Reborn cannon fodder rural daughter-in-law

Chapter 399: Chen You had an accident

After Li Amei married Tian Shuai, she has been living a good life. She is in Zhang Luo at home. Tian Shuai devoted herself to her work. When they were free on the weekend, they went to Luo's house to sit down. With relatives, Zhang Guilan also felt very good.

My boudoir has been eleven months now. It's summer and she has learned to walk. Unfortunately, she was born with bald milk. There are only a few hairs on the top of her head. Her eyes are almost three hairs. Her eyes are shining. When she wakes up, she opens her eyes and smiles. Luo Jijun doesn'

"Don't go far when you are pregnant. Just walk in your yard. The first three months are the most important time. Don't get tired. If you have any heavy work at home, wait for Tian Shuai to come back to do it." Li Amei was also pregnant for more than a month. There was no old man around her. Zhang Guilan told her.

Li Amei blushed, "Tian Shuai said to pick up my mother and ask her to help me cook. She won't let me do it, just let me lie down."

"There is also this. If there is someone to accompany you, you won't be bored." Zhang Guilan is an experienced person. When she was pregnant, she took her mother to her side.

Seeing that her aunt mentioned that her mother was not unhappy, Li Amei smiled at ease. She didn't wait for dinner at noon. Tian Shuai came to pick up people. Zhang Guilan left someone to eat at home. Tian Shuai was also very energetic. As soon as she saw it, she sat on the dining chair opposite and kissed Tian Shuai all It made everyone laugh.

When people left, Luo Jijun sat his daughter in front of him with a serious face. "Girl, you are a girl, but you should pay attention to your fingers. You can't kiss people at will. You can only give it to your father and mother, okay?"

The boudoir blinked her eyes, only tilted her head and smiled, and the corners of her mouth were still drooling.

I knew that she didn't understand at all, but she stared at you motionless, very serious and as if she understood, but the boudoir had a good habit, that is, she nodded when you said anything to her.

So after Luo Jijun finished speaking, the boudoir nodded her chin.

Luo Jijun's vanity was satisfied and demonstrated to Zhang Guilan, "Look, she understands."

Then I saw the boudoir sitting there and nodding again.

Zhang Guilan couldn't help laughing.

The anger at home was just right, and the phone suddenly rang. Zhang Guilan went to pick up the phone and slowly frowned. "Let's go there now."

After the phone, he turned to Luo Jijun's side with a thick face. "Amei has a miscarriage. She's in the hospital. Let's go there now."

"That's why I sent someone away. Why did I have a miscarriage?" Luo Jijun was also stunned.

Zhang Guilan found clothes to put on the child, and replied without raising her head, "I met Chen You on the way, and I don't know how Chen You knew that Amei was Haiying's daughter. He went forward to argue and pushed her down by mistake."

What's going on? Tian Shuai didn't talk about it in detail on the phone, so he had to go to the hospital.

The husband and wife rushed to the hospital with their children. When they arrived, Li Amei had been transferred to the ward. She was crying. When she saw Zhang Guilan, she cried even more fiercely, "Where did he jump out? I don't know him. He pointed to my nose and scolded my mother for being **. I replied to him Tian Shuai was too late to find out that he was going to do it.

Thinking that the good child was gone like this, Li Amei cried again.

Luo Jijun held his boudoir in his arms. The boudoir was not afraid. He blinked curiously and looked at Li Amei, who was crying.

Tian Shuai looked guilty, "It's all my fault that I didn't protect you. The child will have you. Don't cry now. Take care of yourself first."

Seeing Tian Shuai like this, Zhang Guilan was very satisfied, so she went to persuade him, "Tian Shuai is right. There will still be children. You have to take care of your body first, and let your uncle deal with the rest."

After all, it is a child, and Zhang Guilan is also very angry.

Not to mention that Li Amei didn't do anything, Chen You vented his anger on the other party and was looking for someone to bully him.

"Where are the people?" Luo Jijun asked Chen You.

"I called the police. I'm in the public security bureau." Tian Shuai immediately stood up straight and replied.

Even if Luo Jijun is no longer a military industry, Tian Shuai is still as afraid as before.

Luo Jijun nodded, "You are here with your sister, and we will deal with it."

Tian Shuai thanked him and sent him out of the ward before turning back.

There are only two people. Li Amei cried guiltily, "This is all caused by my mother. Don't blame my mother in your heart. My mother is also hard enough. No matter what my mother did wrong in those years, she was my mother and gave birth to me to raise me."

"You silly girl, are you crying because of this?" Tian Shuai wiped off her tears with pain, "I have never thought about that. Besides, I don't blame your mother for this. We are not careful. Speaking of which, it's my great responsibility. I'm still a soldier. Watching my daughter-in-law have an accident in front of me, I don't deserve to be a man.

What's so insatiable about meeting such a man in his life?

