Reborn cannon fodder rural daughter-in-law

Chapter 102: Hu Youguo's Visit

The next day, Zhang Guilan was going to the city to buy some vegetables. Unexpectedly, several people got up early in the morning. Luo Jijun also dressed well. Only then did Zhang Guilan know that several people would leave today.

Thinking that a few people suddenly left in her last life and only stayed for one night, Zhang Guilan always thought it was her own trouble. Now when she saw that they repeatedly called her sister-in-law and said that she was bothered, Zhang Guilan was completely relieved. Maybe she was so unreasonable as she was in her last life, and several people didn't .

How can such a kind person do that to embarrass Zhang Guilan?

Zhang Guilan felt more and more guilty. Although Luo Jijun was going to go to the city to the city to see off a few people together, Zhang Guilan was still sent to the bridge. "You guys should be careful when you go to the mountains. After all, it's a dangerous job. It's important to support your family, but only you are

The words made several people's eyes red. "Sister-in-law, we know, you can rest assured."

When Luo Jijun was about to get on the car, Zhang Guilan gave him another 30 yuan, "Take 10 yuan to buy them some food, and give them another five yuan each. When you go out, there should always be an emergency in your hand."

Zhang Guilan can't take it out. Now she only saves a few hundred yuan, and she still has to rent a house to decorate the store. When she goes home, she still pays 50 yuan to the family and buys things. Even the travel expenses are also her money. When she looks at it, she has a little money, but there is not much

"Empt, I'll give it to you when I spend it." The better Zhang Guilan did, the more guilty Luo Jijun was.

Now this family is almost spending the money earned by its daughter-in-law.

Zhang Guilan was afraid that he would hurt the man's self-esteem because of this. He joked, "If you don't give it to me if you make money, give it back to others? Get in the car quickly. It's all waiting for you.

Luo Jijun got into the car with a smile. He didn't realize it himself, but outsiders could see that our battalion commander Luo was smirking.

After leaving the bus, Zhang Guilan returned home. The house was very messy. In the morning, Zhang Guilan got up with Luo Jijun and stamped the leftover pickled cabbage and bacon yesterday. It was full of chaos. A large pot was full of kimchi. Everyone was full and sweated all over. Although it had entered May, The temperature is not very high in the morning and night, and it is also hot to eat something hot.

The covered quilt must be washed. Zhang Guilan changed the things, put everything together, and then swept the floor to wipe the dust. Finally, she went into the bathroom and washed the sheets out by Zhuo. It was noon on the balcony.

There was still a bowl left in the chaos in the morning. Zhang Guilan was not hot, so she took a bite and didn't do anything at home. When she came back coldly, her meat was sore all over.

When cleaning up the house, Zhang Guilan kept the door open. Jiang Zhi came over with the child in his arms and didn't knock on the door. "Sister-in-law, just come back, otherwise I can't find anyone to talk to."

"Just take your time. It's not good for you to get along with Instructor Song's wife now. Gradually, the circle will grow. Everyone is staying in the same compound. Isn't there a good word? It's better to be close to distant relatives, but that's the reason. There was a fresh smell in the room, and Zhang Guilan was in a better mood.

In my last life, I was sloppy all my life, but in this life, I couldn't see the chaos in the house. There was a little dust, and I felt uncomfortable all over.

"Yesterday, I heard that someone seemed to come to my sister-in-law's house, and I still wanted to come and have a look today. I didn't expect people to leave so fast." Jiang Zhi sat down with his son in his arms and looked up and down at Zhang Guilan, "Look, my sister-in-law seems to be thin."

"Oh, I'm fat." Zhang Guilan said truthfully, "It's several comrades-in-arms of Lao Luo of my family who have been discharged from the army. This time they happen to pass by. Come and have a look."

"It's still my sister-in-law. At this time, I can still prepare some dishes at home. If I change it to someone else's house, I just want to do it and have nothing to do." Jiang Zhi was envious. "When I ate at my house, there were no vegetables at home. After you left, my Jun's father praised my sister-in-law and said that she was a good life."

"What's good or not? As long as you are careful, everyone can do it. It's said that who doesn't want to have vegetables to eat, but you can see that we have this condition. We save it today and save it for tomorrow. You don't only know whether it's cold or warm." Zhang Guilan replied politely.

She also remembered in her last life that the vegetables suddenly became nervous, and she couldn't buy them even if she had money. Moreover, at the turn of spring and summer, there were no vegetables in the first place, so she paid attention to buying more cabbages. At that time, she really told Jiang Zhi to buy more vegetables. With the conditions of the Jiang Zhi

Now I am envious when I see that other people have vegetables to eat, and I don't think about it when I pay for it. Which one is blown by the strong wind.

