Rebirth of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 174 Xu Gongming 2

In July 208 (the 13th year of Jian'an), Cao Cao, after basically unified the north, conquered more than 100,000 troops to Jingzhou in the south, wanting to annex the south of the Yangtze River and unify the world.

Xu Huang went on an expedition with Cao Cao, attacked Zhonglu, Linju and Yicheng, and fought with Man Chong in Hanjin to fight against Guan Yu.

Later, Cao Cao was defeated by Sun Liu's allied army in the Battle of Chibi. Cao Cao left Xu Huang and the southern general Cao Ren to guard Jiangling, and the general Zhe Chong was happy to defend Xiangyang and led the army back to the north.

In the same year, Xu Huang and Cao Ren jointly fought against the attack of Wu general Zhou Yu in Jiangling.

210 AD (15th year of Jian'an), Xu Huang followed Xiahou Yuan to Taiyuan to suppress the rebellion, conquered the tomb, and beheaded his leader Shang Yao.

In 211 (the 16th year of Jian'an), ten allied forces led by Ma Chao and Han Sui gathered more than 100,000 horses to defend Tongguan to resist Cao.

Cao Cao sent troops to enter the customs, and Xu Huang was ordered to guard Fenyin to suppress the east of the river.

After Cao Cao arrived at Tongguan, he was blocked by Ma Chao in Guanzhong and could not move forward.

Cao asked Xu Huang, and Xu Huang said, "You have brought the soldiers here, and the enemy is no longer divided to guard Puhan. It can be seen that they lack strategy. Please give me a fine soldier to cross Pu Banjin. As the leader of the army, cut off the enemy's back road and capture them.

Cao Cao agreed to this move and sent Xu Huang and Zhu Ling to lead 4,000 elite soldiers to cross the Yellow River from Pubanjin (now the Yellow River ferry between Yongji, Shanxi and Da Li Chaoyi, Shaanxi). Before the position was completed, Liang Xing, a thief, led more than 5,000 people to attack Xu Huang at night. Xu Huang shot him away and then established a bridgehead position.

In August, Cao Jun crossed the river from then on.

In September, Cao Cao adopted the plot of the counselor Jia Xu, separated Ma Chao and Han Sui, and finally broke through the Guanzhong army and killed Chengyi, Li Kan, etc. Ma Chao and Han Sui fled to Liangzhou (now Gansu and Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region and other places).

In 212 AD (17th year of Jian'an), Cao Cao sent Xu Huang and Xiahou Yuan to calm down the eels and ridges and meet in Anding.

After Cao Cao returned to Ye, he sent Xu Huang, Xiahou Yuanping (now Yan'an District, Shaanxi Province) and Xiayang Yu thieves to kill Liang Xing and more than 3,000 households.

In July 215 (the 20th year of Jian'an), Xu Huang followed Cao to conquer Zhang Lu, and Xu Huang was promoted to general Pingkou for his merit.

Soon after, he was besieged by General Zhang Shunzhi and attacked more than 30 villages including Chen Fu, all of which were broken.

In the same month, Cao Cao returned to Ye, appointed Xiahou Yuan as the general protection, and led Xu Huang and Zhang Xi to station at Yangpingguan (now west of Mian County, Shaanxi Province) to reject Liu Bei and return to Ye City by himself.

In 218 AD (the 23rd year of Jian'an), Liu Bei attacked Hanzhong (Jizhinan Zheng, now Hanzhong, Shaanxi). In April, the Shu army advanced to Yangping Pass.

Xia Houyuan, Zhang Xi, Xu Huang and others led the army to block it.

Liu Bei sent more than ten battalions including Chen Shi to attack Ma Mingge (now Guangyuan North, Sichuan) in an attempt to cut off the rear passage of Cao's army. He was defeated by Xu Huang. The Shu army threw himself into the valley and many people died.

