Don't provoke the evil wife

Chapter 69 Encounter

On the first day of the new year, early in the morning, Bai Gu came to Lin's house to pay a New Year call with honey dates steamed cake.

When I opened the door and saw Bai Gu, Lin Huazhi felt a little strange. Lin did not talk to Lin Huazhi about the older generation. Lin Huazhi only vaguely knew that Lin's father, mother and Bai had some emotional problems in their early years.

"Happy New Year, Lin Huazhi." It is rare for Bai Gu to wear a spring-colored dress, and the ground behind her is covered with white snow, which makes her look mature and beautiful.

"Happy New Year." Lin Huazhi answered hurriedly.

Inviting Aunt Bai into the room, Lin was sitting cross-legged on the head of the kang and talking to the wet nurse. Hearing the noise, she saw that it was Aunt Bai. Lin's eyes flashed a trace of surprise, but she quickly smiled and said, "What's wrong with you? Come to the kang to warm your feet.

Lin Huazhi was a little worried at first. She was afraid that Aunt Bai would be surprised when she saw the wet nurse, but in fact, everything seemed normal. Not only the white aunt, but also the wet nurse saw each other with a calm look. Lin Huazhi was puzzled. No matter how she explained it, it didn't make sense.

At this time, Zhang Ziqing's voice came from outside the house: "Flower branches...flower branches..."

Lin Huazhi just turned around. Zhang Ziqing had already come in and stretched out his hand to hug her.

"Let go of my sister." Lin Yuyang, who was behind Zhang Ziqing, looked at it and was not angry. He went forward to pull Zhang Ziqing.

"Don't make trouble." Lin Huazhi drank Lin Yuyang softly, with a warning in his eyes. Seeing Lin Yuyang let go of his hand with an aggrieved face, Lin Huazhi calmly pushed Zhang Ziqing away.

Turning her head, she saw that Bai Gu stared at her with wide eyes. Her expression was the same as yesterday's Lin and wet nurse. Lin Huazhi didn't want to say more, but simply said that this was my cousin, so she pushed Zhang Ziqing and Lin Yuyang out of the house.

Bai Gu looked at it for a long time before looking back and asked puzzledly, "If I'm right, is that the eldest son of the Zhang family?"

Lin Shiqi: "How do you know?" This undoubtedly recognized Zhang Ziqing's identity.

Bai Gu frowned. Looking at the momentum just now, Lin Huazhi and Mr. Zhang were very close.

The wet nurse said, "Mr. Zhang is simple-hearted and obviously bigger than Huazhi, but like the younger brother of Huazhi. But it's okay, just take care of one more child."

Bai Gu looked at the wet nurse. She understood this. She smiled and then handed over the steamed cake in her hand.

In the courtyard, Zhang Ziqing took Lin Huazhi's hand with a smile, while Lin Huazhi said to Lin Yuyang with a serious face, "Can't you calm down on the first day of this year? Why didn't I hear Zhang Ziqing complain about this and that early in the morning? Why don't you think about it? Is it easy for him to squeeze a ** with you? Besides, in terms of mind, you know more truth than him. Can't you let him go?"

Lin Yuyang was extremely wronged, and he didn't know why. Anyway, he was uncomfortable to see Zhang Ziqing and Lin Huazhi intimate, as if someone had robbed his beloved things.

"Well, he is a fool. He knows what's wronged. Do you think it's easy for me to let him sleep half of the bed and half the quilt? You will only scold me. After hitting this boy came yesterday, you don't have me in your eyes. Who is your biological brother? Lin Yuyang shouted dissatisfiedly. Seeing the smile on Zhang Ziqing's face, he was even more angry.

Lin Huazhi was slightly stunned, thought about it, and then couldn't help laughing: "So, are you worried that I won't pay attention to you in the future?" It's no wonder that Lin Yuyang will think nonsense. As soon as Zhang Ziqing appears, not to mention Lin Huazhi, even Lin and the wet nurse show more concern for Zhang Ziqing. In comparison, Lin Yuyang, the only man in the Lin family, has suffered a lot of neglect, and there is inevitably a gap in his heart.

When Lin Huazhi said something on his mind, Lin Yuyang blushed and his face twisted a few times.

Lin Huazhi reached out and touched Lin Yuyang's head gently and said softly, "He is him. You are you. In my heart, you are my relative. How can I ignore you? Don't care about you? It's just... You also know that he is different from ordinary people, so give him more care and love. But you are the only brother in my heart.

After listening to Lin Huazhi's words, what else can Lin Yuyang say? Lin Yuyang took Lin Huazhi's hand and whispered, "Sister, you are also my only sister. I won't let outsiders bully you."

Lin Huazhi nodded with a smile.

Zhang Ziqing leaned over and said with a smile, "Brother, I will protect the flowers."

Lin Yuyang looked up and stared at Zhang Ziqing: "Who is your big brother? With me, where is it your turn to protect her? What are you?"

The dialogue between the two was like a child competing for candy. Lin Huazhi couldn't help laughing and waved her hand to let the two men stop making trouble.

Lin Huazhi asked Lin Yuyang, "Are you ready for the gift you prepared yesterday? If you go to a relative's house to pay a New Year call later, you can't lose our face. Remember, no matter what others say, you should ask less, listen more, look more and smile.

Lin Yuyang nodded and wrote it down one by one, and then stared at Lin Huazhi with some depression: "Sister, are you really not going with me? Aunts actually miss you very much.

