Reborn cannon fodder rural daughter-in-law

Chapter 401: Love

As soon as Luo Aijun arrived in front of him, he hugged his boudoir into his arms, and then raised it high. The boudoir was not afraid at all and laughed.

Zhang Guilan was frightened. Luo Jijun robbed his daughter with a dark face. How could Luo Aijun agree? He dodged and handed the child to Luo Aiguo's arms. Luo Aiguo skilllessly took over his boudoir, hugged her in his arms and touched her face with a smile.

"Dir, do you miss your brother?" Luo is patriotic, just like a real brother.

The boudoir blinked her eyes and looked at Luo Aiguo, then turned her head to look at Luo Aijun, who was laughing, then looked at Luo Aiguo, and then looked at Luo Aijun. She looked left and right like this, completely confused.

She looks so cute, not to mention how cute she is.

Tian Xiaoyue and Zhang Guilan couldn't help laughing. Even Luo Jijun and Zhou Fuguo couldn't help laughing. It was Zhou Aiyue who looked at her boudoir with curiosity and straight eyes.

Everyone was joking, and no one noticed Zhou Aiyue's reaction. Even when Luo Aiguo handed his boudoir to her hand, his whole body was still stiff.

When it came to the boudoir in his arms, she now looked at Zhou Aiyue's face, and then habitually kissed her. Zhou Aiyue was stunned at first, and then smiled warmly at the corners of her mouth.

Luo Aijun came to his mother's side curiously, "Mom, what is your boudoir doing?"

"When she sees a handsome man, she likes to kiss others. She is a famous little girl in the courtyard, especially when she sees a military uniform and a kisser, she will marry a soldier in the future." Zhang Guilan smiled.

The three young men widened their eyes and looked at the boudoir curiously. After kissing, they stretched out their little hand to touch Zhou Aiyue's face. Zhou Aiyue, who was usually not nervous when she saw the world, was frozen at this time and did not dare to move. Ren's boudoir touched his face.

Looking at his son like this, Tian Xiaoyue joked and said, "Look, your little goblin has given all my Aiyue to the shelter. It's really invincible. I don't know what kind of person can treat her in the future. I'm waiting to watch the fun.

Zhang Guilan also squeezed her lips and smiled. It was Luo Jijun who silently looked at his daughter touching another man's face. He felt uncomfortable. It was hard to say anything in front of so many people. Fortunately, everyone was at the airport and said a few words before returning to the villa.

Last time Tian Xiaoyue knew that Zhang Guilan had bought a villa, she went home and shouted that she wanted to be a neighbor. When Zhou Fuguo was on a business trip, he passed by here and inquired about it nearby. Until two months ago, one happened to be sold by them. They bought it. Now the two families live in the same community.

Because the house had not been cleaned up in a hurry, a group of people lived in the Luo family that day.

Especially the boudoir, as soon as she saw such a big house, she ran around in the living room happily and kept shouting. Luo Aijun was afraid that she would fall down to help her. She also kissed Luo Aijun and even shouted 'Duoduo'.

"Mom, is my boudoir calling me brother?" Luo Aijun was overjoyed.

Zhang Guilan also leaned over happily, "My boudoir, call again."

"Love me more." The boudoir said another word obediently.

Luo Aijun excitedly raised her boudoir high, "Your boudoir is so cute."

The two brothers and sisters cheered in the room, and Luo Aiguo shook his head, "Do you see it? Now Aijun is more like a child.

"The boudoir is very cute." Zhou Aiyue only stared at her boudoir, and there was no Luo Aijun in her eyes at all.

Luo Aiguo made a slight difference and narrowed his eyes slightly, but he didn't say anything again, but he had to care about it. Until he had dinner and took a walk in the community, Luo Aiguo talked to Zhou Aiyue.

"You are also young. Have you ever thought about your own affairs?"

It's rare to hear Luo Aijun say this, especially those who have not talked much. It's always shocking to suddenly ask about this. Zhou Aiyue was silent, and the two only walked forward slowly.

After a long time, Zhou Aiyue said, "I've thought about it, but it's too early now. When do you want to solve your own affairs?

"It's too early, the same." The words that came to my mouth didn't come out and swallowed.

Luo Aiguo only hopes that he thinks too much. His boudoir is only two years old, and Zhou Aiyue is already 21 years old. He is also a steady person. How can he do such crazy things? But when he thinks of Zhou Aiyue's attitude towards his boudoir, Luo Aiguo feels that he doesn't think too much.

Over the years, with his understanding of Zhou Aiyue, Zhou Aiyue has never been abnormal, but today he saw that the boudoir was too abnormal, and his eyes did not leave the boudoir. He also thought about his father's dark face. Luo Aiguo shook and shook. He must have thought too much. Otherwise, if that's the case Kill people.

Zhou Aiguo talks and laughs without saying a word.

In the evening, Luo Jijun followed Zhang Guilan in the room and complained, "You have to let her change the problem of your beloved family, otherwise you will be kissed everywhere you go. What if people misunderstand?"

"She is only two years old and still a child. Who will think too much?" Zhang Guilan didn't know what Luo Jijun was worried about.