"That's not what my sister-in-law said." Jiang Zhi pressed his voice and said, "My sister-in-law didn't know. It was difficult to buy vegetables a few days ago. A batch of vegetables came to the team and agreed to divide two cabbages for each family. My sister-in-law was not at home. Originally, she was going to wait to come back and let my sister-in-law pick Don't you know about this?"

Zhang Guilan felt strange. How could Jiang Zhi talk about vegetables for no reason? After going so far, it turned out that there was such a thing. "Maybe they are busy and forget this matter."

Zhang Guilan didn't care about the two cabbages. What she cares about was that they took the dishes in the team with the quota, which made Zhang Guilan feel uncomfortable. The team didn't care whether the cabbage was received or not. As long as they received it, it means that they had received it. As a result, it was cheap and was

Jiang Zhi expected such an expression, "I feel strange that the essentials are also received by one person. Why did the two families help them? I'm afraid it's not the two families divided it?"

"Forget it, isn't it just a cabbage? Everyone eats. Besides, the conditions of their two families are not very good. The half-year-old boy can eat as much as a young man. No matter how happy he was, Zhang Guilan did not show it in front of Jiang Zhi.

Behind the scenes, maybe Jiang Zhi may have good intentions, but Zhang Guilan is not a fool. After fighting the last incident, she saw clearly that Jiang Zhi did not involve himself in an accident. How could she offend the two families for no reason and for her own family?

Jiang Zhixiao was a little reluctant and felt a little shameless. "That's not, let my sister-in-law say that, but I was too narrow-minded to make my sister-in-law laugh."

"Look, you are also kind to tell me about this. What are you talking about? I have to thank you. If you hadn't said that I didn't know about it." Zhang Guilan was about to say that she had time to ask when she heard someone knocking on the door and then joked, "Maybe it's them."

Just got up and opened the door. Although it was the first time to see the person standing outside, Zhang Guilan was not strange at all, because she had seen it many times in her last life. It was Hu Youguo, the son of the Hu family, who lived in an alley.

"Are you?" Compared with memory, Hu Youguo still looks very young now.

"Does Camp Luo's family live here?" Hu Youguo rubbed his hands cautiously.

Zhang Guilan was very surprised, "Yes, do you have anything to do with him?"

"Are you your sister-in-law? I'm a friend of Milan. This time I came to see Camp Long Luo to apologize. Hu Youguo was not allowed to enter the house, so he could only say his intention at the door.

Zhang Guilan understood, so she let herself give up the door, "Come on first."

Although the team knew about Luo Jijun's matter, he never talked about it. Naturally, Zhang Guilan would not talk about it at the door. Jiang Zhi in the room looked like a man and stood up with the child in his arms. "Sister-in-law, since someone is here, I'll go back first."

"Empt, come and sit down when you have time." Zhang Guilan didn't keep her either.

After sending Jiang Zhi away, Zhang Guilan turned into the kitchen and poured a glass of water. When he brought it out, Hu Youguo stood there awkwardly. Zhang Guilan smiled and said, "Sit down."

Hu Youguo answered repeatedly, and then he carefully sat down in the chair. He took the water in Zhang Guilan's hand and didn't drink it. He put the cup on the table and said, "Sister-in-law, you know everything. The fact is that you don't know how to apologize and implicated Camptain Luo. I Otherwise, I wouldn't have let him send Haiying. Milan has always blamed me for refusing to pay attention to me. I thought about it for several days and knew that it was useless to apologize, but if I didn't admit this mistake, I would feel at ease.

Of course, Hu Youguo didn't tell the truth. He caused such a big disaster. He didn't dare to come to the army. Even the factory talked to him. Fortunately, he gave a gift at home, so he didn't lose his job. He could summon up the courage to come over, because Milan came back from his hometown, but he kept Some countries couldn't calm down, so they came to the compound again.

Seeing the soldiers standing on the sentry outside the courtyard from afar, Hu Youguo felt that his scalp was numb.

The concealment of Hu You's Mandarin. Zhang Guilan is not a fool. She knew Hu Youguo in her last life. She is the owner who can't afford to be early for no profit. There is no hurry to hide this matter. How can she come to admit her mistake? It seems that it's the fault of Milan.

The smile on his face restrained and analyzed, "You should also know what the relationship between my Lao Luo and Milan is? At the beginning, they were engaged. Later, Lao Luo married me and married Milan. Lao Luo had always felt sorry for Milan, so when Milan came to the city, he rushed to Lao Luo. Lao Luo got a job for her and arranged everything for her. In the end, I hoped that she could find a good person to marry. How could she finally make trouble again? Come on, you can come to apologize today. On behalf of Lao Luo, I have received it. Even if Lao Luo owes Milan, it will be returned. Whether you are good or Milan, you don't have to feel guilty in the future.

Zhang Guilan's words made Hu Youguo dumbfounded. He didn't know that Milan had been engaged to Luo Jijun. Otherwise, no matter how much he liked Milan, he would not have come to the door to lose face. RS