Rebirth of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 241 Three Old Generals at the End of the Han Dynasty 2

However, Dong Zhuo also called Huangfu Song as the captain of the city gate, trying to find an opportunity to kill him. Huangfu Song was called to go, and the long history Liang Yan advised him to rise up to resist Dong Zhuo and echoed Yuan Shao. Huangfu Song didn't listen, and Gai Xun couldn't be independent because of his weak soldiers, and he also returned to Luyang. As soon as Huangfu Song arrived, the competent official adhered to Dong Zhuo's intention and reported him to the court to be put on trial to kill him.

Huangfu Jianshou, the son of Huangfu Song, had a friendship with Dong Zhuo. He ran from Chang'an to Luyang and went to Dong Zhuo. Dong Zhuo was setting up a banquet, and the guests and friends of the conference rushed forward, argued with him, and kowtowed with great righteousness.

The guests present were deeply moved and pleaded for Huangfu Song. Dong Zhuo just left the table, pulled Huangfu Jianshou to sit with him, and sent someone to release Huangfu Song and appointed him as Yilang. Later, he was promoted to Yushi Zhongcheng.

In 192 AD (the third year of Chuping), after Dong Zhuo was killed, the court appointed Huangfu Song as the general of Zhengxi and slaughtered Dong Zhuo clan.

Someone once suggested to Situ Wang Yun to send Huangfu Song to lead Dong Zhuo's old department and stay in Shaanxi County for comfort. Wang Yun refused this proposal. Soon after Li Wei and Guo Yan's political chaos, Huangfu Song changed to general of bicycle. In August of the same year, he was promoted to lieutenant.

In December, he was exempted due to the appearance of meteors. Since then, he has served as Dr. Guanglu and Taichang.

In 195 AD (the second year of Xingping), Huangfu Song died of illness, and the court gave the seal of the general Qiqi and appointed one of his family as a Lang official.

Huangfu Song is kind and cautious, loyal, strategic and courageous. The Pinghuang scarf thief made great contributions. When he received the herdsman of Jizhou, he asked the court to reduce or exempt Jizhou's one-year farmland tax, and the people praised it. During his tenure, he expressed his speeches, advised or added some benefits, a total of more than 500 times, each time he wrote it himself, and destroyed the draft without revealing it at all.

In the military, he was warm-hearted and popular. Every time the troops stopped and camped, he had to wait until the camp curtain was repaired before returning to his military account. He didn't eat until all the soldiers had finished eating.

The subordinate officials accepted bribes, but Huangfu Song did not blame him, but gave him money and things. The officials were ashamed, and some of them even committed suicide. Huangfu Song also folded the comoral, and there were no guests at the door. At that time, people praised him and returned to him one after another.

Lu Zhi (139-192), with dry words. People from Zhuo County (now Zhuozhou, Hebei). Classicist and general at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty.

Lu Zhi is eight feet and two inches long and sounds like a bell. He is resolute, has a noble character, often has the ambition to help the society, relieve the world, does not like to make words, and can drink a stone.

When he was young, he worshipped Confucian Ma Rong as his teacher and introduced Zheng Xuan as his fellow. Lu Zhibo is ancient and modern, and likes to delve into the classics of Confucianism and is not limited to the chapters and sentences defined by his predecessors.

Ma Rong is a wealthy family. There are often singers performing songs and dances at home. Lu Zhi has studied at Ma Rong's home for many years and has never glanced at it. Ma Rong admires Lu Zhi very much.

After Lu Zhi became a student, he returned to his hometown Zhuo County to teach. His disciples were Liu Bei, Liu Deran and Gongsun Zan.

168 A.D. (the first year of Jianning), Dou Wu, the father of Empress Dou, was worshipped as a general and began to control the government because of his contributions to the establishment of Emperor Ling of the Han Dynasty, Liu Hong. At that time, Dou Wu wanted to be knighted. Lu Zhi wrote to Dou Wu as a cloth to dissuade Dou Wu from being knighted, but Dou Wu did not listen. Later, Dou Wu was killed during the coup in 1911 in September of that year.

Since then, the states and counties have repeatedly recruited Lu Zhi, and he should not. It was not until Jianning (168-172) that he was drafted as a doctor and began to enter his career.

In 175 A.D. (the fourth year of Xiping), the barbarian rebellion in Jiujiang County, Yangzhou. The court thought that Lu Zhi had both literature and martial arts, so they worshipped him as the governor of Jiujiang County. After Lu Zhi took office, he soon put down the rebellion. After that, Lu Zhi resigned due to health reasons.

In the same year, the proposal to proofread the classic books of Confucianism initiated by Cai Yong, Li Xun and others was approved by the imperial court, and it will be erected at the gate of Taixue in the form of a stone tablet, which is historically known as the Xiping Stone Sutra or the Taixue Stone Sutra. Lu Zhi took the initiative to write a letter and recommended himself.

Later, a barbarian rebellion occurred again in Lujiang County. Because Lu Zhi had kindness and faith in the local people when he was the governor of Jiujiang County, the court once again worshipped him as the governor of Lujiang County.

More than a year later, Lu Zhi was recalled to the court as a councilor. Together with Ma Ri, Cai Yong, Yang Biao, Han Shuo and others, he studied Confucian classics in Dongguan and participated in the continuation of the work of Han Ji (historical known as Dongguan Han Ji). However, Liu Hong thought that writing a book was not an important job, so he worshipped him as a servant and a scholar.

