Reborn Mermaid

Chapter 111 Poison

Xiao Mo carefully applied medicine to the sinking fish, but Junhe and Luoxuan went to visit Xianzun. At that time, I was in a hurry to see the fish and forgot to thank him. Of course, the most important thing was to completely figure out the situation of the sinking fish's body.

The injury of the sinking fish made Junhe and Luoxuan reach a consensus in some aspects.

"Well, my old man can't even sleep now." Suddenly, under a dense tree, Xianzun's voice appeared. Junhe and Luoxuan looked under the tree together. Xianzun actually lay alone under the tree and closed his eyes to rest.

Luo Xuan immediately pulled Junhe and whispered, "This man has a strange temper. How can he do this immortal on Xianchen Island?"

"For the six-pointed star." Junhe answered directly, but he didn't expect that this answer surprised Luo Xuan and his face changed. However, his face was also quickly full of doubts: "What does he want the six-pointed star to do?"

"Humph, what are you two muttering about? Don't disturb my old man to sleep." Xianzun suddenly opened his eyes, and the breeze raised his white beard. His eyes were firmly locked on both of them, with a strong displeasure on his face.

"Xianzun, I'm sorry to bother you." Junhe went forward and saluted, with respect in his tone.

"Hmm!" Xianzun immediately closed his eyes, snorted coldly, and said in a faint tone, "You two are here to inquire about Princess Chenyu, right?"

"Yes, yes. I'm here for the princess's business. Junhe nodded repeatedly. Although he was noble, he still respected Xianchen Island.

"You are, what about him?" Xianzun closed his eyes and suddenly fell with a gorgeous finger. Some people in the world are amazingly beautiful, but they can't stand to see. Some people are so beautiful that they are comfortable and never get tired of seeing them. The man in front of him should belong to the latter. What's more, there is hope on his face.

For such a beautiful man, Xianzun can only close his eyes and ask ruthlessly, "Are you also a princess of sinking fish?"

Xianzun's words instantly broke the leisurely and quiet atmosphere. Junhe and Luoxuan looked at each other and nodded: "Yes, it's also for this matter."

"It seems that you both care about her very much?" Xianzun obviously asked deliberately. Junhe looked at Luo Xuan, and his face was more than black, but colorful. He gritted his teeth and replied, "Yes."

"Oh," Xianzun said, closed his eyes and continued to sleep.

Junhe lowered his eyes speechlessly: "Please tell me whether the princess is well?"

"Is it pared?" Xianzun closed his eyes and sneered: "I'm afraid it will disappoint you two."

"Boom," Junhe only felt the thunder, and his face suddenly stiffened. Can't he be cured by changing blood?

"Alas - blood exchange can only temporarily delay her life. She was bitten by the werewolf. The toxins in the werewolf's teeth have penetrated into her blood. Even if the blood change, it only removes most of the toxins in her body, and some of them cannot be completely removed. Your Highness, Princess Chenyu, I'm afraid I can't be your princess. Xianzun sighed long: "You go."

Junhe and Luo Xuan looked at each other and regained tranquility under the tree. Although Luo Xuan had many questions in his heart, he did not care about it. He looked at Xian Zun and asked, "Is there no other way to cure it?"

"Cough, cough, other methods?" Xianzun coughed gently in the breeze, opened his eyes, and looked deeply at Luo Xuan, as if he was attracted by his beauty. He stared straight at Luo Xuan, stroked his beard, and shrugged his shoulders: "My old man doesn't know this."

Junhe's expression froze in an instant.

Luo Xuan stood there in a daze, and his bright eyes suddenly lost their focus.

"Go away and stop disturbing my old man's sleep." Xianzun looked at Luo Xuan reluctantly and finally closed his eyes without saying a word.

Junhe and Luo gorgeously returned to the bamboo house. The sinking fish had fallen asleep. She lay there on her back, casually put her right hand on her chest, and her left hand naturally flat beside her. He slept peacefully, his breathing was well-proportioned, and his long pink hair was covered with pillows, like a little ink lying on the side of the bed. He must be tired.

The general was gently covered with the cover, and Junhe continued to look at it for a while. The sinking fish fell asleep quietly. The faint herbal fragrance came from her, and under the fragrance of the herbs, it was a pleasant body fragrance.

This is the mermaid princess, a legendary figure, who was supposed to be his princess, but now she lies on **, disappearing her life little by little.

"Junhe, let's go back to your bedroom." Luo Xuan reminded him in a low voice, "Is I here?"

"No, I'd better guard her." Junhe finished speaking and lay at the end of the bed. After tossing around for a day, Junhe closed his eyes and fell asleep.

In the dream, he entered the six-pointed space again. The ten miles of fragrance in the space bloomed everywhere, and the sinking fish smiled in the ten miles of fragrance. Her smile is so beautiful, completely different from her usual coldness, as charming as sunshine.

"Fish?" Junhe ran over in a hurry, and Chen Yu looked at Junhe in disbelief, "Yuer, okay, okay, you're here." Junhe was surprised and took the sinking fish's hand with joy in his eyes: "You have to get well soon and be my princess."

"Princess?" The sinking fish's eyes were full of confusion, and big drops of tears fell down. The vision gradually blurred.

"I--I'm afraid I can't--" The sinking fish shook its head. The pink face suddenly turned blue, and the two pearl-like dark eyes gradually turned green, and a pair of ears slowly stood up.

"Fish, werewolf!" Junhe screamed and woke up suddenly.

The moment he opened his eyes, he saw Luo Xuan wave his hand gently to him, and then pointed to the sinking fish. Junhe suddenly woke up. Is the sinking fish still sleeping? I hope it didn't wake her up.

"Oh - you stay here, I'm going out." Junhe smiled with a smile on his face, gently got up, and pressed the behe again.

"Where are you going?" Luo Xuan looked at Junhe doubtfully, and his smile was very strange.

Junhe's smile stiffened, but soon, he patted Luoxuan's shoulder, looked down at him, and said, "I'd better go back to the bedroom to rest. I'll leave it to you here.

Luoxuan looked up at him, their eyes collided in the air, and Junhe's smile was actually bitter. This bitterness makes people feel pain in their hearts.

"Go ahead," Luo Xuan patted Junhe's hand. He understands his pain, and he doesn't empathize with it. Watch Junhe walk towards the Heavenly Palace.

Luoxuan withdrew her sight, looked at the sinking fish carefully, and thought to herself, "After the fish woke up, how could she tell her?"

As soon as Junhe entered the Tianchen Palace, he couldn't wait to take out the six-pointed star.

A smile appeared on his face, and his fingers gently pressed the six-pointed star, and instantly entered the six-pointed space. The spring was clear, the wooden house was speechless, and ten miles of fragrance bloomed. Jun He's eyes were attracted by this beautiful scene, but unfortunately, there were no sinking fish here.

"Fish, wait for me, I will definitely make you feel better." Junhe stroked the flowers and said secretly in his heart.