Reborn Farmer's Field

509. Stop abruptly

Because there was still a queue inside, Wang Qian and Zuo He first came out to buy some water for everyone to drink. The young couple held hands and envied the passers-by.

It's just that they never dreamed that there was a pair of jealous eyes staring at them in a distant place.

Wei Hong also came to the hospital for a check-up today. After several months of marriage, her stomach did not move. She was not in a hurry, but when she learned that her husband had two outer rooms outside, and one of them was pregnant, she couldn't sit still when she heard this.

She has made a lot of trouble with her husband for this matter, but the attitude of her mother-in-law's family makes her very angry. Her parents-in-law pay great importance to the issue of incense, especially the children. Although the son did this is not authentic, at least it is also their grandson who is pregnant outside. The old man and the

Now they are all husband and wife and one child. It is inevitable that the children in the family are a little thin. In this way, their family can have more descendants in the future, so they also keep an eye on their son's affairs, and her mother-in-law in turn advised her to be more generous. Those women outside can't replace her position

Wei Hong really regretted it at this time. She went home and cried to her grandfather. The old man was angry, but her granddaughter was already married. If it was because of this divorce, it would not be worth the loss.

I can only persuade my granddaughter. It is inevitable that men will be romantic outside. Since the in-laws attach so much importance to the problem of children, he also persuaded Wei Hong to give birth to one quickly, and Wei's father also meant the same.

It's not that they don't want to care about this matter, but that his old man has retired. His in-laws are in full swings. They still need help with some things. At present, it's not good to fall out because of this matter.

Wei Hong was really disappointed by her family's attitude. How can she take this matter on her? Her husband shares it with others. She has nothing to look at. At least she is not bad. She needs education and education, appearance, and family background. Why should she put up with it?

She is not happy, so she can't see that others are better than her. Especially in the root, Wang Qian forced her into this situation. Without the harmony of such a charming woman, she and Zuo He may be a perfect couple. At least she will not be in such a dilemma as she is now, so seeing the intimate appearance of Zuo He and his She couldn't help but be born with evil.

Seeing Wang Qian going to buy water, Zuo He was waiting by the roadside. Looking at Zuo He's eyes at the woman, she was about to go crazy with jealousy.

When Wang Qian was about to walk to Zuo He with water, she suddenly drove a car head-on. She subconsciously flashed aside. Unfortunately, the car came to her. With a sound, Wang Qian was hit by the car, and then the car that caused the accident left the scene as fast as possible.

Zuo He was stunned by the scene in front of him. He never dreamed that the car was just for his lover, and a heartbreaking sound resounded over the street.


Zuo He rushed over with an arrow step. At this moment, Wang Qian had fallen into a pool of blood. Zuo He couldn't care about anything. He picked up his wife lying on the ground and ran to the hospital like crazy. Fortunately, they were not far away. Zhang Lan and her daughter-in-law were checking, and they heard a noisy noise from the outside hall, as if Zuo He was shouting for help.

"You two stay here. I'll go and have a look."

Zhang Lan couldn't rest assured and asked her daughter and daughter-in-law to stay in the consultation room. Unexpectedly, as soon as she went out of the door, she saw her son-in-law putting her daughter in first aid** with blood.

Her heart suddenly sank and rushed up like crazy. Seeing her daughter lying on it like a bloody man, "Zuo He, what's wrong with Qianqian?"

The doctor and nurse hurriedly pushed the person to the emergency room. Zuo He wiped his tears and said with a crying voice, "Mom, I don't know where the car came from hit Qianqian..."

Neither of them knew what was going on with the people inside. Zuo He sat in a chair and remembered something. He took out his daughter-in-law's eldest brother and began to dial the phone. Today, he didn't think it was simple. Although the car did not have a license plate, he felt that such a car should be driven by a woman I can't drive this kind of car.

After explaining the story to Mr. Zuo, he called several buddies who had the strongest relationship with him and asked them to help investigate. At present, the kind of car that can be bought is not valuable.

The examination in the room soon came to an end. Wang Qian is not only a problem of fracture, but also seems to have bleeding in her head. She has to operate quickly.

Zuo He was trembling and signed with his hands. Zhang Lan was simply stunned. She sat in a chair and didn't know what to do to relieve her daughter's pain.

"Zuo He, will Qianqian be okay..." There is a trembling and helplessness in Zhang Lan's voice that she can't even feel. Zuo He doesn't know the situation now. If it's not operated on, it must not work. If it's an operation, there will still be a glimmer of life.

"Mom, don't worry, our family's auspicious people have their own nature. She won't want so many of us to be sad."

