Rebirth of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 271 and state ownership 3

Just when Ji Ling confronted the Jingzhou army, Yuan Shaojun also made a move.

Yuan Shao sent General Gao Lan to lead an army of 150,000 to attack Yangling and strive to include this strategic place in the shortest time. At the same time, the generals Yushe, Liu Xun, Zhang Nan and counselors accompanied Feng Ji and dispatched 150,000 troops of 200,000 troops, which shows his determination.

And just as the two families were preparing to fight, when Dong Zhuo was preparing to reap the profits of the fishermen, a news came that was no less than a bolt from the blue.

The pass has been lost!

When Dong Zhuo heard the news, he greeted the 18th generation of Niu Fu's ancestors on the spot, but he had no choice but to find Li Ru to discuss countermeasures.

Li Ru, who got the news, was also shocked. He frowned and thought for a long time and said to Dong Zhuo, "Master, now that Jiguan has fallen into Li Zhong's hands, I'm afraid it's not easy to take it back. It seems that Li Zhong has seen through my strategy."

"What should I do?" Dong Zhuo said in a panic.

Li Ru pondered for a moment and said, "Although Li Zhong saw through my plan, he started a war with Ding Yuan. Ding Yuan will definitely not give up Bingzhou easily, so we have to take Hanzhong and Liangzhou as soon as possible. Only after stabilizing the rear can we be able to fight with the Youzhou army."

Dong Zhuo nodded. Now he has no idea and can only follow Li Ru's plan.

"In addition, it can be rumored that Hu Zhen can lead 40,000 troops to launch a raid on Jiguan, hoping to bring back Jiguan. If the raid fails, he can lead his army to station outside Jiguan. One can monitor the Youzhou army in the interior of Jiguan, and the other is to find an opportunity to destroy the grain channel of the Youzhou army. At that time, there will be no food and grass. Let's see how they arrive. Resistance," Li Ru said slowly. This is the safest and best strategy he can think of, but whether it will be adopted or not. Well, looking at Dong Zhuo's ownerless appearance, Li Ru shook his head.

"Okay, Wen You, go to pass the order," Dong Zhuoqiang nodded with a smile and said to Li Ru.

Seeing Dong Zhuo's appearance, Li Ru frowned and said, "Master, even if we lose Bingzhou, Youzhou and Jizhou, we have stabilized our rear, and this place has always been a dangerous place that can be attacked and defended, so there is no need to worry about the future situation." Li Ru cheered Dong Zhuo, if If even Dong Zhuo loses confidence, will he still go the way behind?

Dong Zhuo nodded and said, "Okay, I'm tired. You go down first," Dong Zhuo waved his hand and said.

"Yes, Taishi", Li Ru bowed to Dong Zhuo and bowed out of the hall.

After conquering Jiguan, Zhao Yun also received an order from Li Zhong, leaving 20,000 First Legion soldiers to defend Jiguan, and the defending general was like Huo Jun and Huo Du brothers who came from Youzhou, and Liu Ye, as a military division, was also left at Jiguan in case of accidents.

After capturing Jiguan, Zhao Yun led 50,000 troops of the First Army and went straight to the Shang Party, which has always belonged to the important county of Bingzhou. Therefore, Ding Yuan deployed more than 50,000 troops in the Shang Party. The eldest son (the ruling office of the Shangdang) had 30,000 troops, and Huguan Jiguan each had 10,000 troops, which shows the importance of the Shang Party.

At this moment, in Taiyuan City, Taiyuan County, Bingzhou.

Bingzhou Mu Dingyuan is now scolding Li Zhong's unfaithful and unrighteousness, but there is nothing he can do about Li Zhong's fierce attack.

Several counselors in the hall also frowned and looked thoughtful, and more than a dozen generals also stood aside for fear of provoking Ding Yuan, who was on a rampage.

"Lord, the last general is willing to go to the upper party to resist the Youzhou Army". One is a burly, mature and resolute general who came out to hold the boxing.

Ding Yuan saw that it was a general under his command and couldn't help frowning and said, "Wen Yuan, Li Zhong has more than 400,000 troops. I have a vast and sparsely populated state, only 150,000 troops. How can I resist?" Obviously, he lost confidence.

It turns out that this person is none other than Zhang Liao, the general of Bingzhou.

Zhang Liao (169-222), a native of Yanmen Mayi (now Shuozhou, Shanxi). A famous general of Cao Wei during the Three Kingdoms period. He once belonged to Ding Yuan, Dong Zhuo and Lv Bu. After the Battle of Xia Pi, he returned to Cao Cao. After that, he followed Cao Cao's expedition and made a lot of achievements. Together with Guan Yu, he solved the siege of the white horse, surrendered Changqi in the East China Sea, attacked Yuan Shang in Yecheng, led the vanguard to kill Wuhuan Shanyu in Bailang Mountain, and also asked Liu Yi in Liaodong, Meicheng in Huainan, Chen Lan, etc.

