Reborn cannon fodder rural daughter-in-law

Chapter 329: Precepts

Everyone came out, and Luo Jijun in the living room and Zhuang Juan on his knees were particularly eye-catching.

Zhuang Juan also drank it. She knelt on the ground with a thick face, pulled Luo Jijun's trousers with both hands, and knelt there, which was extremely dazzling.

"His aunt, what do you have to say? Aren't you forcing the child like this?" Mr. Luo opened his mouth and went forward to help people.

As soon as

put out his hand, he was waved away by Zhuang Juan. "Brother, I can't help it. My home is not home now. It's a dead end. Now we can only help us."

"What the hell is going on?" Sun Shubo opened her mouth.

It's not good to kneel on the ground and force people like this. I haven't heard of asking for help. I'm just pinching people. Sun Shubo really can't stand it anymore. The people of the Mi family are used to this move, which is really unpleasant.

In the past, it was my daughter who was blocked, but I finally solved the problem. Now I'm from the Mi family. If it's really a little difficult, I will kneel down and force people to help, and there will be no future.

Sun Shubo asked what other people who didn't know the inside story wanted to know. All she knew was that the Mi family was over. She didn't know what was going on, which made Zhuang Juan kneel down like this.

Luo Laohan couldn't help Zhuang Juan up and retreated awkwardly.

Seeing that things were like this, Luo Jijun said what he knew before and after the matter, and then bowed his head to Zhuang Juan on the ground and said, "Auntie, I can't promise you this. It's useless for you to kneel down. That's Milan's own business. I have no reason to take care of it.

Seeing that everyone was tossed out, Zhuang Juan had no other choice but to try her best to get this thing done.

Zhang Guilan sounded very unhappy, "Aun's aunt, there is a reason for Jijun not to help Milan. Milan is married now. She used to be engaged to Jijun, but now she cares about Milan's affairs in the past? What does the Hu family think? Don't say that it will help Milan at that time. I'm afraid the Hu family will catch the fault of Milan. These aunts have never thought about it, have they? Auntie only thought about how to help Milan, but obviously this method doesn't work. I advise my aunt to do it in another way. Since Milan does not have the ability to raise a child, it will give the child to the Hu family. I believe that the Hu family will not want their granddaughter. In this way, the problem will be solved, and nothing will happen to the whole family.

Originally, Zhang Guilan didn't have to interrupt, but when she saw Zhuang Juan kneeling on the ground and forcing Luo Jijun, she couldn't see it. The Mi family was really brazen, and she almost made it clear that they were thick-skinned.

Why can't you afford to live? You just want to enjoy a good life. Can't three living people support a child? It's just bullshit. People like this kind of people really don't like it.

Zhang Guilan's idea is not the only way she thinks so. After intriguing about what Luo Jijun said, the people in the room are all this idea, not the old society, but not to death. The Mi family is exaggerating and wants more benefits.

As soon as he finished speaking, Luo Laohan also figured it out. The previous sympathy was gone, and he turned directly into the bedroom.

Being tossed by Guo Ying one after another, what Luo Laohan hates most now is that others are calculating themselves.

Previously, poor Zhuang Juan thought that she lived in a village.

She also shook off her hand unsungratefully. Now it seems that she is too soft-hearted.

Mr. Zhang also followed up. After all, he lived in a village. If he didn't talk, it would be too inhumane, but the Mi family's way of doing things was unacceptable. He simply avoided it and was not upset if he didn't see it.

Zhuang Juan was told by Zhang Guilan that she didn't know how to reply, and finally she could only take the child out as an excuse. "Because the Hu family is a girl, they don't like children, and they are so small. How can they rest assured to give it to the Hu family? Milan said that even if they starve to death,

"Aunion, you are also a mother. You should know this better than us." Zhang Guilan held her stomach and said slowly, "The Hu family doesn't care about the children. It's because Milan is here. Without Milan, the Hu family naturally cares about it. Isn't that the reason? Besides, the child's surname is Hu. After all, she is the granddaughter of the Hu family. How can the Hu family not care? No one can be so cruel.

"Yes, Zhuang Juan, you are also a mother. Get up quickly, old people. It's nothing to kneel like this." Sun Shubo is not embarrassed like Zhang Laowu. "Besides, you are not begging. You just kneel down directly. Jijun didn't agree to you. It spread out that he was ruthless, but if he wants to help you. On the Hu family, he will be accused of what Jijun has with Milan. What do you want Jijun to do In order to help you put yourself in? Jijun was engaged to Milan before, but he did everything he had to do. He arranged work for Milan and even took care of her. But do you know what Milan did? This is why my Guilan is kind-hearted, otherwise I can't tolerate such a thing.

"People, you can't be too close, otherwise it will be annoying." It's not enough to say it, Sun Shubo added another sentence.

