Rebirth of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 151 Yuan Shao4

Yuan Shao personally led the army to fight against Gongsun Zan, and the two armies fought 20 miles south of the boundary bridge.

Gongsun Zan arranged in a phalanx with 30,000 infantry, each wing equipped with more than 5,000 cavalry.

Yuan Shao ordered Qiyi to lead 800 elite soldiers as the vanguard, with thousands of strong crossbows as a cover, and he led tens of thousands of infantry behind.

When Gongsun Zan saw that Yuan Shao was young, he ordered the cavalry to charge and trample on the enemy. Yuyi's soldiers calmly bowed down under the shield, waiting for Gongsun Zan's cavalry to rush to a distance of only dozens of steps away, jump up and kill them. At the same time, thousands of strong crossbows fired at Gongsun Zan's cavalry.

Gongsun Zan's army suffered an unexpected blow, and the whole army fell into chaos, and the cavalry and infantry fled for their lives.

The army of Qiyi became more and more brave. In the battle, they killed Yan Gang, the assassin of Jizhou, which was stationed by Gongsun Zan, won more than 1,000 people, and took advantage of the victory to chase to Jieqiao. Gongsun Zun tried to defend the boundary bridge, but was defeated again.

Qi Yi chased after Gongsun Zan's camp.

Yuan Shao ordered the troops to chase the enemy and slowly advanced, carrying only dozens of strong crossbows and more than 100 guards.

More than ten miles away from the boundary bridge, when I heard that the front had won, I got off the saddle and took a rest.

At this time, more than 2,000 escaped cavalrymen from Gongsun Zan suddenly appeared and surrounded Yuan Shao, with arrows like rain.

Don't drive Tian Feng to help Yuan Shao and ask him to retreat into a low wall. Yuan Shao suddenly put his helmet on the ground and said, "A man would rather rush to the front and die. Can he live behind the wall?"

He commanded the strong crossbowman to fight and killed and injured many of Gongsun Zan's cavalry. Gongsun Zan's troops did not recognize Yuan Shao and gradually retreated.

A moment later, Qu Yi led the army to welcome Yuan Shao, and Gongsun Zan's cavalry withdrew. Zhang Yan, the leader of the Montenegrin army, sent Du Chang and other generals to support Gongsun Zan, which was also defeated by Yuan Shao, and the Montenegrin army began to have a grudge against the Yuan family.

In 192 (the third year of Chuping), Yuan Shu and Yuan Shao fought a war. Yuan Shu asked Gongsun Zan for help. Gongsun Zan ordered Liu Bei to station Gaotang and single through the plains. At the same time, he united with Tao Qian to force Yuan Shao. Yuan Shao and Cao Cao attacked together to defeat the allied forces of Yuan Shu, Gongsun Zan and Tao Qian.

From 192 to 195 AD (the third year of Chuping - the second year of Xingping), the situation in the Central Plains has undergone a series of changes.

In Chang'an, Situ Wang Yun and Zhonglang secretly murdered Dong Zhuo, which made Wanmin's foreheads celebrate. However, Wang Yun could not properly deal with Dong Zhuo's subordinates, which caused Dong Zhuo's generals Li Yu and Guo Wei to raise an army in rebellion.

As a result, Wang Yun was killed and Lv Budong fled. Later, Li Yu and Guo Yan caught fire and slaughtered each other, and Emperor Xian of Han, as an idol, was robbed by these warlords.

In Yanzhou, Cao Cao's foreign army suddenly emerged. After the death of Liu Dai, the former Yanzhou assassin, local forces in Yanzhou elected Cao Cao. He took armed repression and abduction, forcing 300,000 Qingzhou Yellow Turban Army to surrender.

He also cooperated with Yuan Shao to break Yuan Shu and squeeze Yuan Shu to Huainan. When he made an expedition to Xuzhou assassin Tao Qian, Zhang Mi and Chen Gong, representatives of local forces, betrayed him and welcomed Lv Bu into Yanzhou.

After a hard struggle, Cao Cao regained Yanzhou. In Youzhou, Gongsun Zan sent troops to Longmou to attack Yuan Shao. As a result, he was defeated by Yuan Shao again. After that, he retreated to Youzhou and no longer dared to act rashly.

In 193 (the fourth year of Chuping), Zhao Qi, the imperial servant, was ordered to persuade peace, and Yuan and Gongsun declared a truce.

In March, Yuan Shao went south to Boluojin. At this time, there was a mutiny in Wei County, and the rebellious soldiers joined the Black Mountain army and occupied Ye City. At that time, Yuan Shao's troops were holding a celebration banquet with the whole army. Hearing the news, Yuan Shao's subordinates, especially their families in Yecheng, either changed their faces or cried loudly. Only Yuan Shao was calm and did not change his usual demeanor.

There are more than ten Montenegrin troops in the whole Ye. However, Tao Sheng, a traitor in the Montenegrin army, protected Yuan Shao and the families of state officials after entering Ye City and sent them to the Qiu. Yuan Shao scolded Qiu and appointed Tao as a general in Jianyi.

In June, Yuan Shao launched a large-scale campaign to suppress the Black Mountain and Yellow Turban Army, and sent troops to the mouth of the Cangyan Valley of Chaoge Luchang Mountain to fight against poison, besieged for five days, and killed more than 10,000 people from the poison and its troops.

