Reborn cannon fodder rural daughter-in-law

Chapter 186: Inside story

There were no outsiders at home, and Luo Jijun took his daughter-in-law to sit down.

"Try the matter in detail." Luo Jijun looked at Zhou Chengcai with a dark face.

Zhou Chengcai saw that he had not asked about the fight with Zhang Guilan. He looked proudly and even looked at Zhang Guilan sarcastically. Zhang Guilan sneered, but he was also very wronged. Yang Zongguo also knew how to help himself stand out, but what about Luo Jijun? As soon as he heard about his sister's affairs, he immediately put his own affairs aside. Although he understood that Luo Jijun was worried about his sister's mood, he couldn't help but feel uncomfortable.

Sitting aside, Zhang Guilan was obviously in a bad mood and depressed.

"At the beginning, Haiying always went to the town to go to the market. I thought that I was sorry for her at the beginning, so I went with her and did whatever she liked. But after two episodes, she began to send a telegram to write letters, and I didn't know the word. She said it was sent by Zhang Guilan, and After going to the market, people never came back. I heard from the villagers that they saw her with a man. Do you need to ask more? He must have run away with someone. At the end of Zhou Chengcai's words, his voice couldn't help raising his voice.

"But Haiying can't read either." Luo Jijun said.

Zhou Chengcai's angry expression froze on his face, "So... how did she send the telegram and letter she wrote?"

"You have to think about this carefully. Who is close to Haiying and the village on weekdays? Who can read again? Luo Jijun was a scout and immediately found the clues inside.

Zhou Cheng was stunned for a moment, thought about it carefully, and then jumped up. It's him. It must be him.

There is no need for Luo Jijun to ask. He said to himself, "A primary school teacher came to the village and lived in the tofu house in the east of the village. Haiying always took the letter to ask him for words he didn't know, and asked him to help write a telegram. But after Haiying didn't see him, he didn't see him in the village.

Thinking that the two people secretly got together under his own eyes, and even eloped, Zhou Chengcai now understood why the people in the village pointed at him. The original reason was that the more he thought about it, the more angry he became, and his eyes turned red.

Luo Jijun also squeezed his lips tightly. After all, it was my family's fault. My sister ran away with someone. Although Zhou Chengcai did something wrong at the beginning, it didn't make sense.

"Now that the matter has been solved, you can go back to the teacher to find someone," Luo Jijun said, squeezing his teeth. "As soon as you come in, you won't ask clearly. Let's talk about it."

Zhou Cheng was stunned. I thought Luo Jijun wouldn't ask, but now he asked again, and then he felt a little guilty. Brother, I... I was in a hurry for a while, and that's all I said. I'm really sorry."

"It's not me who should apologize." Luo Jijun didn't listen to his excuses.

Zhou Chengcai looked at Zhang Guilan, and now let him bow his head, especially to Zhang Guilan. It's really difficult.

Looking at Zhou Chengcai's hesitant look, Zhang Guilan sneered and said, "I dare not let you admit your mistake, but today I will put my words here. In the past, I didn't agree with you when you were with Haiying, and you also know it. Now that Haiying has left with others, my family You don't have to go to the door. In the future, our river will not violate the well water, and no one knows anyone. You can go.

Zhou Chengcai clenched his fist. Now it seems that he didn't want to mess around, so he just pulled the words away, "Zhang Guilan, don't do things too decisively. Don't forget that your parents are still living in the village. You can't go back to the village, but they Live for the rest of your life."

"Then I'll also tell you that as soon as autumn is over, I will take people over. If you want to do anything to them in the village, just do it now, otherwise there will be no chance." Zhang Guilan was really threatened by a small village head. "Zhou Chengcai, you said that your family has made trouble like this, and your father's village head has also come to an end. If you want to threaten me, I'm not afraid. If you really do something illegal, it will be you who will enter the prison. If you want to enter the prison You can go now. It makes me feel sick for people like you to stay in my house for a moment.

"You still think you are a city person now, don't you? Just a shrew like you, be careful that one day you will be dumped by a man, and you can't find it even if you cry... What to do? Let go of me? You still want to hit someone, don't you?" In the middle of Zhou Chengcai's words, he was picked up by Luo Jijun.

Luo Jijun carried Zhou Chengcai as if he were carrying a chicken, and directly threw him out of the door, "Get out of here."

A word, but with a sense of death, like power.

Zhou Cheng was scared. He was still on the ground. It was not until the door was closed that he recovered and got up from the ground.

In the room, Luo Jijun turned around and entered Wei Jiansheng. When he came out with a towel that had been twisted with water, he carefully wiped Zhang Guilan's face and hands. He carefully squeezed his lips tightly but didn't say a word.

