Reborn Farmer's Field

371. The year that can't be reunited

Wei Yuanfang and Dong Xuan looked at everyone sincerely. They were all classmates in the dormitory. It's not a good thing to make too much trouble, and they have just begun.

Zhu Shan looked at the other people hesitantly, and everyone looked at each other, "Wei Yuanfang, we have accepted your friend's apology. As for dinner, let's go home soon. We are not short of that meal, as long as we know that we have done something wrong."

Zhu Shan said the same thing about other people, but Dong Xuan didn't give up, "No, sisters, we can't make the banquet because they want to apologize. We can't make them so cheap. If we don't eat their empty pockets, we won't come back. Besides, their parents are officials, and they don't care With this money, when we graduate, we may be able to help you stay and work in the capital.

Tian Chang followed Dong Xuan's words and advised everyone, "Yes, why don't we go out to eat? Everyone has a good face. Besides, we may be able to ask for others in the future."

There are some struggles and hesitations in the eyes of several people. Of course, they think very much about working in the capital, but it also has to be a way.

Seeing the struggle in everyone's eyes, Dong Xuan made a coquettish expression at the right time, "Zhu Shan, you go. They really sincerely apologized to you. They also said that these people in our dormitory are all beautiful women. You can give them a thin face. In the future, we will all It's also a friend, don't you think so?

Tian Chang also added a bar aside, "Let's go, just think of it as an improvement for ourselves."

After the others in the room looked at each other, they agreed to go together.

However, Wang Qian and Li Tiange didn't say anything. The two of them packed up their own luggage as if they were nothing to do. After cleaning tomorrow, they can leave, and then carry their bags and leave directly.

Wei Yuanfang didn't ask Wang Qian this time. Every time she talked to this little girl, it didn't go smoothly, and she directly met Li Tiange.

"Tiange, you two go, too. They invited us to a dormitory. Don't leave it behind."

Li Tiange didn't raise his head and replied, "Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot to tell you that I have an appointment with Wang Qian today. I really can't go, but you can just go. Our dormitory is also a representative. I'm sorry."

As soon as Li Tiange said this sentence, Dong Xuan and the two of them were a little disappointed, but neither of them planned to deal with them tonight, so it didn't matter to the lack of the two of them.

"Oh, it's a pity, but it's okay. Let's get together next time."

After all of them left in the evening, Wang Qian couldn't help shaking her head. A group of silly girls, so she didn't eat with those people. Last time, they were taken advantage of. Why didn't they learn a long lesson? What's the good thing that those men asked them for dinner? But she couldn't stop it, because Just a guess.

After the exam, the two of them had nothing to do at all. The evening date was also fabricated by Li Tiange, but the two people who had eaten still walked around the school in cotton-padded jackets, just to prevent some people from coming back to have a look.

Both of them went to bed and fell asleep before these people came back, but when they got up the next day, those people came back, and they looked good. The depressed atmosphere in the dormitory disappeared all of a sudden. I don't know whether they reconciled or not yesterday. Anyway, Li Tiange and Wang Qian didn't guess anything else.

Clean up. Before Li Tiange and Wang Qian waited to go out, someone downstairs began to call Wang Qian's name.

Several people in the room stretched out their heads and looked downstairs together. Zuo He and Ming Yuan suddenly appeared below. They were afraid that Wang Qian could not carry her luggage alone, so they simply ran over together.

"Oh, there's another handsome guy. Why do you feel a little like Qianqian?"

Zhu Shan had seen Mingcheng, so she saw that Mingyuan's appearance was a little similar. "Jianqian, isn't it your other brother downstairs?"

Wang Qian knew who it was without looking at it. She nodded with a smile, "Yes, this is my brother. Everyone, I wish you all a happy winter vacation. I'll go first. Sister Tiange, didn't you take the morning train? Why don't you go with us?"

Li Tiange couldn't wait for someone to help her carry her luggage. After saying goodbye to her roommate, the two of them quickly went downstairs. Wei Yuanfang and Dong Xuan stood at the window and looked down until the four people went away before they turned back.

The two of them thought about their own thoughts, and neither of them spoke.

Zuo He saw Wang Qian going downstairs with a woman, and with so many things in her hand, and Ming Yuan quickly came forward to help them hold them.

Li Tiange said directly without introduction, "Hey hey, Zuo He, I'm Li Tiange. I'm good friends with Qianqian. I can often see you from upstairs. You haven't seen me before. We know each other this time, but thank you for helping me with my luggage."

Li Tiange's cheerful personality is very good for Zuo He's appetite. This girl is not bad, unlike other people.

