Reborn cannon fodder rural daughter-in-law

Chapter 136: Willing

Zhang Guilan knew at a glance that people were holding themselves and following Hu Youguo to a place where there was no one. Then she stopped to look at him and didn't open his mouth. When people were waiting here, they should know that they had found a Milan unit, right?

"Sister-in-law, did you go to Milan today? You should take care of what Milan has done wrong. She has no bad intentions. Hu Youguo opened his mouth with some embarrassment.

Zhang Guilan looked at him funnyly, "Do you know why I came to Milan? Did you say anything else? I think if you know, you won't help her admit her mistake now. I don't want you husband and wife to quarrel. Don't listen to Milan too much in the future. It's better to see some things.

Hu Youguo smiled bitterly, "Sister-in-law, I know what you want to say. Milan is married now and has a body. Even if she has other ideas, it is impossible. When the child is born, she will be at ease."

Zhang Guilan was a little surprised that she didn't expect Hu Youguo to have such a deep affection for Milan. "What you said is just what you think. When the child is born, Milan will still be like this? What will you do? I don't care what you do, but now it's impossible for me to put up with Milan to destroy the relationship between us. Living is a matter of two people. If two people are not one heart and live together for a long time, there will be many contradictions. You still don't understand now. I can understand you. After all, you are newly married. It is a new time. Freshness will always pass, followed by trivial things in life, and the lives of two people. In the habit of living, one of them must tolerate the other party before life can go on. Are you sure you can tolerate Milan like this for the rest of your life?

In his last life, Zhang Guilan could see it clearly. Later, Hu Youguo and his parents worked together to calculate Milan together, and even fought against Milan on the street. At that time, Hu Youguo's face was evil, which was not like the current respect.

"Who can guarantee what will happen in the future, as long as it is good in front of you." Hu Youguo was slightly stunned. Unexpectedly, Zhang Guilan would say such a thing. He just felt that he was ordering something, but it didn't look like it.

"How's it going in front of you? Is it okay for you to put up with Milan to seduce other people's husbands? You have very few requirements, and it's easy to be satisfied. Zhang Guilan's tone was mocking.

"Milan just made a phone call." Hu Youguo seems to know.

Sometimes, you have told this person that there is a pit in front of him, and he has to fall into it by himself, and then there is definitely a pit, otherwise he won't believe it no matter what others say.

Hu Youguo gave Zhang Guilan this feeling, even a little bit, in this regard.

"It's up to you. She told Jijun that she had an accident because I didn't keep her at home at night. I don't know what happened, do you know?" The last sentence is purely unintentional to ask by Zhang Guilan.

Or she didn't want to know, she just said it casually.

Hu Youguo's face changed, and he shook his head vigorously, "I don't know, I have to leave in advance."

Looking at Hu Youguo, who was like a fugitive, Zhang Guilan was stunned. Did something really happen? In the past, Milan was waiting for Luo Jijun. It was impossible to suddenly marry Hu Youguo. Is it...

No matter how much Hu Youguo loves Milan, it is impossible to ruin the body, unless the person who broke Milan's body is Hu Youguo. Zhang Guilan put the thread on his mind.

No wonder Luo Jijun was so angry. Milan was forced to marry Hu Youguo. How could such a thing not be sympathetic? It was still gradually related to not living in his own home.

It's really a disaster to stay at home.

Zhang Guilan doesn't care about this. It's unpleasant to say something, or she made it by herself. The faster she dies, otherwise a good girl, why didn't others encounter this, but she met it?

When returning to the compound, Zhang Guilan specially waited for Yang Zongguo downstairs. When Yang Zongguo came back, he saw Zhang Guilan downstairs and said with a smile, "Have you gone to the city?"

"Yes, I'm looking for Milan." Zhang Guilan didn't hide it either.

Yang Zongguo was stunned for a moment, and then smiled and said, "Ok, as long as you are energetic."

Wait for Zhang Guilan to say the following words.

"Did Hu Youguo give Milan... That's why Milan married him?"

Yang Zongguo nodded and thought it was Zhang Guilan who asked about it in Milan.

"It's no wonder." Zhang Guilan's face darkened, "So what? Is he heartbroken?

Leave the words and turn around and enter the corridor.

Yang Zongguo covered his head. He was going to ask someone to call there today, but he couldn't make this call again. Wang Li had been watching from a distance. Seeing that Yang Zongguo had entered the corridor, she came over.

"I don't know what the two of them are saying, and I'm still talking here." With her lips curled, Wang Li entered the corridor.

These days, when she was working in the canteen, she only felt that she had been peeled. Fortunately, she is used to it now, but of course, it is better to coax the children at home.

When I got home, I saw that the kitchen was deserted, and Wang Li's face sank, "Why didn't you cook? Wait for me?"

"How can I cook?" Song Weidong raised his head from the book.

Wang Li shook her face and said, "I'm busy outside all day. You didn't know how to make a stutter when you came back? The old little ones are waiting for me to serve you every day, right? I deserve to suffer, don't I?"

"What's wrong with you?"

"I'm noisy. Just now I saw Yang Zongguo and the one downstairs talking secretly at the door. What else do you have to say?" Wang Li thought that this time it was not nonsense. She caught it with her own eyes.

