Rebirth of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 226 Grain Horse

(Thank you for the support of Jiangbei Jiaoke!)

On the contrary, there are always some problems when it comes to materials that are not equal to ten thousand yuan. The first article can be seen in "Historical Records" volume 97 "Lu Jia's Biography" and "Justice", saying: Han system, one gold straight through a thousand. A thousand, that is, a million, a catty of Hanjin will not be so expensive anyway. The predecessors have pointed out that the word "thousand" is the mistake of the word "ten". One gold straight ten, that is, ten thousand yuan, is already the legal ratio.

In the second article, it is said in Volume 7 of Nine Chapters of Arithmetic: Today, there are a total of people buying gold, with 400 yuan, with 3, 400 yuan; 300 people with 100 yuan. Ask the number of people, what is the price of gold? Answer: Thirty-three people, the price of gold is 9,8 hundred.

Nine Chapters of Arithmetic was probably written in the Western Han Dynasty. Although the prices of various items cited in its example generally reflect the price situation at that time, they are all hypothetical arithmetic problems, not a direct record of market prices. At the same time, this question says that the price of gold is 9,100, and does not specify the calculation unit and amount of gold, so it cannot be concluded that what is bought here must be a catty of gold.

Therefore, it is certain that there are strict regulations on the price of money between the two men: one catty of gold is equal to 10,000 copper. At least at the official price.

However, there is no record of grain parity in the Han Dynasty in the literature. There is a lot of information about grain prices in the Han Dynasty literature. These materials can be roughly divided into two categories: one is the occasional bumper years, and the price of grain is low, and historians use this to praise the merits of the rulers.

"counting money with millet and stone", "people are rich", "people give family enough" and so on. Second, due to the famine, especially due to the cruel oppression of the rulers and the melee between the rulers, such as the end of the three dynasties of the Qin, the Western Han Dynasty and the Eastern Han Dynasty, the production destruction and the years of war, resulting in the situation of expensive grain prices, thousands of grain and stones, and people eating each other.

However, there is no record of grain parity.

In the Western Han Dynasty, when talking about the price of grain and stone for dozens of yuan, there must be words of praise, saying that it is too cheap. When talking about the price of stone for more than 100 yuan and hundreds of yuan, there were words of blame, saying that it was too expensive; in the Eastern Han Dynasty, when talking about the price of stones for more than 100 yuan, there were words of praise, saying that it was too low, and when talking about more than a thousand yuan, there were words of rebuke words of rebuke. , the dialect is too expensive. It can be inferred that parity is between too cheap and too expensive.

When the so-called "rule of literature and scenery", the price of grain is very low. History said that at that time, "the people had no internal or external fiat. They had to rest on the fields, and the world was rich, with more than ten dollars, singing chickens and barking dogs, and thousands of miles of fireworks."

Although it is not stated here how much the millet is worth more than ten cents, according to the context, it should refer to millet one stone. Another material said that Gu Shi had dozens of money at that time, and Emperor Wen of Han was frugal and cultivated morality... Gu Zhishi had dozens of money, and he was envious.

The price of millet stone is more than ten yuan and dozens of yuan, which is nothing more than the price of grain, and the price must be above this price.

Two hundred years later, the situation changed a lot. By the middle of the Eastern Han Dynasty, Gu Shigui had more than 100 yuan, also known as a " grand event", which was worthy of praise from historians. For example, at the time of Emperor Shun, the fifth visit was Zhangye Taishou, "Light riding along the field and persuading the people to cultivate the grain and stone in his year." From this, it can be seen that Gu Shibaiqian was very rare at that time, so he won the title of "resultant" only on the fifth visit. However, it was the same Zhang Ye. In the middle of the Western Han Dynasty, the grain price of 100 yuan was not only not praised.

As for the price of grain and stone to 200 or 300 yuan, it has caused very serious consequences in the Western Han Dynasty. Volume 79 "Feng Feng's Biography" says: The year is more than the year, the valley stone of the capital is 200, the border county is 400, Guandong 500, and the four directions are hungry." Also "Han Shu" Volume 24 "Food Records" said: Emperor Yuan ascended the throne,... The land was hungry, more than 300 grains and stones, and many people starved to death. When the grain price reaches two, three and four hundred stones, it is already "starvation" and "many people starve to death". It can be seen that in the Western Han Dynasty, the price of grain must be less than 200 yuan.

However, from the end of the Western Han Dynasty to the whole Eastern Han Dynasty, hundreds of records of grain and stones have been found too expensive. At this time, it is generally expensive to more than 1,000 yuan to think that it is too expensive and be condemned by people. For example, the first volume of "The Records of the Eastern View of Han" "The Chronicle of Emperor Guangwu" said: At the time of Wang Mang, east of Luyang, there were 2,000 rice stones. ...The people died of starvation, and the people ate each other."

"Book of Later Han" Volume 73 "Biography of Zhu Hui" says: Jian junior high school, Nanyang is hungry, more than a thousand rice and stone."

