Rebirth of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 111 The Power of the Knife 2

The enemy retreated, and the Ma army could not pursue easily. It must be confirmed that the enemy was really defeated before they could cover up one after another.

The Tang army has a combination of walking horses and has a position in attack and defense. The infantry is the front vanguard as the main frontal attack force. The cavalry is the side auxiliary, which is usually used to bypass the enemy or quickly attack the unstable enemy's positions. The infantry is equipped with bows, crossbows and strange knives, and the cavalry is responsible for the assault and pursuit of the infantry after the war.

As a long-handled big knife, Mo Dao promotes the frontal force to strangle the enemy like a wall (the enemy is often strangled by the Mo Dao heavy infantry). It is the main force of the vanguard infantry group and constitutes the main feature of the Tang battle together with the Ma army and the strange soldiers.

From the history books, the battle of Emperor Taizong of Tang is very personal. He likes to choose the weak parts of the enemy array and lead the cavalry to charge. "No enemy is defeated". He gallops forward, followed by tens of thousands of cavalry. Today, it is particularly fascinating. In the early Tang Dynasty, a large number of cavalry were an important guarantee for combat victory, and in the middle period, the Mo Dao of the march advanced tactics like a wall, which created a glorious war history in the prosperous Tang Dynasty and also created the myth of Mo Dao.

From Wude to Tianbao, Tang was able to win the War of the People's Republic of China and the War against the Nomads, which were good at riding and shooting. The use of infantry's offensive weapons, Mo Dao, was one of the main reasons.

The emergence and promotion of Modao is not an isolated phenomenon, which is related to the internal policy of the Tang Dynasty and the changes in the entire military situation. It can also be said that the history of the use and promotion of Mo Dao is an aspect of the history of Tang Liguo and foreign wars and Kaitian martial arts. Although the knives of the Tang Dynasty are divided into four types (the Six Classics of the Tang Dynasty records that there are four Tang knives: one: Yi Dao, two: barrier knives, three: horizontal knives, and four: Mo Dao), and among these four knives, the only weapons that can really play the role of defending the country and opening up the territory are stranger knives.

The participation of the Modao Army played a decisive role in any quellable battle cases. As a separate combat strike force in the battle sequence, the Modao Army made great contributions to the battle of the Tang army in the middle of the Tang Dynasty. Modao changed its disadvantage and played a step in the war between the Han nation and the nomadic nomadic people who were good at shooting. The evolution of war weapons actually evolves with the development of the form of war and with the prosperity and decline of national strength.

With the unification of the Central Plains of the Song Dynasty, China's cold weapons began a new round of development. A large number of new spears, knives, axes and crossbows were born and armed the Song army. The heroic knives became luxurious war equipment.

The main direction of the Song Dynasty war was also the nomads in the north. In order to deal with the cavalry in Liaojin, spears and axes began to become the main weapons of the army. A large amount of equipment of axes and axes was supported by the General of Martial Arts and Song stone statues.

The production and use of axes are simpler than Mo Dao, and it is equally effective to deal with cavalry. Yue's military "Ma Zha Dao", "Catch Knife" and "Chang Ke Axe" broke the golden army's "serial Horse". Effective and inexpensive weapons are always important weapons of military equipment. From then on, the luxurious Mo Dao gradually withdrew from the war stage and disappeared. Extremely thorough is the regret of China's cold weapons.

Mo Dao was prohibited from burial in the Tang Dynasty, so there are very few existing Mo Dao.

Mo Dao first appeared in the Tang Dynasty in Li Jing to attack the Turks. In order to deal with the Turkic cavalry, he equipped the infantry with a weapon.

"The strange soldiers are not in the crowd, and thousands of horses save the Central Plains. There is no Hebei to talk and laugh, and my heart is supreme. Guyun followed the murderous spirit, and the birds avoided the yuanmen, but they stayed happy every day, and the city did not feel noisy." This is the sentence in Du Fu, the poet saint of the Tang Dynasty, "Two Songs of Guan'anxi Soldiers Go to Guanzhong to Pass", which highly praised the Anxi soldiers who went to the national disaster. Their military appearance was strict and did not commit any crime, which can be called a model for the soldiers of the Tang Dynasty.