After hearing this, Cao Cao was very happy and gave Xu Huang the rune to command the army and ordered: "This pavilion is a dangerous place for Hanzhong. Liu Bei wants to cut off internal and external contacts and seize Hanzhong. The general's move smashed Liu Bei's plan. What a wonderful plan!"

Later, Xiahou Yuan was killed in battle, and Cao Cao personally went to Hanzhong and withdrew the remaining troops.

In June 219 (24th year of Jian'an), Liu Bei succeeded to capture Hanzhong and sent Meng Da and Liu Feng to occupy Fangling, Shangyong and other places in the east of Hanzhong County, and his power expanded.

In July, Sun Quan wanted to attack Hefei, and most of the Wei army mobilized Huainan to guard against the Wu army. Guan Yu, a former general of Shu who guarded Jingzhou, grabbed the fighter plane and stayed in Nan County (Jiangling, now Jiangling, Hubei) to guard Jiangling, and General Fu Shiren guarded the public security (now northwest of Hubei Public Security).

Self- leading the main force to attack Jingxiang in the north (Wei Jingzhou ruled Xinye, now Xinye, Henan; Xiangyang County ruled Xiangyang, now Xiangfan, Hubei).

At that time, Cao Ren, the general of Zhengnan, was stationed in Fancheng (now Xiangfan, Hubei), and General Lu was stationed in Zaxiangyang, and General Zuo was stationed in the north of Fancheng.

Xu Huang (who was then General Ping Kou) was stationed in Wan (now Nanyang City, Henan Province) to assist Cao Ren in conquering Guan Yu.

In August, heavy rain, the Han water soared, and the seven forbidden armies were flooded. Under the fierce attack of Guan Yu's water army, Yu was forced to surrender, and Pang Deli was captured and killed in the war.

Guan Yu took advantage of the victory to besiege Fancheng and surrounded Xiangyang with a force.

At this time, Hu Xiu, the assassin of Wei Jingzhou, and Fu Fang, the governor of Nanxiang (now southeast of Xichuan, Henan Province), all fell to Guan Yu, and Sun Lang, Luhun (now northeast of Song County, Henan Province), also killed the officers and raised troops in response to Guan Yu. Guan Yu's momentum was "wei zhen hua xia" for a while.

Cao Cao thought that Emperor Xian of Han was in Xudu and was close to thieves. At one point, he was ready to move the capital, but he stopped because of the advice of Prime Minister Sima Sima Yi and Cao Yu Jiang Ji.

Cao Cao adopted Sima Yi's strategy of using contradictions to destroy the alliance between Sun and Liu, and sent messengers to see Sun Quan.

At the same time, Xu Huang ordered to lead the army to rescue Cao Ren. Xu Huang's troops were mostly recruits, and it was difficult to compete with Guan Yu, so he went to Yanglingpo and stationed (North of Fancheng).

Cao Cao sent generals Xu Shang and Lv Jian to pass the order: "We have to fight together after the soldiers and horses gather."

At that time, in the front of Guan Yu, Xu Huang built a long chasm, indicating that he would cut off the back road of the Shu army. The Shu army was afraid of being besieged and withdrew from the burning camp. Xu Huang's army entered Yancheng, with battalions on both sides, and gradually approached the besieged Shu army. Xu Huang's camp was only three feet away from Guan Yu.

Cao's messenger returned to Luoyang and brought a secret letter from Sun Quan, saying that he would send troops to the west to attack Guan Yu, but please keep it confidential in case Guan Yu learned that he was prepared.

Cao Cao adopted Dong Zhao's opinion and deliberately leaked the contents of the letter. Cao Cao ordered Xu Huang to shoot the contents of Sun Quan's secret letter into Fancheng and Guan Yu's camp respectively.

After being trusted by the besieged Wei army, morale doubled and the defense was stronger; after Guan Yu got the letter, he was in a dilemma.

