Don't provoke the evil wife

Chapter 3 Back

Unlike Chen Suyue's notoriety in Jiangdong Mansion, when outsiders talk about her husband, most of them will praise him for his erudite, gentleness and elegance, and then sigh for a long time - how such a good man married a big worm.

Chen Suyue has never asked Yan Shaobai what he likes about her. For her, as long as she likes him, it is enough.

Yes, Chen Suyue has always liked Yan Shaobai. She used to be, but still is.

When hearing Yan Shaobai standing in front of Chen Suyue's tomb and asking her if she would be lonely and afraid, Lin Huazhi's heart was broken.

I really want to jump into his arms and hold him tightly, but...

Looking down at his clothes and rough hands, Lin Huazhi rushed out regardless. How should she face Yan Shaobai? How to explain what happened?

Is Chen Suyue not dead? Did Chen Suyue say that she was reborn? But at this time, she is no longer Chen Suyue. She is Lin Huazhi. In the future, she will only be Lin Huazhi.

Holding his mouth tightly, Lin Huazhi could only look at Yan Shaobai's figure with tears in his eyes. In my heart, there is infinite lamentation, and all kinds of tastes come to my heart, but it can only turn into a long sigh.

It's only a few steps away, but it's like the ends of the earth, a long road.

"Who is where?" Yan Shaobai suddenly turned around and looked deep into the bamboo forest.

Lin Huazhi was shocked by the sadness in her small world and subconsciously looked up. She thought that Yan Shaobai had found her. However, if you look closely, Yan Shaobai looks in the direction of the other end of the bamboo forest, which is exactly the opposite of the location of Lin Huazhi.

The sound of thin rope came from behind a row of thick bamboo, and a plain figure gradually appeared in front of him. It was a woman with a delicate face. At this time, she looked sad. She looked at Yan Shaobai opposite her and sighed softly, "Don't hurt your body."

Hearing this sound and looking at it carefully, Lin Huazhi frowned. Is that woman Cui Ting? Why is she here?

Obviously, Yan Shaobai also had the same thought with Lin Huazhi: "You... why are you here?" The tone was more dissatisfied than surprised.

Cui Ting slowly came over, stood in front of Yan Shaobai, turned her head and looked at Chen Suyue's clothing for a long time, and then turned back and said, "I haven't seen you for several days. I know you will come here today, so..." She didn't finish her words, but this means is self-evident.

"Nonsense." Yan Shaobai scolded, looked around, and said impatiently, "This is not the place you should come. Go back first. I will come to you in a few days."

Lin Huazhi, who was hiding aside, shrank his body in the dark again. Yan Shaobai's words... Why does it sound so awkward? Without waiting for her to think about it, Cui Ting over there lowered her head and complained quietly, "But, I miss you."

Lin Huazhi frowned more tightly. She had known that Cui Ting was not a good stubble, but was it too shameless to say such a thing? There was an inexplicable burst of fire in my heart.

Looking at Yan Shaobai again, he was silent for a long time, and his eyes fell on the small tomb.

The wind blew, echoing the sound of bamboo leaves, and a green bamboo leaf gently swirled in the air and slowly fell between him and Cui Ting. In the dark green background, two figures, one black and one white, are strange and harmonious.

"Today is her first seven days. Go back." Finally, Yan Shaobai opened his mouth in a low voice.

This time, Cui Ting didn't say anything more. She took a deep look at Yan Shaobai's face, bowed in front of the tomb, and silently turned her head and left.

Behind her is Yan Shaobai's gaze.

Lin Huazhi naturally saw that at this time, there seemed to be a fire in her heart. If it was heartache before, then the rise in my heart at this moment is unspeakable sadness.

Cui Ting, Yan Shaobai's childhood sweetheart, if he hadn't met Chen Suyue, maybe Cui Ting was his wife at this moment, and he was Cui Ting's father-in-law. Lin Huazhi stood quietly behind Yan Shaobai with a pale face, with complicated eyes on his back.

As mentioned before, when she was Chen Suyue, she never asked him if he loved her. At this time, she wanted to know if he had ever loved her? Yes, she almost forgot. Before that, Chen Suyue didn't seem to have talked to Yan Shaobai for a long time.

Once, Lin Huazhi thought that she and Yan Shaobai were happy. However, when Cui Ting appeared, she was shocked to find that the truth was not what she imagined. At this moment, who is the sad look on Yan Shaobai's face?

Lin Huazhi tried to recall where Yan Shaobai was before Chen Suyue died? What did he do?

But just as she didn't know how Chen Suyue became Lin Huazhi, she looked through her memory and couldn't remember when she last saw Yan Shaobai.

She hasn't talked to him for a long time.

Two people only a few steps away, like standing at both ends of the world, she can't understand his sadness, and he can't see her existence.

In his heart, Lin Huazhi suddenly didn't know what the future would be.

It was not until the sun gradually went down and Yan Shaobai left the temple that Lin Huazhi slowly walked to the tomb.

There are only five big words on the wooden plaque in front of the crown tomb - the tomb of Chen Suyue.

With a low sneer, Lin Huazhi recognized that it was Yan Shaobai's word. Maybe he had loved Chen Suyue, or maybe he had never loved it. However, whether she has loved or not, she doesn't want to be just the lonely word "Chen Suyue". Whether it's loving his wife or Yan Chen, at least you can know that she once had a lover and family, rather than the lonely Chen Suyue.

In the end, she is just Chen Suyue, a famous and hated Chen Suyue in Jiangdong Prefecture.

"Chen Suyue, in the end, you are still alone." The sad voice echoed low in the bamboo forest, with sad loneliness and sadness.

Before dark, Lin Huazhi entered Baohua Temple. In the solemn Buddhist hall, she put a column of incense for Chen Suyue. She didn't know what she wanted, but when she talked about "Chen Suyue" in the future, it would become a memory.

In the future, in front of the forest flowers and branches, it is a vast fog of white.

When Lin Huazhi came out of Baohua Temple with her heart, she was surprised to see Lin Xiaoshi and Lin Yuyang coming in a hurry.

"Flower branches."

Lin Xiao saw Lin Huazhi from afar and hurried forward with a very nervous look. She looked up and down, and finally exhaled a long breath: "It's okay."

Lin Yuyang was furious: "Lin Huazhi." He shouted, "Are you fucking going to toss people to death? You can't die by jumping into the river. Are you ready to become a sister-in-law?

Lin Huazhi, who was held in Lin Xiao's arms, glanced at Lin Yuyang faintly: "I'm also your mother, and... If you know which monk temple receives my sister-in-law, please let me know."

Well, Lin Yuyang, who was extremely angry, was stopped by Lin Huazhi and couldn't get angry. Is it his fault?

staring at Lin Huazhi, Lin Yuyang gasped. Originally, he wanted to curse, but he died before leaving the teacher, and he forgot everything he wanted to say later.

Lin Xiaoshi, who was beside him, said, "Yuyang, just say less. Huazhi, it's getting dark. Let's go home. There was a little more careful in the following words, and her hand had been holding Lin Huazhi tightly.

When I raised my eyes, I saw the unconcealed worries and concerns in Lin Xiao's eyes, which were so real and pure. There is a place in the bottom of my heart that slowly softened along the opening when I was with Sister Long in the morning. Looking at Lin Yuyang, although his face is angry, the deepest worry in his eyes can't deceive people.

The heart rises from a soft place with a faint warmth.

Lin Huazhi whispered for a while, and then meekly followed Lin Xiao and walked to the city with Lin Yuyang.

The afterglow of the sun in the west pulled their figures very long. At a glance, the shadows of the three people were close together, which was so inseparable and warm.