The leader of 5,000 Anxi soldiers is Li Siye, a famous general of the Tang Dynasty. This strange knife general has made many remarkable achievements in his life, especially in the life and death of the Anshi Rebellion. As the forerunner of the army, he led the Modao team to "go forward like a wall" and was invincible, holding up the crumbling Tang Dynasty with one hand.

Li Siye is a native of Jingzhao Gaoling (today in Sanyuan County, Shaanxi Province). He is seven feet long, that is, 2.1 meters long. He is extremely powerful. He was born to practice martial arts. In the atmosphere of advocating military exploits in the Tang Dynasty, he joined the army and made contributions to the border, which became his logical choice.

The young Li Siye rushed to the front in every battle, and was soon promoted to lieutenant of Zhaowu. In the first year of Tianbao, he was recruited to Anxi to serve for the Tang Dynasty in the Western Regions. At that time, the army promoted Mo Dao (a long-handled two-edged knife), which was simply a weapon prepared for Li Siye. He soon stood out and became a famous Mo Dao general.

In the sixth year of Tianbao, Li Siye followed Gao Xianzhi, the army and horse envoy of Anxi at that time, to go to the small Bolu Kingdom. In Lianyunbao (now Sarhad in northeast Afghanistan), where the Tang army must pass, the Tubo army built fortifications by the mountains and waited. Gao Xianzhi appointed Li Siye and Tian Zhen as left and right knife generals and gave an order, "You must capture Lianyunbao before noon, or you will die."

The battle began. Li Siye took the lead and climbed up the mountain from the most dangerous place, waved a strange knife, the enemy cried and howled, and the dead bodies were everywhere. Seventy-eight of them fell off the cliff and drowned in the water. The Tang army captured Lianyunbao in one fell swoop.

Then he took advantage of the victory and went straight to the small Bolu Kingdom, capturing the little Bolu King and his wife Princess Tubo. The Tang army recaptured the military hegemony west and north of Kashmir. "The 72 Hu countries of Fuqi and Dashi were all deterred and surrendered". After returning to the army, Li Siye was promoted to Shule (now Kashgar region, Shule Town is Anxi The military town on the west side of the four towns) defends the border areas of the Tang Empire.

Shule Town was once captured by Tubo, and the city was dilapidated and lacked water. Li Siye spared no effort to lead everyone to repair the city wall, dig ditches, and divert water for irrigation. In just a few years, Shule Town has taken on a new look and become a rich town.

Looking at this sword, a trace of excitement flashed in Li Zhong's eyes, and then he was replaced by worry. He didn't know if his soldiers could satisfy him.

Just when Li Zhong was thinking about it, Deng Zhan beside him looked at the new war knife, which was obviously very excited. He also wanted such a war knife, "Lord."

Li Zhong came to his senses and looked at him and said, "What's the matter with General Deng?" "Lord, the last general, me." Deng Zhan was embarrassed to say it.

Looking at his careless face and obviously looking at the knife in his hand, Li Zhong joked, "General Deng fell in love with that girl and asked me to tell you about coal?"

After listening to Li Zhong's words, Deng Zhan looked aggrieved, but it was not easy to talk to Li Zhong, so he shouted at Wang Yue next to him, "Why are you smiling at me with your little white face?" Because Wang Yue's skin is relatively white, Deng Zhan gave him a nickname "little white face".

Wang Yue saw that he looked so breathless and didn't laugh anymore, so he stood behind Li Zhong with his mouth closed.

"Lord, the last general wants this sword," Deng Zhan saw that all the people were laughing at him, so he roared, and his dark fat face unexpectedly showed rare red.

Li Zhong didn't really want to tease him, so he said with a whole face, "General Deng, don't worry, this is only for the soldiers in the army, and there are better generals in the army."

"Thank you, Lord," Deng Zhan shouted with an excited face.