After the battle of Ruxu, Cao Cao appointed Zhang Liao, Li Dian, Le Jin and others to guard Hefei. Zhang Liao repelled Sun Wu's attack many times. In the Battle of Xiaoyaojin in 215, he defeated 100,000 troops with 7,000 people and almost captured Sun Quan alive. After this battle, Zhang Liao shocked Jiangdong and became famous and became one of the famous generals in all dynasties. "Zhang Liao stopped singing" has also become a legendary story spread among the people.

After Cao Pi ascended the throne, he still ordered Zhang Liao to guard Sun Quan. In 221, Zhang Liaotun was stationed in Yongqiu and fell ill. During Zhang Liao's serious illness, Sun Quan was still very afraid of him. In 222, Zhang Liao lived up to public expectations and defeated Lu Fan, a general of Wu. In the same year, he died of illness in Jiangdu at the age of 54. Later generations called him the "five good generals" of Cao Wei together with Le Jin, Yu Jin, Zhang Li and Xu Huang.

Zhang Liao seemed to lose confidence when he heard Ding Yuan's tone. He frowned and said, "Lord, although he has a lot of troops in Youzhou, I am not a soft egg to be slaughtered by others. The last general is willing to lead an army to the Shangdang."

"This..." Ding Yuan was a little hesitant. Although he knew that Zhang Liao was both good at martial arts, he was aggressive and could not be blocked.

"Lord, General Wen Yuan is my general of Bingzhou. He is both civil and military. He must be able to resist the attack of the Youzhou army. If General Wen Yuan drags down the Youzhou army in the upper party, then we will have a little room for a turnaround," a counselor said.

"I don't know what you have done," Ding Yuan asked eagerly, who would like to surrender if he could keep Bingzhou.

"Lord, as long as General Wen Yuan blocked the attack of the Youzhou army, we can send messengers to Jizhou and form an alliance with Jizhou Mu Han Fu. As long as he is not stupid, he will definitely agree. If Bingzhou is captured by the Youzhou army, it will be his turn to Jizhou next. I think the truth is that his lips are cold. Han Fu still understands," the counselor said confidently.

Ding Yuan was stunned and then smiled and said, "Well, act according to this plan. Although Li Zhong has 400,000 troops, Bingzhou and Jizhou also have 350,000 troops. At that time, it is not known who will die?

"Wen Yuan, if you lead 50,000 troops to the Shangdang, you must block the Youzhou army for me. Ding Yuan looked at this picture and said solemnly that this is his only chance.

"Yes, Lord", Zhang Liao saw Ding Yuan's consent and immediately replied that he had long wanted the Youzhou army with the same name to fight, with an excited look in his eyes.

"Lord," Zhang Liao suddenly shouted.

"What's wrong with Wen Yuan?" Obviously, Ding Yuan is not very interested now. The loss of Jiguan and the strength of Li Zhong's army have caused him an unprecedented blow.

Zhang Liao meditated for a moment and said, "There will be a plan that may break the Youzhou army." His words seemed to be mixed with some uncertainties.

Ding Yuan was stunned, and then looked at Zhang Liao doubtfully and asked, "Wen Yuan's words are serious?" Obviously, he is also a little disbelieved. Although Zhang Liao's command ability is very outstanding, it does not mean that his wisdom is also outstanding. Moreover, Zhang Liao has not made much achievements since he joined his command, only occasionally Just lead the army to eliminate some bandits in the deep mountains.

But this time, it is the Youzhou Army with 400,000 troops, and its combat effectiveness is an iron-blooded soldier who can defeat even Wuwan in the north, so he has such a performance. In fact, other people have the same idea as Ding Yuan. They don't think that Zhang Liao can turn the tide and defeat the Youzhou army, but this is not Under the premise of any reinforcements.

Only one person showed a trace of doubt, but unlike others, there was a trace of contempt in his eyes.

This general of Ding Yuanjun is burly, with a national face and a cold expression. He doesn't know what he is thinking. Perhaps for this reason, others are some distance from him, but he doesn't seem to see it and doesn't care at all.

"Lord, don't worry, the future will be measured." In the face of doubts in everyone's eyes, Zhang Liao could only smile bitterly.

Now there is only a dead horse as a living horse doctor. Ding Yuan took a look at Zhang Liao and said, "Say it."