Reborn cannon fodder rural daughter-in-law

Chapter 143: Introduction

Zhang Guilan looked back at her and said, "This kitchen is dirty. Get out of here. You've been in the car for three days. Are you tired? It's embarrassing to see that you made a special trip for our couple.

"Sister-in-law, you're welcome. Jijun was injured for me, and these are also what I should help. My sister-in-law didn't know that Jijun's leg was injured and it was difficult to get out of bed, but he was not embarrassed at all. Everyone in our hospital said that he was a real man. Sun Mei smiled happily, as if praising her own man.

Zhang Guilan squeezed away from her, and Sun Mei was secretly happy this time, right? But he was stunned to see Zhang Guilan open the door. The door of Li Xuejun's house was not closed, and Zhang Guilan went straight in.

"Jiang Zhi, aren't you going to learn to cook? There are people at home today, and there are exactly a few more dishes to cook. You can also come and have a look.

Jiang Zhi saw that Zhang Guilan was so enthusiastic that he didn't react. He followed and put the door on. "It happens that the child is sleeping, so I'll learn from my sister-in-law."

Seeing a woman in military uniform standing in the Luo family, Jiang Zhi asked knowingly, "Is there a guest at my sister-in-law's house?"

"This is Sun Mei." Zhang Guilan introduced her to both of them, "This is Jiang Zhi, a neighbor, and he also walks around frequently on weekdays."

While entering the kitchen, he explained to Jiang Zhi, "My Jijun is to save her injury. Now he is hospitalized in the hospital. Isn't he afraid that I will come to see me specially? We have also seen it in the army. I know that I am good at cooking and want to eat my cooking. Otherwise, you really can't learn how to cook these days. You have to thank Sun Mei.

Zhang Guilan is used to joking.

Jiang Zhi was thinking about flattlying Zhang Guilan. After listening to Zhang Guilan's words, he immediately thanked Sun Mei, "Sun's sister, thank you for this time."

Sun Mei smiled shyly, "Sister-in-law is teasing me again. Sister-in-law Jiang, don't make fun of me."

"All right, don't be polite. If you continue to be polite, my dishes will be out of the pot." Zhang Guilan smiled and called Jiang Zhi to his side. "Look, it's actually very easy to cook. Just like this braised pork, you need to boil the meat in hot water first, remove the fishy smell, then pull out the empty dry water with cold water and stir-fry it in the pan."

"No wonder my sister-in-law cooks deliciously. It's so troublesome to make meat. Like us, we stir-fry the meat directly in the pot. No wonder there is an indisspeakable smell." Jiang Zhi didn't take it too seriously, but now when he sees it, he really moves his mind to learn.

The two of them directly threw Sun Mei aside.

No one paid attention to it. Sun Mei stood there and couldn't interrupt. A little embarrassment flashed on her face, but it was only for a moment. She recovered her sweet smile and didn't leave. She stood at the kitchen door and looked at the two people.

Zhang Guilan glanced at the corners of her eyes. It was really much better than Milan. In this way, she could stand it without ignoring her, and she could laugh. Only by calm down can she achieve a great career. No wonder she was defeated by her in her last life.

Today, I called Jiang Zhi over to treat her coldly. Previously, as soon as Sun Mei entered the house, he kept doing in the hospital. It was like talking about the happy things with his man. He was angry, but he couldn't show that he could make the other party proud. He could only find someone to disgust her, but he didn't expect Hold your breath.

Zhang Guilan really made a few hard dishes, braised pork, stewed pork with beans, stir-fried celery with pork belly. There was enough meat in each dish. The dish was carried on the table, and the smile on Sun Mei's face was obviously a little stiff. In such a greasy dish, the girl had It's bad for yourself, but it's not right to think about it. Zhang Guilan came from the countryside, and the best dishes for rural people are all these big meat.

The brain turned around, and Sun Mei despised Zhang Guilan again in her heart, but she didn't know that Zhang Guilan was holding her heart, so she came up to Sun Mei without fear.

"Anyway, the child hasn't woken up. You can also taste today's dish." Zhang Guilan stayed in the river.

Jiang Zhi was flattered again, "That's not good."

"What's the matter? It happens that Sun Mei is here. Just help me accompany the guests." Zhang Guilan pulled Sun Mei to sit down and handed the chopsticks to her hand. "You're welcome. I always say in my craft. I have a chance to eat today. Eat more and don't pretend. Today, as soon as you say that you haven't eaten much for three days, I feel uncomfortable. Come on, eat more meat."

Zhang Guilan put a large piece of braised pork into Sun Mei's bowl. While pulling the chair and letting Jiang Zhi sit down, the three of them gathered around the table. Sun Mei looked at the meat in the bowl and didn't want to eat it, but there was nothing she could do.

This piece ofgui lan must have deliberately blocked the back road. If she doesn't eat it now, it means that what she said before is fake, but how can she eat such meat?

Zhang Guilan didn't fall into words. She gave Jiang Zhi two pieces of meat. What Sun Mei couldn't eat, Jiang Zhi could eat, two pieces of meat under her mouth, and oil flowed in her mouth. Sun Mei looked at it and had a burst of nausea, but in the attention of Zhang Guilan and Jiang Zhi, she had to eat the

As soon as the meat entered her arms, her stomach rolled up, and Sun Mei almost spit it out.

