Rebirth of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 169 Strange

Xu You smiled bitterly and said, "Lord, now we have only 20,000 soldiers, and it is difficult to escape. How can we defeat the enemy?"

"What's your plan?" Yuan Shao asked eagerly.

"Lord, I think we can transfer Jiang Yiqu back. Now we can't protect ourselves. It's better to transfer them to Nanpi to keep them in the north, so that we also have nearly 40,000 troops and can barely fight with the enemy, otherwise we are afraid we will become the turtles in the urn," Xu You suggested.

Yuan Shao thought for a moment and felt that what Xu You said was very reasonable, but he was still very distressed to see the northern counties fall into Han Fu's hands and couldn't help hesitating.

"Lord, don't hesitate," Xu You said hurriedly.

"Think again, let me think again," Yuan Shao walked back and forth.

Oh, Xu You retreated and couldn't help sighing.

"Military, your majesty's messenger has arrived," an officer came to the big tent and said to Ju Xiu Tianyu.

Ju Shu nodded and said, "Guo Rang, let's go out to meet the messenger." Tian Yu nodded.

"Seen the Messenger"

Ju Shu, Tian Yu, Zhao Yun, Xu Rong and more than a dozen members will welcome the messenger outside the camp.

This person is more than seven feet tall (one foot is equal to 24.2 cm in the Three Kingdoms period), about 1.75 meters. He is dressed as a scribe, but he is quite rough, with a pinch of goatees on his jaw, especially those eyes, as if they can see through people's hearts.

seemed very arrogant, and I didn't know that he was so confident there.

It needs to be said here that Han Fu's battalion is not with the battalion of the Youzhou Army, but it is less than five miles away.

"Where is Li Zhong"

The messenger raised his head and asked.

Originally, he was going to Youzhou, but as soon as he arrived in Youzhou, someone told him that Li Zhong was in Jizhou, so he had to turn south and come here under the leadership of several Youzhou officials.

When the generals saw that Li Gui was so arrogant, they couldn't help but be furious and frowned in frustration.

"The messenger, my lord was injured by the rebels the day before yesterday, and he hasn't woken up yet," Ju Shu replied.

The messenger said impatiently, "Okay, don't talk nonsense. Now take me to take a break and get some food by the way." He was not polite at all. If he didn't know it, he thought he was a Youzhou shepherd.

He suppressed the anger in his heart and said with a smile, "Please, messenger."

Ju Shu personally arranged a camp for Li Gui and told him not to disturb him, otherwise the military law would severely punish him.

In fact, that's the reason why Ju Shu didn't bring Zhou Cang and Han here today. These two people are grumpy. With what he said just now, they still don't know how to deal with him.

"Military division, this man is too rude." Zhao Yun, who had always been gentle, couldn't stand it and complained about Ju Shu and Tian Yu.

Xu Rong next to

nodded deeply.

"What can't be done is that General Zilong, go on with the order and act according to the plan," Ju Shu said with a smile.

Zhao Yun nodded, hugged his fist, and then retreated with Xu Rong.

"Don't talk about General Zilong, but I'm a little angry," Tian Yu said with a wry smile after the two left.

A cold light flashed in Ju Shu's eyes and said to Tian Yu, "Treacherous ministers mislead the country. The country doesn't have to be like this. Sooner or later, they will be killed." At this moment, Ju Shu really doesn't look like a military division, but a bit like a bandit.

Tian Yu nodded.

"Oh, ouch..."

At this moment, the camp is full of wailing, and even the birds in the forest have flown into the air.

"What's going on?" The messenger, who was sleeping in a daze, shouted outside. Obviously, he was a little unhappy.

"Adult", a guard came in to hold the boxing.

"What's going on outside? Don't let people rest," the messenger said harshly.

"Your Excellency, it seems that the wounded soldiers of the Youzhou Army are shouting," the guard replied.

The messenger frowned and said, "Go tell their general that I want to rest and let them shut up." Damn it, he really regarded himself as a person and did not hesitate to give orders.

"This..." The guard hesitated. As the saying goes, the guest does not bully the Lord. You still dare to be so arrogant on other people's territory. This guard is obviously very worried.

"Don't talk too much. Go quickly. I am the messenger of your majesty. What are you afraid of?" the messenger urged.

