Reborn cannon fodder rural daughter-in-law

Chapter 372: Shock

When Zhou Fuguo got the letter and rushed to Luo Jijun, he heard that Luo Jijun taught all the applications and punched Luo Jijun fiercely, "You really decided to divorce, didn't you? OK, then leave. We don't care anymore. How can a couple quarrel and then get divorced? Have you ever coaxed Guilan?

"She is in pain and hates me very much." Luo Jijun wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth and did not fight back.

"Will she be in pain if she doesn't love you? Oh, she said she hated you and you couldn't stand it, right? No wonder Guilan wants to divorce you. It's okay to save you from getting hurt in the future and find a good one while you are young. Zhou Fuguo walked out angrily. When he arrived at the door, Yang Zongguo, who was rushed by the letter, was pulled into the room again.

Holding Luo Jijun's application in his hand, "What's going on? The superior sent it to you and let you go there now.

Zhang Guilan's charity work is slowly on track, which is also a typical example of the military sister-in-law. Now how can she not pay attention to Luo Jijun's divorce application? He immediately convenes a meeting and asks Luo Jijun to go there.

Things have made trouble. Luo Jijun pulled his clothes and put his hat on his head. "I'm going now."

Yang Zongguo also wanted to go with him. He nodded to Zhou Fuguo, "You wait here first."

Even if Zhou Fuguo was angry with Luo Jijun, there was no other way. He nodded, pulled over the chair and sat down.

In the office, Luo Jijun went in, and the leader waved to him to sit down, "Zijun, is there something wrong at home?"

"If you have anything, you can tell us. The army will definitely help you solve it. Your husband and wife still know it in the army. Your wife Zhang Guilan is a capable person. She has a career and charity, and even gave birth to twins for you. We also went to drink wine for the past 100 days. Now the child is only more than Is there any problem? If you have any difficulties, you can tell us. Another leader also said, "Military marriage is protected. If your wife says she wants to divorce, we can help you persuade her."

"Supresor. The problem is mine. Luo Jijun paused, "I hurt her."

"Between husband and wife, you have children again. You can say anything well. It's so impulsive to make a divorce decision. It's too impulsive. We will return your application to you. As for your wife, we will also talk to her." The chief paused, "So now it can be said that something has affected you."

Yang Zongguo looked at Luo Jijun and was still hesitating. I can't help but step forward, " Chief, this matter has something to do with me."

Before the chief asked, Yang Zongguo learned the beginning and end of the matter. He also talked about Jiang Zhi's trouble in the courtyard. He didn't expect such a thing. The leaders were serious. "This matter is very serious. Why don't you respond in time, but are threatened? This is not the consciousness of soldiers at all.

Being trained by the leader, Yang Zongguo did not take it to heart. Listen to the teaching with an open mind.

Especially to Luo Jijun, he said more seriously, "Luo Jijun, you have to wake up to this matter. Your lover put up with it for the sake of your relationship and reputation with your comrades-in-arms. If you are threatened, you know that if you don't comfort your wife and accuse her, no woman can accept it. You must realize the seriousness of this matter. In the next few days, you have to hand in the work in your hand. Go home and solve the family's affairs first and then come back to report.

Luo Jijun was suspended in one sentence.

After coming out of the office, Yang Zongguo strode forward and left Luo Jijun far behind.

Naturally, he is angry with Luo Jijun. It's okay if he can really leave. Obviously, he can't leave, and he still sends the report up. I really don't know what he thinks. I can't wait to open his mind to see what's in it.

"You pack up now and go back immediately. Tell hanging Lan that the superior will talk to her and let her think about what to say." Just now, Yang Zongguo didn't say that Zhou Fuguo really did the matter. He just said that he was pinched, and Zhang Guilan didn't do anything. "I'm going to tell Fu Guo now and make a confession to him. You'd better call home first, and then go back to talk about it in detail. Otherwise, people will go there now. In case of a mistake, Fu Guo will also be involved.

It's not a small problem to use power for personal gain

Luo Jijun squeezed his lips and nodded, went back to the office, picked up the phone and called home. Zhang Guilan received the phone and knew that something was wrong, "What's wrong?"

"I handed over the divorce report and returned it. The team knew what the reason for the divorce was. They said they wanted to talk to you. Zong Guo didn't tell Fu Guo's business to Li Xuejun. He just said that he didn't do it. Don't talk about it." Luo Jijun felt guilty. "The team suspended me and asked me to deal with my family problems. I'm going to Li Xuejun now and then go home."

There was no sound on the phone. Luo Jijun knew that the other party didn't hang up the phone. "Guilan, I know you hate me. Last night, I said divorce, and I was afraid that you would hate me more if I live with you again. Thinking that you hate me, I really don't know what to do. If you want to lose you, as long as you don't hate me, even if you lose it, you will suffer for the rest of your life.

Zhang Guilan bit her lip, "Then I know."

I hung up the phone with a snap.

Luo Jijun tightened his eyebrows, turned out and went out to meet with Zhou Fuguo. Zhou Fuguo obviously came to Luo Jijun. "Since the team knows the matter, let's arrange the Industry and Commerce Bureau first."

