Reborn cannon fodder rural daughter-in-law

Chapter 405: Similar

When Sun Mei arrived at the Xu family, there was no one else in the Xu family except the old couple of the Xu family. When Sun Mili came in, she saw her mother sitting on the sofa waiting for her.

Covering up his boredom, Sun Mili went to the opposite side of the sofa and sat down, "Mom, didn't I ask you to call if you have something to do? I've been busy these days and don't have time to see you.

"You don't have to say this here. You are going to marry from the Xu family, aren't you?" Sun Mei's face was ruined, wrapped in a scarf, and she sat there gloomy.

"Yes. You know what's going on with our family. I don't want the man's family to think too much. It's not good for them to look at you like this again. Don't worry, I will take someone back to see you after I get married. Sun Mili didn't beat around the bush. "Aren't you just afraid that I won't leave you alone? I've just joined the army. I'm still a soldier. I don't have much money every month, but as long as he gives me the money, I'll send it to you.

With two people from the Xu family, Sun Mili didn't dare to mention the money left by his grandma.

Sun Mei also understood, "Do you think I'm ashamed now?"

"Mom, I'm your daughter. Can you think about me? After so many things happened, you will only remind people of those things, and forget that it is our wedding. Do you want me to be a laughing stock? Does it embarrass me? What benefits can you get in that way? It will only make those who want to see my jokes happy. You didn't humiliate them, so you hurt your daughter. Sun Mili felt that it was clear enough to say this.

Now the people of the Xu family don't like her, and they are ashamed. Of course, it is the Xu family who is happy.

Sun Mei didn't say anything.

"Mom, I'll send you back. The day after tomorrow is the day. I told Shi Wansheng about my situation. He accepts the situation of my family, but his parents have to slowly let them accept it. When did you say I lied to you?" He helped his mother get up and walked out. It was not until he left the building that Sun Mili whispered, "If I had stayed with you at the beginning, what kind of mother-in-law could I find?" No one will marry me at all. Look, it's the battalion commander who is married now. It's not too late for me to turn against the Xu family when I get married.

Speaking of this, Sun Mili looked excited, "Mom, you don't know yet, do you? Xu Min chased Shi Wansheng, was rejected by Shi Wansheng, and slapped her. What do you think will happen when the Xu family knows about this? The final winner is me."

It turned out that when he entered the army, Sun Mili once had no problem with Shi Wansheng. When chatting, he knew that Sun Mili's father was Xu Hu, so he was embarrassed to tell Xu Min about it.

When Shi Wansheng had a girlfriend outside, Xu Min took a fancy to his confession, or in front of his girlfriend. In order not to make his girlfriend sad and proved that he had no good impression on Xu Min, Shi Wansheng slapped her.

I didn't expect such a thing to happen. The enemy of the enemy is his own friend.

When Sun Mili heard that Shi Wansheng broke up with his girlfriend, he comforted him, and the two came together. In order to add obstacles to Xu Min, Sun Mili used all his skills, and finally asked Shi Wansheng to finish the marriage early.

Sun Mei was very happy to hear that there was such a thing. "You dead girl, why didn't you say such a thing earlier? It made me run here to find you, and you still hide from me. I don't believe you say this."

"If I am happy to see you, I will definitely make the Xu family suspicious. When I left you, I was thinking that I came to the Xu family to add obstacles to the Xu family. We can't live like that and make them happy.

"Yes, we have to do this to them." Thinking of her current situation, Sun Mei was in a bad mood. "Forget it, I'll take a taxi back by myself. You can prepare for the marriage, but hasn't your man come to the Xu family? Xu Min didn't recognize it?"

"Xu Min hid at her grandma's house when she came back. It's better to let her know on the wedding day." Sun Mili smiled lightly.

Sun Mei was relieved and took a taxi.

Looking at the car from afar, the smile on Sun Mili's face restrained. The Xu family helped them to send themselves early. How could they think of themselves as the daughter of the Xu family?

Now that she is really a relative, she has only one mother left.

Back to Xu's house, Mrs. Xu was cleaning up the house. When she saw Sun Mili, she said, "Don't blame us. Your mother did a lot of things that you couldn't forgive. Over the years, most of the money your father has earned has been given to you. When you come back, you have arranged a job for you, and now you have a wedding. Few stepmothers can do this. You should also learn to be content.

"Grandma, I know. It bothers you." Sun Mili replied obediently.

Mrs. Xu shook her head and entered the house. Sun Mei was not like this in those years, but the result was not...

Two days later, the Xu family married their daughter. After all, they got married, and the courtyard was also lively.

The Shi family did not live in the local area, so they only rented ten wedding cars, but they were all Mercedes-Benzes, which made everyone envious. Xu Min followed her grandma back, wrapped her coat tightly, and hummed disdainfully, but when she saw the groom, her whole face turned white.

It was not until the wedding car left and she was pulled into the house by grandma that Xu Min came to her senses, "Grandpa, is the person Sun Mili married by Shi Wansheng?"