Since he is Wang Qian's friend, there is no need for him to have a straight face, and his face naturally shows that charming smile.

"Li Tiange, hello, I'm also a friend of Qianqian this time."

Zuo He's smile didn't matter. Li Tiange dared to say, "Wow, Zuo He, you look good at your smile. No wonder those people in our dormitory stare downstairs every time."

After saying that, he looked at Zuo He with a very clear look. Zuo He thought he didn't hear Li Tiange's words, but he only saw from this person's eyes that there was nothing else to appreciate, that is to say, the girl had no idea about himself, so he finally let go, otherwise he really didn't know how The woman spoke.

"Cianqian, is there anything wrong with your dormitory recently? Didn't the two of them bother you two again?"

Mingyuan asked uneasedly.

When Li Tiange heard his question, he began to laugh and told the two of them about going out for dinner last night.

"Well, we didn't go. We don't care about their meal. If we want to use this to buy people's hearts, I'm afraid it's a trap after a long time."

Zuo He took a look at Li Tiange. Although this girl is careless on the surface, she still has an idea in her heart. Qianqian will not lose if she makes friends with such a person.

Li Tiange wanted to catch the train, so the three of them took her directly to the railway station before turning back home.

Mingyuan and others are also on holiday, but Zhang Lan wrote at this time, saying that she and Wang Zhenhe can't come back. It is estimated that the Spring Festival will be in the south, so I hope that the children at home can go with them for the Spring Festival.

However, Wang Qian was still thinking about Wang Zhenhai selling pigs and chickens at the beginning. "Brother, you can go with my father and mother for the Spring Festival with me. I have to go back to help my uncle sell pigs. I won't go to my grandma's house for the Spring Festival."

Zhang Weiguo and Bai Jianing also came to see how the brothers and sisters went back tonight. They wanted to go home with Wang Qian and others for the Spring Festival. After all, they were newly married, and they didn't go back for the wedding. They wanted to take advantage of the Spring Festival to go back and invite the neighbors around them to have a meal and

Seeing his sister's letter, Zhang Weiguo also agreed with Wang Qian's idea, "Mingcheng, why don't you take your brother and sister to the south and see if you can help? I'll take Qianqian back. When the Spring Festival comes, I'll take her to your grandma's house, so that you don't have

Zuo He went to say at this time, "Brother, you guys go to the south first. Qianqian is still with me. I'm going to your place for the Spring Festival this year. With me, Qianqian must be fine."

Wu Zhengyuan also said, "Mingcheng, don't worry, we all live not far away. Even if Qianqian comes home, we can take care of her."

Wang Qian also means the same. She doesn't know how the business in the south is developing now. It's better for Mingyuan to go and have a look, and it will be convenient for him to take over in the future.

"Brother, you see that so many people are accompanying me. Besides, my uncle and aunt are in our house, and there is nothing to worry about. I went back to a pig for my uncle's house. At the beginning, my father told me that if he didn't come back, he would let me sell it. He promised him. We can' I'll give everyone's dividends to them later.

Wang Xuan understood and thought for a moment, "Ouncle, Qianqian gave it to you. Yang Nuo, during the factory in the city during the Spring Festival, you and Cong Tao went to watch together. You two can rest assured with me."

The brother and sister have been agreed. Zuo He insisted on going back with Wang Qian, and Zuo Hao also supported, "Little brother, our father and mother are not coming back. We are also staying in the capital. It's okay for you to go back to accompany Qianqian. You can help more. Grandma has me here. Don't worry."

Several people discussed at home, and Han Zhengdong and Sun Zhiming also said that they would not go back during the Spring Festival, and there were many brothers and sisters in the family, so they planned to stay in the capital to take care of the old house.

Zhang Weiguo knows their situation. It's not that his parents don't expect them to go back, but that they hope that they can mail more money home to solve the difficulties at home. According to the conditions of their family, it is really not suitable to go back every year. Besides, they have been out for so many years and are used to spending the Spring

"Sun Zhiming, Han Zhengdong, you two will stay in the capital, Xuan'er, you leave them more money for the Spring Festival, let them have a good New Year, and you guys will come back early."

After arranging the family affairs, the brothers and sisters began to act separately. Zuo He and Zuo Hao first went back to talk to Zuo Zhanshan Laolai about the situation here. Mingcheng went out to book tickets, Zhang Weiguo and Bai Jianing went out to buy New Year's goods, and Ming Yuan, Yang Nuo The remaining four of them, Wang Qian and Wu Zhengyuan, deal with family affairs. RS