Lin Huazhi shook her head gently and pointed to Zhang Ziqing beside him and said to Lin Yuyang, "With him, I dare not go anywhere. You are the only man in our family. At this time, who will you go if you don't go? Besides, if you go there and get red envelopes, you will make a lot of money.

Lin Yuyang flattened his mouth and snorted, saying that Lin Huazhi's words were not funny at all.

Lin Yuyang prepared gifts to pay a New Year call to his relatives, and Lin Huazhi pulled Zhang Ziqing out.

After Zhang Ziqing appeared, Lin Huazhi never asked him why he suddenly ran back. If she didn't ask yesterday, it doesn't mean that she didn't worry about him.

The first snow in winter fell all night, and the whole city was wrapped in white snow. From a distance, white, black and black, like the simplest ink painting, full of indescribable beauty. The street was cleared, and there were high snowdrifts on both sides of the road, and the children got up early in the morning to make snowmen.

Zhang Ziqing was very happy. If Lin Huazhi hadn't pulled him, he would probably have run to have a snowball fight with the children in his neighborhood to make a snowman.

"Are you really back alone?" Almost, Lin Huazhi opened his mouth and asked Zhang Ziqing.

Zhang Ziqing nodded in a muffled voice after a long time.

Lin Huazhi was relieved. In Zhang Ziqing's situation, who dared to let him run all the way back alone?

"Then who sent you here? Zhang Erbao?"

"Grandpa sent someone to send me here. When he saw that I was unhappy, he asked me to come to see you." Zhang Ziqing didn't know why, but he was unhappy to talk about this.

Zhang Ziqing suddenly stopped and took Lin Huazhi's hand tightly: "Huazhi, I'm going back to the capital the day after tomorrow. You go back with me."

Hearing that he was leaving the day after tomorrow, Lin Huazhi felt very suddenly. Do you want to go to the capital with Zhang Ziqing?

She hesitated and didn't wait to speak. Someone called her at the corner of the street.

"Lin Huazhi."

Turning her head and looking, her eyes widened, Yan... Why did Yan Shaobai come?

Lin Huazhi thought, did she see it wrong? She raised her hand and rubbed her eyes, and then looked carefully. It was really him.

Confirm that the person who called her at the street was Yan Shaobai. Lin Huazhi looked left and right. This is the west of the city. Today is the first day of the New Year. Why is Yan Shaobai here? Is it possible to come to see her?

Lin Huazhi was scared by her last thought.

Zhang Ziqing found something wrong with Lin Huazhi, clenched his hands and asked curiously, "Huazhi, what's wrong with you?" Turning his head along Lin Huazhi's sight, he also saw Yan Shaobai, and Zhang Ziqing gently raised his eyes.

Yan Shaobai stood quietly at the corner of the street and looked at Lin Huazhi from afar. He didn't know what was wrong with him. Originally, when he got up early this morning, he should have sat at home and waited for the shopkeepers everywhere to pay a New Year's call. However, when he saw the first snow on the red plum branches in the courtyard, his heart ran far away from the Chen Mansion. There was an urgent idea in his heart urging him to let He is rested.

He thought that he should go to the south of the city to meet Cui Ting. But why did you come here?

In the west of the city, he knew that Lin Huazhi lived here, but he only knew that he had never been here before. But he still came. Every step under his feet took him to a place, and Yan Shaobai was suddenly scared.

However, before I could understand why I was suddenly afraid, I looked up and saw Lin Huazhi.

Who is the man next to her? Yan Shaobai felt a depression when he saw Lin Huazhi holding hands with the man.

Yan Shaobai stood quietly at the street and looked at Zhang Ziqing quietly. He just hurriedly counted his eyes, and Yan Shaobai had a lot of questions in his heart. The man looks very young. Although he doesn't speak, the momentum on his body is obviously not a person living in the west of the city. He is dressed in gorgeous clothes. He should be the prince of which family, but who is it?

Yan Shaobai walked slowly to Lin Huazhi and looked more carefully at Zhang Ziqing beside Lin Huazhi.

In the end, Yan Shaobai affirmed that he had never seen Zhang Ziqing.

"Master, why are you here?" Lin Huazhi opened her mouth carefully. She really couldn't figure out why Yan Shaobai appeared in the west of the city.

Yan Shaobai did not answer her immediately and kept looking at Zhang Ziqing.

"Who is this gentleman?"

Zhang Ziqing didn't say anything. He also looked back at Yan Shaobai, and his hand held Lin Huazhi tightly.

Feering the subtle aura between the two of them, Lin Huazhi looked around and said calmly, "He is Zhang, and he is my friend."

The son surnamed Zhang? Yan Shaobai quickly filtered it in his mind. In the family of a big family surnamed Zhang in Jiangdong Mansion, no prince matched the one in front of him.

After thinking for a long time, he didn't come up with anything. Yan Shaobai settled down and nodded slightly to Zhang Ziqing: "Mr. Zhang, it's a pleasure to meet you."

"It's a pleasure to meet you." Zhang Ziqing also replied with a faint look on his face.

Zhang Ziqing's alienation did not affect Yan Shaobai. Yan Shaobai turned his head and looked at Lin Huazhi and said, "Today is the first day of the New Year. I came out to worship the elders, but I didn't expect to meet you here. Happy New Year, Lin Huazhi.

"Happy New Year, sir." Lin Huazhifu saluted.

Zhang Ziqing suddenly said, "Huazhi, let's go home." After saying that, he ignored Yan Shaobai, and Zhang Ziqing pulled Lin Huazhi and turned his head home.

Lin Huazhi looked back, and Yan Shaobai stood there quietly and looked at her.

There are red plums protrude behind him.