Reborn cannon fodder rural daughter-in-law

Chapter 378: Love

As Luo Jijun said, the next day, Luo Jijun called Bai Song and talked about letting Bai Liang enter the army. Bai Song retreated from the army, and his feelings for the soldiers had been carved into his bones. Naturally, he was happy and answered directly, saying that he would take Bai Liang to the physical examination on the day of the conscription.

Bai Song also knew that his daughter-in-law did not agree, so he did not make a sound. On the day of conscription, he directly took Bai Liang to the physical examination. As soon as Bai Liang arrived there, he knew that it was not good, but he was afraid of his father and did not dare to squeak. He could only finish

Zhu Lan quarreled with Bai Song. Bai Song went on a business trip directly. Zhu Lan could only find Zhang Guilan. "You said your eldest brother, it's not that I don't agree with Bai Liang to be a soldier, but why did you have to tell me that he reported the name so quietly. Now it's all right. I'll Yes, he'd better not come back for the rest of his life, or I won't end up with him.

Zhang Guilan laughed and said, "Isn't the eldest brother just afraid of your tears? I'm afraid that he will soften his heart as soon as you cry, so he hides out. On the day Bai Liang joins the army, he will definitely come back. Sister-in-law, you should also keep all your anger first. When the eldest brother comes back, you can send it to him together and clean him up.

Zhu Lan was amused and wiped her tears. "Don't think I don't know if you say this. You have known it for a long time, right? I also know that Bai Liang spoiled me, but after all, I lived a hard life when I was a child, and now there is only Bai Liang as a child. Do you think I can spoil him more? Who would have thought that this child was not competitive. He didn't study until he was in junior high school. Whether he was sent to be a soldier by his father, he should be cleaned up in the army.

In the end, Zhu Lan also looked like iron and steel.

"If your sister-in-law really hurts Bai Liang, let him go to the army. Now you can't control it. When it's bigger and more, you can't control it. At that time, you can't find a place to cry." Zhang Guilan comforted her. Although Bai Liang's child likes to play, he is not bad-hearted. A while ago, the son of Xiaolan's family was bullied. I heard that Bai Liang went to beat him. Help out the head, speaking of which, the child is also loyal. If you really want to go to school, it's still the one of Xiaolan's family. His nature is very similar to Dong Jianguo. Looking at his eyes, he has a lot of bad ideas. Xiaolan has also beaten and scolded. After beating and scolding, he said that he wanted to go back to his father's. You said that'

"You don't know yet. The child scolded the little mute a few days ago. Pointing to the little dumb nose and scolding, he happened to be seen by his daughter. Looking at the girl who was usually honest and not like to talk, she chased the boy with a chair, and the boy went back to the countryside. I haven't dared to come back after staying at Dong's house now. Zhu Lan shook her head, "Xiao Lan also said that even if she comes back, she can't ask him. If she doesn't look at anything else, just because the little mute has taken care of him like a biological son over the years, he can't point his nose and scold him. Isn't that boy secretly provoked by the Dong family? Otherwise, how can you have such a great hatred with the little mute?

Speaking of this. The two of them sighed together.

Zhu Lan's anger also subsided, "If Bai Liang really let me spoil it again, it's almost the same as the boy of the Dong family. It's better to send it to the army, or this man will be ruined."

"Sister-in-law, just think about it, then I'll call my eldest brother tomorrow. Let him come back early. Bai Liang is going to join the army. Your family of three can get together.

After sending Zhu Lan away, Zhang Guilan called Bai Song, who was hiding in the hotel, and talked about the conversation between the two. Only then did Bai Song dare to go home. Although Zhu Lan's anger subsided, the man did such a big thing without discussing it with himself. After all, he lost his temper. Fortunately, Bai Song coaxed him all night, and it was fine.

Zhang Guilan has been busy with Bai's family affairs these days, so she rarely pays attention to her son's affairs. When she calms down, she finds that her son has more time to call the phone these days, and the phone at home does not ring much time. Once Zhang Guilan heard the girl's voice on the other end of the phone, Love it.

The son is not young, and it is normal to fall in love, but Zhang Guilan cares about who she is in love with.

On the same day, I went to Tian Xiaoyue and told her own guess. Tian Xiaoyue thought about it for a moment and then said, "Guilan, your career is very good, and your family is stable, but I advise you to be cautious about your child's love. You see, although I don't like Xu Min, I have never shown it I haven't talked to my family's Aiyue. Their boys are about to go to college again. We are too broad-minded. They must feel hurting their self-esteem, so you'd better observe secretly. Don't rush to ask each other's family background. If the other's family is poor, can you not let the two children come and go Are you that kind of person?"

Zhang Guilan is also from a rural background, and she is even poor. How can she dislike the other party? "I'm just afraid that the stunned youth in my family will be injured. Although he doesn't pay attention to anything every day, he is also shrewd, but he is honest. If he is serious and sold, he won't say It's true. I'm just playing with him. Isn't he the one who gets hurt at that time?"

