Reborn cannon fodder rural daughter-in-law

Chapter 12: First Income

Zhang Guilan was very angry and knew that this matter could not go on any more. Today, when she said this, she thought that the superior leaders would also take action, and the most difficult thing to do was the people who spread rumors.

After tossing around in the city for a day, Zhang Guilan returned to her cold home and did not go back to ** to lie down. She first boiled the hot water first, washed the big bones she bought, put them in the pot and boiled them slowly, and then chopped the meat into fillings. She just waited for tomorrow to buy radishes and

At this time, the hot water was also turned on. First, fill the thermos bottle, then pour the rest into the basin and wash your face with cold water. Finally, simply wipe your body and wash your feet.

As soon as I got busy, it was almost eight o'clock. I was hungry and cooed. I couldn't help but miss modern instant noodles, which was convenient and convenient, and instant noodles were quickly accepted by everyone. When the time came to find an opportunity to be an instant noodle agent for the whole province, I really had to make a lot of money

In a daze, she heard someone knocking on the door. Zhang Guilan stepped on her slippers and got out of bed. After opening the door, she saw Jiang Zhi at the opposite door, with a bowl of vegetables in her hand, with a steamed bun on it, and she was steaming hot air.

"Is your sister-in-law hungry? I heard that you came back so late, and there was nothing delicious. Let's deal with it first. Jiang Zhi was very worried. When he saw that someone was fine, he was also calm.

Zhang Guilan guessed what she was thinking and said with a smile, "Then I'm not polite. I'm lazy all over."

Jiang Zhi smiled more and more comfortably. "It's still hot for my sister-in-law to eat quickly. I'll come and get the bowl tomorrow."

Zhang Guilan said thank you for taking the food into the house. Although she was very hungry, she still couldn't help eating. She put the food in the kitchen for tomorrow morning and returned to **. For more than a month, although she did not measure her weight, she could see from the wide place on the clothes that she had lost a lot of weight.

This is the most in a good mood for her. Every morning, when she gets up to wash her face and looks at herself in the mirror, she feels much more beautiful. Zhang Guilan drilled into the quilt and covered the quilt so hot that she took off her clothes and lay down. In her last life, she developed a bad habit, that is, she slept and I can't sleep with every dress. Fortunately, I sleep in separate rooms with Luo Jijun now, so I don't have to feel embarrassed.

I have no dream all night. I am used to getting up with the military trumpets every day. Although there is heating in the room, the heating at this time is not like in the 20th century. It is still cold in the room.

The best thing in the room is to wear clothes without worrying about wasting time. Zhang Guilan, who was afraid of the cold, put on her clothes as quickly as possible. She was still Luo Jijun's cotton coat and went out of the room directly.

After running a few laps as usual, the people in the courtyard almost got up, and then went home.

Heat the vegetables and steamed buns sent by Jiang Zhi last night in the pot, and then took out the selected bean green. After breakfast, he carried the mung beans and went to the village. At this time, there was a stone mill in every village. Zhang Guilan bought the bean green in the village, and he also knew the people in the village. As He took Zhang Guilan to the east of the village and helped Zhang Guilan grind together. The two of them grinded while talking, and half a bag of mung beans were ground in more than two hours.

The woman who talks to Zhang Guilan is called Liu Xiaolan, the daughter-in-law of the village head. The man works in the state-owned unit in the city, works officially, and comes back every week during the holiday. He usually lives in the employee dormitory, so that he can save two yuan in the car every day.

Liu Xiaolan's speech is rough, but she is not like a rural person. She is smaller than Luo, which makes people feel pity for the fragrance and jade. She was embarrassed to help Zhang Guilan. She installed some mung bean noodles for Liu Xiaolan. Liu Xiaolan was not polite. When she passed by the door, Wait, there were two more radishes in my hand when I came out.

"The seeds planted at home are worthless, and my sister-in-law took it to eat." Liu Xiaolan put the radish in an empty bag without saying a word.

Zhang Guilan was thinking about buying radishes, and she also knew that every family in the countryside planted radishes. In autumn, she pulled them out of the field and buried them in the big pit dug and then buried them with soil. In this way, when she wanted to eat, the radishes would be dug out of the ground

When she returned to the army, Zhang Guilan also sweated all over. Fortunately, it was not too late this time. When she got home, she didn't do anything. She washed it first, and then exhaled.

