Rebirth of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 220 Good General

He looked at the distant back angrily. To be honest, Liu Biao regretted it.

But he will never go to admit his mistake to Kuo Yue, which is absolutely impossible. After all, he is the master.

Thinking that the strangeness is so generous, it is estimated that it will be fine in two days. Liu Biao thought in his heart, so he left this matter behind.

However, he missed this great opportunity to reconcile the grievances of the master and minister and laid the groundwork for future failure.

A little frustrated, he went straight home and ordered the housekeeper to clean up and prepare to leave Xiangyang.

"Lord, the last general has a colleague, who is also similar to the last general. The last general wants to ask the Lord to take him in." Huang Zhongchao and Li Zhong held the boxing.

"Oh", "I don't know who it is?" Li Zhong did not answer, but asked.

"This person's name is Huo Jun. Although his martial arts skills are not high, he has a lot of insights into defending the city. His brother Huo Du is also a good general," Huang Zhong briefly introduced.

"Who else is in this person's family?" Li Zhong asked.

"There is also a sister in the family named Huo Yuting. Their parents died in the early years, leaving only three brothers and sisters to live together." It seems that Huang Zhong knows a lot about them.

And Li Zhong, Huo Jun, is still very familiar with it. It can be said that this person is definitely an expert general in defending the city.

"I don't know where they are now?" Li Zhong asked.

"Just in Jingzhou City"

"Well, Han Sheng will come to recruit him. If you don't want to, don't force it," Li Zhong nodded and said.

Now it can be said that Han Xin's more soldiers are better. Whether it is a first-class general or a second-rate general, they are talents and must not be let go.

"Thank you, Lord." After looking at Li Zhong, Huang Zhong rode his horse to the city.

"Keep moving forward," Li Zhong said to Xu Chu beside him.

Xu Chu nodded, and then the brigade slowly drove forward.

Because Huang Xu's condition was a little serious and could not withstand the bumps, the driving speed along the way was not particularly fast, and Li Zhong also specially asked a Langzhong to follow the team to continue his life for Huang Xu so that he could persist to Lujiang.

And Huang Zhong saw what Li Zhong had done, and his respect and gratitude for Li Zhong also rose to a higher level.

After a while, the dust flew behind him. It turned out that Huang Zhong came back. He was accompanied by two burly men and a little girl with an excellent figure. Li Zhong thought that this was Huo Jun's sister.

"Lord", Huang Zhong came to Li Zhong to hold the boxing.

Li Zhong nodded to him, turned his head to look at the three, and said, "But Huo Du, Huo Jun."

"I met the adult", the two immediately jumped off the war horse and held a fist at Li Zhong, which was very respectful.

The two usually have great respect for Huang Zhong and have always been the head of Huang Zhong, so as soon as Huang Zhong mentioned it, the two agreed, and the other party is still a former general of the Han Dynasty that shocked northern Xinjiang. Following him is at least much better than eating and waiting to die in Xiangyang City.

The two came here with Huang Zhong as soon as they worked together.

"Han Sheng has told me about your situation. If you want, we will be a family in the future. If you don't want to, I won't force you." Li Zhong looked at the two and said, now is not the time to reward beautiful women, but it's still a business.

The two looked at each other and bowed to Li Zhong and said, "My brothers are willing to obey the general and hope that the general will take him in." The attitude is very sincere. I guess Huang Zhong has told them before.

Looking at Huang Zhong, Li Zhong helped them up and said, "Okay, it's a great honor for the two generals to come to me."

"Thank you for your false praise," the two said humbly.

Well, Li Zhong nodded, and then turned his head to look at the little girl who had been bowing her head and asked with a smile, "Little girl, what's your name?" Damn it, that look is really a little obscene, and it sounds like a ruffian hooligan flirting with a good woman.

"Huo Yuting, a daughter of the people, has met the lord". Since his two brothers worship Li Zhong as the master, of course, as a sister, they should also call Li Zhong the lord.

Seeing that the woman was so shy, Li Zhong was not flirting with her, so he said to Huo Jun, "My sister can't stand the bumps of the horses. Why don't she go to the carriage in front of her?" Li Zhong pointed to the luxurious carriage in front of them and said to them.