"Let's go together. I'm looking for Li Xuejun." It was caused by his own family, and Luo Jijun could no longer do nothing.

Zhou Fuguo nodded. The two went to the Industry and Commerce Bureau together. Coincidentally, Li Xuejun happened to go through the handover procedures today and will work in the county tomorrow. When he saw Zhou Fuguo and Luo Jijun, they were stunned at first, and then followed them out.

Zhou Fuguo glanced at him and went inside. Only Li Xuejun and Luo Jijun were left in the yard to talk. "The army knows the matter now, and they may come to talk to you. Guilan is going to divorce me. I called the application report. Only then did I know that we didn't do the matter of finding someone for you in the Industry and Commerce Bureau, so it's all up to you to stay. We have known each other for a lot of years. There are many reasons to come to today. I know that there is nothing wrong with you. I didn't blame you for the divorce. Let's all think of it as the end of our friendship. From now on, don't know anyone. Don't go back and forth.

In this case, it's not the first time that Luo Jijun said it. He said in the hospital before, "Jiang Zhi's side, please tell her a good story. If you want to keep your job, then push the current position on her. Anyway, she doesn't have a job, and she won't be afraid to do anything

"Jijun, I'm sorry, I didn't know it was like this. Really, I didn't know it until later. I also quarreled with her, but she didn't think she had done anything wrong.

"Yes, otherwise I won't find the compound to make trouble." Luo Jijun raised the corners of his lips mockingly.

Li Xuejun was stunned, "Go to the army? When did it happen?"

"It was just yesterday, you didn't know, did you?" Luo Jijun didn't want to say more, "That's it. I've said everything I should say. If such a thing happens again, don't blame me for not thinking about my comrades-in-arms."

Watching Zhou Fuguo come out, Luo Jijun left Li Xuejun, who was stunned. Seeing Zhou Fuguo and Luo Jijun walk out of the compound of the Industrial and Commercial Bureau, Li Xuejun recovered, and Jiang Zhi actually ran to the compound to make trouble again? Thinking of the previous quarrel between the two, Li Xuejun vaguely guessed something and moved his things home.

Jiang Zhi saw Li Xuejun carrying things into the house and putting the child on the ground to play by himself before picking up the things in his hand, but was avoided by Li Xuejun, "Did you go to the courtyard yesterday?"

Jiang Zhi stiffened and admitted calmly, "Yes, I'm going. You said I'm not as good as her. I want to ask Zhang Guilan why she still complained to you since she helped with the matter."

"Are you still shameless? Do you know that because of your rumors, Luo Jijun and Zhang Guilan are divorced, and even their superiors are shocked. Aren't you full of grievances? The people in the army will come to you. You can keep them and let them listen to them. Li Xuejun bypassed her and put things in **.

First of all, he began to hear that Zhang Guilan and Luo Jijun were making a divorce. Jiang Zhi liked it in his heart, but when he heard that the people in the army were coming to find him, he was afraid, "What are the people in the divorce army looking for me?"

"The two of them misunderstood that they wanted to divorce because of your rumors. If the army doesn't ask you to find out whether the rumors are true or false, of course, they have to talk to you. Just tell your previous words to the people of the army, say your dissatisfaction and your jealousy, and the army will definitely help you make the decision What Li Xuejun said was all the opposite, which made Jiang Zhi blush.

"Li Xuejun, don't forget, this matter has been pulled out, and your work is over. What am I afraid of as a woman?" Jiang Zhi is obviously guilty.

"At the way, I forgot to tell you that they didn't find the leader of my work, so it's useless to say that your threat is useless."

"I don't believe it. If it's really useless, how could Zhang Guilan be so angry?" Jiang Zhi is not easy to cheat. "If they say so, I must be afraid that I will pull them out at the Industry and Commerce Bureau."

Li Xuejun sneered, "Since your brain is so good, why didn't you think about getting along well with Zhang Guilan? At that time, you don't have to threaten her if you have something to do at home. You just need to say that she did it. I met Zhao Chunmei this morning. She has already gone to work in Zhang Guilan's clothing factory. She earns more than my salary every month. If you get along well with Zhang Guilan, are you afraid that you can't make money now? If you can't get involved, just talk to the people in the army and have a try.

"I'm too lazy to flatt with her." Jiang Zhi was jealous but did not admit that kind of condition**.

"I'll go to the county tomorrow. This is ten yuan for you and your child, and I'll come back next month." Li Xuejun didn't want to talk to her more.

I only hate that I don't have a good daughter-in-law.


Hurry up for the pink vote, the fourth update on the 19th, hey hey, the sisters in the family of the new article "The Evil Girl from Liang" took the trouble to help her make advice. She thought it was to treat her sincerely, but she just pushed her into the abyss of the evil girl step by step, destroyed her reputation, and became

Rebirth back to the beginning, she wants to reform and take revenge on Xianshu.

No matter how virtuous she is, her notorious reputation is still standing side by side with the evil young people in the capital. Yuan Xi stroked her forehead and sighed: It's hard to be a lady.

The evil girl is good. RP