Rebirth of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 63 Buried Talent 4

The next morning, if Li Wen hadn't sent someone to call Li Zhong, he probably wouldn't have wanted to get out of bed.

Looking at Xiuer, who was sleeping in her arms, long eyelashes, beautiful face, and the messy head, he kissed Xiuer gently on the forehead. Li Zhong tiptoed out of bed, then put on his clothes, opened the door and went out. He took a deep breath. Li Zhong suddenly felt magical and energetic.

"Lord, the master asked you to go over," the servant came to Li Zhong's side and said carefully. Li Zhong nodded and then turned to Li Wen's courtyard.

"Sit down and eat first" came to Li Wen's courtyard. Li Zhong saw that he and Han were having breakfast in the pavilion, so he walked over. After listening to Li Wen's words, Li Zhong nodded, then sat down, picked up the steamed bread and took a bite. There were steaming millet porridge and a few plates of pickles on the table.

"Come with me." After dinner, Li Wen stood up and said to Li Zhong. Li Zhong nodded doubtfully, and then left without looking back. Then he saluted Han and followed him.

Following Li Wen to his study, Li Wen suddenly shouted inexplicably, "Come out." Li Zhong looked around and saw two people coming out of the study. They were both very majestic. At first glance, they were Kong Wu's powerful people, and they looked a little indifferent. Seeing Li Wen bowed and said, "I've seen the lord" Li Wen nodded. Li Wen looked at Li Zhong with a smile. Li Zhong is now very puzzled. He looked at the two people for a while and Li Wen for a while.

"Wang Yue on the left," Li Wen introduced to Li Zhong with a doubtful smile.

Li Zhong heard that it was Wang Yue on the left and quickly looked at him. He saw that his skin was a little white. Although he was tall and tall, he looked like a scholar.

Wang Yue, Yanshan, Liaodong (at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty) The 18-year-old horse entered Helan Mountain and returned with the leader of the Qiang clan alone. No one dared to be the leader. At the age of 30, he traveled around the states and was almost invincible all over the world. He is so powerful and heroic that even Lv Bu is no match for him. This man was enthusiastic about becoming an official, and finally opened a martial arts school in Luoyang to make a living. He worked around the emperor all day long, hoping to seek an official position, but at that time, the emperor did not have authority, and the concept of the door valve at the end of the Han Dynasty was deeply rooted. Wang Yue, who came from a civilian background, could not become an official all his life and did not know the end. Cao Pi's "Diction · Self-narrative" mentioned him: "Yu also learned fencing, and there are many teachers. The methods of the four sides are different, and only the capital is good. Between Huan and Ling, there is a tiger king Yue who is good at Sishu, which is called the capital. Henan Shi Ayan traveled with Yue in the past and got its own method, and Yu Cong was proficient in learning. He drank with General Liu Xun and General Deng Zhan of Fenwei. He heard that Zhan was good at having an arm and Xiaowu soldiers, also known as his ability to enter the white blade empty-handed. Yu Yu talked about the sword for a long time, saying that the general was illegal. Yu Gu tasted it well and got good skills, because he sought to be right with Yu. When the wine was hot, he ate cane, and he thought it was a stick. He handed it over in the lower hall, and his arms were three, and he laughed left and right. The exhibition is uneven, even more so. Yu Yan said that my law is urgent, and it is difficult to meet each other, so I put my arms and ears together. Zhan Yan was willing to make friends again, and I knew that he wanted to suddenly take the friendship. Because of the pseudo-deep progress, Zhan Guo looked forward, but Yu's feet were cutting off his cheeks and sitting in shock. Yu still sat down and smiled and said, 'Xi Yangqing's envoy Chunyu's intention to go to his hometown and teach him secrets. Today, Yu also wishes General Deng to give up his old skills and be more important.' Sit down and have fun."

Li Zhong didn't expect that this seemingly scholar-like man was Wang Yue. He was immediately surprised and happy, but when he calmed down, he thought carefully and felt that something was wrong there, but he couldn't remember for a moment, so he had to look at Li Wen doubtfully.

Looking at Li Zhong's thoughtful look, Li Wen coughed twice and then said to Li Zhong, "Well, don't think so much. Last time your mother heard that you were surrounded and killed, she was very worried about you. Let Wang Yue follow you to protect your safety in the future. You and your mother and I will also feel at ease."

Li Zhong asked in surprise; "I don't know where this man's father was found, and what ability does he have?" Li Wen was a little confused after listening to Li Zhong's words. Don't you know him? Humph, if you want to trap me, you are still a little tender. Hey, Li Wen thought in his heart, and then said to Li Zhong without changing his face: "This man makes a good swordsmanship, and hundreds of people can't get close to him. Because I am kind to him, he will stay with me all the time to repay his kindness. If it weren't for your mother, she is worried about your safety. , has said it in front of me several times. Do you think I will give him to you?

Well, Li Zhong looked at Li Wen with some embarrassment, then coughed twice and said to Li Wen, "That child thanked his father."

Li Wen looked at Wang Yue, but Wang Yue looked at Li Wen with some hesitation, and then turned his head to look at Li Zhong. Seeing that he was a little hesitant, Li Wen smiled and said to him, "Don't worry, he is worth doing this. If you don't believe it, you can leave now. I won't stop you."

After listening to Li Wen's words, Wang Yue lowered his head and was thinking about something. After a while, he suddenly raised his head and smiled at Li Wen. Then he turned around and knelt down to Li Zhong and said to Li Zhong; "Wang Yue has seen the lord and wants the master to take him in." Wang Yue's words made Li Zhong a little overwhelmed. He didn't understand the relationship between Wang Yue and Li Wen. What on earth made Wang Yue listen to Li Wen so much, so he just tested Li Wen, but was recognized by Li Wen. At this time, he saw Wang Yue worshiping him as his lord, so he was a little hesitant.

Li Wen glanced at Li Zhong, but he still didn't understand what he meant and said to him, "Well, since he has worshipped you as the Lord, how can you be so hesitant? Don't worry."

Li Zhong did not hesitate to see Li Wen's words. It has been more than three years since Li Zhong traveled here. Li Wen and Han were very kind to him, so after listening to Li Wen's words, Li Zhong also quickly picked up Wang Yue and said to him, "Please get up quickly." Wang Yue got up and said to Li Zhong, "Thank you for taking him in. Li Zhong nodded and then said to him, "Don't have to do that. My life will be entrusted to you in the future." After saying that, both of them looked at each other and laughed, quite like confidants.

And Wang Yue saw that Li Zhong was so bold that his good impression of Li Zhong increased a lot.

Li Wen is also very happy to see that both of them have accepted each other. He knows Wang Yue's ability. As long as Wang Yue protects Li Zhong, almost no one can assassinate Li Zhong unless thousands of troops are excluded. Hey, this finally has an explanation for her. Of course, she is Han. Since Li Zhong was injured, Han Shi nagging about this in his ear every day, because Li Wen rarely hides anything from her, so she also knows Wang Yue's existence. How could he not know her thoughts? Li Wen thought to himself.

"Okay, let's talk about it later. Zhonger, come here. There is another one here." Li Wen looked at Li Zhong and Wang Yue chatting happily, and looked at another person beside him and said to Li Zhong.

After listening to Li Wen's words, Li Zhong smiled at Wang Yue, and then walked to Li Wen and said to Li Wen, "Father, I don't know who this is."

Li Wen looked at Li Zhong with a smile and then said, "..."