Rebirth of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 181 Ghost 1

"It's really confusing that I don't know the name of my brother after saying so much," the Confucian asked.

In fact, Li Zhong has wanted to ask for a long time, but he doesn't know how to open his mouth. Now that this person asks Li Zhong's name, isn't this right in Li Zhong's arms?

"Li Chong, I don't know the names of the two brothers," Li Zhong said.

The scholar nodded, and there was a trace of light in his eyes. He looked at Li Zhong, but he did nothing.

"In Guo Jia, this is my good friend Xi Zhong," the Confucian said.

Damn it!!!

What, this is Guo Jia and Xi Zhong!!!

Li Zhong's head suddenly became a little dizzy, and there was only one thought in his mind.

I took them!!

Otherwise, Cao A is not going to die!!

He was grateful for God's grace and calmed his ecstasy. Li Zhong said indifferently, "I don't know where the two brothers are going," because he saw a small package in their hands.

"We are going to travel to the north," Guo Jia said.

Li Zhong said oh and began to think about how to keep the two.

It can be said without hesitation that Guo Jia is almost the smartest person in the Three Kingdoms, and he is also one of Li Zhong's favorite counselors.

Guo Jia (170-207), courtesy name Feng Xiao, was born in Yang Zhai, Yingchuan (now Yuzhou, Henan).

Guo Jia was born in Yingchuan. When he was a teenager, he had a vision. Seeing that the world would be in chaos at the end of the Han Dynasty, he lived in seclusion after the weak crown (20 years old), secretly made friends with heroes, and did not associate with the secular world, so not many people knew him.

When Guo Jia was 21 years old, Guo Jia went north to see Yuan Shao and said to Yuan Shao's adviser Xin Ping and Guo Tu: "A wise man can carefully measure his master, so all measures are very thorough, so he can make a reputation.

Yu Gong only wants to imitate Zhou Gong's virtuous comoral, but he doesn't know much about using talents. It's really difficult to be thoughtful and lack the essentials. I like to plan without making a decision. I want to save the country with him and build a great cause of kingship!"

So he left Yuan Shao. In this way, Guo Jia has been idle for six years.

In 196 (the first year of Jian'an), Cao Cao, a highly valued counselor, died.

In sorrow, Cao Cao wrote to Xun Yu and asked him to recommend a counselor who could replace Xi Zhicai.

So Xun Yu recommended his good friend Guo Jia to Cao Cao.

Cao Cao summoned Guo Jia to discuss the world's major events. After the discussion, Cao Cao said, "He is the one who can help me achieve great things!"

From then on, Guo Jia became Cao Cao's military officer, a military advisor, to offer advice and loyally for Cao Cao's four-way campaign. After leaving the camp, he also said with great joy, "This is my real master!"

At that time, all kinds of princes divided a corner and fought for the world.

In this case, Guo Jia's accurate judgment of the psychological state of each enemy often becomes the key to Cao Cao's victory.

In 197 AD (the second year of Jian'an), Cao Cao was defeated by Zhang Xiu, and Yuan Shao and Xin were humiliated. When Cao Cao was worried that he did not have the ability to compete with Yuan Shao, Guo Jia put forward the famous "ten wins and ten defeats".

He cited ten reasons in a row to prove that "the public has ten victories and Shao has ten defeats."

Guo Jia's analysis is very convincing, which not only boosted the fighting spirit of Cao's soldiers, but also helped Cao Cao formulate long-term and short-term combat goals.

At the same time, Guo Jia also officially established his core position in Cao Cao's military intelligence regiment.

In 198 AD (the third year of Jian'an), Liu Bei was broken by Lv Bu and attached to Cao Cao.

Cheng Yu, a counselor, suggested to Cao Cao to kill Liu Bei to end the future trouble. Cao Cao asked Guo Jia what his opinion was. Guo Jia thought: "It's true. However, Cao Gong raised his sword to revolt soldiers, eliminate violence for the people, and introduced integrity to attract heroes. Today, Liu Bei has a heroic reputation. When he was at the end of the road, he defected to us and we killed him. This is the notoriety of killing the sages. The wise men and soldiers will doubt themselves. Once again, who they want to choose to be the master, and who will Cao Gong will calm the world with?

Jay, I'm afraid I still haven't done it.

So you can't get rid of the trouble of one person and endanger the reputation of the world, and the choice of safety can't be unaware!"

Cao Cao also felt this, so he did not kill Liu Bei.

However, Guo Jia also believes that Liu Bei has tens of thousands of enemies Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, and Liu Bei won the hearts of the people and will not be under people.

So set up an appropriate position for Cao Yi earlier. "The ancients said, 'One day to indulge the enemy, it will become a disaster for generations.

It means to put Liu Bei under house arrest, but Cao Cao did not accept Liu Bei's plan to put him under house arrest. In order to convince him, he was closer to Liu Bei.