"Two years old can also be misunderstood, and she is a girl, which should be paid more attention to." Luo Jijun couldn't help but feel sad when he thought of his daughter kissing others. "Don't just think that the child is so interesting every day. Now it doesn't matter. What should you do when you grow up and kiss someone? Don't let her be as open as a foreigner. If you don't mind, I'll take care of it tomorrow."

Zhang Guilan lay in his arms, "Are you really willing to take care of it? I don't say a heavy word. I'm usually a villain. You still have to protect my boudoir and scold me, but you can do a good father very well. Well, I'll wait for you to discipline your daughter tomorrow. I'm finally liberated. I don't have to be a villain anymore.

Seeing that his daughter-in-law didn't pay attention to it, Luo Jijun lost his spirit and wanted to let him train his daughter. How could he be willing to do it?

"Okay, okay, I'll talk to my boudoir tomorrow, and it depends on whether she agrees or not." Zhang Guilan made fun of him.

Luo Jijun's heart was like a hand grasping it. He turned over annoyingly. Zhang Guilan moved him and then put away his laughter, "Jijun, I know you like your boudoir and love her. But she will grow up and get married one day. Why don't you let her get married? She is a girl, which is the only way to live. But you can be a serious father-in-law and watch the other party not bully your boudoir. So now, you have to let go and let her go to her own world.

"Okay, don't be angry. Now as long as I think of my boudoir to get married, I feel sad. Zhang Guilan coaxed her father, who was still eating.

Luo Jijun then turned around and hugged his daughter-in-law in his arms. "I know, but I feel uncomfortable to think that my boudoir wants to marry someone and get close to others."

The next day, the Zhou family wanted to clean up the house, and the Luo family also went to help, and even the boudoir followed her. She looked like a little clay figurine, but she loved to pester Zhou Aiyue the most, and even Luo Aijun was jealous.

"Dir, you can follow Duoduo." Now Luo Aijun has changed his brother to Duoduo.

Squat in front of the boudoir coquettishly, with a grievance.

The boudoir patted him in the face, then turned around and followed Zhou Aiyue.

Luo Aijun's face was praised.

Everyone laughed.

When buying vegetables, Luo Aijun rushed there and hugged his boudoir to buy food, but the boudoir insisted on Zhou Aiyue to hold it. Zhou Yueai happily carried the boudoir together.

Zhang Guilan hurriedly pulled Luo Jijun to speak. Luo Jijun's face looked better. Tian Xiaoyue smiled and secretly followed Zhou Fuguo. Zhou Fuguo also smiled when he heard about it.

Everyone now regards watching Luo Jijun's jealousy as a hustle and bustle. In less than half an hour, Luo Aijun and others will come back and eat with both hands.

Everyone wash their hands and cooks, which is very lively.

In the evening, Tian Xiaoyue also wondered, "Aiyue likes her boudoir very much."

"I like it, too." Zhou Fuguo and Ben didn't think much about it.

"Forget it, I told you that you don't understand." Tian Xiaoyue just thought about it, and she didn't really think much about it.

The next day, Luo Aiguo and the other three left for school. The boudoir saw the three people leaving and cried.

Zhou Fuguo was different from the past. He did not smile but sat there in a daze. Luo Aiguo looked at him and sighed slightly. He just hoped that he really thought too much and time could change everything.

The Luo family and the Zhou family celebrate the New Year in Beijing. Half a month after arriving here, Xu Min came and found the Luo family. Seeing Xu Min coming, Zhang Guilan was very happy and cleaned up the house for her.

Xu Min looked thin, haggard, and not as talkative as before. After arriving at Luo's house, she only said that she was tired, so she went back to the room to sleep. She didn't come down all day. Even Zhang Guilan said that she was not hungry while eating downstairs.

Zhang Guilan looked very worried and called Zhao Xue in the north. When Zhao Xue heard that her daughter was there, she couldn't help crying on the phone. "I don't know what's wrong with this child. When I got home, I wanted to go to your place. I asked the address and ran away without saying what's wrong, but when It was beaten by someone. I don't know what happened outside.

Zhang Guilan was shocked and motioned Luo Jijun to keep a low voice when playing with his daughter. While persuading Zhao Xue on the phone, "Don't worry, I will take care of her when people arrive at my side. When they are on holiday, I will ask them to ask. Children are always more talkative than us adults. I'll tell you when you understand what's going on. If you're really worried, come to Beijing.

Zhao Xue thanked him, and the two hung up the phone.

Zhang Guilan thought that Zhao Xue was also very upset. She only let Luo Jijun take his boudoir to play in the room on weekdays. She called Tian Xiaoyue again and told her not to come here in the next few days. After all, there was Zhou Aiyue. Xu Min was in a bad mood. It would be more uncomfortable to see them again.

This sounded very annoying. Tian Xiaoyue asked Zhang Guilan not to worry, so she hung up the phone.

So in the past few days, Zhang Guilan has sent the food to Xu Min's house, hoping that her son can have a quick holiday so that the matter can be solved as soon as possible. RS