Reborn cannon fodder rural daughter-in-law

Chapter 264: Conspiracy

The next day, after breakfast, Sun Mei called the hospital to ask for leave, and went straight back to her mother's house.

Seeing her daughter coming back early in the morning, Xu Feng knew that something had happened. Anyway, the man was not at home. As soon as he came in, he asked directly, "What's the matter?"

"Didn't you tell me about the rumors yesterday? My mother-in-law wants to ask Chen You. Don't you think it's okay? Mom, think of a way quickly. Don't let my mother-in-law find Chen You and others.

"So you lied to me yesterday? The breakup between Chen You and Luo Haiying has something to do with you, right? Xu Feng said with a gloomy face, "What did I tell you before? Stay away from that family, why don't you listen? You also caused such a thing. Now you know that you are afraid. Do you know that you have been married? What's good about Luo Jijun? You just can't forget him? Are you still thinking about his side when you get married? What should I do if Xu Hu knows? Divorce? Do you know that divorce is not good for you at all under such circumstances?

The more Xu Feng thought about it, the more afraid she became. She stamped back and forth in the living room, "How can such a smart person like you meet the Luo family to do such a stupid thing? There is no other way now, unless you force Chen You to leave the city, and if you rush him, don't believe that he will shake everything out with a bite? I have seen the people in his family, one more shameless than the other, and Luo Haiying. He used to look reasonable, but it turned out to be the same. He didn't understand anything, and he came home to threaten me? If it really doesn't work, let's go to Zhang Guilan. That's her sister-in-law. She doesn't care who cares. But now that the mother and daughter of the Luo family are missing, we are running to the door to find someone because of this matter, and we still have to be scolded?

"Mom, calm down. At worst, let your mother-in-law go to Chen You. At that time, I can say that Chen You has a grudge. Why is he true?" Sun Mei made the last move.

"This is the only way at the moment, otherwise there is no other way, unless Chen You's reputation is worse now, so that he can be more powerful to you." Xu Feng can't think of any good way.

Her words reminded Sun Mei, "Mom, I have a way. Don't worry, I'll do it now."

I ignored calling her mother behind her, Sun Mei went out of the building and rode her bicycle to the Women's Federation.

When Milan saw her, he didn't need Sun Meiduo to say anything, so he followed her outside and said, "I didn't expect that you could make Chen You and Luo Haiying yellow."

From Hu Youguo, Milan also knew about the separation of Chen You and Luo Haiying. Thinking of Sun Mei looking for him before, Milan could also guess the combination of the two things.

"Milan, do me a favor. Here's a hundred yuan." Sun Mei handed over the money directly. When Milan received the money, she continued, "Let your man spread Chen You's manhood in the factory."

"That's all? It's too much to give a hundred, right? With his words, Milan kicked the money into his pocket. "Don't worry, I can help you with this today. I'll go to their factory at noon."

It's easy to earn 100 yuan. Naturally, Milan will not refuse such a good thing.

Sun Mei squeezed her lips and smiled, "Actually, we are the same people. Unfortunately, your body is not as good as me, otherwise today you will find a comparable person to be around like me, and we won't lose so miserably."

"Only you can understand whether it's miserable or not. The cause you planted is naturally tasted by yourself. One day you will understand this truth." After leaving his words, Milan turned around and entered the house.

At the beginning, she didn't swear like Sun Mei now, but didn't she become like this in the end?

What's the use of having a good background?

Then we have to see if we can enjoy a good life. Just because she is so noisy, Milan is worried about Sun Mei, but I'm afraid that the life won't last long.

After finishing it, Sun Mei went to the hospital. She didn't want to meet Zhang Guilan's mother and daughter in the hospital. She also had a Bai Song couple around her, and there were also two old men she didn't know. Looking at the clothes, she could roughly guess her identity.

Zhang Guilan took the initiative to greet warmly, "Sun Mei, I haven't seen you for a long time. The married person is still so beautiful."

"Who is sick?" Sun Mei came forward in shock.

Zhang Guilan raised the corners of her lips high, "It's okay. I also want to thank those who hurt my mother. Let my mother have a good rest for a year and have money to buy nutrients to nourish her body, so it's a good thing to talk about this injury."

Sun Mei smiled generously, "As long as my sister-in-law thinks it's good. I have something else to do. I'm free to talk about it."

nodded to the crowd, and Sun Mei strode away.

I really didn't expect Zhang Guilan to be so lucky. In this way, she could escape, thinking that saying such two words could stimulate her? The matter is that Li Xuejun returned his favor. It's really a disaster. Li Xuejun has to bear it himself, and he has nothing to do with him. If he wants to see himself unhappy, Zhang Guilan will be disappointed.

Sun Mei didn't care, but Li Xuejun's summer was like winter. After Zhang Guilan came to the bureau to look for it, Li Xuejun's report to his superiors was approved. From the section chief, he was directly turned into an ordinary employee. The original salary of 45 became 25, and there was no welfare at all.