Also the above volume 5 "An Di Ji" notes Fuhou's "Ancient and Modern Notes": In the second year of Yongchu, the state and county were hungry, 2,000 rice and stone, the people ate each other, and the old and the weak abandoned the road.

"The Book of the Later Han Dynasty" Volume 88 "The Biography of Yu Xu" quoted the "Continued Han Book" and said that when Yu Xu was appointed as the county guard of Wudu. When he arrived in the county, due to the former official rule**, the county government was chaotic and the people were not able to make a living, so far as "Gu Shiqian, eight thousand salt stones."

In the Eastern Han Dynasty, if you meet the price of hundreds of yuan, it must be a bumper harvest.

To sum up, from the literature, in the Western Han Dynasty, dozens of people said that the price of grain and stone were too cheap, and more than 100 yuan said that it was too expensive. In the Eastern Han Dynasty, hundreds of yuan of yuan had already called it too low, and it was too expensive for more than 1,000 yuan. Then we can infer that the parity of grain in the Western Han Dynasty was around 100 yuan, while the Eastern Han Dynasty rose to hundreds of yuan. The grain price of 100 yuan to 100 yuan for the stone contained in the Han Jian introduced above is the parity of the Western Han Dynasty.

There are almost 120 catties of grain (it seems that it was written wrong before, written as 54 catties, I apologize and ask for forgiveness). According to such a price, one catty is set at 30 yuan, and one gold is equal to 10,000 yuan, then a horse can get almost 300 catties, that is, 360 catties.

10,000 war horses can be exchanged for 300,000 yuan of grain and fodder. According to the average consumption of two catties of grain a day by an adult strong man, it is enough for two or three months of grain and more than three months of the Youzhou army. This is quite cost-effective. Moreover, Tao Qian can't really give 15 gold to a horse. How can he estimate this time? It's okay to get 350,000 or 400,000 yuan of grain and grass, and Li Zhong can't give all of them to Tao Qian's tall horses.

Tao Qian had no doubt about Li Zhong's alliance, but he repeatedly refused, because he was afraid that others would come to settle accounts with him. Far from saying that Yuan Shao, the governor of Jiujiang, was Li Zhong's death, so he gently refused.

Li Zhong also laughed it off. He also understood Tao Qian's difficulties and knew what kind of personality Tao Qian was like. It is estimated that he was more cowardly than Liu Biao, which really made people laugh and cry. It is really ironic that such a person can still sit firmly in this state's pastoral position in this era of cannibalism.

And Li Zhong did not force him. He knew that Tao Qian would ask him for help in the future.

Under Tao Qian's introduction, Li Zhong met many famous people of this era, such as Mi Zhu (a rich businessman in Xuzhou). Tao Qianren is not engaged in driving.), Chen Sui (Chen Deng's father, Peixiang, and the Chen family is also the eldest family second only to the Mi family in Xuzhou), Chen Deng (Tao Qian invited him to be a lieutenant of the Dian Agricultural School to properly grow grain and reduce famine.), Wu Rong (Buddhist leader.), Zhao Yu (famous scholar. He was invited by Tao Qian to be a farewell driver, and later served as the governor of Guangling and was killed by Rongrong.) Xuzhou general Cao Bao (Tao Qian's general, and Liu Beitun Tandong resisted Cao Cao and were defeated. Later, follow Liu Bei.).

After staying here for two days, Li Zhong set out for Qingzhou in the north, and Tao Qian led a group of literary and martial arts out of the city to see him off.

"Lord, what does the former general mean by coming here this time?" asked a white man beside Tao Qian, who was Xuzhou.

And the old man around him is Xuzhou Mu Taoqian.

Tao Qian (132-194), courtesy name Gongzu. People from Danyang County (now northeast of Dangtu, Anhui Province).

One of the heroes at the end of the Han Dynasty. At first, he served in the state and county, and was raised by Maocai. He successively served as the county magistrate of Shu, Lu Er, Youzhou, and Yilang. He has a straight personality and great ambition.

In March 185, he followed the left-hand general Huangfu Song to fight against Beigong Boyu, served as a lieutenant of Yangwu, and then followed Zhang Wen to conquer Han Sui and Bian Zhang. In 188, he was appointed as the assassin of Xuzhou and defeated the yellow scarf of Xuzhou.

After Dong Zhuo was killed, all kinds of warlords fell into a melee. Tao Qian joined the camp of Yuan Shu and Gongsun Zan to fight against Yuan Shao and Cao Cao. Later, he sent an envoy to Beijing to pay tribute and was awarded the title of Marquis of Liyang. In his later years, due to Cao Cao's defeat in the war, most of Xuzhou was almost killed by military disasters, resulting in overwork and died at the age of 63.

Tao Qian looked at him and said, "This former general's heart is too big, but it's a pity that I'm old." After saying that, Mi Zhu left a doubtful face and went to the city.