"It's okay. My injury is outside, and his injury is in his clothes. How can I let him take advantage of it?" Without the previous depression, Zhang Guilan showed a smile, "Don't think he is a man, he is too weak. It can't be compared with you. It's easy for me to beat him. If you hadn't come back early, I would have beaten him down long ago. At that time, when you come back, what you will see is the person

Seeing that his daughter-in-law is heartless and knows how to start a pen, Luo Jijun is even more uncomfortable, "Let you be wronged, always because of my family affairs, let you..."

Luo Jijun can't go on.

Obviously, his parents didn't do a good job, and his sister ran away, but in the end it was his daughter-in-law who suffered. Luo Jijun gritted his teeth, hated his family like himself, hated his incompetence, and made his daughter-in-law wronged again and again.

After wiping his daughter-in-law, Luo Jijun locked himself in the study room.

Zhang Guilan knew that he was uncomfortable, so she didn't go to persuade him. She cleaned up the room and began to cook. She didn't go to buy food at home. There were still some steamed buns left in the morning. She baked cakes and made egg soup before she went to ask someone to eat. Before Luo Jijun came out, someone A worried face.

"How can it be like this? Who is that man?"

"Aunkey, what's wrong?"

Li Zhi said urgently, "People scold your Luo family as a liar in the courtyard. They said that the raised daughter ran away with the wild man, and said that your Luo family was secretly helping. Now it has spread in the courtyard."

Zhang Guilan was very angry, "Auntie, this is all a misunderstanding. My sister-in-law quarreled with him and went to his good sister's house. He couldn't find anyone and said that he ran away and came to us. Look at my face, but he beat him."

A man beats a woman, or his sister-in-law. There is no need to explain, Zhang Guilan's reason is at a standstill.

Li Zhi shook his head and said, "How can a good girl marry such a scoundrel? So I said that my Zhao Xue doesn't have to get married well, as long as she is a good person. It will take a lifetime to get married. I feel sorry for your sister-in-law and live with such a man. All right, you can have dinner. I'll explain to the people in the yard, otherwise these words will come out as soon as you come, and it will be difficult to live in the courtyard in the future.

"Auntie, thank you so much. If you don't say it, I don't know yet. Look, he just finished making trouble and left. How can he know what he said in the yard?" Zhang Guilan sent people out of the house gratefully.

After closing the door, his face cooled down. Today's fight was good. No matter what Zhou Chengcai said, no one believed him. A man who beats his sister-in-law has a problem with his quality. Who will believe what a person with a quality problem says?

However, thinking that Luo Haiying was so ambitious at the beginning, now she ran away with others and pulled herself in. Today, after being scolded by Zhou Cheng for nothing, Zhang Guilan felt uncomfortable. Originally, she thought that Luo Haiying had become better, but now it seems that the dog can never change eating shit.

During the meal, Luo Jijun hesitated again and again, "If Hai Ying comes to write, you can ask her to come to me."

"If she has to write to you, how can she write to me?" Hearing this, Zhang Guilan was angry and replied, "In the past, I let you take care of Haiying's affairs. You said that she would not change her mind. Now that this has happened, let Zhou Chengcai come home. The whole courtyard knows it. It's a shame, but you can also involve me in. Otherwise, I can be scolded and I don't care if you feel sorry for your sister. I won't say much about your sister's affairs. You can do it yourself. I don't care, and I won't interfere.

"I'll ask her about it for you then."

"What can I do if I ask her? It also happened, and what if it goes back? It's enough to be deceived once. I don't have that kind heart to post it for the second time. That's it. Don't mention it again in the future. Zhang Guilan added him another bowl of soup. "Eat it. After eating, I want to see if Zong Guo has left. I'm sorry to bother him today. I feel embarrassed again and again."

Luo Jijun answered. After dinner, Luo Jijun went to Yangzong's country. In the courtyard, he saw that the people in the courtyard looked at him strangely. On the surface, Luo Jijun was unmoved, but when he came out of the courtyard, his face darkened. Now he finally understood the feelings in his daughter-in-law' Sister, I can't help but feel that I'm too confused. It's too difficult for my daughter-in-law. Today's matter is that everyone will quarrel with men, but my daughter-in-law didn't quarrel with herself and persuaded herself.

I don't understand this kind of tolerance, and I have to let my daughter-in-law face my sister.

When they arrived at Yang's house, the Yang family was eating, that is, Mrs. Yang and Yang Zongguo's mother and son. Seeing that Luo Jijun was coming, Mrs. Yang insisted that Luo Jijun had to eat more. She took the bowls and chopsticks and looked at the dishes on the table. I could know why she had I can eat half a bowl of rice again.


The next chapter may be in the evening, because Baba is going to go to the airport, and then it will be after ten o'clock in the evening when he gets home. He will write it on the way, and it will be uploaded when he gets home, so don't worry. RO