Reborn cannon fodder rural daughter-in-law

Chapter 160: Sleeping is also a problem

Guo Ying dropped the table and threw the bowls and chopsticks. Sun Shubo hid in the study. Luo Yongzhi went downstairs. Zhang Guilan and Luo Jijun hid in the east room. No one made a sound. In the end, they only made Guo Ying angry.

Luo Jijun couldn't help joking, "Aren't you afraid that my mother will break all the dishes?"

"It's broken and replaced with a new place." Compared with Xiu's mother-in-law, what do a few bowls mean?

Luo Jijun shook his head. The man really couldn't intervene in the matter between his daughter-in-law and his mother-in-law, otherwise he didn't know how to die. Luo Jijun finally understood this truth and secretly remembered it in his heart.

It's finally quiet outside, but it's not quiet in the room.

Guo Ying came in directly with a lot of anger, "Why haven't you finished eating yet?"

Seeing that the rice in the two people's bowls was only half moved, Guo Ying said, "I've made another meal. How long will you eat?"

"Mom, what's wrong with you?" Zhang Guilan didn't open, and Luo Jijun opened his mouth after receiving his eyes.

Guo Ying was unhappy to see her son helping out, "Aren't I afraid that you will feel uncomfortable with your stomach after eating cold rice? I'm already injured. What's wrong with my stomach? Guilan, go and heat up the food again.

said it as a matter of course, and he just wanted to work for Zhang Guilan.

Luo Jijun didn't expect such a consequence to help his daughter-in-law, but he immediately took over, "Mom, I'm full. Just as I was about to let Guilan clean it up, you came in."

The words were blocked to death, and it could be seen that Guo Ying's face turned black in an instant.

Zhang Guilanqiang held back her laughter and knew that Luo Jijun had done this. She got out of bed and said, "Mom, take a break. I'll pack it up now."

went out of the room with something in her hand. Guo Ying stared at her son. Before she could speak, Zhang Guilan came in again. After cleaning up, Guo Ying's fire was almost reduced, and she sat alone in ** sulking.

"Mom, where's my dad?" Luo Jijun didn't see that his mother was angry.

"I'm going downstairs." Guo Ying replied angrily.

"What's the matter, go downstairs?"

How could Guo Ying say that he was angry with people? There is no sound.

Luo Jijun didn't ask, but with such a point, Guo Ying was not angry. He also knew that he had just made a little trouble. He made the old man angry again and swept his eyes on the TV.

"What do you think of this thing?"

Luo Jijun called Zhang Guilan to come in and help open it. Seeing that there was singing in it, Guo Ying suddenly fell in love with it. She sat in front of the TV all afternoon. It was not until there were no snowflakes on it that I withdrew my eyes.

It's already dark outside, and it's time to rest. Guo Ying watches TV in this room and can't rest. Moreover, there are only two rooms at home. Now there are five people, and it's a problem to sleep.

"When can I watch this TV?" Guo Ying's point is still this. He didn't expect his son to be injured, so he should rest early.

"Mom. You, Guillain and my mother-in-law, the three of you sleep in this room. I'm going to sleep in that room with my father. Luo Jijun was helped to the ground by Zhang Guilan and didn't say anything about TV.

But Guo Ying couldn't help it, "Ok, I can also watch TV here."

Luo Jijun really had nothing to say. While holding his father's hand, he was supported by Zhang Guilan. After going to the East House, Zhang Guilan had been talking to her mother in the study in the afternoon. After Luo Jijun was arranged, she took her mother back to the East House.

As soon as Sun Shubo entered the East House, she was shocked to see the sound of the TV. "Is this the only thing the TV? It's nothing?"

"What do you know? I sang in the afternoon, and there are also TV series." Guo Ying only watched it all afternoon and began to look down on Sun Shubo.

Sun Shubo has no face. She really doesn't understand this thing.

Zhang Guilan's face was gone, "Mom, there is no stage now. Turn off the TV and you can't come to the stage until tomorrow morning."

"Twm. tomorrow morning? What about tomorrow morning?" Guo Ying was dissatisfied.

Zhang Guilan smiled and said, "Then you have to ask the TV station. I can't control this."

Guo Ying was also blocked and turned off the TV angrily.

Sun Shubo pinched her daughter. Although she felt that it was not good for her daughter to give face to her mother-in-law like this, she felt very comfortable. A mother-in-law like Guo Ying really had to treat her daughter like this.

"How do three people sleep in this bed?" Guo Ying began to make trouble again.

Zhang Guilan made the bed without looking back, as if she didn't hear it.

"I still feel small when I sleep on the bed at home. I can't sleep in such a bed for three people." Seeing that Zhang Guilan ignored herself, Guo Ying simply sat on half a bed and leaned against it.

Zhang Guilan suppressed the anger in the bottom of her heart, "Mom, if you're really not used to it, just spend one night and go back to the countryside tomorrow. The beds in the city are like this. You can only go back to the countryside."

"What? Did you catch up with people on the first night? Guo Ying sat up straight, like a cockfight, and had enough energy to quarrel.