Zhang Lan took the phone and wrote to Wang Zhenhe. His daughter suddenly had such a thing. His father had to come back quickly.

Thinking of the daughter and daughter-in-law below, Zhang Lan wiped away her tears and went down to inform the two of them.

As soon as Wang Xuan and Ye Qiuping heard that something had happened to Wang Qian, the two pregnant women hugged Zhang Lan and began to cry. According to the doctor, the sister-in-law is estimated to be very dangerous now.

Ye Qiuping wiped away her tears, "Mom, don't worry. I'll call my former colleague to check it for me. I don't believe it. She can run away from the monk and she can run to the temple. I can't finish with her about Qianqian."

The sister-in-law's good Ye Qiuping knows a little more or less from her husband's mouth. Such a lovely girl, such a thing happened as soon as she got married. She was really unwilling.

My sister-in-law has always been very careful in doing things. She doesn't think that today's car accident is a simple accident. She bumped into someone and ran away. It feels a little strange.

Wang Xuan accompanied Zhang Lan upstairs to see her sister. After Ye Qiuping told her colleagues about this, she came to accompany them.

After Peng Ziyun and his group learned the news, they rushed over quickly. Looking at the four people in the corridor, they were all sad, and even the outsiders were uncomfortable.

Zuo He rarely hugged Hao Lianchun and cried silently like a child in her arms. He had not come out for so long. He felt very uneasy in his heart. At this moment, he was really afraid that the only person he loved most would leave like this.

Hao Lianchun patted his grandson on the back. What the child thought she could understand. So many years of feelings were not in vain. Before the little girl fell in love with Zuo He, their little grandson had already fallen in love with her.

"Zuo He, it's okay. It will be okay if grandma is here."

When the door of the operating room opened, everyone looked at the attending doctor.

"How's it going, doctor? Is my daughter all right?"

The attending doctor hesitated for a moment, "Who are your family members? Come to the office with me."

There are some things that he can't say in front of so many people. This patient's condition is really serious, and he has tried his best.

Zuo He and Zhang Lan followed first. When they heard the doctor's words, it depends on her willpower. If she can survive, it will be fine. If she can't survive, it's hard to say.

Zhang Lan suddenly collapsed to the ground. Is her daughter really doomed this time?

Zuo He silently helped Zhang Lan, who was full of tears, and his heart was broken, but he still had a glimmer of hope when he thought of his wife's space.

asked in a low voice, "Mom, Qianqian, which one of you can go in? Can you cure her there?"

Although Zhang Lan was a little surprised, she was relieved to think about it. They were husband and wife. Even if they didn't tell Zuo He Tazhi's eyes, they would definitely know it.

shook his head, "Zuo He, only Qianqian can go in, and none of us can go in alone. Alas, it's very difficult."

This time, even the only hope was shattered. Zuo He can only send his hope to God, hoping that it can open its eyes and not take away his beloved woman.

Wei Hong began to regret after bumping into someone. After knowing that she had caused a big accident, she was the first to call her parents. Wei's father was almost stunned when he heard the news. His daughter was simply bold. Zuo He's daughter-in-law also bumped into each other. The problem was that she was still the new daughter-

He took the phone and began to scold his daughter, but it didn't work for him to scold for a long time. His daughter's accident disrupted all the plans of the Wei family. Wei's father did not dare to make the decision privately, so he quickly told Mr. Wei about it.

As soon as the old man heard that his granddaughter had hit the granddaughter-in-law of the left family, his hands shivered angrily, "Stupid, why is there such a stupid person in our family? At this time, you ask me what to do. It's better to ask your stupid daughter what she

The old man of the Wei family now has the heart to kill his granddaughter. He has arranged every step well. Why didn't he expect that something would happen to this granddaughter?

Ning Xin thought calmly for a long time, "Let her turn herself in."

Wei's father is reluctant to give up. At least this is his own daughter. Even if it's not good, it's his bone and blood.

"Dad, is there no other way? You know that if you really surrender, our family's reputation will definitely be damaged, and it's not good for us. Besides, if Wei Hong really surrenders herself, her life will be ruined. You can always watch your own granddaughter stay in prison all her life. Li?"

No matter how cruel the old man of the Wei family is, he can't help sighing at this moment. Anyway, Wei Hong is also the child he has loved.

"Lao San, arrange someone to send her to Hong Kong. Don't come back in your life. If you want to live, just stay outside for me. Don't contact the family. We can only do this."

Thanks to the hidden wind traveler, Pang Liang, the peace charm of three friends of lizzie110, may sister's big sachet.

Thank you for the pink ticket of the hidden wind traveler.

Thank you for your support. I will try to update more today. I guess it will be at noon. RS