The guard nodded, "Well, all right," and then retreated.

Looking at the back of the guard leaving, the messenger touched the beard under his jaw and smiled mysteriously.

The guard came outside and took a few steps to see that the whole Youzhou army fortress was full of wailing, with a sense of desolation.

After a moment of hesitation, he walked to Ju Shu's big account.

When he saw Ju Shu, he said Li Gui's "order" again, but he could still see the reality clearly, his tone was quite relaxed, and his identity was very low, which made Ju Shu a little impressive.

Ju Shu did not mean to embarrass him, but said to him, "This little brother, our soldiers and soldiers have killed and suffered heavy casualties for your majesty. Now that they are injured and treated, don't they even have the right to shout? If that's the case, it's really chilling for the soldiers."

Fuck, Ju Shu really wants to curse. He doesn't know if this messenger has kicked his head. Unfortunately, he is a learned person. He can't say such words.

There was also a trace of guilt on the guard's face, and he quickly said, "Your Excellency misunderstood. In this case, the little man will go back first."

Ju Shuen was hungry and said, "Please go back and explain it to your father-in-law." "Yes." After saying that, he retreated

After the guards left, Ju Shu's eyes obviously became cold, but there was a trace of doubt in his eyes.

Such a person is really damned!!

"Your Excellency, there are injured soldiers of Youzhou Army outside," the guard returned to the messenger's tent and said.

At this moment, the messenger was no more sleepy. He put on his clothes and trousers and said to the guard, "Come out with me."

When they came to the military camp, the military flag was broken and crooked. The soldiers stood listlessly, and some were still dozed off. You know, it was daytime now. The messenger looked at all this and muttered to himself.

Going towards the wailing, I saw injured soldiers everywhere, some with broken legs, some with broken hands, and some wrapped in white gauze, which looked very miserable.

A military officer was called, and the messenger said, "I'm Your Majesty's messenger. I'm asking you something now. You have to answer truthfully, or you will be guilty of deceiving the king."

"Your Excellency, I don't know anything, and I dare not deceive you," the officer said flatteringly.

The messenger nodded and said with satisfaction, "How many troops have you come?" "100,000," the officer said without hesitation.

"How many people do you still have now? I'm asking everyone in this barracks," the messenger asked, looking into the officer's eyes.

The officer came to Li Gui and said, "Your Excellency, I told you not to tell anyone, or the little one will die." As he said, he looked around.

Seeing that the officer was so careful and worried, the messenger suddenly became interested and played a little: "Speak, I won't tell anyone else."

"Thank you, Lord," "I heard from the military division. Originally, we had 100,000 troops, but after a battle with the rebels yesterday, our army suffered heavy losses. More than 50,000 soldiers were killed in the battle alone, and now there are less than 30,000 soldiers in our army," the officer said with some flinity.

The messenger was shocked and said, "Isn't you lying to me? There can kill so many people there?" Obviously, he didn't believe it very much. In fact, this is also true. There were more than 70,000 people killed and injured in a war there, at least now it's a little unrealistic.

"Really, this is what I know when I eavesdropped on the conversation between the military division and our general." The officer was a little angry, as if what he said was true.

The messenger nodded and then asked, "How many rebels are there", "100,000", "How many people have they lost?" "It seems that less than 20,000", the officer was a little afraid.

"Our army has fought with Hu Lu, but we didn't expect to annihilate almost all the elites of our army by the rebels," the officer sighed, with a bleak taste.

"You said these are your elites," the messenger continued.

"Yes, do you have any questions?" the officer asked puzzledly.

"Nothing, just asking casually, the messenger said lightly.

Oh, the officer nodded and said, "If there is nothing wrong with you, the villain will leave first." The messenger nodded and said, "Go ahead. Remember not to mention today's matter to others, okay?"

"The little man understands"

"What else can I do?"

"The villain wants to ask the adult to say a few words for the villain in front of His Majesty

"What, you don't want to do it here"

"Bah, these officials are really not good things. Brothers haven't received the money for two months."

"Oh, don't worry, I will"

"Thank you for your cultivation. The villain is willing to go through fire and water for the adult. Your Excellency, the villain will leave first."