Li Amei sniffed, "Tian Shuai, don't worry, I will have a good life with you."

"Of course, and you're going to have a baby for me." The two looked at each other and smiled.

On the side of the hospital, Tian Shuai persuaded the people.

Luo Jijun and his wife just drove to the public security bureau. The military police did not leave home, and Luo Jijun also knew each other. After saying his intention, he was taken to see Chen You. Chen You looked very haggard and withered.

Especially when he saw Luo Jijun, he shrank his neck.

"Chen You, I haven't seen you for 20 years. It was your fault for you and Haiying. Haiying didn't feel sorry for you, but you miscarried Haiying's daughter today. Is the hatred between you so heavy?" Luo Jijun ignited a cigarette and slowly sucked it up.

Zhang Guilan was outside with the child in her arms and didn't go in with Ben.

Chen You has calmed down at this time, with a touch of hatred in his eyes. "You are all to blame for this. If you hadn't offended the Sun family, how could Sun Mei have hit me with the idea? How could I be like this in my life? Now you have even lost your daughter. It's not your fault, but whose fault is it? If I hadn't met Luo Haiying in my life, I would have been a teacher, but look at me now, I'm a beggar.

It turned out that Xu Feng came out of the prison. The first thing she did when she returned home was to drive Chen You out. When she drove Chen You, she also told the inside story of that year. Sun Mei fell in love with Chen You, but she just used Chen You to block Luo Jijun. She went out of the house without a penny, and You only felt that the sky had collapsed.

Before leaving, I heard Sun Mei mocking him. If he really wanted to take revenge, he would go to Luo Haiying. Unfortunately, Luo Haiying is doing well now. His daughter married a company commander and went to the compound every day.

Under extreme thinking, Chen You rushed to the compound. He happened to hear the conversation between Tian Shuai and Li Amei. Hearing that Li Amei called Luo Jijun his uncle, Chen You affirmed Li Amei's identity. Then he went forward to quarrel, and there was Li Amei's miscarriage.

In fact, everything was just a provocation by Sun's mother and daughter. Chen Youcai did these things. After being taken to the public security bureau and calmed down, he also regretted it.

"You are always surprised because of us. Have you ever thought that you have misbehaved yourself? If you are in good shape, how can you be used by Sun Mei?" Luo Jijun looks down on such a man the most.

Put all the faults on others.

Chen You bowed his head and said no words.

At this time, I heard a call from the door, "Dad."

It was Chen Dan who was called by Zhang Guilan.

Seeing his missing daughter, Chen You stood up excitedly, "Xiao Dan, where did you come from? How do you know I'm here?

"Dad, I work in Mr. Zhang's clothing factory, and I earn more than 2,000 yuan a month. Dad, I can support you. Why do you do that? Can't you understand it over the years? The Sun family doesn't treat our father and daughter as people at all. Even if they are sincere to them, they will get their indifference. After working in the factory, Chen Dan slowly let go of his mind. Now he has become the team leader. "Dad, you always think about the disappointment of the past. No matter what, it's your own choice. No one forced you at the beginning, and now you can't blame others. Look, Mr. Zhang didn't let me enter the factory because I was my father's daughter. Now I have become the team leader. Dad, when I work in the factory for five years, the factory will divide the house. I only need to pay 200 yuan a month. Ten years later, the house will be our own, and we no longer have to live in someone else

Chen Dan is full of hope for the future.

Chen You didn't expect this. He looked at Luo Jijun and his wife in astonishment and covered his face in shame and cried, "I'm an asshole."

Chen Dan also cried, and then turned to Zhang Guilan to plead, "Mr. Zhang, let my father go. My father really didn't mean it. Although he is not good, he is timid to kill people."

Zhang Guilan is not easy to make a decision and looks at Luo Jijun.

Luo Jijun sighed, "In the end, Haiying was a little wrong in those years. Forget it this time. I just hope you can really change it."

As soon as he finished speaking, Chen Dan knelt on the ground and said, "Thank you."

I kowtowed three times in a row.

Seeing his daughter, whom he usually didn't want to see, Chen You repeatedly slapped him in the face in order to scare others, "I'm not a good father."

Unexpectedly, the one who helped himself in the end was the daughter who usually beat and scolded herself.

After coming out of the prison, Zhang Guilan was a little worried, "If you make such a decision, won't you be angry?"

"Don't worry, she is not like her mother. She knows my intention. After all, she has to come to an end. It's a blessing to suffer a loss. I just hope that this loss can be exchanged for peace."

After hearing this, Zhang Guilan didn't ask any more questions. The two went to the hospital to tell Li Amei about the matter. It was really the same as Luo Jijun expected. Li Amei did not blame Luo Jijun for this decision, and it was also acquiesced to end the kindness of her mother in her previous life.

But when Luo Haiying came, he quit. He insisted on Chen You to argue, and even more clamoring to send people to the prison, while blaming himself. RS