At this time, in order to save Fancheng and Xiangyang, Cao Cao has led the main force from Luoyang to Mopi (now southeast of Ga County, Henan Province), and has successively sent 12 battalions such as Yin Su and Zhu Gai to Yancheng, all under the command of Xu Huang.

The main force of Guan Yu's army besieged the head, and one of them was stationed four tombs. Xu Huang attacked the east and west with tactics and threatened to attack the siege head, but unexpectedly raided the four tombs.

Guan Yu was afraid that the four tombs would be lost, and he led 5,000 to go to the war. Before the war, because Guan Yu and Xu Huang were from the same hometown and had a good relationship, the two talked from afar, but they said that they were not as good as the military. Soon Xu Huang dismount and announced the military order: "The person who got the head of Guan Yun, bounty thousands of catties."

Guan Yu was frightened and said, "Brother, what are you talking about?" Xu Huang replied, "This is a national matter."

Then the two armies fought in a melee, and Guan Yu was defeated by Xu Huang. When he retreated from the camp, Xu Huang led the army to chase him and rushed into the camp.

At that time, Guanyu Camp was surrounded by deep trenches and ten antlers, and the obstacle facilities were extremely tight. It was extremely difficult to attack from outside the camp. Now taking advantage of the opportunity of chaos, his army raided from the inside and broke it in one fell swoop, killing Hu Xiu and Fu Fang who surrendered to Shu.

Guan Yu withdrew from the siege and retreated, and Fancheng was besieged.

Soon, Lu Meng, the governor of Eastern Wu, attacked Jiangling and Guan Yu was captured and killed.

This battle played a major role in consolidating Cao Cao's southern territory and stabilizing the rear. It not only frustrated Guan Yu's strong offensive, but also destroyed the alliance between Sun and Liu, changed the strategic pattern at that time, and enabled Cao Cao to take the strategic initiative.

When Fancheng and Xiangyang were in danger, Cao transferred the famous generals Zhang Liao and the generals back to help Cao Ren, but Zhang Liao and others had not arrived. Xu Huang had lifted the siege of the two cities, which was comparable to Zhang Liao's battle in Hefei.

Cao said in an order: "The enemy besieged ten antlers, and the general won the battle, so he fell into the siege of thieves and beheaded more. I have been using troops for more than 30 years, and the people I have heard of in ancient times who are good at using troops have not been able to encircle the enemy like this. Moreover, the siege of Fan and Xiangyang is better than the previous siege of Ju and Jimo, so the general's achievements are better than Sun Wu and Rang Tho. Note: The idiom "**" comes from this.)

When Xu Huang was triumphant, Cao Cao personally went out of the camp seven miles to welcome Xu Huang and held a banquet to celebrate Xu Huang.

Cao Cao raised his hands (an ancient wine container. Round. Four liters) said to Xu Huang, "It's your credit to the preservation of Xiangyang and Fancheng!"

Xu Huang's army was rigorous and banned. At that time, the troops gathered in Mopi, and Cao Cao's case went to the camps. Many soldiers went out to watch. Only Xu Huang's subordinates barracks were neat and the soldiers were stationed.

Cao Cao sighed: "General Xu can be said to have the wind of Zhou Yafu!"

In 220 AD (the first year of Huang Chu), Cao Cao died, and Cao Pi became the throne of Wei. He made Xu Huang the right general and arrested the marquis of the countryside.

In October, Cao Pi became emperor, known as Emperor Wen of Wei, and made Xu Huang the Marquis of Yang. He and Xiahou Shang, the general of Zhengnan, attacked Liu Feng, a general of Shu in Shangyong (southwest of Zhushan, Hubei Province) and broke through his army. After Liu Feng fled back to Chengdu, he was killed by Liu Bei.

Because Xu Huang guarded Yangping, he was transferred to Yangping Marquis. Later, Sun Quan sent his general Chen Shao to defend Xiangyang. Xu Huang and Cao Ren attacked Chen Shao and conquered Xiangyang.

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