Reborn cannon fodder rural daughter-in-law

Chapter 151: Contradiction

The next day, Zhang Guilan went to the hospital with porridge and steamed buns. The three people in the ward had a simple bite. Yang Zongguo went to go through the formalities. Zhang Guilan packed up her things and looked like nothing, but there were really a lot of things to pack up. The things were moved to the car by the little The soldiers led by Luo Jijun rushed over, with mud on their clothes. Seeing Zhang Guilan, she also called her sister-in-law with a simple smile. Some of Zhang Guilan had seen in the army, but some did not.

"Have you just finished training? Did the captain allow you to come? Luo Jijun looked serious.

"Captain, we have asked for leave."

"Captain, are you still back?" Although they didn't stay together much, these soldiers had feelings for Luo Jijun.

"No matter where I am, I am your captain. You are my soldiers, all old men. Don't be like women. You are all energetic." If Luo Jijun hadn't put in plaster on one leg, he would have said it with momentum.

A few soldiers grabbed their heads. Yang Zongguo looked at it and said with a smile, "Ok, it's not convenient for your captain now. Come and give me a hand and help the car. When you come to your captain's house during the holiday, your sister-in-law will cook well."

Several people laughed. As soon as they rushed up to the front, Luo Jijun walked towards the car. Luo Jijun twitched the corners of his mouth and his face was black. However, his legs and feet were inconvenient now, so he could only let these children treat him as a disabled person.

After the car started, Yang Zongguo covered his stomach and smiled, "What do I say? Is it good to be treated as a disabled person?

Yang Zongguo sat in the front, and Zhang Guilan and Luo Jijun sat in the back. Because Luo Jijun's leg could not be bent, he was half lying in the back seat. The injured leg was placed on the chair, one leg hung down and leaned on Zhang Guilan's body.

"Have a good rest if you laugh enough. My legs and feet are inconvenient, and there are times when you are in trouble on the way." Luo Jijun's eyes were clear.

Yang Zongguo felt cold and said with a smile, "Look at what's wrong with me. You're like this. It's good to make everyone laugh as everyone's entertainment."

Zhang Guilan also smiled faintly. Looking at Yang Zongguo quarreling with Luo Jijun, she also thought it was very interesting. This time, because of Luo Jijun, he couldn't rush too much, so when it was dark, he would find a place to stay nearby. As soon as the next day, he left, he was afraid of bumps It's the fourth day, slower than the train.

When she left, Sun Mei came out with the nurses to see her off. She only politely told her a few words. She was not too hot or too forward. Zhang Guilan knew that she was deliberately embarrassed in front of people, and she did not pay attention to her disdainfully. Her grievances and her attitude were enough to make those who People want to go carefully.

When he arrived at the courtyard, it was not noon yet. There were not many people in the courtyard. When Luo Jijun was brought upstairs, Zhang Guilan had just wiped the dust in the house, and people began to come to the house.

It's Li Xuejun and his wife. As soon as Jiang Zhi came in, he handed the child to Li Xuejun and followed Zhang Guilan into the kitchen. "Sister-in-law, I'll help you do anything."

"When I came back today, I bought some vegetables in the city. Let's eat here at noon. Please help me pick out the celery, and we will have dumplings at noon." When she came back, she had to get together no matter what. When Zhang Guilan saw that Jiang Zhi took the initiative to come over, she said it directly.

Although he doesn't like Jiang Zhi, since Jiang Zhi can do things smoothly, Zhang Guilan will not lose face to her. Jiang Zhi smiled and said, "Oy, do you have garlic? I still have a few garlic in my house. Do you want to bring them?

"No, I bought it all." Zhang Guilan stamped the meat and said, "Let's pack more. If anyone catches up later, save the meal. When Jijun comes back, it's rare for everyone to get together."

"I'm afraid Sister Zhao will come in a moment. Instructor Wang has just come back. Instructor Song has to wait. Wang Li is still in the canteen." Now Li Xuejun has taken over the position of Luo Jijun as the battalion commander.

Zhang Guilan nodded, "It's good to have a job, and you don't have to do it all day long."

Then I only know how to gossip.

Zhang Guilan didn't say it. She was as smart as Jiang Zhi, and she could also guess what the next sentence was going to say. Jiang Zhi only smiled. The corners of Zhang Guilan's mouth were cold. She didn't want to offend anyone, and she wanted to take advantage of it. There was nothing so good in the world.

In the east room, several men sat and spoke in a high voice, and bursts of laughter came out from time to time.

In the city, after Milan returned home from work, she was alone. Hu Youguo came back from work and talked to her without saying a sound. Hu Youguo looked at her slightly raised stomach and took the vegetables into the kitchen.

When Hu Youguo was cooking, some people at home knocked on the door. Hu Youguo couldn't do anything, so he called Milan, "Milan, go and see who's coming?"

