Reborn cannon fodder rural daughter-in-law

Chapter 112: Visiting relatives

Zhang Guilan listened to Bai Song and learned what happened, and calculated it again. On the day Yang Zongguo came, he happened to be the first day on the train, and now it has been eight days. Luo Jijun must have known that she went out, and he hasn't believed it, and he doesn't know how to worry.

Originally, it was a little blocked in my heart, but now it has disappeared, and I didn't have time to eat breakfast, so I ran out to make a phone call. Pressing the number on the paper, Zhang Guilan dialed it and quickly connected, but it was a woman.

Zhang Guilan hesitated, "Is Luo Jijun here?"

The other end of the phone was also slightly stunned. Sun Mei immediately knew who it was. She smiled sweetly and said, "Captain Luo is out. Do you want me to tell him something?"

I don't know why, when she heard this sweet voice, Zhang Guilan immediately thought of Sun Mei. The loser did not lose. No matter how unhappy she was, she also said with a smile, "Oh, that's right. Please tell him that his wife will call him. Tell him that I will call him after an hour."

What if the voice is sweet and good-looking?

Now it is himself who stands beside Luo Jijun openly.

Moreover, Zhang Guilan also has a little self-confidence now. Luo Jijun should sincerely not have himself, and he will not write a letter and let Yang Zongguo come to find someone. I don't know if Sun Mei likes Luo Jijun now. If not, then there will be no reaction when he hears this. But if he likes it, he Light, right?

Zhang Guilan hung up the phone and was in a good mood. When she returned to the store, she still laughed. Bai Song and her couple only thought that they had said sweet words, especially Zhang Guilan ate two bowls of rice in one go, a small pot of tofu, and she ate half of it herself. Now that the leeks are down, Lan didn't move at all. She only talked about tofu beauty. Zhu Lan only thought she was joking and didn't take it seriously.

It's time to make fun of her about holding the phone. What did Jijun say to make you so happy?"

"Ah, Jijun is not here, and he hasn't spoken yet." Zhang Guilan told the truth and thought about how long it would take to an hour.

Now the conditions at home are poor, and I can't afford to buy a watch. Even Luo Jijun's was also issued by the task force. Zhang Guilan counted it for almost an hour, so she got up and went out to make a phone call, leaving Zhu Lan stunned. Looking at Zhang Guilan walking happily. I asked Bai Song with some worries. She won't be stimulated by anything, will she? Why do you think there is something wrong with this happiness?

Bai Song also felt strange, "Forget it, if Guilan really has something she can't think about, she can't laugh. If she doesn't say it, we don't ask too much.

Zhu Lan nodded. These days, she has also become familiar with Widow Cheng. Sometimes Widow Cheng's daughter Cheng Xiaofu will come to the store to help sell things after school, but she helped Zhu Lan a lot. After all, she sees more and buys less, but she can't be busy alone. Bai Song, a big man helped to introduce, and . Finally, Bai Song took the shelf to set up a stall outside the store during the day, and the store closed at night. He closed the stall directly, and in this way, some people noticed the shelf. It's better to sell than usual.

The little mute will also come over every day or two. He helps to work with a smile. Seeing that he is good-looking, Zhu Lan also likes him. He treats him as a younger brother. Every time he comes, she saves meals. Widow Cheng's family is not in poor condition. Sometimes she even takes their mother to stay with them. At first The money.

In the end, Bai Song's words made her figure it out. Bai Song said, this is our family. If we are still outside, we don't regard Guilan as our family.

In the phone booth, as soon as Zhang Guilan dialed, the phone was connected, and there was a feed first. When Zhang Guilan heard this sound, she couldn't help laughing and instinctively called Jijun.

Then there was a long silence. When Zhang Guilan thought that the other party would not open his mouth and wanted to open his mouth, Luo Jijun's low voice sounded over there, "You can take a car to visit my relatives tomorrow."

Zhang Guilan raised his mind. His tone was in a dilemma, but the smile on his face could not be concealed, "Isn't this good? As soon as you passed, I chased you and asked others to say anything about you? What if it disturbs your work?

"You woman, why are there so many things? If you come, you can come. Your man is sick. What's wrong with you coming to visit him? Luo Jijun guessed that the little daughter-in-law on the phone might have been on purpose. He suppressed his temper and thought that he would settle accounts together when he came.

When Zhang Guilan heard that he was ill, she was afraid and didn't make trouble. "What's wrong? Are you not satisfied with the water and soil? Or where did you get hurt?"

"It's okay, it's just a fever."

The more he said so lightly, the more worried Zhang Guilan was, "What's wrong with you? You too. A big man can still catch a cold. It's really a loss to you.

"That's why I asked you to come to visit your family. Call me when you buy the ticket tomorrow." Luo Jijun wanted to say a few more words, but he resisted, "What did you buy in Shanghai?"

Zhang Guilan was slightly stunned and couldn't help laughing. "Don't worry, I've brought you a gift."

Luo Jijun hung up the phone with satisfaction.

