Rebirth of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 99 Zhengwu Wan 25

He hurried to the backyard, and Li Zhong saw the person who haunted him. His gorgeous and graceful clothes still could not hide the charming face that had become haggard because of missing.

Holding her tightly, both of them experienced the rare warmth.

"I'm back", Li Zhong's hoarse business sounded in her ear, and her delicate body trembled gently, as if it were a dream. She nodded gently, and the two jade arms holding Li Zhong were harder, as if they were going to hold him firmly.

When she left Li Zhong's arms, the skirt on Li Zhong's chest had been wet. Li Zhong couldn't help sighing in his heart that women are really made of water!

"husband", Xiu Eryu opened her mouth gently, "En," Li Zhong replied gently. Thank you for your hard work." Xiuer shook her head gently and then said, "husband, father and mother also miss my husband very much." Well, Li Zhong nodded, then held Xiuer's Qiyi and said gently, "Let's go to see them together." Well, Xiuer nodded gently and looked very happy. In her heart, only It is her happiest thing to have Li Zhong by her side.

After meeting Li Wen and Han, Li Zhong couldn't wait to pull Xiuer into Xiuer's boudoir, making Xiuer's shy face almost bleeding.

The next morning, the refreshed Li Zhong came out of Xiuer's boudoir with a smile on his face. Li Zhongke, who had been a monk for nearly three months, tossed Xiuer a long time.

Just after breakfast, Lu Su, Ju Shu, Tian Feng, Zhao Yun and other Wen Wu came together.

When he arrived at the hall, "the lord arrived". With the loud shout of the iron guard soldiers, Li Zhong walked into the hall, and Wang Yue was behind Li Zhong.

After reaching the throne, everyone held their fists and said, "Lord, you don't have to be polite."

"Zi Jing", "Lord", Lu Su came out to hold the boxing. Well, Li Zhong nodded and said, "Zijing, how is the construction of the martyrs' cemetery?" The martyrs' cemetery, as the name implies, is used to bury the soldiers who died in battle. Of course, it is also Li Zhong's idea, which can not only make these soldiers respected by the world, but also reflect Li Zhong's benevolence.

"It's almost built," Lu Su said uneasily. Li Zhong pondered for a moment, and then said, "What's the problem with welcoming the ashes of the sacrificed soldiers into the park three days later?" Lu Su shook his head and said confidently, "Master, don't worry." Well, Li Zhong looked at him with satisfaction. At a glance, he continued to say, "How long will it take for the Hero Hall to be completed?"

Without any hesitation, Lu Su replied, "It will take about three months." The Hero Hall, with a total of five floors, is built for the soldiers who have made great contributions to the country. The first to fifth floors are arranged according to the degree of contribution. The first floor is the largest and the fifth floor is the smallest.

Well, Li Zhong was still very satisfied with this progress. Looking at Lu Su, Li Zhong didn't say anything more.

"Mr. Yuanhao, how is the farming situation in various parts of Youzhou?" "There are 6 million mu of arable land in all parts of Youzhou plus the four counties in Liaodong, of which 1.5 million mu have been newly reclaimed. It is expected that we can harvest 3 million grains and grass this year," Tian Feng said excitedly.

"Okay", Li Zhong slapped a few times, and the joy on his face was full of words.

"Mr. Gong and Mr., Ling Zitai, the country asked the two gentlemen to come back as soon as possible, as well as Xu Rong and Yan Liangwenchou." Although he did not understand what Li Zhong wanted to do, Ju Shu did not talk much and promised.

"I don't know what's going on in various places now," Li Zhong looked at the crowd and said.

"Lord, the number of exiles in various places is still increasing, and there are about 300,000 people in various parts of Youzhou in the past three months." "We have placed them properly," Lu Su said quickly when he saw that Li Zhonggang wanted to speak.

"Well, Zijing did a good job," Li Zhong said admiringly, "Thank you, Lord."

"How is the situation in each state?" Li Zhong continued to ask. Tian Feng looked at Lu Su and nodded. Lu Su smiled and continued to say, 'Jizhou Mu Han Fu, Bingzhou Mu Ding Yuan, Qingzhou Mu Tian Kai, Xuzhou Mu Taoqian, Yanzhou Mu Liu Dai, Yuzhou Mu Huang Wan, Yangzhou Mu Liu Yu, Jingzhou Mu Liu Biao, Jiaozhou Mu First, Liu Yan, the shepherd of Yizhou, Liu Yu, the shepherd of Liangzhou, Dong Zhuo, the governor of Hedong, Wang Kuang, the governor of Hexi, Zhang Yang Biao for Sikong, Wang Yun for Situ, Yuan Huai for Taifu, Qiao Xuan for the lieutenant, and the captain of Sili is Liu Hui. Lu Suyang said a large area, and everyone is listening carefully.

Oh, Li Zhong sighed and said, "I didn't expect Liu Yu to be a Liangzhou shepherd." Everyone understood what Li Zhong meant, so they comforted him: "Master, don't worry. Liu Yu can't afford any storms," Guan Hai said with a relaxed face.

Li Zhong smiled bitterly and said, "Don't worry, I'm just a little sighing. You don't have to worry." Seeing Li Zhong say so, everyone was relieved.

"Yes, has the volunteer general come back?" Li Zhong asked. Everyone shook their heads, but Li Zhong had no choice. Oh, if only there were mobile phones in this era. Li Zhong thought inexplicably in his heart and then smiled self-deprecatingly.

"Gong Yu, send people along Jizhou, Yanzhou, Xuzhou, Yangzhou to Huainan to inquire about Han Dang's news", Li Zhong said to Ju Shu some worriedly, "Yes", Ju Shu held boxing.

"Zilong, Junyi, you two must not slack off the training of the soldiers", "Don't worry, Lord," the two promised with their fists.

Well, Li Zhong nodded and then said, "Well, that's it for today. Gongyu, Yuan Hao and Zijing will stay for a while." Everyone saluted Li Zhong and then turned around and left.

"Three gentlemen follow me to the study," Li Zhong stood up and said to the three. The three nodded and followed Li Zhong to the study.

"Sit down" and came to the study. Li Zhongchao said to the three people, "Thank you, Lord." Li Zhong said. Li Zhong waved his hand and reached the main position. Looking at the three people and said, "I want to expand my army by 100,000. I don't know what the three gentlemen think." Li Zhong said bluntly.

After listening to Li Zhong's words, the three were shocked, and then had some doubts. Ju Shu hugged his fist and said, "Lord, our army and Wuwan Wuwan cavalry have a total of nearly 200,000 troops. If we expand our army, I'm afraid that our army's finances will become very difficult." Ju Shu said his worries.

"I have calculated that even if we expand our army by 100,000, although it will be a little difficult, we can still bear it," Li Zhong said to Ju Shu.

Ju Shu nodded and then said, "If someone takes this opportunity to slander the master in front of your majesty, then..." "We can do it secretly," Li Zhong thought for a moment and said.

Seeing that Li Zhong's expression was firm, Ju Shu held Li Zhong's fist and didn't say anything more.