Zhang Guilan asked knowingly, "What's wrong? Isn't it delicious?"

Sun Mei didn't chew it and almost swallowed it. "No, it's delicious."

Zhang Guilan smiled and said, "Eat more if it's delicious."

While holding a few pieces of braised pork in her bowl, there was even pork belly. Sun Mei's eyes were straight, but Jiang Zhi ignored so much. Zhang Guilan added meat to her bowl, and she was busy thanking her. While eating in her mouth, the money at home was tight these days. How could she eat meat like this? She couldn' With the opportunity, Jiang Zhi was still a little unable to let go at the beginning, and later he simply didn't pretend to be fake. Although he didn't eat all the time, it was almost the same.

Compared with it, Sun Mei can't do it.

Zhang Guilan dropped her chopsticks, "Sun Mei, is the food cooked by my sister-in-law not delicious?"

"No, my sister-in-law made it delicious. I just thought that Jijun was injured for me, so I had no appetite. It was because I was too stupid to let Jijun get hurt, otherwise he should do the work this time."

Sun Mei's words made Jiang Zhi look up, look at Zhang Guilan, and stop talking.

Zhang Guilan asked Jiang Zhi's doubts in his heart, "Listen to what you said, is there no chance for Jijun to get credit in order to save you this time?"

Sun Mei found a reasonable excuse to put down the bowls and chopsticks. "Yes, so I'm sorry for Jijun and my sister-in-law, otherwise he promised to be promoted this time."

Jiang Zhi's eyes widened and affected his career in order to save a woman. Is this true?

She only heard some of the previous rumors from Wang Li. She didn't take it seriously. Wang Li only knew to gossip every day, but she didn't expect the news to be true. Jiang Zhi was scared. Thinking of hearing the news, Zhang Guilan didn't like it and hurriedly lowered her head to pretend to eat, but she couldn't

Sun Mei was excited, and Zhang Guilan reacted fiercely. It was best to slap herself and make trouble.

It's a pity that Sun Mei was disappointed. Zhang Guilan only sighed for a long time, "In fact, he can't get promoted or not. He is a soldier, and it's his duty to save people. Unfortunately, he saved you, but it is said that he is for choosing a woman, and he doesn't even pay attention to

"That's not it. That's why I feel wronged for Jijun, so I'm here to explain to my sister-in-law. Don't let my sister-in-law misunderstand and destroy the relationship with Jijun." Sun Mei was stunned and quickly picked up the words.

Although it was only for a moment, it still made Jiang Zhi look at her. Jiang Zhi didn't know if it was his illusion. He always felt that Sun Mei seemed to have done it on purpose. This means that Zhang Guilan could see it, and she would think too much about it.

Zhang Guilan laughed loudly, "It's just that you worry too much. If there is no trust between the couple, is it still called husband and wife? I don't know if you are not married. Isn't there a saying that the husband and wife quarrel at the end of the bed? That's the reason. This man looks cold like ice cubes outside, but as soon as he closes the door, he looks at his wife.

In the end, Zhang Guilan squeezed her lips and smiled, "Jiang Zhi, do you think this is the reason?"

Take the things in the couple's room to the surface, and it can be said so refreshingly. Jiang Zhi blushed when he thought of his cry at night. He only nodded, which was also in agreement with Zhang Guilan's words.

Sun Mei pretended to be shy and lowered her head, and the hands under the table were all in the meat. This Guilan really said to Shang Hong. She had a bad idea, and she was not the same as those rural people.

"Jiang Zhi, we are military wives. You remember that men sometimes have to pay a lot, and sometimes they have to bear some reputations. No matter how much they are wronged, outsiders can not understand him, but we are his wife. We must understand him, because we are husband and wife." Zhang Guilan deliberately said to Sun Mei, but taught Jiang Zhi.

Jiang Zhi nodded in agreement, "I remember what my sister-in-law said."

While putting down the bowls and chopsticks, "The child is about to wake up, so I'll go back first."

He got up and nodded to Sun Mei.

Zhang Guilan stopped her and said, "Take this braised pork back to Jun'er."

"I'm so sorry, thank you, sister-in-law." Jiang Zhi's mouth was in class, but his hand picked up the braised pork and left.

Sun Mei's eyes are straight. How can there be such a person? Is it possible that rural people are like this?

Zhang Guilan was stunned to see Sun Mei and explained with a smile, "We are all from the countryside. It's different from you city girls. This meat is not often eaten. Sometimes people in the family are reluctant to buy it, and children can't eat meat a few times a year."

The meaning of the morning is also straightforward enough. I'm good enough that you don't give face and don't eat, but you can't make mistakes.

Sun Mei lowered her head shyly, "I'm really sorry for my sister-in-law. I cooked so many dishes, and I didn't eat a few bites. In fact, I can't let go of Jijun in my heart. These days, he is hospitalized, and I'm taking care of him. His stubborn sister-in-law should also know that other little nurses have been scared away by him, and he is not used to letting outsiders do it. Now that I'm here, I don't know what' RS