I can't stick to it with Lv Bu. The battle lasted for more than half a year. Cao Cao saw that the soldiers were tired and ready to give up. At this time, Guo Jia saw the opportunity to win. In September of that year, Cao Cao sent troops to attack Lv Bu, who was in Xuzhou. Cao's army first broke through Pengcheng, then defeated Lv Bu, and finally besieged Pi.

He took Xiang Yu as an example to persuade Cao Cao, put forward the view that "if the brave and resourceful people are exhausted, they will soon be defeated", and persuaded Cao Cao to attack urgently. Cao Cao followed Guo Jia's plan. While attacking the city, he broke the dike to cover Pi. Sure enough, he conquered Pi and killed Lv Bu in the same year.

In 199 (the fourth year of Jian'an), Liu Bei took the opportunity of Yuan Shu to defect to Yuan Shao and took the initiative to ask Cao Cao to intercept.

At this time, Guo Jia was not around, and Cao Cao agreed to Liu Bei's request. When Guo Jia and Cheng Yu came back and learned about this, they dissuaded Cao Cao together: "Let Liu Bei go, there will be variables!"

But at that time, Liu Bei had left and seized Pi and raised his troops against Cao Cao. Cao regretted not listening to Guo Jia's words.

In 200 AD (the fifth year of Jian'an), Cao Cao decided to eliminate Liu Bei, who had an unstable foothold in Xuzhou, in order to avoid being attacked before and after fighting with Yuan Shao in the future.

At that time, all the generals were afraid that Yuan Shao would take the opportunity to attack Xudu, and at that time, they could not fight and retreated and lost their strongholds.

Cao Cao also felt doubted, so he asked Guo Jia's suggestion. Guo Jia analyzed: "Yuan Shao has always been indecisive and will not respond quickly. Liu Bei's heart has not returned, his foothold is not stable, and he will attack quickly. There is no doubt that he will lose.

Then go back to the teacher to deal with Yuan Shao. This is the best opportunity to change the enemy and must not be lost.

So Cao raised his expedition to the east, defeated Liu Bei, captured Liu Bei's wife, captured Guan Yu, and then broke through the East Pirates united with Liu Bei.

As Guo Jia expected, Yuan Shao had not yet responded, and Liu Bei had been defeated.

Just when Cao Cao and Yuan Shao were in control of each other, another disturbing news spread to Cao Ying: Jiangdong Haojie Sun Ce was ready to send troops to attack Cao Cao's base in Xudu.

Cao Cao, who is already at a disadvantage in his relationship with Yuan Shao, can no longer draw troops to defend Xu Du.

Once Xu Du is lost, Cao Cao's camp will immediately collapse. This is the most disturbing period in Caoying, and many people began to secretly flatter Yuan Shao, preparing to leave a way for themselves.

At that time, Cao's army had many private letters with Yuan Shao. After the battle of Guandu, many bamboo slips were found in Yuan camp.

At this critical moment, Guo Jia predicted: "Sun Ce has just annexed Jiangdong, and all the heroes killed are heroes. He is a person who can work hard.

However, Sun Ce is imprulent and unprepared. Although he has millions, he is no different from coming to the Central Plains alone.

If there is an assassin's ambush, he is just one person's enemy. In my opinion, Sun Ce must die at the hands of assassins.

Sun Ce arrived at the river and had not yet crossed the river. Sure enough, he was killed by the doorman of his enemy Xu Gong. This may be a coincidence, but it does add a touch to Guo Jia's magic calculation.

In 202 (the seventh year of Jian'an), Yuan Shao, who was defeated in the Battle of Guandu, died of illness. Cao Cao attacked his two sons and won consecutive victories. All the generals of the Cao army wanted to take advantage of the victory to break through Eryuan, but at this time, Guo Jia, who had previously strongly advanced to the north, tried his best to fight against the public and proposed to retreat.

He analyzed the contradiction between the two brothers of the Yuan family for Cao and said, "Yuan Tan and Yuan Shang have always been unconvinced to each other, and there are advisers such as Guo Tu and Fengji to make peace with each other, which is bound to turn against each other. It's better to conquer Liu Biao in the south first, wait for it to change, and then attack it.

Guo Jia suggested that Cao Cao pretend to attack Liu Biao to the south, "wait for his change."

Sure enough, as soon as Cao Jun returned to Xuchang, the news of Yuan Jun's transformation came. Cao Cao took the opportunity to return to the army and defeated Yuan Tan and Yuan Shang, and the two Yuans died and fled.

Because of Guo Jia's clever plan, winning this battle was both easy and smooth.

In 204 (nine years of Jian'an), Guo Jia was awarded the title of Marquis of Liyang Pavilion.

Ask for a monthly ticket, vigorously ask for a monthly ticket!!!