Song Weidong dropped the book and said, "Why do you care so much about other people's affairs? These days, Jijun and his family quarreled, and Zong Guo also came to me and wanted you women to persuade them, but look at your appearance. It's not a persuasion, so I refused directly. Don't think nonsense here.

"Have you quarreled? Because of what?" Wang Li is in high spirits.

"Because it has nothing to do with you, Sha is going to cook." Song Weidong turned around and entered the house.

Wang Li curled her lips and turned into the kitchen. The vegetables haven't come down yet. The small vegetables planted at home are not enough to eat. Fortunately, she is now working in the canteen, and she can secretly get some back every day, otherwise she doesn't know what to eat at home.

Upstairs, Zhang Guilan came home, took out the meat in the salt, cut it into slices, cut the potatoes she bought into pieces, put them in the pot, and steamed half a basin of white rice on it. Then she went to ask Yang Zongguo to eat.

Yang Zongguo thought for a moment and came up, "What did you help? Do you want to ask Xue Jun to join you?

"I'm about to scream. Let's have a drink in the evening." Zhang Guilan knocked directly on the door next door. It was Li Xuejun who opened the door. When he heard that he was going to take a sip, he turned around and shouted to the room and came over.

Zhang Guilan washed a handful of green onions and fried the sauce with eggs. She took the sauce from home, and it was time to add the sauce. The sauce was still two pieces from her mother's house.

I've been busy these days, and Zhang Guilan almost forgot about it.

After the mashed garlic was steamed, take it out and steam the eggplant. In this way, the meat was stewed ten minutes later. Yang Zongguo and Li Xuejun were busy putting the table to get chopsticks, while Yang Zongguo also went home to get the wine.

In the middle of the table, there was a large pot of stewed potatoes with meat, a plate of steamed eggplant and mashed garlic, and sticky pickles. After the three people sat down, Yang Zongguo took a glass and poured wine for the three people, and Zhang Guilan only poured the bottom of the cup.

Zhang Guilan didn't squeak, and she couldn't drink much, but she was in a bad mood today. These days, she bothered Yang Zongguo again. She felt very embarrassed. She made more and asked someone to come over for dinner. The two of them were afraid of gossip, so they also got Li Xuejun involved.

In fact, all three people understand this, and no one has picked it up.

"Come on, Jijun is not at home. The three of us get together and tell him then that he will be greedy." Yang Zongguo raised the cup and joked.

"Yes, I'm greedy for him." Li Xuejun laughed.

Zhang Guilan can only politely say that she has been bothering the two of them to take care of them these days. When drinking, she only took a sip, and the taste is acceptable. Large pieces of braised pork stewed potatoes, and green onions with soy sauce, the taste is so good.

When sipting white wine, it is said that the happiest thing for men is the wife and children's hot kang head, which is no different from that at this time.

Zhang Guilan didn't drink the wine and didn't pour it. She ate a large bowl of rice. She didn't eat much meat, but the taste was enough. The meat was buried in salt for a day, and she didn't get tired of eating. Yang Zongguo and Li Xuejun let go of eating, and there was no food left

Before leaving, Yang Zongguo also joked, "It's over. After eating so much, I dare not ask us to eat next time."

Li Xuejun also laughed and blushed after drinking wine.

His laughter led Jiang Zhi out and held the child in his arms. "See you drink so much wine, don't let your sister-in-law laugh."

"It's okay. It's nothing. What's the joke?" Zhang Guilan smiled faintly at Jiang Zhi.

Several people went home separately. Although they didn't drink much wine, Zhang Guilan's head was also heavy. When she returned to the east room and fell into **, she fell asleep. When she woke up the next day, it was noon. Thinking of making sauce, Zhang Guilan cleaned up the house, washed out the small jar at home, put it on Open it in the newspaper and put it in the sun. After finishing the afternoon, I heard someone knocking on the door. When I opened it, it was Jiang Zhi. Zhang Guilan didn't let her in. "What's the matter with my sister-in-law?"

"I want to ask my sister-in-law when she will go to the city. I really want to get up." Jiang Zhi looked shy.

Hearing that she replaced me with 'me', Zhang Guilan raised her eyebrows and said, "I have to put the sauce down before I can go to the city. Anyway, it will be the day after tomorrow."

"Well, I'll wait for my sister-in-law. I won't lie to my sister-in-law. Now I'm still turning around when I enter the city." Jiang Zhi explained in a dilemma, "It's summer. I want to make two clothes for my child, otherwise I can't go to the city. I have to spend money as soon as I go in."

"No, if you have children, you will spend more money. That's fine, I'll call you when I leave, but I can't stay with you for a long time. I have to go to my eldest brother's house." Zhang Guilan doesn't want to be a wrongdoer.

Jiang Zhi was disappointed to hear that, "That's okay. I'll trouble my sister-in-law at that time"

Zhang Guilan just brought her to the door. She didn't take Jiang Zhi's intention to go to the city seriously, and didn't think much about why she came to her again, but she didn't know that Jiang Zhi had another calculation in her mind. RS