The two hesitated. At this time, Huang Zhong said to them, "That's the lady's carriage." The wife here, of course, is Li Zhong's wife. She looked at Li Zhong apologetically and nodded.

"Zhong Kang, take Miss Huo to his wife's carriage," Li Zhong turned to Xu Chu standing aside and said.

"Yes. Lord," Xu Chu hugged his fist and promised, and then greeted Huo Yuting to Xiuer's carriage.

"Okay, let's go." Seeing that everything was arranged, Li Zhong said to several people.

Several people nodded and followed the brigade to the east.

Huo Jun (178-217), courtesy name Zhong Mi, was born in Zhijiang, Southern County (now Zhijiang, Hubei Province), and a famous general under Liu Bei at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty.

His brother Huo Du once gathered hundreds of people in the countryside. After Huo Du's death, Liu Biao, the pastor of Jingzhou, ordered Huo Jun to lead the team.

In the thirteenth year of Jian'an (208), Liu Biao died of illness, and Huo Jun led his division to surrender to Liu Bei and was appointed as a general.

In the 17th year of Jian'an (212 AD), Liu Bei went to Jiaomeng (now southwest of Guangyuan, Sichuan) and prepared to return to the army to attack Liu Zhang in the south and stay in Huojun to guard the city of Jiaomeng.

When Zhang Lu learned about it, he sent Yang Bai to lure Huo Jun to defend the city together in an attempt to capture Jia Meng. Huo Jun knew that there was fraud and said to Yang Bai, "You can get my head, but you can't get this city." Yang Bie had no choice but to retreat.

Later, Liu Zhang sent more than 10,000 people to support the ban, Xiang Cun and other people, and besieged Yameng by Langshui. The city was the only base of Liu Bei in Shu at that time, and it was the rear of Liu Bei (it is not known why Liu Bei did not rescue for a year. Maybe he believed him).

Huo Jun led the generals to defend and failed to capture it for a year. In fact, there were only hundreds of soldiers in Huo Jun in the cute city. Huo Jun took advantage of the other party's fatigue, selected elites, waited for the opportunity to attack, broke through Liu Zhang's army, and took the opportunity to cut off Xiang Cun's head.

After Liu Bei pacted Shuzhong, he praised Huo Jun's achievements and appointed him as Zitong Taishou and General Pei.

Zitong County includes almost all important passes in the north of Yizhou: Yameng, Baishui, Jiangge, Jiangyou, Fucheng, etc. were the most important defense areas before Liu Bei captured Hanzhong, and together with Zhang Fei (the then Brazilian governor) as the defense of the north.

And later, Zhonghui Deng Ai attacked Shu and went to Fucheng and the Sword Pavilion. Three years later, Huo Jun died in his office and was buried in Chengdu.

Liu Bei deplored the news of Huo Jun's death and said to Zhuge Liang, "A good general like Huo Jun has contributed to the country. I want to visit the memorial in person."

So Liu Bei led the ministers to mourn and stayed in front of the tomb. At that time, people were proud of Huo Jun.

Huo Jun is calm and good at fighting. He can calmly analyze the situation in the face of tens of thousands of enemies, and can defeat the enemy and kill the enemy.

Although such a talent is not a famous general, he can definitely be called a good general.

Although Huo Jun's defense of the city has the benefit of the wall of the cute gate, it is definitely a miracle that hundreds of people blocked the attack of more than 10,000 enemy troops, and it also has a lot to do with Huo Jun's wisdom and command ability.

And he is loyal and righteous. Isn't this the general Li Zhong wants?

In the carriage, although Xiuer and Liu Xiao, of course, and Wenxin, are very sympathetic to the weak little girl in front of them, they are complaining about Li Zhong. First, Wenxin, and now there is Huo Yuting. Both of them have the idea of crying.

In less than a month, two people have been added to the " harem", which is really a little funny.

But Xiuer and Liu Xiao certainly love such a cute little girl. Only Wenxin is very happy. Because Huo Yuting is younger than her, she can also be a sister. At this time, Huo Yuting is constantly calling her sister, and she also looks happy.

Xiuer and Liu Xiao look like they don't know her, hey!

is simply a little girl who doesn't like the world.

The brigade did not delay on the road and drove all the way to the Lujiang River. Along the way, they also talked happily with the two Huo Jun brothers, and the relationship between the master and ministers also rose sharply.

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