Reborn cannon fodder rural daughter-in-law

Chapter 181: Nonsense

Zhang Guilan sneered. Originally, she wanted not to be with Dong Jianguo, but now when she saw his face, her temper also came up. Anyway, in the middle of the night, he said so loudly that the neighbors should have heard it, and he was not afraid of.

Just stand at the door and argue with him, "Dong Jianguo, then you have to tell me what's wrong with you? Did you come to my house in the middle of the night? If you don't make it clear today, let's just go to the public.

Are you going to make trouble? Then make things bigger. Thinking of this kind of man who has a woman outside and wants to be an uncle at home, Zhang Guilan looks disgusting. It's not for Liu Xiaolan, but this kind of man has to treat him well.

"How dare you pretend to be stupid? Let me ask you, is it a job you found for my daughter-in-law? Aren't you going to break up our family? Is this what the family members of your army do? Dong Jianguo asked confidently.

Zhang Guilan smiled and said, "Looking for a job for your daughter-in-law is to break up your home?" Then you have a good relationship outside. Why aren't you afraid that your family will break up? You take out the money to your good-doman and raise the children for others. Your father and mother don't care about it. They still owe a lot of debt, and the child's daughter-in-law doesn't raise it. If your daughter-in-law doesn't come out to make money, the whole family is waiting to starve to death? How dare you come to me to tell me that I will break up your family. Are you ashamed?

"Dong Jianguo, this is the army compound. Do you think it's just where you want to make trouble? You don't open your eyes to have a good look. If you do that kind of shameless thing, you dare to come to me. Do you think that as soon as you come here, I won't let your daughter-in-law go to work? I'll put my words here today. If you tell me well and realize your mistakes. If you want to live a good life, I can still think about it. But if you make trouble like this, I won't be fooled by you. Your daughter-in-law is welcome to go at any time. Zhang Guilan said a lot of things, and the head was reasonable, so that people couldn't find anything wrong.

It's Dong Jianguo. When there was a woman outside, she ignored the family and came to the door to make trouble, which made people look down on her. The left and right upstairs were shocked. Wang Li went up and down from the downstairs and directly scolded, "Bah, shameless. Do shameless things by yourself, and don't let your daughter-in-law go out to make money. You're afraid that your daughter-in-law will see that people outside are better than you. If you don't want you in the future, you won't dare to let your daughter-in-law go out to work, right? How can there be a man like you? If I had divorced a long time ago.

Song Weidong, who came down with him, heard his daughter-in-law's scolding, so he didn't talk too much. He looked at Dong Jianguo and didn't look good.

After Zhao Chunmei and his wife came out, Wang Baijun also opened... You are a big man. There is something wrong with your style. Don't think about your own problems. Your daughter-in-law wants to go out to earn money to support her family, and you still come here to make trouble. What's your peace of mind? Go back quickly and wake up. Don't be afraid of shame when you come here.

Yang Zongguo also came out. He looked very anxious, and his clothes came out. I didn't even put it on in a hurry and rushed up, "What's going on? Who brought outsiders in the middle of the night?

The little soldier's face turned white as soon as he heard it, "Band commander, it's me."

"It has nothing to do with him." Zhang Guilan helped to speak.

The little soldier immediately looked at Zhang Guilan gratefully.

Yang Zongguo's sharp eyes looked at Dong Jianguo, "Who are you? What's going on?"

Dong Jianguo saw that everyone was coming for him. When he came up to this, he asked himself what was going on. He thought he had found a backer, and immediately complained of his grievances. "Comrade, you have to help me, or my family will be separated. My daughter-in-law Lan suddenly found a job for my daughter-in-law in the city. My daughter-in-law wants to leave my parents and children to work in the city. Do you think there are no women in this family? The child is still nursing, and he is still so young. How can he leave his mother?

If you hadn't heard the truth of the matter from Zhang Guilan, the people present would have been cheated by Dong Jianguo. Wang Li couldn't help jumping out first and said, "Bah, why don't you say that you raised each other well outside and give the money to raise children. Your parents and wives and children have no food to eat It's shameless to lie here.

After getting the vegetable field, the Luo family was promoted to the city again. Wang Li was worried that she couldn't find an opportunity to perform. Now that it's good, the opportunity is in front of her. How can she let it go? She has saved enough strength.

Zhao Chunmei also frowned. She was not as eager to behave like Wang Li, but obviously she didn't like a man like Dong Jianguo.

Dong Jianguo's face was blocked by Wang Li's words. "What's good about each other? How can I, a rural person, do that kind of thing? Obviously, she is unreasonable. Seeing that I don't go home from work, I think nonsense."

The eyes flashed, and it was a lie at first glance.

Wang Li also wanted to scold, but was stopped by Song Weidong.

At this time, I saw Yang Zongguo say, "Whether you have a woman outside or not, your daughter-in-law came to work by herself. If you want to quarrel, go home and quarrel with your daughter-in-law. What does it mean to come here? There are many people in our compound who don't have a job. If Guilan really lacks people, she doesn't have to go to your countryside to look for it. I don't listen to you for any reasons. In the middle of the night, you also made trouble. Leave now, or I will let someone throw you out.

