Reborn Mermaid

Chapter 34 Go back with me

"My name is Luo Hua," the woman in purple, with the corners of her lips softened, and her eyes seemed to understand everything. She gently exhorted, "I just want to remind you that you should cherish your body more and mean no harm to you."

"Fat gorgeous?" Being seen through his mind, Chen Yu was a little embarrassed. The depression that was stuffed because of the savior was relieved, "I will! But why do you know all these things?

Luo Xuan smiled gently, and the sharpness in her eyes seemed to have never been revealed in front of her. "I don't know everything, but my heart knows more than others and learns a little more than others. At least, there is one thing I don't know."

"What's the matter?"

Luoxuan's eyes showed interest: "Why is my purple moon blade on you?"

"Purple Moon Blade? Are you talking about this dagger? Chen Yu was stunned, took out the purple dagger and handed it over. "I found it at the seaside a month ago. I'll give it back to you!"

"Has anyone told you about this purple moon blade?" Luoxuan frowned, and she did not ignore the expression of the sinking fish. Although her voice was still as calm as the lake in March, she was not shocked, but the sinking fish could hear it

The slight blue in his heart.

"Uh," she looked at the woman in front of her uneasily. She was as quiet as water, with slightly alienated eyes and calm. Ning He had a charm of wanting to drag people deep into the boundless lake. The sinking fish said truthfully, "This morning, a peony demon also asked me for this purple moon blade."

"Then go back with me!"

This is a habit of commanding tone, as if she is born with this kingly spirit.

"Go back with her?" The sinking fish bit his lip, and his heart was even more uneasy, "Why?"

I can't see how clear her heart is, but she feels a little different from just now, as if she is angry. But her eyes can't see it at all. Is she over-minded?

"Have you ever seen a peony?"

"Yes, I also fought with her!"

The gorgeous eyes flashed slightly, and the thick eyelashes cast a faint shadow: "Although you have cracked the peony's best at the technique of yin, Huayu array? However, this purple moon blade is originally a sharp weapon to the yin. The flower rain shower is just to stimulate the evil spirit of the purple moon blade. It is just that it has unconsciously invaded your body and must be healed as soon as possible, otherwise your life will not be saved.

The sea breeze was very hot, the waves burst, and the sinking fish suddenly felt a little dizzy, and a big drop of sweat floated on her forehead. She never thought that this small dagger would be so evil that it could destroy human nature

Life is invisible.

The sea is so blue, the sky is so pure, and the sinking fish pulls out a stiff smile. The person who had died once has not been too panicked when he hears it again.

"Go back with me" Luo Xuan looked at her and whispered, "There shouldn't be a big problem."

A smile appeared in the eyes of the sinking fish, looking at Luo Xuan and nodding quietly. She believed in her from the beginning.

"Why did you help me?" The sinking fish turned his head and said, "What do you want?"

"Can you give me anything I want?" Under the moonlight, the gorgeous eyes revealed a kind of sadness of the legacy. At this moment, she was so similar to the peony flower demon.

"Of course-" Shen Yu wrinkled her nose and looked at Luo Xuan's surprised look. She blinked her eyes mischievously and gently spit out the last two words, "No."

Luo Hua was stunned, and the dignified atmosphere just now suddenly melted away, and her nature was very pleasing to her.

"Sister Luoxuan, you can do whatever you want, but you must not kill me. You have finally saved me now. If you want to kill me again, isn't it a waste of strength?" Shenyu's serious way


"Who wants your life to do?" The name of this sister made Luoxuan a little unstable. She frowned and was a little annoyed: "If someone really wants your life, you have to discuss it with me first."

Although it is a faint tone of laughter, there is no doubt about the sincerity in it.

The sunken fish's chest warms. Sometimes, there is no reason to trust a person. Even if it's just one side of fate, you can't ignore the sincerity in it.

"Go, come back with me." Luo Xuan said lightly, "In addition to helping you get rid of the evil spirit of the purple moon blade, your body has also been stimulated a lot recently and needs to be well recuperated."

"Go to your house?" Chen Yu was finally a little worried. How could she feel indescribable uneasiness when she went so presumptuously?

She is a mermaid. Will she scare others if she goes like this?

"It's not my home," Luo Xuan smiled and said, "Don't worry, it's my palace! Purple Jade Flower City!"

"Do you live alone?"

"Of course," Luo Xuan said with a smile, and then paused, "No!"

The happy expression of the sinking fish solidified in an instant. Luoxuan, such an excellent and beautiful woman, will it cause you any trouble if you go there this time?

"You should feel very comfortable, and no one will force you. If you don't like it, you can leave at any time." A gorgeous smile.