Reborn cannon fodder rural daughter-in-law

Chapter 316: Release

As soon as Ruan Chizhong was caught, Tong Laosan and Luo Yongzhi were also released, but the two were told not to leave the city. They were on call. Anyway, they finally came out.

Luo Yongzhi was picked up by Luo Jijun. Seeing his son waiting for him, compared with the lonely Tong Laosan, Luo Yongzhi's heart was finally comfortable. When he looked at Tong Laosan again, his eyes also had more sympathy.

"Dad, I'll take you to take a shower first, eat something before you go home." Luo Jijun didn't hide it, "After Gui Lan was called to ask questions, you know that she had to give birth all the time before she can be discharged from the hospital. If I want to accompany her in the hospital, you have to stay at home by yourself."

"All right, all right, I can do whatever I want. When this is over, I'll go back to my hometown." After this, he doesn't want to go to the city for the rest of his life.

Luo Jijun saw his father's worry and fear, and did not persuade him. He took someone to take a shower, and then went to the restaurant for dinner. He had a braised pork and dried tofu with green peppers, and asked Luo Laohan for a cup of small soju. Luo Laohan didn't say anything. He picked up his chop At the bottom, plus two bowls of rice.

There was something in his stomach, and Luo Laohan said with strength, " Jijun, my father also figured it out in the past few days. In this life, it is serious to live well. Everything else is empty. As long as you have enough money to spend, as long as you are hungry. No matter how much money you have, it is your life. Penalty."

"Dad knows that you have a grudge in your heart. Dad is sorry for you. I'm bothering you again and again. I didn't help you with anything. You don't deserve to be a father at all. Seeing that his son didn't say anything, Luo Laohan was not disappointed. After all, he was sorry for his son.

As for his son's failure to save himself, Luo Laohan has not complained, but when he was in it, he thought a lot. He couldn't complain about this matter. If he hadn't trusted Ruan Chizhong. There won't be such a thing. How can he let his son empty his house and go out to borrow money to draw himself out?

"Dad, you're tired, too. Go home and have a good rest." Seeing that his father had finished speaking, Luo Jijun opened his mouth.

asked the waiter to pay.

Seeing that his son didn't say anything superfluous to him, Luo Laohan was a little disappointed. He got up and followed his son and returned to the compound. Seeing that everyone around him swept over him. Even if he didn't commit a crime, Luo Laohan still couldn't raise his head and lowered his head all the way into the house.

Hearing the door close, Luo Laohan raised his stiff neck. Sitting on the sofa with a gloomy expression, "People, you can't go the wrong way, or you won't be able to raise your head for the rest of your life."

"It's all over, and Ruan Chi also caught it. Don't think too much about it. You have to take good care of yourself in the past few days. When the court session comes, you have to go. Luo Jijun looked at the messy house and knew that it was when he came to his house to search for things that day, otherwise his daughter-in-law would have always cleaned up the house.

Wherever he looked, Luo Jijun sorted it out casually. When Luo Laohan was in a daze, Luo Jijun cleaned up the house, took out a few clothes of his daughter-in-law's clothes in the cupboard and put them in his pocket before returning to the living room.

"Dad, I went to the hospital. It's ten yuan. You can go out to eat in the evening, and there are keys. I'll talk to the little soldier at the gate of the courtyard. You can go in and out freely. Luo Jijun said as he put the money and keys on the coffee table.

Just went out of the door with something, and Luo Laohan got up and followed him to the door. After a while, he asked, "Do I want to go to see Guilan?"

"No, she needs to rest now, and the doctor asked her to rest." Luo Jijun's eyes swayed.

Luo Laohan's smile was reluctant. After listening to his son's words, he couldn't pretend, so he almost cried. He nodded and hurriedly closed the door. He covered his tears and entered the room.

The atmosphere of the Luo family was not good, but after Tong Laosan came back, the Tong family was full of smoke and war.

The moment Guo Ying opened the door, he was shocked to see that it was Tong Lao San, and then immediately pulled up the corners of his mouth, "Lao San, you're back. That's great. Come in quickly."

To be honest, Guo Ying was guilty at the moment she saw Tong Laosan. Tong Laosan went in at her own house. She always thought that Tong Laosan would not come out, but now that people came out, she was half happy and half worried, and contradictoryly followed Tong Laosan into the house.

They have never heard of Ruan Chizhong's arrest.

Otherwise, Guo Ying would have to make a mental preparation and not be scared by Tong Laosan, who suddenly came back.

Tong Laosan was originally gloomy. Just as Guo Yang spoke, she did not reply, let alone see Luo Haiying lying on the kang after entering the room. Luo Haiying saw Tong Laosan sitting up from the kang, and Tong Laosan also sat on the kang.

He sat on the kang, with a gloomy face and didn't say anything.

Guo Ying came in from the outside and looked at her daughter. Luo Haiying slowly got off the kang, put on her shoes and sat on the edge of the kang.