Even several employees who had been instructed by him were also punished and fined. They wanted to get money for Sun Shubo together. Li Xuejun had no money and could not bear it by himself. He could only pretend to be stupid and let everyone pay together, which caused the dissatisfaction of the following people and directly began to exclude Li Xuejun.

Every day, he was put on small shoes in the unit. When he returned home, there were still two families waiting for dinner. In his hometown, he called to ask for money. In a few days, Li Xuejun lost a lot of weight and was haggard, but there was nothing he could do.

The people in the courtyard came to visit again. Wang Li and Zhao Chunmei's families came with their children and gathered to Li Xuejun. The men gathered together to talk. Li Xuejun forced a laugh and dealt with Song Weidong and Wang Baijun. Jiang Zhi was also secretly anxious. He moved to the city and had face, but so many came. There is no food at home, and there is not enough rice to eat. It's noon, and I don't know what to do.

Zhao Chunmei saw it and said with a smile, "I still have to catch the afternoon bus. When I still have time to go to Luo's house for a while, I won't sit here more."

Wang Li still wanted to say that she had not eaten. Seeing that Zhao Chunmei got up, she could only get up with her. The man was even less stupid. She also took the opportunity to get up and gave her away. Li Xuejun looked at home and couldn't say a word. Now he really lost his face and turned into the house.

Jiang Zhi was also uncomfortable and went into the house. "I heard from Zhang Guilan that she also opened a factory and sold everything she produced to various major cities. If not, I'll tell her to go to work in her factory."

"Isn't she a fool? If something like this happens, can she let you go to her factory? Just take a break and wait for the next month to spend some money to buy something and go to Sun's house. Li Xuejun couldn't think of a way.

At this time, he is regretful. Why did he offend everyone for that little benefit? Now he doesn't have a friend. If he had been following Luo Jijun at the beginning, he would not have come to where he is today.

Hearing what he said, Jiang Zhi didn't say anything.

Wang Li, who walked out to the street, handed the child to Song Weidong and hugged him. "It's stingy to move to the city, and there is no food for a meal."

"All right, let's go to my sister-in-law's place after dinner." Song Weidong didn't want to listen to her.

"It's okay. I remember that there is a good Chaos restaurant in front of us. Let's go there to eat." Zhao Chunmei immediately pointed the way.

Wang Baijun led the child, and the four of them went to the chaos stall. Each of them ate a bowl of chaos, and then went to the compound.

There were already a lot of people in the family. Today, Sun Shubo went to the courtyard and cooked a few more dishes. Seeing that Song Weidong and several people came, Zhang Guilan was also very happy. "Come in quickly. I haven't eaten yet. It's just ready."

"Sister-in-law, we have all eaten." Wang Li's eyes still looked at the table.

Looking at her like this, it doesn't mean that Song Weidong is angry. Wang Baijun also feels ashamed, and Zhao Chunmei feels even more ashamed.

Zhang Guilan was in a good mood and didn't care about this. Originally, there were few people who knew him here. They could think of coming home to have a look. Whether it was true or false, Zhang Guilan received this love.

"My father-in-law and my father happened to be there, and Jijun was not at home. You two helped to drink some wine with him," Zhang Guilan pushed Song Weidong and Wang Baijun to sit at the table, and then went to pull Zhao Chunmei. "My mother and my sister-in-law are here. Let's eat some

Wang Li didn't need anyone to invite her. She was happy to sit down to eat. She followed Zhao Chunmei and said, "Sister-in-law, I'm sorry to trouble you."

Zhao Chunmei sighed in her heart. She was greedy without a wink. Fortunately, she would say something polite.

In addition to the two children, there were a lot of people sitting at a large table. Fortunately, there were many dishes, and the portions were enough, and I was afraid that they were not enough to eat. Zhao Chunmei was very curious when she saw this table.

"Sister-in-law, don't we see such a big table in your living room? Newly made? But where do you usually put it?"

"The four sides of this table are folded, which can be folded back. It doesn't take up space, and it's convenient to put it." Zhang Guilan, according to what he knew, let the little mute do it.

Luo Jijun has many soldiers, and many people come to eat at home. When he was making furniture, Zhang Guilan thought of this and directly asked the little mute to do it.

"It's really convenient. No wonder. Where did my sister-in-law call? If I'm free, I'll call one. The house is small and the table is not enough. I'm very worried." Zhao Chunmei looked at the table curiously and carefully.

"If you like me, I'll ask you to make one for you, and it won't cost much. You can just take a few yuan to buy wood." There is wood for the little mute, and these yuan is also the salary Zhang Guilan asked for for the little mute.

"Oced, then I'll bother my sister-in-law."

Wang Li looked greedy and said, "Sister-in-law, I'll also take a few yuan. Help me make one."

"All right." Zhang Guilan suddenly helped the little mute make some money. She was very happy.

Song Weidong and Wang Baijun exchanged a look, and they were envious. Looking at other people's life, the better and better. RS