng and the two of them were leaving. Zhang Lan took her family to the city one day in advance. Early in the morning, the Yang family and the Cong family rushed over. Cong Wei borrowed a car from the unit and transported it to the station with the salute.

Zhang Lan sent her eldest son away today last year, and this year she changed to her eldest daughter. The children flew away one by one with their wings. When ** was happy and sour in her heart, Ge Yun and Zhao Ru couldn't go there. They pulled their son over with tears in tears, but Yang Mingxuan still had some courage and waved it. Let them get on the car quickly, otherwise he can't stand this scene. "Yang Nuo and Cong Tao, you two go to study hard. Don't make trouble. Take good care of your sister. Let's go to see you when we have time."

Under Ge Yun's instructions, the train slowly left. This is the second time Wang Qian has come to see her off, and she is particularly uncomfortable. The brothers and sisters have been together for so many years. For example, seeing that the eldest brother and the eldest sister have begun to fly alone, I don't know if there will be any days to get together like It would be great if you didn't grow up all the time. How warm it would be for the family to stay with Meimei.

It's useless to sigh. She can only think about it. Time won't stop because of her sigh.

When the three women saw that their children had left, they finally couldn't help but shed their tears. Last year it was Zhang Lan, and this year, there happened to be two other people accompanying them, and the three of them comforted each other.

Wang Qian wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes. Alas, she still doesn't like the scene of separation after two lives.

"Brother, let's go back and study hard, and try to meet the eldest brother and sister as soon as possible. There are still two years left." Thinking about this time, she couldn't help lamenting. It's too long, and she has to continue to suffer.

Wang Zhenhe touched his daughter's head, "Little thing, why are you in a hurry? I didn't complain that you grew up too fast, but you don't like it's too slow. I think you'd better grow up slowly. It's too fast. Dad should be old."

The brother and sister looked at Wang Zhenhe's infinite melancholy look and immediately began to get up. Mingyuan continued to play his sweet mouth and long words to make his father laugh happily.

After sending Wang Xuan away, the days began to calm down again. This time, the task of cooking was taken over by Geng Lianhua. Wang Qian helped her fight after school. Wang Mingshan and others were busy, so they didn't come to eat and cook by themselves. The old lady just sent them vegetables every morning.

As soon as the school started, I heard that we were going to engage in a patriotic health campaign. To put it bluntly, it was to eliminate the four evils. This time, the school asked students to hand in flies. Wang Qian had a big head when she heard this. Where can she find fly eggs and such a disgusting thing? She was worried

After coming back from school, the brother and sister discussed that if they wanted to get fly eggs, they had to dig near the dry toilet. It was full of dirt, and the fly spawning could only be in that place. "Sister, don't worry, isn't there another brother? Let's go home on the Just hand it in, and the teacher can't check every bottle.

Mingyuan knew that his sister didn't want to do that thing. In fact, he also thought it was dirty, but he gave him the job for his baby sister.

In the evening, Ge Yun and others came to visit and talked about the tasks of their unit. Wang Qian felt more funny and asked to hand in the mouse tail as proof of the completion of the task.

Ge Yundu is worried, "Aunch, you also get some rat poison in your family. If you poison the mouse, you can keep my tail. Let me kill my family, but it's still not enough."

Look at Ge Yun's sad appearance, the old lady was a little funny. "Okay, don't worry. Tomorrow, my aunt will go to the store to help you poison the mouse, and the tail will be yours."

At this time, when going to the street again, everyone stared at the corner of the street, hoping to catch the mouse and hand over the task. With the efforts of Geng Lianhua, Ge Yun's task was finally completed, and even Mingyuan breathed a sigh of relief for her. At this time, the mouse is really difficult to catch. Every unit I can't wait to recruit rats in my family.

When Mingyuan and others came home on holiday, the countryside changed a lot. In the past, some people didn't clean the glass much. This time, the house was cleaned up, and even the toilet was cleaned up. Some people's bedding was quickly wiped out, and even the children at home had lice. They all tried to eliminate it. Later, when I inquired about it, it was implemented more thoroughly in rural areas. If the hygiene of the home was not done well and the inspection was not qualified, the honorary certificate of the health care family would not be issued, but a small piece of paper was pasted on the door glass.

All people with good face have to be cleaned up quickly. No one wants to be a lazy wife. After all, the dirty reputation of the family is not very good.

Even Zhao Xia, who was not good at cleaning up the house in the front yard, began to clean up. In the past, Wang Qian saw that their bedding was full of small black spots, which was a little like freckles, but the color was a little darker. This time, she carried out a hygiene campaign. When Zhao Xia washed the bedding, she worked hard It's clean.

However, in her opinion, this patriotic health campaign is well done. At least every family has bright windows, and the lice on children's heads have begun to decrease, and everyone has begun to pay attention to personal hygiene.

When Mingyuan came back this time, he rushed directly to the toilet to dig the earth. There were really a lot of fly eggs under the soil, and soon gathered the weight needed by the two of them. Mingyuan simply did good things to the end and turned over the soil inside to save more flies next year.

Seeing Wang Zhenhe coming out of pig manure in the pigsty, Mingyuan also jumped in to help. Wang Qian really couldn't help this. She took a shovel, a shovel and a shovel and threw it out of the wall. This is a test of people's physical strength and endurance. Since the production team divided the pigs to the household, the Calculate the task according to how many cubic meters of manure each family comes out. It's okay to complete the task, and the cents will be deducted if it is not completed. Therefore, every certain time the Wang family will put pig manure outside the wall and save it little by little. After killing the pigs, the team will send people to each family to measure

bow and thank the peace charm of Xiangxue Chenxi, the peace charm and sachet of the ceramic fork, and the peace charm of the fire and Zhu Laomi's friend to 99's peach blossom fan.

Thanks to Xiangxue Chenxi, Mrs. Hu, Miracle Life 123, White Pterosaur, and the messy five friends for the pink vote for 99.

Thanks to Zhu Laomi and Ceramics for voting for 99. Please forgive me if there are any omissions. After uploading this, I have to continue to go back to ** and lie down. Thank you for your message and encouragement. 99 will try your best to get better. Finally, thank you for your support and understanding! RS