Rebirth of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 72 Alternative Talent II

"Sit down." After arriving at the living room in the Qiuxian Hall, Li Zhong said to the two Xianbei, and the two quickly thanked them.

"Will you two train flying eagles?" Li Zhong asked. The two nodded. Li Zhong was a little excited, and then continued to ask, "In addition to training flying eagles, you two can train other animals, such as other birds." After saying that, Li Zhong looked at the two with some expectation. After hearing Li Zhong's words, the two heard Li Zhong's words. , nodded.

After calming down his excitement, Li Zhong said to the two, "Well, from today on, you two are the tamed captains of my Youzhou, but once you two have bad intentions, hum." Finally, Li Zhong narrowed his eyes and said to the two of them, and Weiwei is no, desperately telling Li Zhong how loyal they are and so on. Li Zhong looked at them with a smile. In fact, he didn't believe them too much. After all, non-our people's hearts must be different.

But Li Zhong was still very excited and asked them, "You two have heard of a bird called a pigeon." They shook their heads and saw them shaking their heads. Li Zhong was not unhappy. After all, they are in the north, and pigeons don't like cold birds, so it's understandable that they haven't seen them. "You In the future, the task is to help me train these pigeons to fly wherever they go." The two nodded. After all, they went to Li Zhong to eat, and they had to show some skills to let people see. Both of them nodded without thinking about it.

"Yes, by the way, you can go down and have a rest first. Tomorrow I will send someone to send pigeons, and of course, there is a habit of them. You can also take a look. "Thank you, lord." The two swuted Li Zhong and shouted.

Li Zhong nodded and said to the civil official, "You can arrange the residence of the two of them" and "Yes, lord."

Pigeon, a common bird. Widely raised all over the world, pigeons are the collective name for hundreds of species of birds in the family Dove. The pigeon we usually call is only one of the pigeons, and it is a domestic pigeon. The most common domestic pigeon is the carrier pigeon, which is mainly used for communication and competition. Pigeons and humans have been living together for thousands of years. The first pigeon image found by archaeologists came from Mesopotamia in 3000 BC, which is now Iraq.

The carrier pigeon, also known as the "communication pigeon", is a population derived, developed and cultivated from the pigeons commonly seen in life. It has been domesticated by ordinary pigeons, extracting its superior performance side and used and cultivated. People use homing pigeons because pigeons have a natural instinct to return to the nest. People cultivate, develop and use it to convey critical information.

includes maritime communications, commercial communications, news communications, military communications, civil communications, etc.

The ancient Romans knew early that pigeons had the instinct to return to the nest. During or at the end of a sports competition, pigeons are usually released to celebrate and declare victory. Ancient Egyptian fishermen took more pigeons every time they went to sea to fish in order to send distress signals and flood news. Ovid (43 BC-17 AD) described a man named Tauros Senes in a book, dyed a pigeon purple and released it, let it fly back to Qinna's home, and reported to his father there that he had won the Olympic Games. In the ancient Middle East, there was a ruling Sultan Noredin Mohammed, who established a carrier pigeon communication network between Baghdad and the cities of his empire, forming a famous carrier pigeon post office. 13 African commercial fleets also put pigeons on ships as shipping helpers, releasing pigeons from time to notify the arrival of ships on shore, etc.

It is said that when China's Chu and Han fought, Liu Bang, who was chased by Xiang Yu and hid in the abandoned well, released a pigeon to ask for help and was rescued. Five generations later, Zhou Wang Renyu (880-956 A.D.) wrote a chapter of "Book Pigeon" in the book "The Relic of Kaiyuan Tianbao". In the book, he said: "When Zhang Jiuling was a teenager, he raised a group of pigeons. Every time he had contact with his relatives's letters, he only flew to the book pigeons and flew to him according to what he taught. Jiuling was a flying slave, and he was surprised by all of them. " It can be seen that China's Tang Dynasty has used pigeons to deliver letters. In addition, when Zhang Qian and Ban exceeded the Western Regions, they also used pigeons to convey information.

By the beginning of the 19th century, the use of pigeons by human beings was more widely. In the history of human military conflicts (both in World War I and World War II had outstanding performance, and so far cartoons still have the legendary history and outstanding contributions of carrier pigeons in World War II), it was the earliest and most powerful to its owner. The result of the famous Battle of Waterloo was passed from the carrier pigeon to Rotherhildes. Today, humans use it for covert communication, sea navigation uses it to contact land, forest protection patrols effectively use carrier pigeons to contact headquarters, etc.

First of all, pigeons are monogamous birds. Pigeons are very active during the day and frequently eat and drink water. At night, I rest quietly in the nest. However, if the trained carrier pigeons do not return to their habitat before evening, they can fly in the night or even at night.

Pigeons are sensitive and susceptible to disturbance. Pigeons are more alert in daily life and respond to surrounding stimuli very**. Flash, strange sounds, moving objects, abnormal colors, etc. can cause pigeons** and flying. Therefore, in the feeding management, attention should be paid to keeping the surrounding environment of the pigeons quiet, especially at night to prevent the invasion of rats, snakes, cats, dogs, etc., so as not to cause chaos among the pigeons and affect the normal life of the pigeons.

Pigeons have a strong memory, which can form certain habits for fixed feed, feeding management procedures, environmental conditions and call signals, and even produce strong conditioned reflexes. People who often take care of it quickly get close to it and never forget it. If they are treated roughly, it is often not conducive to breeding management. Pigeons are still habitual animals. To change their original living habits, they need to gradually adjust over a period of time. Therefore, in the feeding management of pigeons, the daily feeding management procedures and environmental conditions should be fixed. To ensure high production efficiency.

Pigeons have strong nesting properties. Both domestic pigeons and wild pigeons have strong nesting properties. Generally speaking, their birthplace is the place where they live all their lives. Any strange place is an ideal place for pigeons. They do not stay at ease and always want to return to their "hometown". Especially when they encounter danger and horror, this "home-loving" desire is stronger. If the pigeon is released a hundred miles or thousands of miles away from its home, it will try its best to return as soon as possible and does not want to stay or perch in any strange place on the way.

Of course, Li Zhong, as a traveler, also knows the importance of information transmission. If you fly like a carrier pigeon, the pigeon has to fly about 1500 meters per minute, and if it is against the wind, the minimum is about 900 meters. For example, Anyang to Zhengzhou is 300 kilometers. In the case of the wind, 200 It will be there in about a minute. The headwind is about 400 winds, and I feel faster than the train. And the fastest horse in this era is 600 miles a day, and you have to change horses at the post station. Don't the ancients often say that 600 miles is expedited? That's what I said. It's 300 kilometers a day. Compared with pigeons, it's not the same level, so Li Zhong is a little excited. If he can really succeed, his communication ability will be greatly improved in the future. Especially in war, communication is very critical.

After leaving, Li Zhong said to the tiger guard beside him, "Sent people to look at these two people. If they have different intentions, they don't need to report and kill them directly." "Yes, Lord," Li Zhong nodded and then went to the State Pastoralty.