"My mother-in-law, look at what the child is telling the truth. What are you talking about? You are an old man, even if the child says something wrong, you should also tolerate it. If you are really dissatisfied with my family's Guilan, it happens that Jijun and his in-laws are here today, let's spread the conversation and see what Jijun says? If Jijun doesn't like Guilan, he will divorce this marriage. I married my daughter to let her enjoy happiness, not to make her angry. Look, I didn't give Guilan a good face as soon as you entered the house. What did I say? Didn't you say anything? But no matter what you do, your nose is not your nose, your eyes are not your eyes, and you pick bones in the egg. Your left sentence is not, the right sentence is not. Now it is said that you are not used to sleeping in a small bed at night. Who doesn't want to sleep in a big bed? Your son has to afford it? My daughter is still happy when you ask your son to change his bed. Sun Shubo was a little angry. Her daughter's life was fine, but she put up with it, and her own girl was still angry. She couldn't stand it any longer. "Don't sleep now, Guilan, go and call up your father-in-law and Jijun. Today, let's talk about this matter. If we really can't Mom will take you home."

"What? If I'm unhappy, I'm going to get everyone up? Don't let people talk, do you?" Guo Ying was afraid when she heard Sun Shubo's words, and she didn't have enough confidence. She lay down to ** and turned her back to Sun Shubo's mother and daughter, "Gearly turn off the light. Why don't you let people sleep at night?"

Sun Shubo snorted, bitch, and had to scold to be at ease.

However, it was the first day. Seeing that Guo Ying knew that she was afraid, Sun Shubo did not make trouble again. She was afraid that her daughter would be wronged. Sun Shubo took the initiative to sleep in the middle and let her daughter sleep outside.

At night, as soon as Guo Ying leaned over, Sun Shubo deliberately threw her leg over, which made Guo Ying wake up several times. It was quiet in the middle of the night and did not squeeze. Zhang Guilan did not sleep well in the dark. Naturally, she knew her mother's little trick.

When he got up in the morning, several people had dark eyes. Luo Jijun looked at Zhang Guilan with a puzzled face. Zhang Guilan shook his head and learned what happened last night from Luo Jijun. Luo Jijun didn't know what to say.

"Tent Zong Guo during the day and let your parents go to his house to stay for a few nights at night." Luo Jijun looked at his daughter-in-law's dark eyes and was distressed. "When Zong Guo comes, I'll tell him."

Zhang Guilan throws his eyes, which is your interest.

At noon, Zhang Guilan called Yang Zongguo to come over for dinner. Guo Ying's eyes were straight. Especially after Yang Zongguo left, Luo Jijun said that he would let his parents live with Yang Zongguo in the evening, but Guo Ying directly disagreed.

"Jijun, mom doesn't agree, then mom and dad will stay at home, and my mother and I will go there." Zhang Guilan felt that there was no need to quarrel about this matter.

"That won't work either." Guo Ying also disagreed.

"Mom, what do you think you want?" Luo Jijun didn't know what his mother was going to do on this day. "If you and your father don't go, you don't agree with Guilan and the others. If you can't live at home, you say no. I really don't know what to do."

"Guilan, you and your mother go out for a walk. I have something to say to Jijun alone." Guo Ying drove people away directly.

I didn't want to let people listen, and I didn't find an excuse. I said it directly. I didn't save face for Zhang Guilan's mother and son at all. Zhang Guilan stood up with a sneer and didn't look at Guo Ying, "Mom, let's go."

Sun Shubo quit and stood up to quarrel with Guo Ying, "What do you mean? What did you say directly? Now you have kicked me and my daughter out. Is it possible that my daughter has done something embarrassing and wants you to say it behind her back?

"I didn't say it. You said it yourself." Guo Ying is a scoundrel.

Sun Shubo also pulled Luo Yongzhi in, "In-laws, you have seen this. Tell me what this means. We can go out, but you have to make it clear that it has nothing to do with my daughter's reputation. You mother and son can whisper anything, but you can't talk about my daughter. You don't bully people like

Luo Yongzhi also felt that his woman had gone too far, but before he could speak, Luo Jijun said, "Guilan, then you go out with your mother first. Let me see what my mother wants to say."

Listening to this tone, he was obviously angry and stood on Zhang Guilan's side.

It's useless to talk by yourself, but it's different for uncle to help out. Sun Shubo feels comfortable. "Well, Jijun, you've thought about it. It's been with Guilan, and you didn't bully your daughter-in-law like this."

Zhang Guilan didn't want to quarrel with Guo Ying. "Mom, let's go to the compound. I'll take you to the city tomorrow."

It used to be embarrassing to find an excuse to take my mother to the city. Now it's okay. This is an opportunity to send her to her door. When she sees that her mother-in-law has nothing to say, she doesn't have any room for herself. Then don't be greedy when you see others have good things.

Sun Shubo glanced at Guo Ying proudly and went out.

Luo Yongzhi said with hatred, "Just make trouble. Sooner or later, there will be a day when you cry."

After saying that, he turned around and left.

"Hey, what are you doing? You should also listen to this matter." Guo Ying was anxious when she saw the man leaving.

Luo Yongzhi didn't reply, "If you don't listen, you don't like to say it, and no one will force you to say it." RO