Mung bean cake is very easy to make. Put the mung bean noodles in the steamer. After steaming, wait until the noodles are cold and then knead them into thin noodles. Put oil, honey and sugar in the noodles and knead them together. Rub the mung bean noodles with oil. The dry or soft taste depends on your preference. .

Zhang Guilan was not in a hurry. While humming a song, she made mung bean cake. In the near night, Jiang Zhi came to sit with the child in his arms. Zhang Guilan took the bean green cake and gave it to Li Jun.

"Sister-in-law, I heard that Instructor Song was quarreling at home upstairs in the morning. It was quite powerful. I've been here for half a year, but it's the first time I've heard that Instructor Song usually has the best temper, and I don't know what's wrong."

Jiang Zhi never talks about other people's affairs, which is also because she did not treat Zhang Guilan as an outsider. After joining the army, she did not have a friend. It is rare to meet Zhang Guilan who does not look down on her, and even treats her intimately as a friend, and naturally treats her as a close person.

As soon as Zhang Guilan heard it, she guessed what was going on. "If she doesn't put her right mind, there will be more days to quarrel in the future."

Jiang Zhi put one hand under his son's chin and followed the dregs of mung bean cake. He was shocked and said, "In fact, Wang Li is not bad, but her mouth is not good, and her tongue still touches her teeth. What's more, she lives in a courtyard and doesn't look up."

"We don't cause trouble, but we can't be bullied at will. Don't pay attention to them. Just live our life well." Zhang Guilan can learn to be smart and live a better life than to live a good life.

Jiang Zhi looked envious, "Sister-in-law, I envy you. They are all from the village. You just know more than me."

Zhang Guilan couldn't help smiling. Jiang Zhi whispered, "Sister-in-law, you seem to have lost weight."

"Yes, I've lost some weight." Outsiders can see that they must be much thinner.

When the mung bean cake in her hand is exchanged for money, she has to prepare some clothes for herself. Now the mung bean cake in the city costs two yuan per catty. She spent a total of 15 yuan to buy these mung bean honey and sugar. She can make more than 100 catties of mung bean cake, which can be sold for 1.5 yuan

Zhang Guilan calculated it briefly and was more energetic.

"Can my sister-in-law eat these things?" At this time, Jiang Zhi found that there were a lot of mung bean cakes.

"I always stay at home. I want to do something to sell, and I can always exchange some money." Zhang Guilan didn't mean to hide it.

At this time, business will be looked down upon, especially the families of soldiers, who will always be looked down on.

Jiang Zhi was shocked, and then recovered, "My sister-in-law is really capable."

But I didn't say much.

When sending Jiang Zhi away, Zhang Guilan brought back the mung bean cake with the bowl containing vegetables yesterday. Jiang Zhi refused to leave with the mung bean cake in embarrassment.

Zhang Guilan worked for three days before making the ground mung bean noodles into mung bean cakes. At this time, the packaging became a problem. Finally, she turned around at home, turned out a large pile of white paper in Luo Jijun's room, and put them together with two baskets of mung bean cakes. Zhang Guilan only waited for the next

Now that she has free time, she cut the radish into shreds, took back the stuffing frozen on the balcony, fed it with big bone soup, and then made noodles before she rested.

With this skill, she picked up the book she bought and looked through it. Before going to bed, she found out the clothes to wear tomorrow. In fact, she didn't have a few clothes, but they were all red fur. Now it looks too rustic for her. It's Luo Jijun's army-green cotton. Although it's ordinary, she

Anyway, I'm going out to sell things. I don't look good in my own figure, and I'm not as generous as I am.

Zhang Guilan went to the city early the next morning. According to her memory, she found the agricultural market. At first, she would feel embarrassed. When she let go of her voice, she would not feel shy.

Someone came to ask that the mung bean cake was only sold for 1.5 yuan. Seeing that Zhang Guilan hesitated, he broke a piece for the other party to taste, so that it sold quickly. The two baskets of mung bean cake were sold out in a short time. He said that he borrowed it from the vegetable stall next to him, and Zhang Guilan

Half of the mung bean cake at home was taken out, and it was sold for more than 100 yuan. Zhang Guilan got on the bus with the money. Her heart was warm. So far, she has finally taken the first step.