Here, Zhang Guilan returned to the store and told Bai Song and his wife about going to visit their relatives. Both of them raised their hands in favor, especially when Zhu Lan went back to the hut to help Zhang Guilan pack up his things, he whispered to her, "This man can't leave the woman, otherwise they will be restless. Don't Brother, bring more money and buy more delicious food for Jijun.

"Sister-in-law, don't worry, I know it." Zhang Guilan just remembered the matter of opening a store with Zhou Fuguo, and I don't know if he is back now. "Sister-in-law, I discussed with a friend to open a red sausage factory together. I have studied how to do it. If I'm not in him these days, you can follow him. I haven't spent the money I God, you earned it. I've divided the money for you and the eldest brother for seven hundred. I'll keep one thousand. I'll only take two hundred for this one, and the remaining eight hundred. When Zhou Fuguo comes, you take this money to choose a house with him to hire someone.

"If you want to do this, you have to pay for it. You can't pay for it yourself. Now that is, now your brother and your brother also have money, which is also our share. We usually don't have anything to spend. It is said that we get money in this store every day, and these 500 yuan will be kept together to run Zhu Lan's work is refreshing.

Zhang Guilan originally intended to persuade them to buy shares, but she was afraid that they would think too much. Now they have proposed it by themselves, which is naturally the best. "Ocise, the eldest brother can be busy with this matter. There is really a shortage of people, and call the little mute."

"Empt, you can rest assured about your family affairs." Zhu Lan pulled Zhang Guilan to speak. Widow Cheng looked aside and smiled, and was envious. Zhu Lan made a decision and said, "In the evening, Xiaofu came back and asked her to stay for dinner. I went to buy some meat and noodles. Guilan came back. Let's have enough dumplings and call the little mute."

Zhang Guilan is not a poor person. She took out five yuan from her pocket and said, "Sister-in-law, add two more money with this to buy two bottles of wine for my brother."

Zhu Lan pushed back, "My sister-in-law is also rich now. If you don't need that little money, take your money back, or she will be angry with you."

Seeing that Zhu Lan had not received it, when the door was closed, Zhang Guilan simply followed her to the market, bought a bundle of leeks, two catties of meat, three catties of noodles, and bought a fish and gave Bai Song a catty of wine.

Zhu Lan only looked at the sunset glow, "This day has finally come to an end. In the past, I couldn't eat these things during the Spring Festival, but now I can buy some if I want to eat. Thanks to you. Your elder brother and I don't know how to thank you. Now we don't have to worry about having children that can't afford to raise them. I also told your eldest brother that I will recognize you in my life. Even if you take us to the trap, we are willing to admit it.

"Sister-in-law, what are you talking about? You and my eldest brother really treat me as a sister. Isn't this fate like this?" Zhang Guilan knows the feeling of getting out of hardship.

In her last life, she lived more and more miserable. That kind of sadness is clearer than anyone else. What's more, Zhu Lan and Bai Song are strong people in front of her, especially Bai Song, who is a soldier.

"Yes, you're right. This is fate. It's not that a family doesn't enter a door." Zhu Lan sucked her nose.

In the evening, the Cheng family's mother and daughter helped together. Bai Song and the little mute made the skin. Everyone happily ate the dumplings with leek meat. In the evening, Zhu Lan was worried, so she asked the little mute to send the Cheng family's mother and daughter back.

Zhang Guilan will take the bus early tomorrow, and she will rest early in the evening. Listening to Zhu Lan's plan to do something after she has money, Zhang Guilan is also moved when she hears that she wants to buy a house in the city.

In the future, many bungalows will be discounted, so the house price will also rise a lot. Do you want to make more money to buy a house? At that time, you can also make a lot of money. The more you think about Zhang Guilan, the more cost-effective it is. Now no matter what, as long as she thinks of

The next day, Zhang Guilan specially changed into an underwear bought from Shanghai. He was wearing a white seven-quarter-sleeved lotus collar shirt bought from Shanghai. His lower body was a black sleeve over his knees and a pair of small black leather shoes, dressed like a student.

Her hair was also combed into a ponytail, and she hung it high for a few times. She has lost weight these days. Even Zhu Lan said that she had lost a lot, and Zhang Guilan was even more confident.

As soon as he went out, he attracted a lot of attention. Zhang Guilan's shirt was also the first one. Even the material was not sold. Women love beauty. There were no one who didn't take a look, and even some people came up to inquire.

Zhang Guilan wanted to sell according to this imitation, so she mentioned the underwear store opened, only saying that it could be customized. Those women have also been to the underwear store. When Zhang Guilan was lucky to leave, she told Zhu Lan. Someone came to ask about the size and deposit of the shirt.

Luo Jijun's place is relatively remote now. It takes at least five days for Zhang Guilan to take the train, and it is still in the south. The tickets are easy to buy. Zhang Guilan is a family member of a soldier this time, so she directly took the family card to buy a sleeper. There are not many people going there, and there I forgot to call Luo Jijun. Later, I thought that I would arrive when I got off the train, so I didn't call.


I'm tired. My eyes are dry, dry and astringent. It's good if it's not myopia. RP