Then, attack the left mustick eight degrees north along Luchang Mountain and wipe them all out.

He also successively destroyed Liu Shi, Qingniujiao, Huang Long, Zuo, Guo Daxian, Li Damu, Yu Digen and other Montenegian and Yellow Turban troops, slaughtered their walls, killed them in a large number of people, and beheaded tens of thousands of levels.

After that, he teamed up with Lv Bu and launched a war with Zhang Yan, Siying Tuge and Yanmen Wuhuan in Changshan for more than ten consecutive days. Although Zhang Yan's army was mostly killed and injured, Yuan Shao's army was also very tired, so the two sides withdrew their respective troops.

Zang Hong, the governor of the East County, resented Yuan Shao for not coming to save Zhang Chao and raised the troops of the East County to fight against him. Yuan Shaoxing's troops besieged the city for a year, broke through the East County, and persuaded Zang Hong not to surrender, but killed him.

Soon, Gongsun Zan annexed Liu Yu, Liu Yu's old division of Xian Yufu and others to attract Wuhuan and attack Gongsun Zan. Yuan Shao also sent Qu Yi to join forces with Xian Yufu and other troops, concentrating a total of 100,000 troops to defeat Gongsun Zan in Baoqiu and forcing him to retreat to Yijing.

Yuyi and Gongsun Zan held each other for more than a year. The military food was exhausted, and the soldiers were hungry. They led thousands of people to retreat. Gongsun Zan took advantage of the opportunity to pursue and break them, which was very heavy.

In October 195 (the second year of Xingping), Emperor Xian of the Han fled to Caoyang under the escort of Yang Feng and others, and Li Wei led the army to pursue him. At this time, Ju Shu reminded Yuan Shao again to grab the flag of Emperor Xian of Han.

He said, "The general was born in a family of Zaifu and helped the world with loyalty and righteousness. Today, the emperor was displaced and the temple was destroyed.

And the county magistrate took the name of rejuvening the righteous soldiers and merged. No one stood up to defend the emperor and comfort the people. Now that the general has roughly identified the state city, he should welcome him early.

Building the capital in Yecheng, he took the emperor to order the princes, and gathered troops and horses to fight against the ministers. At that time, who else can resist!"

Ju Shu's opinion was opposed by Guo Tu and Chunyu Qiong (but there are also historical records that Guo Tu advised Yuan Shao to welcome the emperor.

They said, "The Han Dynasty has been declining for a long time, and it is not easy to revitalize it today!

What's more, the current heroes are based on the states and counties, and tens of thousands of scholars have moved. This is the so-called 'Qin lost his deer, the first to win the king'.

If we welcome the emperor to ourselves, we will have to ask for instructions at any time. If you obey the order, you will lose power. If you don't obey, you will be charged with resisting the edict. This is not a good way.

Ju Shu also bitterly advised: "Welcome to the emperor is not only in line with morality, but also a major decision that meets current needs. If we don't do it first, someone will definitely take the lead. Winning lies in losing time, and success lies in agility and speed. I hope the general will consider it.

But Yuan Shao finally did not adopt Ju Shu's opinion, so he lost an excellent opportunity.

At the same time, Cao Cao did not hesitate to seize this opportunity. When Emperor Xian of Han returned to his old capital Luoyang, Cao Cao tried his best to reject public opinion and personally went to see Emperor Xian in Luoyang in August 196 (the first year of Jian'an).

On the pretext that Luoyang was dilapidated and short of food, he transferred Emperor Xian of Han to Xuchang and established a new capital in Xuchang, thus controlling Emperor Xian in his own hands.

Yuan Shao has three sons: the eldest son Yuan Tan, the second son Yuan Xi, and the third son Yuan Shang.

He spoiled his stepwife Liu and especially favored Yuan Shang, who was born to Liu, and intended to take Yuan Shang as his heir. Therefore, he took his eldest son Yuan Tan as the governor of Qingzhou, his second son Yuan Xi as the governor of Youzhou, and his nephew Gao Gan as the governor of Bingzhou, leaving only Yuan Shang by his side.

Ju Shu advised: "At a considerable age, sages should be chosen as heirs, and virtues should be determined by divination, which has been a principle since ancient times. If the general can't change his decision, the disaster will happen from this matter.

Yuan Shao said, "I'm going to ask several sons to study their talents in one state." After Yuan Tan arrived in Qingzhou, the area under control was only plains, so he attacked Tiankai in the north, Kong Rong in the east, and the whole Qingzhou fell into the hands of the Yuan family.

Cao Cao borrowed the emperor's self-respect and took a large area of land in Henan, and even the separatist forces in Guanzhong came back one after another, and the forces developed rapidly.

It turned out that Yuan Shao did not pay attention to Cao Cao. He recommended Cao Cao as the governor of the East County and regarded Cao Cao as his vassal.

Lv Bu occupied Yanzhou, and he made peace with Cao Cao. At that time, the relationship between them was relatively harmonious. Now, Cao Cao welcomed Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty, Xu Chang became the political center of course, and Cao Cao became the emperor's natural spokesperson. He ordered the four directions at will. This was unexpected by Yuan Shao. He really regretted it.

Yuan Shao asked to move the capital to Xuancheng, which is close to him and easy to control. Cao Cao not only refused, but also issued an edict to scold him: "You have a wide range of soldiers, and you have a special private party; I don't see you go to the Qin king, but I see you send troops to attack each other."