Luo Jijun lowered his body to help Zhuang Juan get up. This time, Zhuang Juan got up and looked at Sun Shubo with tears on her face. "In the past, I lived in a village and I always thought my sister-in-law was good, but now I think my sister-in-law is too cruel. No matter what Milan was like in the You should help us."

Zhuang Juan plays the family card.

Unfortunately, I used the wrong place. The people in this room are not shrewd and don't like Zhuang Juan. Now I don't like her words even more.

Sometimes it's like this. It's better to say those pitiful words than to be straightforward.

"Aunion, as I said, one is to pass the law, and the other is to raise the child to the Hu family. There are only these two ways, and you can also go back."

The originally good atmosphere was also disturbed by Qing Zhuangjuan.

Zhuang Juan saw that there was really nothing she could do, so she left.

As soon as the person left, Tian Xiaoyue said, "What is this?"

"All right, the food is going to be cold. Let's eat." Zhu Lan greeted everyone for dinner.

Luo Jijun put the table, Sun Shubo took the bowls and chopsticks, and Mrs. Zhou served the dishes, and the table was full of vegetables, full of color, fragrance and taste. As soon as Zhang Guilan sat down, she was warned to eat less and more meals.

Seeing Luo Jijun glance at herself, Zhang Guilan squeezed her lips and smiled. Luo Jijun knew that she had eaten too much that day.

The red chili oil mixed with the noodles, and everyone on the table cracked their mouths.

Zhang Guilan ate it with great interest.

After dinner, Tian Xiaoyue and Mrs. Zhou went home. Sun Shubo had to clean up before leaving. Zhang Guilan refused, "I ate a lot, just as an exercise."

"How can this work?"

"There is still a successor."

"That's fine." Seeing her daughter's insistence, Sun Shubo also knew that her daughter felt sorry for her.

Take Zhu Lan and the child to his home together.

There are fewer people, and the house is quiet.

Luo Jijun only had time to talk to his daughter-in-law alone, "I just solved it. You don't have a big belly. What if something goes wrong?"

"I can't stand it anymore. If I don't say such a person, I don't know how long it will take for her to leave. No, if you don't get off, she will never leave."

Luo Jijun looked at his daughter-in-law with an anchor face and smiled, "Oy, you're awesome. Sit down quickly. I'll pack up my things."

"Good." Zhang Guilan can't see her feet even if she bows her head now. How can she work?

leaned against the door frame of the kitchen and watched Luo Jijun clean up the table and wash the dishes, which was indescribably sweet.

Zhuang Juan was not in that good mood. She went home with a gloomy face all the way. Seeing her appearance, she also knew that it had not been done.

"Mom, can't you?" After all, Milan still hasn't died.

Zhuang Juan shook her head, sat down her hand, and then pointed to her knee. "Look at me, I knelt down. Luo Jijun didn't agree. In fact, Luo Jijun was going to answer, but Zhang Guilan came out and said that she couldn't afford to raise the child and let you give the child to the Hu family.

"Zhang Guilan is now at a time of pride. There is a factory that can make money and is pregnant with twins. Of course, she is strong." Milan smiled so much expression that he didn't have much expression.

Zhuang Juan didn't say anything.

It's very stressful to raise a child at home, and there is no situation where you can't eat. It's just a burden for the family, and you are unwilling to do it.

"Mom, I'll raise the child myself." Milan thought for a moment and said, "The Hu family wants to pinch me with the children, thinking that so that I won't divorce. I have to let them see. Even if I want food, I can also support the children, and I can't let the Hu family hold it. Hu Youguo is a soft bone now. What his mother says and what he believes, life will not be better. It's better to leave early when I'm young now.

"It's up to you." Zhuang Juan also felt that her daughter was very bitter. "When we got married, the money given by the Hu family was not moved at all, and I saved it. If we go back to the countryside, it is enough to support our family. What do you think about planting more land?"

"If you don't go back, since you come out, you have to do something, otherwise you will be looked down upon when you go back." Milan gritted his teeth and said, "When you get divorced, you can take that money to do business. You have to let the Hu family see it. Our family is not underestimated by them."

Seeing that her daughter was still so tough, Zhuang Juan felt much more comfortable, but in the end she regretted, "It's a pity that if she could get some alimony from the Hu family, her life would be better."

Milan didn't make a sound.

Zhuang Juan looked back and saw the sleeping child. She was bored. She simply got up and went to another room. She was not upset. Especially when she thought about how the child came from, Zhuang Juan became more and more unhappy.

Milan also knew that her mother didn't like her children, but she couldn't bear the children. This was the meat that fell from her body. Hu Youguo asked her to look down and unexpectedly had a woman outside. It was so just right that she saved herself from finding an excuse to divorce.

Previously, Hu Youguo shook his face. Milan could bear it for the sake of the child, but now he can't bear it at all, and there is a legitimate reason to leave with the child. RS