Yang Zongguo's sharp and decisive words make people dare not object.

At first, Dong Jianguo thought that there was a person who spoke for him. Now he looks more powerful than others, and he is afraid for a while, but he thinks that if this matter is not solved, his daughter-in-law will have to go to the city, so

"No, I won't leave. If Zhang Guilan doesn't promise to let my daughter-in-law not go to work today, I won't leave. If you dare to touch me, I will call the police." Dong Jianguo simply sat on the ground and played a scoundrel.

"Why are you messing around?" Wang Li scolded.

Dong Jianguo sat at the door and didn't say anything.

"Dong Jianguo, I'm really afraid that you're playing a scoundrel, aren't you? You can dream. If you can sit, you can sit all the time. It's better to sit down. Zhang Guilan is not afraid of this. "Let's go back and rest and let him sit here by himself."

"Sister-in-law, you have a good temper, so such a person should not be polite to him." Wang Li shouted. He said.

Song Weidong refuted her, "What do you know? My sister-in-law is right. Let's ignore him and go back to rest.

I don't believe that he can sit down all the time.

Zhao Chunmei and his wife also thought it was very good, so they didn't believe that he could really sit down all the time.

When the little soldier saw that things were frozen here, he was so anxious that he almost cried. If he knew that people were coming to make trouble, he would not dare to bring them here. He just thought that it was because Captain Luo was ill. In the middle of the night, it was the old family who came to visit the doctor, which turned out to be in

The chief didn't say anything and didn't dare to leave, so he stood aside awkwardly.

Yang Zongguo didn't know where his anger came from. As soon as he squatted, he pulled Dong Jianguo's shirt collar and picked him up. "If you are threatened by a scoundrel, this soldier will be meaningless."

said while pulling people downstairs, "I'm going to see what you can do."

Dong Jianguo began to be scared. After reacting, he shouted, "Let go of me, let go of me. The soldiers hit people. Come and have a look. The soldiers hit people."

When he shouted like this, the whole compound heard it.

Yang Zongguo didn't care. He almost took Dong Jianguo out of the courtyard. Song Weidong and Wang Baijun were also afraid of an accident and followed, while Wang Li and Zhao Chunmei comforted Zhang Guilan.

"Sister-in-law, don't think too much. There is no need for such a person to be angry." Zhao Chunmei also felt that today's incident was very annoying. "Good help people, this happened."

I vaguely heard that business was also sent back by people in business. It seems that he is also this man. He doesn't care about the past. He is embarrassed to make trouble. What's wrong with people now?

Through this, Zhao Chunmei also felt more and more that Zhang Guilan was worth making friends, and she was a little sincere when she spoke.

When Wang Li saw it, she also rushed forward and said, "That is, my family won't let me scold him, otherwise I will have to scold him. How can there be such a man?"

"I tossed you all up in the middle of the night. Go back quickly. The child is at home by himself. You should be afraid that you can't see anyone." Zhang Guilan sincerely smiled and thanked the two of them. "The day I will cook, and you will all come to eat."

"Empso, then sister-in-law, we'll go back." Zhao Chunmei knew that there was something she didn't need to do too much, and Zhang Guilan obviously picked up the two people.

Wang Li saw it and answered with a smile like Zhao Chunmei, so she went upstairs together.

As for the Li family living opposite the door, there was no movement at all, and no one came out.

Zhang Guilan didn't care what was going on with Yang Zongguo outside, but when she left the door, she turned around and entered the house and saw Luo Jijun standing on the ground. He was moving out and hurried forward to help him.

"I'm afraid you're in a hurry. What should you do if you pull your leg? Go back and lie down."

"Where are the people? He was sent away by Zongguo? His daughter-in-law was bullied at the door of his home, and Luo Jijun could not lie down.

Because he forcibly got out of bed and moved his legs again, Luo Jijun sweated all over his body, and his clothes were all over his body. His cheeks were full of sweat, and he couldn't even care about it. Zhang Guilan felt warmed when she saw it.

He helped people to go to bed. Before he could explain, Yang Zongguo came back.

"This man is a scoundrel. I threw him out of the courtyard and asked people to tell him not to come in. If he likes to make trouble, let him go there. How can he really threaten us with this?" Yang Zongguo sat down to the bedside angrily, "This kind of person can't be afraid of him. The more he makes him think that we are afraid of big things."

"What's going on? Is his daughter-in-law looking for a job today? Luo Jijun didn't ask until now.

Zhang Guilan poured water and handed it to Yang Zongguo, and simply said about the daytime, "I didn't expect him to make trouble in the middle of the night."

"In this case, you can't be afraid of him." Luo Jijun must not regress after hearing this.

Yang Zongguo said a few more words and left, but when he got to the door, his face slowly sank. He did not forget to see the pieces of toilet paper thrown on the ground after entering the house, which meant that he didn't need to say anything.

ps: I can't bear to part with Yang Zongguo and Luo Jijun. If only I could take it all. Haha, let me think about it.