"What can you do if you know that the other party is playing with him? You tell him that he won't listen to you. Forget it, just leave it alone and let them make trouble by themselves.

After talking with Tian Xiaoyue, Zhang Guilan also thought about it.

It was not until her son's college notice came down and he was going to Beijing. When she was at the railway station, Zhang Guilan saw the girl who saw her son off. She was dumbfounded on the spot and her face was not bloody at all.

In order not to affect his son, he forced his son away with a smile. After returning home, he fell ill. In the army, Luo Jijun in the army got a letter and rushed back, "Don't you want to part with your son? I have a meeting today, otherwise I will go with you to deliver it.

"You know, Aijun is in love." Luo Jijun nodded. He had already found out about this. Zhang Guilan grabbed his hand tightly. "Do you know who that girl is? You have also seen it. It's Sun Mei's daughter.

At the end, Zhang Guilan roared.

Luo Jijun was also shocked by the news, "Sun Mei's daughter?"

"Yes, it's the daughter. When I saw it on the spot, I almost fainted." Zhang Guilan gritted her teeth and said, "I don't care. Even if I fight for this life, our family can't marry Sun Mei's daughter."

Luo Jijun also frowned, "Is there a premeditation for a long time? Otherwise, how could it be such a coincidence?

This is also Zhang Guilan's first idea. He gritted his teeth and said, "You know what Aijun is like. If it hadn't been for the woman's meaningful seducing him, he wouldn't have thrown in like this. Now I figured out that the reason is here. No wonder Sun Mei saw me that day as if she didn't care about the past. She was here waiting to see my jokes.

As he spoke, Zhang Guilan cried, "In the end, it was his son who slapped me. Don't you think it makes Sun Mei proud?"

Luo Jijun held him in his arms and said, "Okay, okay, I don't know about this. When his military training is over, I'll talk to him."

"What are you talking about? Tell him that if he dares to have sex with Sun Mei's daughter again, I won't have him as a son. Let him go to Sun's house." Zhang Guilan couldn't help getting angry when she thought of asking her son if he was in the same way, and her son still swayed himself.

Luo Jijun smiled bitterly, "If you convict your son, you have to let him know what's wrong first."

Zhang Guilan just nodded, but at the thought of her son coaxing Sun Mei's daughter to be happy every day, and Sun Mei's mother and daughter's calculations, she couldn't help but feel a burst of anger.

In this anger, Zhang Guilan is really sick. People who have never been sick. Suddenly getting sick is always very fierce. Zhang Guilan stayed in the hospital for half a month, and then her illness slowly got better. The doctor checked that there was no illness. Even if there was fire, people were dizzy, which scared Luo Jijun. His daughter-in-law He was sick. It was not until his daughter-in-law was ill at this moment that he found that he had never been so afraid. In case he really left him alone, he couldn't help but be afraid.

Thinking that his daughter-in-law's illness was done by his son, Luo Jijun also called Beijing angrily. After receiving the phone, the Luo brothers were also very anxious. They called home every day after training, but there were few times when Luo Jijun could answer the phone at home, so he called the Zhou family, and Tian Xiaoyue became a The talker runs back and forth between the hospital and his family all day.

Things in the army can't get rid of it. Sometimes Luo Jijun can only leave Zhang Guilan alone in the hospital. Zhu Lan and Liu Xiaoban are limited when they come to accompany him. On this day, Zhang Guilan fell asleep dizzy and felt that someone was holding his hand. He thought it was Luo Jijun, but his hands were rougher than Luo Zhang Guilan suddenly opened her eyes.

After seeing the person in front of him, he didn't confirm and didn't say anything. He stared at the person in front of him and didn't move his eyes. After a long time, he gently called out, "Zong Guo?"

Yang Zongguo nodded, "I caught up with your illness as soon as I came back. It seems that I have to take care of you again."

Although he is nearly 50 years old, Yang Zongguo has not changed much from that year, but his hair on his temples is white, and the gully between his eyebrows is deeper. In those years, Yang Zongguo applied for transfer to a new special forces in the deep mountains. After leaving, there was no news at all. Zhang Guilan only knows that One person, although no one said much, Zhang Guilan also knew that it must be because of Luo Jijun's misunderstanding at the beginning.

Now I see people sitting in ** with a smile. I don't know what's wrong. Tears are blurred, and the people in front of me are blurred.

"I'm about to be a grandmother, and I still cry so much." Yang Zongguo called out a handkerchief and handed it over. Finally, he sighed and wiped his tears. He said, "I'm not happy that I'm back."


It will be updated late tomorrow, and it may be updated at night. The sisters in the new article "The Evil Girl from Good" took the effort to help her make advice. She thought it was to treat her sincerely, but she pushed her into the abyss of the evil girl step by step, destroyed her reputation, and became the evil girl in the eyes of

Rebirth back to the beginning, she wants to reform and take revenge on Xianshu.

No matter how virtuous she is, her notorious reputation is still standing side by side with the evil young people in the capital. Yuan Xi stroked her forehead and sighed: It's hard to be a lady.

The evil girl is good. RP