He didn't hear Milan's voice. Hu Youguo thought that someone had gone to open the door, but after waiting for a while, he heard that the door was still being knocked. Hu Youguo was angry and came out with a black face. Without looking at Milan sitting in the chair, he went straight to open the door.

"Mom, why are you here?" Hu Youguo looked at his mother and looked better.

"How about cooking? What about Milan? As soon as Wang Jing entered the room, she saw Milan sitting there. You don't have to think about it. His son cooked and opened the door, and his heart was not happy. His words obviously smelled of ignition medicine. "Milan, who messed with you? What about the unhappy face?

"No one messed with me." Milan was upset and replied impatiently.

Wang Jing said, "No one is messing with you. Why do you sit with a gloomy face? Or did some countries do something wrong? If there is any dissatisfaction, you can say, and Mom will show you up."

There is no need to care about this. If you scold Milan for doing nothing, you will only lose your temper.

Milan didn't say anything. He turned around and entered the house, slammed the door, and separated Wang Jing and his son from the living room.

"Milan, what did you do with your mother?" Hu Youguo has put up with it enough. He served her like an old man and didn't give him a smiling face. He was sorry for her at the beginning, but what else should he do?

What made Hu Youguo most angry was that after the two got married, he did not touch Milan. At first, he began to think that they were unhappy when they were together, and Hu Youguo didn't think much about it. Later, he became pregnant and used the child as an excuse. Now that the fetus is stable, he is not allowed to touch it Things.

However, it's okay. Milan always talked with Luo Jijun's affairs, which made Hu Youguo feel angry. Thinking of what Zhang Guiban had said, a fire burned in Hu Youguo's chest.

Wang Jing also looked unhappy, "Look at your daughter-in-law, I haven't said anything yet? If you care about her, you will dump my face. If you really say something, why don't you beat me out?"

"Mom, forget it, you're just here. Let's eat here." Although he was angry with Milan, Hu Youguo really liked Milan. After getting angry, he softened when he heard his mother's dissatisfaction with Milan.

Wang Jing looked at her son and nodded his head, "You coward."

But I didn't say anything more after all. I turned into the kitchen to help my son cook.

A stir-fried mushroom with meat, an egg soup, and bought a steamed bun. Wang Jing arranged the food and taught her son, "This steamed bun is expensive to buy. If you want to eat it, tell your mother. Mom will steam it and bring it to you. Besides, Milan is also stable now. Steaming some steamed buns will not I can do it."

Wang Jing directly blocked the excuse her son was looking for.

With an embarrassed face, Hu Youguo turned around and knocked on the door, "Milan, it's time to eat."

"I'm not hungry. You can eat." Milan turned his back to the door.

When he called Sun Mei today, when he heard what Sun Mei said, Luo Jijun already knew that he had sent a telegram to his family. He didn't blame Zhang Guilan at all. I'm afraid he hated her.

Thinking of this, how can Milan not be angry? If he hates himself, it will make Zhang Guilan fall out with her parents-in-law or be complained by Luo Jijun, but there is nothing, only to himself.

Wang Jing snorted in the living room.

Hu Youguo's face turned red. What he did was so low that he couldn't raise his head in front of his mother. Why didn't Milan consider his feelings?

"Milan, come out. You're not hungry, and the child in your stomach is still hungry." Hu Youguo knocked on the door hard.

There was no movement in the room, let alone anything.

Hu Youguo's ears were congested and he kicked the door hard. "Come out."

As soon as Wang Jing saw her son's fire, she came forward and pulled him, "If you don't eat well, what should you do if you kick the door? It's okay. She won't eat us.

Pulling her son to sit down at the table, Wang Jing sighed, "You can only blame yourself. If you hadn't been like that at the beginning, you wouldn't have to be so low today."

Hu Youguo's hand holding the steamed bread was another meal. Wang Jing knew that she couldn't say more. It was pitiful enough to see her son's appearance now. Milan was just sorry for her at the beginning, and took the money and served her as a Buddha. She took Jiao.

Wang Jing is getting more and more dissatisfied with Milan, but Hu Youguo is even more uncomfortable. Milan doesn't have him in his eyes. He only thinks about Luo Jijun every day. He is not a fool. How can he see it? He really hates that he knows this, otherwise he doesn't have to be so sad.

Hu Youguo ate three steamed buns for a meal and still wanted to eat. He was interrupted by Wang Jing's clap, "I'm not happy and I can't get along with my body. Do you want to support yourself to death? I can't live without my son yet.

Wang Jing took the steamed buns to the kitchen. Thinking about it, she put all the steamed buns in a basin, and put the leftovers in one, put the steamed buns on it, and took them away when she left.


"Isn't she not eating? Then be hungry." Wang Jing thought that she had to cure Milan, "And you, don't go out to buy her food, do you hear me?"

Hu Youguo is speechless.

Milan in the room heard everything and sneered. Is he afraid of starvation to death if he has money? RS