"Isn't it written on the wedding sticker?" Mrs. Zhao also changed her direction to answer.

Xu Min clenched her lips, "Sun Mili is too embarrassed to bully others."

"What's the matter? Do you know each other? Mrs. Zhao also heard from her daughter about her granddaughter, "Isn't that the one who beats you?"

Xu Min looked angry and did not answer. Mrs. Zhao also knew that she had guessed correctly and shook her head, "Cause and effect cycle, this is retribution. In those years, your mother ruined Sun Mei's relationship with your father. Unexpectedly, she married your father by chance. Now Sun Mili is married to the man you like. Don't you think this is karma?

"Sun Mili must have done it on purpose. He must know about me and Shi Wansheng, otherwise how could he suddenly get married? He wanted to see my jokes." Xu Min jumped up with a ferocious face.

"You silly child, you didn't come back in Beijing at all. How could she know if you didn't meet Shi Wansheng? Don't guess randomly. There is a destiny in the dark. It's fate. You can't avoid it." Mrs. Zhao thinks this is the reason more and more.

Xu Min didn't believe this. When she went back to her room, she thought that Sun Mili had been living here and didn't like anything. She threw the things in the room out. Mrs. Zhao couldn't persuade her and had to pick them up outside until Zhao Xue came back from the wedding and the things in the room were thrown away. When she

"What are you going to do? Are you crazy?" Zhao Xue went forward to pull people.

Xu Min shook off her mother's hand and shouted like crazy, "Do you know who Shi Wansheng is? Even the person who refused me to slap me at the beginning, Sun Mili must know this, so he will marry him just to humiliate me. You don't help me, but you help them prepare for the wedding. Are you my biological parents? I don't know what she slept in. I feel nauseous. Isn't that okay?"

While talking and crying, Xu Min squatted on the ground and couldn't get up.

Zhao Xue was also stunned when she heard this. She sat down and didn't know what to say.

She also felt strange. Why did Sun Mili suddenly want to get married? She was still in such a hurry. It turned out that there was such an inside story. Maybe it was just a coincidence. Otherwise, wouldn't it be ruined to marry casually just to add obstacles?

"Xiaomin, you don't like rice grains, you know, but you miss me in this matter. She must not know anything. If you don't like what she has slept in, then don't want it. I'm looking for someone to take it away now." Zhao Xue slowly got up and looked seriously at her daughter who was still squatting on the ground and crying. She was cruel and said, "Today's such a thing is only allowed once, and I won't do it again. This is the courtyard. Anyone who has something to do will be known. Don't you like rice grains? Then for the sake of your own reputation, marry someone better than her in the future, so that Mi Li won't laugh at you. Think about what I said, right?

After leaving the words, Zhao Xue went out. When he got to the living room, it was dark. He held the sofa and stood firmly. Mrs. Zhao couldn't help worrying when she saw it, "You have been tossing around these days. Have a good rest. I'll find someone to take things away."

"Mom, leave it alone." Zhao Xue stopped her mother and said, "I'll go. Who gave birth to me?"

The Xu family made such a scene. Sun Mili didn't see it, especially at the wedding. She didn't see Xu Min, so she was very disappointed. However, there was always a day when she met, she didn't believe that Xu Min would not react at all.

It's just that Xu Hu left early, which made Sun Mili in a bad mood.

The next day, Sun Mili took Shi Wansheng to the courtyard, but he came late. Except for the two old people in the Xu family, Xu Hu was not there. Xu Hu went to the army. Zhao Xue took his daughter to the street to buy things. When he came, it was empty. Sun Mili took Shi Wansheng to the Sun family's

Sun Mei was very happy to see her son-in-law. She asked the two of them to eat at home, but Sun Mei herself went out to buy it. She didn't cook at home for a long time. Sun Mili knew that this situation and did not stay. She said that she would go to someone else's house and took Shi Wansheng away

After getting married, Sun Mili went back to the Xu family several times, but he didn't meet Xu Min every time. He didn't expect that Xu Min knew Shi Wansheng and avoided it. In this way, he felt better.

Near the Spring Festival, Zhang Laowu was ill. Zhang Guilan, who originally planned to celebrate the Spring Festival in Beijing, took her man and children back to the north. Seeing her thin father in the hospital, Zhang Guilan cried.

Suddenly, I feel very selfish. Over the years, I have only been at home and have not been with my parents.

"It's okay. It's just gastroenteritis. I'm going to vomit up and excreted before I'm thin. When I get better, I'll make up for it after eating." Sun Shubo comforted her daughter.

I'm not very thin.

"Mom, I will never leave you again." What Zhang Guilan said was the truth.

When his father fell ill, the family was preparing for the Spring Festival in the courtyard. Zhang Guilan asked Luo Jijun to call his parents in his hometown to come. After all, there were not many opportunities, and Luo Laohan also agreed. RS