Reborn cannon fodder rural daughter-in-law

Chapter 41: The awkward man

As soon as Milan left, the Westing House was also empty. Zhang Guilan put on the ** quilt cover again and cooled it again. The quilt was folded and put in the cabinet, and she took her back from the East House.

After changing into a new ** list, Zhang Guilan still looked at the ** uncomfortable in her heart. She knew that it was her little little cleanliness fetish. Now the conditions at home and Ben did not have the ability to let her change ** together. Moreover, she had the ability to change it, and it was not easy for her to explain Luo Jijun.

These days, he lived in the same room with Luo Jijun. Zhang Guilan thought that it was not easy for Luo Jijun to leave on the first night. Later, he would find an excuse to live in the company, but he came back on time every day. Even the two of them were embarrassed from the beginning to the old husband and wife, without the previous e

After moving back to the West House, Zhang Guilan didn't think much about it. Luo Jijun went to the team early in the morning. As soon as Zhang Guilan cleaned up the house, Liu Xiaolan came, and Zhang Guilan went to call Jiang Zhi again.

The three people were busy together, and they didn't feel tired while talking. At noon, several people ate mung bean cake to cushion their stomachs. Zhang Guilan gave them brown sugar water, and she drank plain boiled water. It was not that she was reluctant to eat brown sugar, but she didn't like sweets, or even cakes.

After padding his stomach, Jiang Zhi coaxed Li Jun to sleep. Zhang Guilan and Liu Xiaolan did it first. After Li Jun slept, he put it directly in the West House. The three of them were so busy that it was almost dark. Looking at the remaining pot of mung bean noodles, Zhang Guilan said that he would keep it for fried noodles

"When will this be sold out?"

Zhang Guilan took out the money from the Westing House and handed four five yuan to Liu Xiaolan, "We don't have to worry about it. What are we afraid of selling? Take this money. It's getting dark, and I won't leave you for dinner.

Liu Xiaolan took two out and handed them back, "Sister Zhang, I can't ask for so much. I originally wanted to help you, but I know that if you don't want money, you will feel sorry. Ten yuan is also a lot. My man is less than 30 yuan a month. Don't quarrel with me, or I don' Yes."

Jiang Zhi bit his lip and said, "Yes, we just need 20 yuan, and my sister-in-law doesn't have to go in and take it. Just give me these ten yuan."

After saying that, he was afraid of being misunderstood and didn't know how to explain it. He stood there uneasily.

Zhang Guilan thought for a moment and said happily, "Ok, then I won't say more. There is still a pot of mung bean noodles left. You two take half of them home to cook and eat. Is that all right? If you don't agree with this, it's still 20 yuan per person.

After all, Liu Xiaolan wandered around more than Jiang Zhi. "Ok, go home and eat steamed buns with rice noodles."

Zhang Guilan found the bag that had previously packed mung bean noodles. Liu Xiaolan and Jiang Zhi put half of a pot and put it away for Liu Xiaolan. Jiang Zhi stayed at the opposite door and took it directly with the basin.

The front foot just sent the two people away. Before the living room could be cleaned up, Luo Jijun came back. Zhang Guilan found that it was getting late, "Are you hungry? I'm cooking now."

"Don't worry, it's done?" Luo Jijun saw the four bamboo baskets in the living room, "If you are tired alone, I'll go to the city with you during the Sunday holiday."

Zhang Guilan took her apron into the kitchen and took the rice to cut vegetables. "No, I agreed with everyone to sell it for me. I'll give him two yuan a day, and I'll just send the things to the city."

Luo Jijun changed his military uniform and went into the kitchen to join hands. "What are you cooking? I'll do it."

Zhang Guilan just cut out the cabbage and said, "Just stir-fry a fungus and cabbage. You go in."

Luo Jijun didn't say much. When he went out, he took the initiative to clean up the living room. Zhang Guilan took a look and withdrew back to the kitchen. After dinner, Zhang Guilan calculated that today is Monday. He enters the city once a day. If you sell it quickly, you don't have to go to the city before Saturday. If you have money, you can rent a store. If you want to get a factory alone, you can't do it. It seems that you can only cut out ** at home first, and then take it to the tailor's shop to do it.

