Reborn Mermaid

Chapter 30 Ex-fiancé

Xing Sa's cold look was slightly in a trance, and his evil eyes were a little confused. And the girl sitting on the white shark is cold, arrogant and noble in an arrogant manner.

"Princess Sinking Fish? Can that waste go into the sea?!" Although the face of the woman in front of her is similar to that of the sinking fish, the pride and dignity are different from the sinking fish.

"Guard Ye Tan, take my arrow." Xing Sa ordered coldly. He suddenly had an impulse to conquer her and make her an existing impulse. His uncontrollable and ready-moving heart was attracted by her, bewitched by her, and strongly wanted to occupy everything she had.

He wants to catch her! Do whatever it takes!

The prince of the Nebula Kingdom, Xing Sa, since he dares to catch up, his martial arts skills are not weak.

"Prince, no!" The white-robed national master reached out to stop the bow and arrow handed over by the bodyguard Ye Tan. This time, they went to sea and came to Mermaid Island with the lord of the Nebula Kingdom on their back. It was not right, and he couldn't let Prince Xing Sa come.

"Ye Tan, bring the bow and arrow! Hurry up!" Where can I hear Xing Sa? Now he is side by side with that girl, which is a good opportunity to catch her. Don't miss the opportunity and never come again. Regardless of the obstruction of the national teacher, he grabbed the big bow, opened his hands and pointed straight to the girl opposite him. That was his goal and must not be let go.

The arm is sinking, the bow is full, and people and arrows are united.

As soon as the connounched his hand, he knew if there was any. When the guards in the cabin saw this, they immediately cheered. This one-arm bow was already quite beautiful.

The sinking fish sat on the white shark and saw a sneer at the corners of his mouth. His cold pupils quickly flashed a trace of darkness. The man had a proud appearance and noble temperament, but he was as ruthless and selfish as Gu Xing.

is a man very similar to her, beating her from heaven to hell. It makes her feel painless, love and hate. The deeper she loves, the deeper she hates. At this time, did he dare to point an arrow at himself?

Disappointed, angry, floating in the heart of the sinking fish, a rainbow shell that had been playing between his fingers suddenly bounced.

The rainbow shell meteor chased the moon and generally shot towards the bottom of the boat. The slight sound of breaking the air was perfectly covered by the sound of the guards' applause, and the rainbow shell fell into the sea silently.

Bow to the extreme, two fingers in the void, the star is about to shoot with an arrow.

Unexpectedly, the hull suddenly shook, a small stagger, and a star arrow on the string immediately tilted.

But I saw a sharp arrow breaking out of the air.

"Wow, that's good! The prince is so powerful..." Immediately, there was a burst of joy and thunder. Seeing that the sharp arrow with golden feathers was about to shoot at the girl, everyone cheered.

Unexpectedly, the cheers did not stop, and the next second the golden arrow inserted into the girl's side and flew obliquely and fell into the sea.

"Sh--" cheered, and everyone suddenly took a cold breath, and their originally excited faces suddenly showed embarrassment.

Prince Xing Sa failed?!

"Prince! Stop it!" The national teacher shouted at the sight of the situation. Others did not know the situation just now, but he could see it clearly.

Under the eyes of the public, Xing Sa's face suddenly turned red with anger and roared: "Daet, the sea is full of wind and waves, and then take an arrow." The surrounding guards immediately grumbled in their hearts when they heard the words. The prince was really thin-skinned and couldn't shoot, which was strange.

Sunny as gold, tolerant of girls. In front of her, the girl is as beautiful as a pearl, which is a rare treasure. She rode steadily on the white shark and was slowly laughing with a sarcastic smile. Not only did she not escape, but what was more annoying was that she also had three points of provocation.

The star's red face turned blue in an instant. He understood the shape of the girl's lips. She was saying, "Do you try again?"

"Accelerate, get closer, get closer to her." Xing Sa trembled and trembled with anger. He ordered Daobian to put on the arrow again.

The second arrow is about to be shot.

Suddenly, I heard someone shouting, "No, no, the cabin is leaking--"

With this call, Mezlo raised his tail excitedly and patted the splash proudly.

The old man in white robe said that the giant tooth creature is very fierce, which is really wronged. It really did nothing, but when it accidentally fled for its life just now, it fled to this reef-filled sea. Who let them not pay attention and chase it to death?

Now the big ship has hit a reef and damaged the bottom cabin. How can you blame it?

"Don't panic, drain quickly, drain."

When the ship was moving fast, it hit the reef. The bottom of the ship was extremely ruptured, and the sea water poured in quickly.

Fortunately, this is the royal sea ship of the Nebula Kingdom, which is full of warriors of the Nebula Kingdom. After a moment of panic, everyone immediately began to use the vessels on the ship to drain in an orderly manner.

The national master was so tired that he sweated profusely because he commanded everyone. It was when his heart hung on his throat that he looked up and saw the smiling eyes of the pink girl opposite him. No matter how big the person changed, the color in his eyes would never change.

"Prince Xing Sa, you will regret it." This is what Shenyu said to them on the day of the divorce.

Now, she came, and she came to revenge crazily. In an instant, he came to his mind and didn't have time to think about it. He had exclaimed, "Princess Sinking Fish! Prince Xingsa, she is really a sinking fish princess!"

With this shout, he knew that he had made a big mistake!

Sure enough, the chaotic order on the ship lost control in an instant. Everyone knew that this was to withdraw from the mermaid family, and they were all cautious. At this time, when they heard that Princess Shenyu chased after her, people were even more panicked and looked at the other side one after another. Mezlo lost the opportunity to raise his head from time to time and showed his big fangs with a smile.

Everyone panicked, and the cabin began to tilt slightly, and the sea poured in more.

The sinking fish raised its eyebrows. It's really eyeless. It's only now. Don't you think it's too late?

"It's always a stranger." Chen Yu sighed and patted Mezlo: "Let's go and let them leave it to fate."

Heaven's sins are forgiven, and self-inflicted sins cannot be lived.

"The sinking fish, by the way, it must be the sinking fish, that waste!" The words of the national teacher reminded Xing Sa that he was furious. I didn't expect that I would be tricked by her alone. It's a shame. The sun is like gold, tolerant of the girl opposite. The girl in front of her is as beautiful as a pearl, which is a rare treasure. At this time, there was a spark of hatred in his eyes. She hurt herself and patted her buttocks and wanted to leave? Dream!

Xing Sa jumped and rushed to the girl opposite with all his strength. If he wanted to die, he had to pull a cushion on his back.

The sinking fish rode Mezlo, and it was the time to turn around. Unexpectedly, Xing Sa would have the heart of Ningwei jade, not the whole heart. Unexpectedly, he was thrown into the sea by Xing Sa.

With one blow, Xing Sa hugged the neck of the sinking fish with his arms, and the two were tightly entangled and rolled back and forth in the sea. Mezlo was stunned by this sudden change.

"Shu--" It looked at the sinking fish entangled by the stars, hugged, and fit without a single gap, and called anxiously.