On February 1, 178 AD (the first year of Guanghe), a solar eclipse occurred in the sky. Lu Zhi wrote about this. Chen said that he was a dignitary and criticized Liu Hong's previous mistakes, but Liu Hong did not accept it.

In February 184 (the seventh year of Guanghe), Zhang Jiao, a native of Julu County, Jizhou, launched an uprising, which was historically known as the "Yellow Turban Rebellion". Eight states responded and shook the opposition.

After the four prefectures (general, lieutenant, Situ, Sikong), Liu Hong appointed Lu Zhi as the general of Beizhonglang and ordered the general of Wuhuan Zhonglang to serve as his deputy, leading the generals of the five battalions of the Northern Army (i.e. Tunqi, Yueqi, infantry, Changshui and Sisheng) to Jizhou to pacate the Yellow Turban Army.

Lu Zhi won consecutive victories, and Zhang Jiao led his army to retreat to Guangzong County and defend the city. Lu Zhi led his army to surround Guangzong County, dig trenches, manufacture siege equipment, and prepare to attack the city.

At this time, Liu Hong sent Xiaohuangmen Zuo Feng to inspect the work in Lu Zhijun. Someone advised Lu Zhi to bribe Zuo Feng, but Lu Zhi refused.

Zuo Feng didn't get any benefit, so he held a grudge. In June, after Zuo Feng returned to Luoyang, he slandered Liu Hongjin and said, "I think Guangzong County is easy to break through, but Lu Zhi doesn't move. Does he want to wait for God to kill Zhang Jiao?"

Liu Hong was furious and gave an edict to remove Lu Zhi from his position and escort him back to Luoyang with a prison car, and sentenced him to life imprisonment (commutation of death). The court appointed Dong Zhuo as the general of Dongzhong and succeeded Lu Zhi to calm down the Yellow Turban Army in Jizhou, but Dong Zhuo was defeated.

In August, another government army led by Zuo Zhonglang and Huangfu Song had pacified the Yellow Turban Army in Dong County, Yanzhou, and the court sent Huangfu Song to Jizhou to pacify the Yellow Turban Army.

Huangfu Song lived up to expectations and finally returned triumphantly. After Huangfu Song returned to Luoyang, he wrote to Liu Hong and gave Lu Zhi the credit for pacing the Yellow Turban Army in Jizhou. Therefore, Lu Zhi returned to his position and still served as Shang Shu.

In 189 (the sixth year of Zhongping), Liu Hong died, and the general He Jin controlled the government. He Jin listened to the suggestions of Yuan Shao and others, intending to eradicate eunuchs, and even recruited Dong Zhuo, the state pastor, to Beijing. Lu Zhi knew that Dong Zhuo would be a future trouble and tried his best to dissuade him, but He Jin did not listen.

In August, there was a coup, He Jin was killed, and Dong Zhuo went to Beijing to control the government.

Dong Zhuo intended to depose the young emperor Liu Wei and supported Chen Liu Xie as emperor, so he called civil and military officials to discuss it. At that time, no one dared to say anything. Only Lu Zhi came out alone to oppose it. Dong Zhuo was furious and ordered Lu Zhi to be executed. Cai Yong pleaded for him, and Peng Bo also quickly came out to dissuade Dong Zhuo. He said, "Lu Shangshu is a great Confucian in the sea, the hope of scholars! If you kill him now, the whole world will be shocked and disappointed. Dong Zhuo just gave up and only removed Lu Zhi from office.

Soon, Lu Zhi requested to return to his hometown Zhuo County on the grounds of old age and physical discomfort. After Dong Zhuo's approval, Lu Zhi took the path and left Luyang. Dong Zhuo really sent people to chase him. Lu Zhi lived in seclusion in Shanggu County, Youzhou, and didn't care about the world.

In 191 (the second year of Chuping), Yuan Shao obtained Jizhou and Bai Luzhi as his military division.

In 192 AD (the third year of Chuping), Lu Zhi died. Before his death, Lu Zhi asked his son to dig a cave and bury him thinly. He didn't need a coffin, only a close-fitting single coat.

In 207 (the 12th year of Jian'an), Cao Cao led his army to attack Wuhuan and passed through Zhuo County, praising Lu Zhi's life and sending people to sweep his tomb. His son Lu Yu, who later went to Sikong, became famous in the world.

Fan Ye's Book of the Later Han once commented: "The wind and frost are different from the nature of vegetation, and Lu Gong's heart can be known to see the festival of chastity. The husband's bees are in their arms, and the thunder is frightening. Although there are no one who is not hesitate to seize the ordinary. When planting under the white blade strict pavilion, chasing the emperor's river and Jin, rowing the blade and going to fight, how can you plan first? When a gentleman is loyal and righteous, he must do so, and so must he bedian." He is both a master and comes to the teacher.

Lu Zhi wrote 20 volumes of "Shangshu Zhang Sentences" and "Three Rites Interpretation" ("Exceremony Notes"), as well as two volumes of anthology, which have now been lost.

"The Later Hanwen" includes the "Book of the Stone Sutra of Shili", "The Seal of the Solar eclipse", "The Presentation of Books" "Den Gui Dou Wu", "The Victory of Li Wensheng" and other remarks.

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