Mother and daughter didn't dare to talk. After all, Tong Laosan went in because of them.

"Lao San, you're back. I'm so worried these days that I've been thinking about what to do. Now that you're out, it's done." Guo Ying made a fake smile.

In fact, I'm more afraid than anyone else.

"You and your daughter will move out today." Tong Laosan didn't say much, only one sentence.

It doesn't matter to Luo Haiying. Anyway, this is not her own home, but Guo Ying is dumbfounded. She has divorced Luo Laohan and was kicked out by Tong Laosan. She has no place to go at all. Her daughter can go back to her hometown. What about herself?

"Lao San, I know you are angry with me. I shouldn't have persuaded you to agree to Ruan Chizhong at the beginning, but I was also cheated by him. Who would have thought that he was a liar, even my own son was also framed? If you suspect that I did it on purpose, but can I even frame my own Guo Ying cried and went to Tong Laosan's side to take Tong Laosan's hand, but was thrown away by Tong Laosan.

Guo Ying's face stiffened, "You are still angry with me. Is that the relationship between us? Don't you miss the relationship between us at all? Are you going to kick me out?"

Luo Haiying twisted his head and looked disgusted.

Tong Laosan looked at her like this and said, "Guo Ying, it turned out that I was going to say more. Now it doesn't seem clear that you won't give up. Then I'll tell you that from the day I get in, we'll be finished. In the past, because of yours, I had a bad reputation and I didn't blame you. After all, I was wrong and thought about it. So I forgive you. This time is different. Only a few days later, I was caught. If I'm with you again, I'm afraid I don't know how I will die. Now that this has happened, I can't keep my job. I can't even support myself in the future, and I can't support you. You can go wherever you should. It's better than starving with me here.

Tong Laosan said very clearly, and Guo Ying also understood it clearly.

There are only two meanings. First, Tong Laosan can't take Guo Ying because of this. The second is that Tong Laosan has no place to get money, and he can't afford to support Guo Ying.

Hearing that he was not hungry, Guo Ying was speechless.

As soon as he heard that he had no money, he didn't want to stay. In reality, Tong Laosan put away his last bit of softness.

"I haven't saved any money over the years. After you came, I spent a little more on what you eat at home and what you use. There is still a little left. You still have a son, and you can't starve to death. I won't take it for you. Don't blame me. Speaking of which, my work is Most people can't raise their heads when they hear Tong Laosan's words, but Guo Ying has no guilt at all.

At this time, seeing that there is no nest, I really can't stay. Guo Ying stopped crying and wiped his tears, "You're right. I'm sorry for you. I don't have the face to stay, but I have no place to go with Haiying for a while. Can you find a place to live before moving?"

"No." Tong Laosan made the decision directly and said in a strong tone, "The hotel outside costs a few yuan a night. You don't have money. I'll give you money for one night. It's not convenient for your mother and daughter to stay here."

Guo Ying scolded Tong Laosan for doing it in his heart, and put on his face that it was only like this. "Okay, just do what you said."

Seeing that she was greedy for a few yuan, Tong Laosan secretly scolded himself. Why was she blind at the beginning? Such a person didn't see it.

She got up angrily and went to the kitchen cabinet in the back room and took out a broken basket from the bottom of the kitchen cabinet. Guo Ying watched Tong Laosan find a cloth bag from the pile of junk and take out the money. Guo Ying secretly hated it. She turned over the house. When she saw this broken thing, she stuffed it in again. Li.

"This is five yuan." Tong Laosan didn't give much, "Three yuan to live in the store and two yuan to eat."

"Is it enough to live in the store for three yuan?" Guo Ying's eyes were aimed at Tong Laosan's hand.

"Then four yuan, one yuan is enough for each of you two to have a bowl of chaos." People's hearts were not enough to swallow the elephant. Tong Laosan put his wallet on his body, got up and entered the house. "Let's go, find a place to live early, and think about where to settle down in the future."

Guo Ying reluctantly stood up and put five yuan in her pocket before she went to pack her things. Previously, she thought there was nothing, but she found that it was really a lot.

Seeing her daughter sitting side by side, Guo Ying was angry and said, "Why don't you come and clean it up? If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have done this."

After packing up his things, Guo Ying didn't even look at Tong Laosan and left with his things.

As soon as the mother and daughter came out, they happened to see the neighbors, and they had to be pointed out again. Guo Ying had been used to it for a long time. Dead pigs were not afraid of boiling water, but Luo Haiying wanted face, but it was useless to lower her head. It was not until she went out of the alley that she raised Ying Ying opened his mouth.

"Let's go to your brother's place." Guo Ying will spit out the money in his pocket.

"Tong Laosan released, Dad must also come out. Are you really going to the big brother's place?" If such a thing happened, Dad would have hated their mother and daughter for a long time. RP