After dinner, Zhang Guilan cleaned up the table, washed her face no matter how tired she was, and then returned to the West Room. After dinner, Luo Jijun went back to the East Room to read. The two of them were like strangers living in a space without intersection.

Zhang Guilan is really tired. She has not been idle since she got up early in the morning. She has been busy until now. As soon as she returned to the house, she took off her clothes and shrank them into the quilt. She closed her eyes and fell asleep in a daze without time to think.

In his sleep, he faintly heard someone calling him. He suddenly opened his eyes, and the lights in the room were still on. Luo Jijun stood on the head of **. Zhang Guilan's mind turned for a long time, "What's the matter?"

Luo Jijun heard this and felt a block in his heart. After dinner, he returned to the East House. He couldn't read the book in his hand. He also knew that as soon as Milan left, his wife was going back to the West House to sleep. He thought that his wife should call him to sleep. He waited until the room was quiet. He couldn My heart is stuffy.

"The quilt in my room is a little damp." Luo Jijun randomly found an excuse, sat on the **, and began to take off his shirt. "Take it out and dry it tomorrow."

Zhang Guilan's brain hadn't reacted yet and said doubtfully, "No, why is it trendy? I'll go and have a look."

Only then did she remember that when she slept in the same room, she took off her autumn clothes and trousers and only wore a vest. It was because she felt that the quilt was cold that she did not take it off, and then she was too tired to sleep.

After sitting up, he didn't dare to move again. Fortunately, Luo Jijun turned his back to her and stopped her. "Go to bed so late. Just take it out and bask in the sun tomorrow. What else do you want to do? Go to sleep."

As soon as she moved, she reached out and pressed the switch on the wall to light, but Zhang Guilan's face was hot. Although it was just a glance, she still saw that Luo Jijun was only wearing a pair of big shorts and a big vest, which were worn by soldiers. They could also appear and wear them in summer. Zhang Guilan'

"What are you still sitting for? Lie down and sleep." Luo Jijun said, and then turned his back.

Zhang Guilan lay down obediently, but her body did not dare to move. Although there was a distance between her palm from Luo Jijun, she could still feel the temperature from the other party's body. At this time, Zhang Guilan's brain was like a paste, and she couldn't think of a reason. She only struggled with a question. Sleeping in long johns?

After living for two generations, even on the night of the wedding, she and Luo Jijun had never been so frank.

Zhang Guilan is in a mess, and she wonders why the quilt is damp? Think too much about the place where you didn't go.

"Is this quilt newly made?" In the quiet night, Luo Jijun's voice suddenly sounded.

Zhang Guilan was shocked and calmed down the next moment. "I saw that the quilt at home was a little thinner, so I bought some cotton with the money you left. It was newly made, and the one in your room was also new."

Speaking of this, Zhang Guilan became strange again, "Why is the quilt damp? Not yesterday."

It's Zhang Guilanpu** every day, and she naturally knows it.

Luo Jijun had a ghost in his heart. He lied in the first place, but now he is involved in this matter. He feels guilty, but he said with a strong mouth, "The tide is tide. There are not so many reasons, sleep."

It's really domineering.

Zhang Guilan didn't think more. She was really sleepy and didn't think more.

It was not until there was a steady breathing behind him that Luo Jijun moved his stiff body, turned over and looked at the sleeping face in front of him. It took a long time to find an excuse for his actions today. They are husband and wife, and it is normal to live together.

Taking advantage of the faint moonlight and looking at his wife, Luo Jijun only felt that his body suddenly became hot, and an indescribable impulse suddenly gushed out. The soldier's willpower made him suppress this reaction, took a deep breath, and reached out to hold the person in his arms. With a soft and tender feeling, Luo Jijun He has never flinched from the enemy, but he has been hesitant to his little wife and doesn't know what to do. This is not like his temper. He no longer hesitates to kiss his delicate lips.

[First of all, let's talk about two things. One is that it's later today, because I didn't get up until the afternoon of August 8th. I couldn't sleep until last night. I'm sorry. The other is that the name of this article is going to be changed. Because it is strict on the Internet now, I can , I hope everyone will continue to support eighty-eight]